

Nana-chan opened her eyes with repeated calls like spells, and Nana-chan was approaching a close distance where the tip of her nose would stick.


In small rooms, everyone sleeps in the right place. In time, Jing Jing was sleeping in the loft with a lovely breath on my right. Needless to say, Nana-chan is on the left.

After waking everyone up, Nana-chan whispered softly with her sick eyes.

"Onii-san, can I chew like this?

"Eh!? No, no, no, no, no. Even Jing-chan is sleeping beside her."

"Don't worry, Jing won't wake up. Besides, you said you were going to fap.

When she smiled slightly, Nana-chan took out her phone and showed her the screen. --This is it!?

My picture of me sleeping peacefully with my pants on my head, my picture of Jing-chan sleeping with a smile on her crotch next door, a selfie of Nana-chan holding me naked, etc\\ "When others saw me, there was a lot of things that ended my life immediately.

"Ha, ha ha ha... Nana-chan, I have a smartphone."

"Yeah, my dad bought it for me. Besides, you can't take this away. I've already sent all the pictures to my mother."

No, what!? If my sister sees this picture, I can't live anymore!!! Regardless of the other sisters, if your sister thinks you're a "Loripedo adulterer," she was the sweetest and most beloved.

When I rushed to check my phone in front of my pillow, I was confused by the spam and an email from Kika's sister was mixed up.

"I need to talk to you. I'll call you tomorrow."

I was desperate for that short sentence, which had no ornament.

"Onii-san, if you don't have to worry about Nana-san, I'll explain to your mother that it's just a prank."

That said, I was deprived of my lips without telling you.

"Nh!? Nh!"

Nana-chan opened my mouth with a small tongue and broke into it. Touching cheeks, nose tips, lips, and tongues... all of them were ravaged by a very soft, sweet, filthy, dust-free smell... and the darkness combined, and I was unexpectedly forgetting myself. In fact, I couldn't contain my sexual excitement, and things were rising.

"Onii-san, now you're really rocking. 'Cause I chew, and I'm going to do naughty things."

When Nana-chan put her hand in my pants, it was already finished (?) Grasp what you are doing gently. The cold little hand gave more excitement to the fiery pole, and beyond the fear of intimidation, I was unexpectedly hugging Nana-chan.

"Onii-san!? ¤ ¤ Uneeshhh, you've become so fond of Nana ─

But I didn't hear a word like that. Nana-chan put her hand over her and rubbed it hard to make it "Okazu".

"Hahaha ~ Ah, Jing-chan!

For some reason, Jing Jing's innocent sleeping face, sleeping innocently beside me, was full of lust, peeling off the blanket, and pressing the bell mouth near the outburst to her over the pyjama.

"Go, sorry!!!

While holding Nana-chan with one hand, Jing-chan's crotch was dyed in a huge cloudiness.

"Nhh... I won't fap anymore..."

I heard Nana-chan's death spell along with Jing's bedtime talk.

"... what do you mean, this is a baby ingredient?" "I wonder what it's like to cum to Jing-chan while you're squeamish about Nana." I'll ask my mother tomorrow. "

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