Boku No Hero Academia: Reborn

Chapter 2 - My Rebirth

After one week of intense hėntȧɨ viewing and sleep-deprived days, my consciousness faded away indicating it was time for me to move on to the BNHA world which clearly, I was excited for, after becoming a hėntȧɨ master I resolved myself to create the greatest harem of sėx slaves. However, there was one problem, and it was that I needed the quirk that I will get to be useful to the harem creation. Oh well, God did indeed say it would be compatible with my soul, so I'm pretty sure it'll be fine.

After regaining my consciousness, I opened my eyes to the site of a doctor who after carrying out the typical medical procedures passed me off to, who I'd guess to be is my new mom. She looked quite exhausted. Well, obvious enough after the strenuous and excruciating process of giving birth, fatigue is only to be expected. She smiled warmly at my face and said:

"Your name will be Satorou for enlightenment."

I attempted to smile at her face to show my satisfaction with my name. I guess it's God at work keeping my name the same as the one from my previous life. How nice of him!

After a few minutes I was finally taken to the nursery and left alone among the other babies.

Good now I can finally try the system. When I woke up a bunch of information flooded into me, ranging from how to use the quirk I got to perfection to how to activate the system and use it as efficiently possible.

My quirk turned out to be nice. As far as the anime is concerned so far there no mention of it. It's true Psychokinesis, which in my opinion is pretty fuċkɨnġ overpowered. When I found out I had such a quirk, I decided I'd already become a hero. I could even aim to beat All Might with this quirk.

Now as for the system's activation, it was quite simple, I only had to think 'system activate' and it would work, quite easy.

Welcome user to the world of Boku No Hero Academia, according to the time since you were born you should already have received and gone through the tutorial. System will now display the basic stats. If you have any query please be sure to ask the system."

Then, what felt like a menu popped into my mind


Name: Tsukigaya Satorou

Level: 1

EXP: 0

Health (HP): 30

Strength (S): 10

Agility (A): 5

Wisdom (Q): 1233

Quirk: True Psychokinesis: User has absolute control on any target's motion simply by willing it

Abilities: None

Equipment: None (Naked)

System show me the average stats of a new born baby


Another screened popped up into my mind


Level: 1

Health (HP): 10

Strength (S): 10

Agility (A): 10

Intelligence (I): 10

Wisdom (Q): 10

Quirk: Varies from person to person

Abilities: None

Equipment: None (Naked)

Hmm, I'm around average in strength, and health, but why is my agility low. I guess the 4 years I spent lazing around with MDTV did have actually have a detrimental effect on my agility. I'm pretty sure a snail is more agile than me.

"User, please remember that you were a prodigy in your previous life in terms of knowledge possessed at a young age. One could even say you were one of your country's greatest ȧssets. Therefore, you possess gigantic amounts of wisdom -due to your vast knowledge- and intelligence-due to your exceptionally high IQ."

Oh you flatter me.

Guess I'll try my quirk for now. According to the tutorial, I just have to will anything's movement, and it should move start moving according to what I want.


Why isn't it working?

AHHH- I screamed as I put more effort, mentally that is.

Yo system, why isn't it working?

"In the Boku No Hero Academia world, quirks manifests by the age 4"


*And with that, Satorou spent the next 2 years suċkɨnġ on his mom's nɨppŀės for milk, but managed to sit, walk, speak with a wide vocabulary at the astounding age of 6 months. Considered a prodigy by his mom who doted on him like crazy. As for the next 2 years, there is nothing really worth mentioning except for the fact that he was able to improve his mom's business by making use of a few unnoticed ȧssets, and sending a couple of 'business' messages to a few of her business rivals, whom he somehow found a few 'indecent' videos of, thus making his mom rise into the worlds of riches and consequently increased his life standards.*

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