--Afterwards, I managed to get rid of the four people who were excited about each (Gika sister, Nana-chan, Momoko, Yoko), but they were lying on the loft again due to the stress.

According to the story, Yoko, who had been forcibly repatriated to her sisters, asked me how I was feeling and said that Gika would go to see a doctor who could no longer be there, and it seems that Yoko has returned as a guide in the form of a ride.

"Um, guys, calm down...? If I may, I will take care of Sabu-san as an administrator."

There is no doubt that Reika's offer was entirely bona fide. However, Gika answered instantly with an expression of dissatisfaction she had never seen before.

"No thanks! It is my duty to take care of my real brother, Hiro-chan!

It appears to be openly hostile. Reika has explained many times that she is a wife and an administrator, but it seems that the setting of "bad elderly woman who is trying to tease me" has been established among her sisters.

Speaking of peaches, Nana-chan, and Yoko-chan, there were sparks scattered in different dimensions.

"Hey, I keep telling you, you're both toddlers, so you can't take care of your brother, right? Just be clear and annoy me! Why don't you leave it to me?

"Oni-san is a junior high school student, so why don't you do it? Besides, if you let Oni-san take care of you, I'll make you feel better."

"Ah, well, I think it's normal for me to take care of Yome-san here."

I'm upset in the loft. Well, it would be nice if it could be a little slower.

Stop looking down at the chaotic girls and put on the futon on your back. I feel uncomfortable with my lower body. A pillow? It's right under your head.

"Oni-chan, what's up?

The voice you hear from your crotch is definitely Jing-chan!

"Everyone's having a fight. I'll take care of it for you.

When I raised the futon a little, Jing-chan's face was shiny... just above mine.

"You know what? When we were together at the amusement park, I heard a lot from Momoko Oneechan. So... oniichan, I'll do what makes you happy.

Momoko, what the hell did you teach me!? I'm sure she said all sorts of things with confidence that she wasn't after me.

"Jing-chan, it's painful to stay in the futon, so come out quickly.

"Yeah, I'll definitely welcome you to onii-san!

That said, Jing-chan lay face down and put something in her little mouth that would make me pants down.


Together, the arguing girls look up at me with strange voices.

"Ah, no, it's nothing... it's nothing.

(Bad, bad, this is definitely... me, my real niece... and I'm letting this little girl blow her off!!!

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