Blue Star Sea Diamond

Chapter 396 Mars City

The Great Conference began to discuss issues about Mars immigrants.

Lei Xuan Night is very excited about that human beings have arrived when Mars have arrived, but many people have worry at the meeting.

Zhu Rong said: "With the current situation, talk about immigration, the material on the earth is far enough, the volume of underground city is far more than the ground, we don't have to talk about Mars immigration."

Lei Xuan Night said: "Although it is ok, you can't stop the Gri people again, to that time, an earth is in addition to the problem, then our human civilization will be cut in our hands. If there is a Mars base The minimum Grur is needed to destroy our civilization after destroying the earth and Mars. "

Zhu Rong said: "If the immigrant Mars, we will spend a lot of materials. Do we have so many rockets? We can waste a lot when we attack at the nuclear weapon!"

Liu Wanneng said: "We still use cheap hot air balloons, and materials are some plastic polymers, which can be extracted from many garbage stacks."

Cantako said: "Even so, how many people we need to immigrate?"

Liu Yapong said: "There will be some people in the early stage."

Kang Tako said: "You are talking nonsense, there is a little more immigrant, since it is immigrant, it takes a certain amount."

Liu Wanneng stunned, thinking that Kang Tako is a little bit, but since he is so provocative, it will give it a powerful.

Liu Yapong said: "The condition is suitable, the first batch is 100,000 people."

Kang Tako said with a smile: "Are you joking, is these people die in Mars?"

Liu Wanneng said: "You can rest assured, even if there is a problem, we can also use the Dungeon system of the Zhu Rong to support Mars for a while. If the resource is exhausted, we also have enough transportation ability to let these people come back."

Kang Tako said: "Even if you can transport people, people are willing to give you a work-on-human living system, but is human beings to go?"

Liu Wanneng said: "This is very simple, we can call, check their physical conditions, give them preferential policies, must have a willingness."

Kang Tako said: "100,000 people's preferential policies, have you calculated? You come so much from there, even if you have so much money, how do you think about it?"

Lei Xuan Night said: "We help them immigrate free of charge, give them a money, let them spend on Mars, there will be various economic and markets, we will do taxes according to that mean. About the market, a lot of savings Businessmen will firmly grasp this market. "

Everyone did no longer say anything, and it was awarded this plan.

When the Guri invaded the solar system, a weapon base was established on Mars. After the Gri star was defeated, the Great Convention sent people to control the Guri Star Base on Mars.

Many large machinery not only left by Gri, and some from the earth transported, it is very fast because of the abnormal situation of the project.

Under the leadership of Chen, the construction of the construction of the construction of human survival is started, and the ecotrial cabin is used in two layers. It is to prevent one layer of rupture, and low gas pressure has led to a threat of human life.

For the normal supply of oxygen, many oxygen-rich plants are planted in the ecotub, hanging blue, longevity flowers, turtles, tigers, alarm, Yeaven, Kirin palm, cactus, evergreen vine, agave.

Each ecology cabin is built on the liquid lake, where the moisture is taken.

It is considered that the gravity of Mars is approximately five-fifths. People can still be adapted above, especially for disabled, this Mars is a kind of enjoyment.

Since Mars is very storm, many high-power windmills have been established to provide human power generation, and the wind is almost the main source of energy on Mars.

Mars is about one day on the earth, these humans can be well adapted.

On the Antarctic crown of Mars, you can take a certain amount of water, as well as dry ice.

The temperature is alternate from the summer 27 ° C to 133 degrees Celsius in winter, so most of the time still needs to heat in the ecostructuring.

There are a large amount of hematite on the surface, which can exploit a lot of iron for yourself.

After a large number of steels were treated as a steel frame on the underground defense work, Mars was mainly based on the underground, and the process of construction to immigration, the process seems to be less complicated, and the human beings can be completed.

On the Mars, due to the dry ice content, the big conference uses the advantages of dry ice, and has also developed a 'dry ice gun', thinking that the dry ice will suddenly increase the volume, so in the launch section, dry ice directly, Injection in the launch, injecting a high temperature to the dry ice, emitted with a sudden resulting huge thrust. These dry ice cannons are to deal with Gri Rats who may continue to violate.

Many people are full of curiosity about the red world of this place. After moving this one of the carriers to Mars, it is rarely to see the exterior, most of them still survive underground, only a lot of life There are also a lot of cheap, but most people are adapted to the level of gravitational conditions, they are not willing to go back to the high gravity of the Earth.

In addition to the success of Mars immigrants, it is said that there is also a good news on the second laboratory, and an extension of human life has been successfully developed, and it is necessary to put into production in large-scale. However, many people do not dare to use this drug directly, and the Great Convention also requires an assessment for this drug.

This starts about discussing this medicine, at this meeting, most people don't dare to pronounce, because there is not much understanding about many biology. And several experts who know biology are arguing, divided into two camps, one is full support, one is resolutely opposed.

As a horses who fight the Gri Ririt, Sbonis can also listen to it here. I want to know how the fun is what the interesting thing is generated. To be honest, he also hopes that you will not be old.

An important personnel participating in the conference is also a few major personnel of the Earth underground project and Mars Immigration Engineering. They are not just from the perspective of biological perspectives, but also from social engineering issues.

Qianhu said: "Know why it is necessary to say about the owner, because the population will definitely increase, because the drug has been completely developed on the predecessor of the human long life plan."

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