Blue Star Sea Diamond

Chapter 380 Tunnel War

Qianhu said: "So what is currently considering is the security of these two planets. We may need enough aircraft to make yourself to escape, and not let aliens have all destroyed us all, then existing Plus 5 billion people may exist, can all the aircraft take away? "

Liu Wanneng, the measis system, said: "A flying tower can accommodate 10,000 people, and all the flying towers we have now, and those who have a fighter are very industrial boats, they can only take 100 million people."

Qianhu said: "That is not, you must take away everyone, you have to raise the existing level to 50 times, can you have a grasp.

Liu Wanneng said: "As long as the material is enough, then I am sure. Well, he looked at Sony."

Sony said: "The Torch Factory is Skiezas to take me back. From now on, it is difficult to estimate the power of the torch."

Qianhu said: "How long does the Torch factory have the original ability?"

Sony said: "After being occupied, it is no longer the original ability."

Qianhu said: "Estimated, we can't use too much time to investigate, saying that it is about what level."

Sony said: "If there is no adjustment, our ability to make materials can only be 10 years later."

Qianhu said: "I can't wait for so long, we need to adjust, use some technology, quickly complete this."

Chen Li said: "According to what I understand about Gri Rat, these things can be done in a short time."

Sony said: "Not letting you complete it quickly, but safety considerations."

Chen Li said: "We can make a flying tower, space carrier, Titan and destroyer, etc. according to the manual."

Sony said: "You have steal their technology to prevent them from installing traps. There will be an error."

Chen Li said: "Our team will do experiments, will prevent the error content, understand the meaning of it."

Sony said: "Is the experiment take a long time?"

Chen Double said: "Join simulation and some clever scientific methods can be greatly shortened, and only long-term in space is in line with human survival conditions, it can be successful."

Qian Hu said out: "Good!"

Sony still said: "Simulation is reliable, clever method is ingenious."

Chen said: "I will slowly explain with you." Sony accounted for anger.

Qianhu said: "On the production of aircraft, Liu Yapong, Chen, Sony need to work together to complete this task, I value this thing, every time I will see your progress."

The first phase of Zhu Rong is a depression of the underground, 10000 meters long, 10,000 meters wide, and the underground city defense work of about 100 meters high, and this city defense work is only five exports, including only two exits of the city defense. The remaining three exports are extremely hidden only if they have a few people who are listening.

Qian Tiger began to design the second phase of the project on the original city defense, expanded to the ground to 3,000 meters, and grew by 10,000 meters and width of about 100,000 meters wide.

The maximum number of rows is based on tunnel results, as a stereo connection network, also known as "stereo maze".

Each huge city connected to a three-dimensional labyrinth is dominated by a ground large cavity structure. This structure is the residential area of ​​human aggregation. There are urban areas, there are industrial areas, planting areas, military districts, etc.

Zhu Rong suddenly received an emergency computer. Xu also said: "There is a hidden entrance has been broken through the residual power of Gri Ri people, killing the dungeon, and this group of residual parties is far more than imagination."

Zhu Rong said: "How many people do it, is this?"

Xu also said: "I don't know, and I have no estimates that our soldiers also grasp some of the resident parties to determine this kind of thing. Gri people disguise into human beings, so we can't confirm these."

Zhu Rong said: "We now start to organize a search group, confirming every individual here."

Xu also said: "I caught the Gri Rats, saying that the No. 02 military area has been occupied by Guri, there are more than 20 full-deputy armed Gri Rat, two of which are real Gri people, left The next 18 is a Guri Robot. "

Zhuxin: "Blocking all exports of military districts No. 02."

There are 4 B2 bomber, 8 volumes of armored vehicles, 200 tons of various types of ammunition, and countless firearms. There are four channels in the military martial arts, the first is the passage of the vehicles and soldiers, the second is the aircraft runway, the third is the dedicated channel for the production of transport ammunition, the fourth is the venting port .

Zhu intends to point 30 full armed soldiers, and the three soldiers are all guarded to hold a passage. The four channels of the soldiers are equipped with a M79 grenade launcher. One is equipped with a GE-M134 machine gun, one is equipped is Light 870 gun.

The remaining 12 soldiers are equipped with a composite, and a smoke bomb emitter has a thermal imaging.

30 soldiers have not come to the hole, they have started crossing, and this team ensures that all the exports of Gri Rats will intercept all exports to the outside world, start looking for opportunities to prepare to block the assault.

Gri Rat's robot troops are very combat power, and face the guns of the soldiers without retreat, the soldiers can only retreat with the Grry Robot forward, but after retreating to a certain extent, Gri Robin will not pursue again. Come over, because I am worried that Guri is unable to hold the label, so I will continue to hold the label.

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