Boku No Hero Academia Rubber Edition

Chapter 19 - The hero killer

Iida Teniya the nerd, the always helpfull, the robot guy, right now he was scared and angry and vengefull, after he left his brother hospital room, knowing that the pro hero he always respected and looked up to died, he couldn't really cope with it, his brother didn't really die but, his hero identity did, his spine almost severed, even with the best doctors out there they couldn't save his legs, and without his legs there would be no quirk anymore, right now all of Iida's family future was on his back, but he couldn't care about that, right now what he wanted was vengeance.

In Gran Torino's house Izuku was still meditating and increasing the output of one for all little by little, Gran Torino was eating some hot dogs while observing him and thinking:

Gran Torino:"This damn kid is a prodigy, he is almost on the level of Toshinori, its even more impressive since he got the stronger version of one for all, from what it seems he is almost reaching the maximum output of what his body can handle right now which should be 50%+"

Izuku suddenly opened his eyes right now there was no lightning rushing outwards his body like a tempest, actually there was green like lightning tatoos appearing on his whole body, his muscles were also bulging up a little, but not by a lot, he looked like a boxer now.

I turned off one for all and i could feel that all the changes in my body, my outward appearance restored to what it was before, it seems that the more i use one for all i will also get a physical change, it seems when i will reach 100%, my tatoos would be more intricate, and i will also become more muscular.

Gran Torino looked at me with a smile on his old face and said:

Gran Torino:"Ok kid, now that i teached you how to control your quirk better, we will need to get you some villain fighting experience, no matter if its purse snatchers, or convenience store robbers, now its almost night, we will take the train to Hosu."

We both took the train to Hosu, which should arrive 20, 30 minutes later, but we didn't know, our presence there, would change a lot of events.

Somewhere else in a bar, there was Tomura Shigaraki with his villain costume on, and his other cronies, they were meeting up with Stain the hero killer, Stain is an intimidating, muscular man who walks with a distinct hunch. He has black hair and wears it in a messy fashion that would drape over his face if not for his headband and mask.

Stain sports a dark combat suit, plated with metal armor across his body to holster his weapons. The torso is sleeveless, and Stain instead wraps his arms in bandages.

Stain always dons his signature blood-red scarf and matching headband, as well as the tattered cloth he wears around his face as a mask.

Tomura asked him to join the league of villains, but Stain refused, Tomura insisted, but Stain being annoyed by him pinned him down to the ground with his dagger and put his twin katanas over his neck, telling him his ideals didn't match the league of villains, Tomura tells Kurogiri to send Stain away, but he can't maybe due to Stain's quirk, Stain wants to kill Tomura but Tomura grabs the knife that pinned him down and disintegrates it, he also starts to talk about his goals, such as killing All Might, and overturning the society.

Stain agrees to help but only because his goal is also to overturn todays society, which in his view is full of fake heroes, who only want the glamour of being a hero with no things to tie them down, with no true beliefs. Seeing that his business with the league of villains is over he free's Kurogiri and let's him sent him back to Hosu where he had unfinished business.

Back in the Hosu Hero office Iida was stationed into because of his request, he came back from patrolling. He also gathered information about the Hero Killer and learned the pattern in which he attacked his victims, due to anger and vengefullnes he rushes to the next victim of the hero killer, to confront him.

In Hosu, Tenya is out patrolling again with Normal Hero. He asks Tenya if he is chasing after the Hero Killer Stain, thinking that would be the only reason Tenya came to the Hosu Hero Office. Normal Hero tells Tenya not to act out on a personal grudge. He apologizes for his question to which Tenya replies that he appreciates his warning. However, Tenya ponders what he should do with his rage and emotions if he cannot get revenge, clenching his hand into a fist in anger.

Kurogiri warps himself, Stain and Tomura to Hosu. Tomura notes that Hosu is quite prosperous while Stain says his goal is to reform Hosu by sacrificing the "fake" pro heroes that work there. Stain states his belief; that the title of Hero should only be bestowed onto people who achieve great undertakings, saying that there are too many "fake" heroes that only work for money.

Stain leaves to finish his business, saying that he will keep appearing until society realizes its error and jumps off the building. After Stain leaves, Tomura complains about Stain's constant preaching, to which Kurogiri tells Tomura that he shouldn't mock Stain for his preaching, stating to Tomura that Stain's villainous methods have produced great results which intrigues Tomura.

Tomura concludes that he and Stain will never get along which irritates him. Wanting to relieve his anger through destruction, Tomura orders Kurogiri to release the Nomus. Kurogiri warps three Nomus to their location and Tomura orders the Nomus to attack Hosu.

The train that Izuku and Gran Torino are on passes Hosu. On the train, Izuku tells Gran Torino that they will arrive at night, to which Gran Torino replies that they will, explaining that many villains appear at night and thus they will be able to get experience more easily.

Izuku immediatly uses his Gomu Gomu no Rifle technique on it sending it flying trough the trains metal walls and destroying it in the process. Both he and Gran Torino look trough the giant hole in the train's wall and they are both shocked, because Hosu was in flames pandemonium everywhere. Izuku knew about Tenya being in Hosu, so he was worried about him.

Stain is in an alley, overhearing the chaos in Hosu and realizes that Tomura has made his move. Stain decides to leave Tomura to his own mechanisms while he finishes his business, preparing to kill a pro hero with his katana. However Stain feels the presence of someone approaching him from behind so he decides to use his katana to slash at the person, knocking down the person as well as knocking the person's helmet and glasses off, it was Iida.

Stain sees that the person who tried to attack him is a child, telling the child to leave. Tenya gets up, telling Stain that he has been searching for him and looks at the Hero Killer with vengeful eyes.

Stain points his katana at Tenya and says that he has avenging eyes, warning Tenya to not meddle with him and that if the situation demands it children will also be targets.

Stain prepares to go and finish his job of killing the pro hero. Seething with rage, the angered Tenya yells to Stain that he is the brother of a pro hero he cut down and he has come to stop Stain in his stead.

Tenya tells Stain to never forget his hero name; Ingenium, which is the name of the hero that will take him down. Seeing that Tenya is serious about being a hero, Stain tells Tenya to prepare for death.

I and Gran Torino left the train, i looked up and i saw two pro heroes fighting the nomu- like creatures, where the hell could these things have came from? Did the league of villains have a lot of these kind of creatures?

I look around but i don't see Iida anymore, im worried he was stationed here how come he doesn't help the other pro heroes? Could he be fighting somewhere else? I need to find and help him.

On top of a building, Tomura praises the three Nomus for their destruction. Kurogiri asks Tomura if he will join the attack, however, Tomura replies that he won't because he is injured. Tomura says that when dawn breaks the world will forget about Stain.

Stain advises Tenya to first save the injured pro hero, which shocks Tenya. Stain says that he must not act out of vengeance since that is the act furthest from the title "hero". Stain licks his bloodied katana and activates his Quirk which immobilizes Tenya. Stain is about to deliver the finishing blow.

However I appear immediatly in front of him with my lightning tatoos and my increased muscle mass and I hit stain with my right fist and i shout "Smash" making him fly directly into the alley wall, he vomited a bit of blood, and he unsteadly falled down from the wall on shaky legs.

I ask Iida if he can move but he tells me he is immobilized, Stain looks at me with a strange expression on his face, he knew he couldn't beat me in a strength or speed fight, He looks at me and asks:

Stain:"What are you going to down little hero? Fight me or protect them?"

Izuku:"Ill protect them by capturing you!"

Iida tells me to not get involved since it was his fight with Stain and it had nothing to do with me,I respond to Iida's order, saying that heroes would not be able to do anything by following Iida's logic.

I puts on a brave face and say that getting involved in other people's business is one of the principal qualities of a hero; Stain smiles at my statement.

It seems it was time to beat down the hero killer, i activate fully 50% of one for all, and i appear directly near Stain, but somehow Stain predicted i would appear there and slashed his Katana towards me, i responded immediatly and dodged in the nick of time, he only grazed my clothes.

Stain was impressed by my reaction speed, but it was normal, at the moment Stain's katanas were onto me i used one for all on my brain, enchanting all of my senses.

In the few moments that i was deciding what to do, Stain was rushing towards the fallen Iida and the other pro hero, I could reach them if i used gear 2, but before i could do it, a wave of fire and ice appeared and took the hero killer by surprise.

It was Todoroki, he was nearby with his father, while his father was fighting the other nomu's he heard the fight from the aleway and decided to come to see what's happening, seeing what was happening he immediatly decided to help.

Iida is ashamed that he needs protection from his friends, me and Shoto. Iida remembers his brother's motivation for being a hero; that helping people is the best motivation for being a Hero. Shouto attacks Stain with a stream of ice concealed in it is fire but Stain dodges.

Stain criticizes Shoto for relying on his Quirk too much and prepares to cut Shouto with his katana. Iida agrees with Stain; that he is a failure as a hero and pales in comparison to me and Shoto.

Stain's Quirk wears off and Iida gets up with the motivation of not wanting to be outpaced as a hero by me, Shoto and his brother. Iida uses Recipro Burst and smashes his leg into Stain's katana, shattering the katana in half and saving Shoto in the process. Iida then kicks Stain away.

Iida apologizes to me and Shoto for getting us involved in his problems, not wanting us to spill any more blood for his sake. Stain criticizes Iida for having a change of heart, saying that a man's character never changes and that Iida is a fake hero who prioritizes selfish dėsɨrė.

Stain says that people like the selfish Iida are the "cancer" of society and that he is here to correct that. Shoto tells Iida to pay no heed to Stain, but Iida says that Stain is correct about him not being a true hero.

Iida tells Stain that he cannot give up so easily as doing so means that Ingenium would die, much to Stain's anger.

I look towards both Iida and Shoto and tell them:

Iida:"But Midoriya, i can't let you do this all alone, we can beat him as a team."

Izuku:"Im sorry to tell you this guy's but you will drag me down right now, i can end it by myself, go and get some help from the pro heroes."

Shoto:"Midoriya, i understand, come on Iida."


Izuku:"Just go!"

Shoto and Iida left taking the fallen pro hero with them, Stain looked at me with a approving glance but he was also angry, both of his prey's left and he couldn't do anything about it, if he tried to attack them I would smash him back into the wall. I couldn't kill him so i needed to control my strength, he was after all a human.

My arms blackened as i used armament haki, my skin started to turn pink and steam started to come from me, it was time to end this, i had to capture him. Stain tried to slash me and take my blood for his quirk but only sparks came when he hit my blackened arms with his katanas, before he could do anything else, my fists started to appear on him like a ray of locusts as i shouted:

"Gomu Gomu no Hawk Gattling!" all of the fists found their mark, they were so fast Stain couldn't do anything but i still controled my strength only making him puke out blood and pass out. I took his katanas away from him and tied him up with some rope i found in the dumpster nearby, but before i could pick him up, a explosion was heard, i decided to leave him here he was already unconscious and tied up.

At the other battlefield, the Nomu-like creature absorbs and releases Endeavor's flames but Endeavor mocks the creature's Quirk and pitiful attempt.

Suddenly, Gran Torino propels himself at a great speed and smashes down into the Nomu-like creature, defeating it. Endeavor decides to let his sidekicks restrain the Nomu-like creature and tells Gran Torino to go to the address that he will give him.

I leave the alley and look in front Gran Torino greets me, it seems things were going almost well, i asked him what was with the explosion, he told me what happened with Endevor, and the nomus, Iida and Shoto made their way back as well, it seemed the hero they found was Gran Torino, Gran Torino looked at them and shook his head, it seems his orders weren't followed.

Suddenly, the winged Nomu-like creature appears in the sky. Gran Torino sees the winged Nomu-like creature above and commands everyone to duck. The winged Nomu-like creature grabs Shoto and prepares to fly away. Gran Torino prepares to propel himself into the air to rescue Shoto and i prepare my gear 2.

Shockingly, Stain regains consciousness and frees himself from the ropes with a blade up his sleeve. Stain licks off the winged Nomu-like creature's blood from the female pro hero's face, which fought with the creature before and injured it, and activates his Quirk.

The winged Nomu-like creature becomes paralyzed due to Stain's Quirk and stops flying, dropping Shoto in the process. Stain stabs the winged Nomu-like creature's brain and defeats it, causing to fall to the ground.

Stain grabs Shoto and saves him. Stain, despite being heavily injured, states that the "fake" pro heroes and the pathetic criminals in society are his targets for his purge, saying that everything he is doing is for a just world.I and the Pro Hero who was injured by Stain are shocked at the Hero Killer's actions.

He looks towards me and he flashes a strange smile and says:

Stain:"I saved your friend because i saw your potential, don't make me regret it."

Meanwhile, Tomura is watching the events unfold and is displeased that nothing is going his way. Endeavor arrives and sees the Hero Killer; Endeavor prepares to launch an attack on Stain to which Gran Torino tries to make him stop.

Stain's bandaged mask falls off, revealing that he does not have a nose, shocking everyone. Stain, despite his heavy injuries, steps forward and states that the fake heroes must be rectified and the word hero must be restored.

Stain urges the "pretenders" to try and stop him. Stain continues walking forward and declares that the only one who is allowed to kill him is All Might.

Stain unleashes a bloody malefic aura which instills fear into everyone present; one of the Pro Heroes fall down out of fear, Shoto and Iida fall to their knees,even i become terrified this guy killed a lot of people and it feels itself in his aura, Gran Torino becomes tense and even Endeavor takes a step back.

Stain takes a step forward, but the grievous injuries of his internal organs, because of my battering makes him go unconscious again. But even though he lost consciousness he was still standing tall.

The next day at the Hosu General Hospital Iida and Shoto were recuperating due to the injuries they took from the battle with Stain and due to Shoto being grabbed by the nomu. I look towards them and sigh while i think about what Stain said, actually some things he said where true, there were 'fake heroes' out there who only cared about fame and money, but not everyone could become a model hero who wanted to help everyone.

Manual and Gran Torino come in the hospital room and announces to the young heroes that they have a visitor; The Chief of the Police Force; Tsuragamae Kenji, a tall looking human with a dog-like face.

Tsurugamae tells the young Heroes them about Stain's condition; that he has internal injuries but is alive and is being treated.

He then begins to tell them that since the appearance of Quirks the police refused to use Quirk users in the Police Force out of fear that Quirks would be used as weapons and that was why Heroes were rose up to fill that position, but only if they followed strict rules and morals.

As even young heroes like them that aren't ready to take such roles may harm other with their Quirks if they aren't with their guardians or supervisors.

Even if it was the Hero Killer, it would still consider breaking the law, as such because the young Heroes were not with their supervisors during yesterday's incident, Tsuragamae tells them that they and their guardians (Manual, Endeavor and Gran Torino) must receive punishment for breaking the law.

Furious, Shoto says that had they not gone into action Iida and the pro hero called Native would have been killed by Stain.

Furious, Shoto says that had they not gone into action Iida and Native would have been killed by Stain.

Tsurugamae says that was just his opinion as a member of the Police Force, as stated that they would have been punished had it been an "official disclosure".

Since there were not enough witnesses to report the incident regarding Stain, Tsuragamae states that he will cover up the incident but as a result Me, Shoto and Iida will not get any recognition for their valiant efforts.

Tsuragamae admits that he is covering up the story because didn't want the young heroes to get into trouble. Me, Shoto and Iida we thank the Chief of Police.

Tsuragamae says that I, Shoto and Iida have a promising future awaiting them; Tsuragamae gave us a bow for our heroic actions and thanked us for keeping the peace.

he next day begins; the news of Stain's defeat and arrest spreads like wildfire throughout Japan. At the League of Villains Hideout, Tomura reads the newspaper. However, the newspaper mainly publishes Stain's feats and that his name will go down in history while the news on the Nomus is undermined.

Angry that Stain is all over the news, Tomura crumbles up the newspaper, dissatisfied that his plan to undermine Stain and make the world forget about him failed. Tomura is annoyed by the fact that the world will never forget about Stain and that his efforts were undermined.

Elsewhere at Best Janist workplace Katsuki thinks heavily about the incident, to which Best Jeanist admits that he also thinks about it, but he informs Katsuki and his side-kicks that they must take it easy and stay calm. The other classmates from class 1A and 1B are also talking about the incident.

At Hosu General Hospital, Iida informs me that his left hand is greatly injured but can be probably healed through surgery. However, Iida states that he has decided to leave his left hand in its injured state as a reminder of his un-heroic actions so that he will not make the same mistake twice.

Gran Torino speaks to All Might using a telephone. Gran Torino states that Izuku has improved drastically with his usage of One For All; All Might apologizes to Gran Torino for getting him into trouble and thanks him for teaching and helping Izuku while also apologizing for his inadequate teaching.

Gran Torino tells All Might why he is calling; Gran Torino says to All Might that Stain's ideology is identical to All Might's; that both ideologies have charisma which can be used to inspire people. Gran Torino states that he fears that if Stain's backstory and ideology is revealed to the public, it will inspire villains to rise up and the League of Villains will take all the credit.

since the public views the League of Villains as a group that follows Stain's ideology which will cause new villains to join the alliance; thus evil will grow. Gran Torino states that he believes that an old enemy will use Stain's backstory to remove obstacles in his path.

Gran Torino hypothesizes that the old enemy, the villain who killed All Might's predecessor and gave All Might his scars, "All For One" has returned.

Gran Torino advises All Might to reveal to Izuku everything about himself and One For All when the opportunity arises. Gran Torino ends the call.

Two days later, Stain's backstory is spreading throughout Japan and has become the main topic. In a hostess bar, two men are talking; a large man states that crime has taken a turn for the worse ever since All Might appeared and decides that he might retire.

However, a man smoking a cigarette tells the large man to hold off his retirement; he shows the large man a video detailing Stain's backstory and his last stand before being arrested.

The man with the cigarette says that Stain's attitude before falling unconscious will inspire hundreds of people including many criminals as well as himself.

The man with the cigarette states that many new villains will show up and unite with the organization that Stain was believed to be apart of the League of Villains.

At the end of the week, workplace intern training comes to a end, outside Gran Torino's apartment i thank him for his pointers and help, he was a big help for my future training of one for all. I ask Gran Torino a question that puzzled me for quite a while, why a strong hero like him wasn't known by the society?

Gran Torino replies that he wasn't interested in the hero life and that the only reason he became a certified hero was for a certain goal and nothing else.

Gran Torino tells me to ask All Might about the whole story. As i leave, Gran Torino ponders that both All Might and me we are alike; having the same charisma.

Tommorow it was time for more school and I was ready for anything it would throw at me, all my control training proved out to be very productive, while i was also wondering how my classmates training was done.

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