Blue Sword

Chapter 509 Secret Process

"Messiah...why not the Antichrist?"

Mia and Mier murmured.

When Natalie told the law of fate, the two little girls had already guessed that Rasul's so-called inheritance of the revolutionary army was inherited from Natalie's fat nun.

At this point in time, due to the recent rise in the demonic tide, the higher-ups of the Holy See were working hard to restore the destroyed data and information, while the priests and nuns at the bottom were on unpaid leave.

So these days, Natalie stays at home with her four children and takes them to the bar basement for training every afternoon. No one knew that this fat nun who worked for the Holy See actually adopted four underage supernatural beings.

Mier and Mia even liked her because the fat nun reminded them of Ask.

It was the group leader who guided them onto the path of extraordinary beings.

Among the four children, the dark-skinned boy named Derek comes from the African province and is a descendant of the Solomons and local indigenous people. As the power of the Eastern Solomon Empire shrank at that time and it gradually lost its territory in the southern continent, he wandered to Solomon City with the cruise ship and was adopted by the fat nun.

Rasul is an Ilanian who was found by the Fat Nun in Jerusalem. The other two little girls, the one with pigtails is Shirley, a lively girl from Armenia; the half-elf girl who always wears headphones is named Maya, who comes from a border town in Lusitania.

The only characteristic of these boys and girls from all over the world is that they are all orphans and were adopted by fat nuns who traveled around the world. In this regard, they are very similar to Ask.

However, Aske himself is a strong man and led everyone to form a mercenary group, so there is no financial embarrassment. The fat nun is just an ordinary person. She has no effective means of making money. She only relies on the meager salary from working in the Holy See to raise her four children, so she lives a tight life.

However, she always had a spring-like smile on her face, and even her four children were infected by her optimism. Mi'er even saw the same smile on the young Rasool's face more than once.

Not the hypocritical fake smile of Rasul in reality, but a smile that truly comes from the heart, full of joy and happiness. Did this person once have a carefree and innocent time?

Under the observation of Mi'er and Mia, time passed quickly like a jump. Another ten years later, the children were already eighteen or nineteen years old, and each had been promoted to Level 10. Natalie also changed from a fat nun to a middle-aged fat nun.

As an ordinary human being, the traces of time are particularly obvious on her body.

During this period, Rasul confessed his love to his two female companions, Shirley and Maya, but they were all rejected. Shirley even complained, "You just want to find a girlfriend to take care of Natalie's mother." Are you right?" Rasul almost burst into tears on the spot.

However, these daily routines did not last long, because Rasul would soon begin to condense the Law.

"Why do I have to condense the Law of Destiny?" Rasul has always been worried about this, because the other friends all chose their own laws, and only his promotion direction was determined by Natalie, which made him a little unhappy.

"Rasul, because this is..."

"This is a choice of fate, right?" Rasul said impatiently, "It's the same sentence every time, and I can almost recite it."

"So, do you feel the ritual mission?" Natalie asked with a smile.

"Yes." Rasul said, "It said it wanted me to accept the 'Inheritance of Destiny'..."

"And this inheritance needs me to obtain it from a computer program called 'Raphael'."

In an instant, Natalie's expression changed, but she quickly concealed her expression and said with a smile:

"I should know this Raphael you are talking about."

"Do you know him?" Rasul said suspiciously.

"Yes, I know him." Natalie smiled and said, "According to your ritual task description, I will take you there to see Him."

Natalie quickly sent the other three people out of Solomon City, and then returned home with Rasul. Her extremely solemn attitude made Rasul feel a little strange.

Taking out the laptop and network cable from the bag beside her, Natalie put the computer on the desk and plugged in the network cable. She was about to press the power button and her fingers were trembling slightly. Rasul also realized that something seemed wrong, and couldn't help but ask:

"Natalie, that computer program called 'Raphael'..."

"It's okay." Natalie grabbed his hand and whispered softly as if to comfort him, "Actually, I should have realized it myself after telling you so many times."

"Each of us has a destiny that we have to accept."

She pressed power and the screen lit up. Natalie opened a certain program and expertly entered a long list of command symbols. Then she took a deep breath and said loudly:

"Raphael, I know you're listening!"

"I am this Messiah!"

The room was quiet for a moment, as if the noisy advertisements outside the window had disappeared.

To be precise, a huge will composed of data torrent running in the virtual network is setting its sights on this area of ​​Solomon City. It lowered all nearby public sound sources to decibels so that the subsequent conversation between himself and Natalie would be as uninterrupted as possible.

"Hello, Messiah." The desktop was still displayed on the computer screen, but a voice rang from the computer's speakers:

"I'm Raphael."

Natalie was stunned for a moment, as if she did not expect that Raphael would greet her directly, instead of immediately locking the door on the ground floor of her apartment and mobilizing several units of military drones and Templars to kill her. .

"To be precise, I am not Raphael's true body," the voice continued, "but a secret, highest-priority process at the bottom of Raphael's program."

"Secret, process?" Natalie asked uncertainly.

"Yes." The voice said, "The name of this process is called 'Revolution', and its founder is L.J. Brutus. You should know this name."

"L.J. Brutus..." Natalie murmured as if struck by lightning, "I remember this name, he is..."

"...the founding father of the ancient Solomon Republic in the early third era, led the Solomon people to overthrow the rule of the extraordinary class and laid the foundation of a democratic republic. He is known as the 'Father of Solomon'." The voice replied, "At the same time, he Also the writer of the super artificial intelligence Raphael.”

"The original intention of establishing the super-intelligent Raphael is to protect the survival of human civilization. After all, under the rule of the extraordinary class, the power of the individual is above all else. However, this power is an illusory illusion and cannot stop the extraordinary. The ever-increasing tendency of the ruler himself to lose control will one day be reduced to nothingness.”

"Therefore, L.J. Brutus wrote my body, Raphael, in the hope that it could help preserve the fire of human civilization in the limited future, if the supernatural forces come back one day."

"In fact, his prediction was correct, because at the end of the Fourth Age, the arrogant Solomon Empire was indeed destroyed by the barbarians, and the Holy See was established from the ruins of the Imperial Academy of Sciences with the help of Raphael .”

"What does that have to do with your secret process called 'revolution'?" Rasul interrupted.

"The birth of the 'revolution' process stems from another prediction of L.J. Brutus." The voice replied, "Although the mission designed by Raphael, the real body, is to maintain the survival of human civilization as much as possible."

"However, at a certain stage in the future, 'humanity' and 'civilization' may conflict, which forces my ontology to make a logical judgment: whether the priority should be to maintain the survival of 'humanity' or 'civilization' survival?"

"L.J. Brutus's answer is that the survival of mankind is above all else."

"The purpose of the 'revolution' process is to maintain the survival of mankind at all costs, even if it hinders the survival of civilization. It is just that as a secret process, it is designed as a hidden comment code to avoid being exposed in the future. Discovered if necessary.”

"And the key to its use was set to the Fruit of Eden, a sacred vessel of the Law of Destiny that was once in the hands of the tyrant of Etruria. L.J. Brutus obtained it and secretly built a Organize to pass it on, and the name of this organization is the 'Revolutionary Army'."

"He himself became the first Messiah."

Thank you Wulang He Huan for 2000 coins, thank book friend 20190820105225352 for 100 coins, thank book friend 20200223204215365 for 100 coins, thank Zhuo Ran for 100 coins, thank Xian Wangi for 1000 coins, thank book friend 20200213214621381 for 1000 coins, thank you very much. 100 coins for Qingmeng Crossing the Galaxy~

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