Blue Sword

Chapter 589 Within the plan

"I do have a question."

The person who spoke was Sheila who was silent next to her.

"Our plan actually has a huge loophole from beginning to end." The former little queen looked around and said slowly, "Whether it is the subsequent infiltration assassination operation or the preliminary spying intelligence, it must be based on a certain On top of this premise.”

"That means the demigod Robert must be in a 'missing' state."

The girls were silent for a moment: Hey, it seems that is indeed the case.

"Once Robert returns, Sidrifa's disguise will be destroyed, and the assassination plan will go bankrupt accordingly." Sheila questioned.

That's not necessarily the case. Mi'er thought to herself.

First of all, the demigod will not return in the short term, because Shirley has entangled him, just 3 kilometers northeast of here.

Secondly, even if he does come back, there will be no problem with Sidrifa's disguise, because she is indeed...

Of course, Medea and her secret plans cannot be discussed openly, so she could only agree:

"That's right, so on the one hand we have to do a good job in reconnaissance, and on the other hand we need to speed up the advance." Mi'er answered smoothly and loudly, "Destroy as many Nuno as possible before the demigod comes back in time. Mann sentry point, weakening their ability to continue northward to attack Italy."

Sheila did not comment on this, but just turned her attention to Aske.

"Then let's do it." Asik finally said.

Everyone dispersed again to prepare for the final attack. Asker found Mi'er privately and asked her:

"Mi'er, tell me the truth. Are you and Medea hiding something from me?"

"Asker." Mi'er was startled for a moment, then regained her composure, "Yes."

In fact, since the leader himself also possesses the "intuition" sequence, Mi'er had already expected that he would be aware of part of the plan, but this was already within her expectation. So she glanced around quickly and said:

"It's not convenient to talk here, please come with me."

Ask laughed at this. The entire Fire Island is owned by our team, so why is it inconvenient to talk? However, the childish face of the half-elf girl looked so serious and solemn that he ran out of ideas for a while, and the girl still dragged him forward.

The two came to the edge of the cliff in the north, hurried down the mountain along the dug path, and finally arrived near the dense forest at the foot of the mountain. The atmosphere here was dark and quiet, and it was a place where no one would happen to pass by. So Mi'er turned around, took a deep breath, and then tightly grasped the group leader's hand:

"Ask, listen to me. Although you may have noticed it a long time ago, I still want to tell you my feelings here..."

"I have admired you for a long time." The half-elf girl said seriously.


"That..." He was about to speak when he heard Mi'er speaking very fast, with a somewhat sad and angry tone:

"I know what you are going to say, Ask. You want to say that I am too young to understand what true love is, right? You want to say that when I grow up, I will meet someone truly worthy of my admiration. right?"

"But those are all false excuses, because my laws allow me to see the future. My love for you is extremely serious and has not faded over time. In fact, from the time you were in Constantinople Since you saved me in the mountains, your image has been deeply engraved in my heart and can no longer be forgotten. Ask, I..."

The half-elf girl said hurriedly, and there were even beads of sweat on her small nose, which showed how nervous she was at this time. Asker listened to her quietly, then comforted her and said:

"I know, Mi'er."

"Since you can see the future, you can also see my next answer. Right?" He found a log pile nearby and sat down. His tone was relaxed and natural, so that Mi'er wouldn't be too anxious.

"Yes." Mi'er sat on the tree stump next to him and said with a sad tone, "In all the foreseeable future, you have rejected me, saying that you can't respond to me now."

"Yeah." Asik nodded, "You must also know why."

"Yes." Mi'er sounded sad, as if she was about to cry.

That being the case, what more do I need to say? Everything is left unsaid.

Ask fell silent. To a certain extent, he had to admit that he was a scumbag, but this scumbag was based on helpless objective circumstances.

Of course, it was impossible for him to accept Mi'er's wishes. The reason had nothing to do with her age, but because he was simply in a state where he could not consider starting a family.

There is still a long, long way to go before he can reach the series of goals of "becoming a demigod", "breaking through the bronze dragon instance" and "returning to the original world". And once he leaves any bonds in this world, then Most of the motivation to go back will be lost immediately.

After all, for a traditional man who values ​​his family, being filial to his parents and respecting his wife should be equal. Being biased in either direction is the greatest insult to the man's character.

Therefore, it is impossible for Ask to give any definite answers to the girls who have confessed their love to him so far, so the initiative falls to these girls: either wait hard or give up love.

It's certainly a crueler dilemma, except that neither Ask nor the girls are wrong. If someone really wants to be blamed and blamed, it would probably be the God of Fate who arranged this bizarre fate.

Neither of them spoke, just silently watching the shadows on the ground. The sun shines through the broken leaves of the dense forest, leaving beautiful mottled marks on the ground. After a long time, Mi'er complained in a low voice:

"Ask, you are so cruel."

"Do you have to wait until then, when everyone completely falls in love with you, and you will act like a arrogant businessman, choosing your favorite girl from among us like you choose your favorite goods?"

"Uh." Asik was speechless and explained without confidence, "I really don't have such an idea."

But if things really develop like this, there's nothing I can do...

"I understand." Mi'er lowered her head and said, looking at the little leather boots on her feet, "Then, I can actually wait."

Asik felt bad immediately after hearing these words, because the guilt and guilt had inevitably surged into his heart, making his whole chest feel as heavy as mercury.

However, the half-elf girl did not let him go. Mi'er grabbed his hand again and said slowly and firmly in a low voice:

"Ask. Nora can wait for so many years, and so can I."

"Even if we have to wait another nine years, it doesn't matter."

"When you come back after removing those shackles and burdens, I will come to you again. I will present all my feelings and thoughts in front of you, and then wait for you to give me the final answer."

Ask covered his cheek with his hands, expressing shame and remaining silent. The half-elf girl stared at his side face intently, and added quietly in her heart:

"...As for those competitors who are also pursuing you..."

"...When the time comes, let's do the final fight..."

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