Book Of God


Funking: All people here listen carefully. The Chaos Dungeon annihilated the genius of centuries. Be careful after entering otherwise even dregs won't remain.

"Sect Master rest ȧssured, we will bring victory from chaos"

" Sect Master we won't disappoint you"

"The slaves of Dungeon, Master will punish you hard, no need to worry. After entering, the worthy will win, the strength will fool.

Kastha was not that arrogant and ignorant, she was paying deep attention to the details. She is the sister of Zeus, she is pride in heaven and beyond. Sect Master was also convinced by her determination.

Suddenly there was a sudden change in environment, the clouds gathered in the sky. Kastha got something to surpass her limits, her eyes becoming brighter and brighter. There was a large commotion near them because whoever is breaking through the realm is definitely in or above eight grade but nobody above six grade is present here. The gazes of people were looking for the spy who want to leak the news of Dungeon.

"Hey who dare to enter the Hall with the strength of eight grade"

"Come out for me and get the punishment of Hall"

"Whoever protects the spy, no mercy"

The shouting was coming all around but nobody is out. Throat of frog became dry for rain but the famine is persistent.

"Master, this disciple ask you to monitor the guilty" suddenly a man Feng Xiang proudly mentioned.

"This seat naturally knows the daughter of the heaven" Funking said indiffrently.

Although he was shocked but still it was a sweet surprise. He was concerned with Kastha from the beginning.

"Indeed Master is great of all around" Xiang said with a smug look.

Soon the clouds come over Kastha and solidified, pupils of Feng Xiang shrank, not believing the things before his eyes. Who could have thought a tiny little third grade girl can cause such a huge commotion, few moments before she was only an obedient non-existing existence but now she is the dragon of the sky. These so called genius around can only eat dust now, no need to when she will enter the Dungeon she is the determining factor of all. In martial world numbers pay negligible to absolute nothing significance in front of strength. One phase low and you don't even count as an ant for the next, let alone talk about realms.

"Congratulations to the for breaking through four star alchemist realm"

"Congratulations to the sister to rise the heaven phenomenon of four star alchemist"

Although these genius were unwilling to accept such a defeat but the reality was giving them vicious slaps "Don't accept, I don't care, you don't even mean a fart".The momentum around was like sugar crystal in between the ants and nectar drop in between the mortals " Precious to the extreme ".

" Kastha, good progress"Zeus said with a smile.

In his eyes it is absolutely a good progress. She doesn't have any great cultivation of heavens, the word is of lower realm, energy and resources diluted. In all of these circumstances such breakthrough is indeed good. Zeus also wanted to purify the foundation of Kastha but before her next breakthrough this was impossible. Now she has gained the new height so the purification of the foundation and the purification of the meridians is just a matter of time. A new bud can take the shape, a condensed tree will break on pressure. He was always having the cultivation method of "Brush Soul Cleansing". This cultivation method is the cultivation method of legendary Goddess Soul Cleansing, Goddess Soul Cleansing was having the soul physique of Cleansing but Kastha is having the body and soul physique of cleansing. She is the star hiding in the deep ocean but now she is with the Heavenly Emperor of Heavens, she is indeed going to crush the sky. All these things are well fit to call her progress as good but when everyone heard they blow their top. This was indeed looking down on these people and soon invited the ridicule of the Hall.

"Huhu, you waste really looking down on us, the young master of the Hall"

"Hehe, Kid bragging in front of us, you will be dead before you know"

Kastha said disdainfully "Fools who don't know the immensity of heavens and earth".

All of them were shocked with the thunders of heavens.

" Indeed fools are abundant" Zeus also joined in with Kastha.

He also lost his temper now because he was not willing to talk to anyone but these people came like kings and ordered the law. This is ridiculous, although he is the tiger in planes now but that doesn't mean his pride is also in planes, even heavens can't let him kneel what does these ants count as. But the most sensible here was Sect Master how can he let the outbreak occur before the task complete and he also indeed guessed that these two people can't be judged on the basis of common sense. Soon he came forward and waved his hand to keep everyone quiet and talked about the details to pass through the arrays but the treasure, they indeed need to have capabilities.

"Every child gather to the heart of Hall and this seat will take you to the Gate of Chaos Dungeon" Funking faintly announced.

"I respect the guidance of Master" Feng Xiang still tried to gain face. He looked in the direction of Zeus to humiliate him but found to his surprise that Zeus was having Soul Conversation with Kastha and Kastha was listening like obedient little baby.

"No pride in front of this waste but look down to me" Xiang cursed in his heart.

Soul Conversation is the conversation of soul between the soul not even heaven allowed to interfere. Once requested then accepted last exchange, harm to the soulful can't be done but aura of chat confirm authenticity and hazard, try to break defense must be above the heavens and low to worm.

Not to be surprised Zeus was absolutely imparting the knowledge of "Brush Soul Cleansing", the more he talked the more she admired. After thousand breaths of time both of them stopped conversation and head to the Master Funking.

" You waste indeed trying to be mysterious"Xiang said with mockery.

"You garbage, indeed pungent" Zeus said cold and cold.

Then there was an uproar in the crowd, everyone was looking his courage.

"Indeed bold and bold, this Xiang don't dare a fart"

"Two people one ruthless crush to strength, other ruthless crush to pride"

"What shit proud son of heaven, don't have courage to speak what courage to die"

"It turns out that everyone is very optimistic about Dungeon" Funking.

The thing was simple if you have potential go to Dungeon and prove worthy.

But it doesn't matter to crowd they really wanted to vent anger, target was Xiang, they have upper hand so they did.

In a blink of an eye the scene from the perception changed and they came to the Chaos Dungeon, fluctuations inside were horrible and pure. Soon everyone entered inside the Dungeon and the sky of Dungeon was green, this was something unheard but the back door now if opened can never enter again. The rule was reincarnation of eternity "You will born again, but can't be same again", after all everyone was not Zeus.

Everyone looked at the sky but Zeus feeled the sky.

Zeus: " This sky is the scroll of heaven"

When Zeus thought this he was hit by the bolt of heaven, the treasure which can even turn the heavens in blood is actually present in lower planes who don't even know the worth of place. Here the people collected the precious treasures of heaven and earth which includes the pill of nine star golden pill, the talisman of seven star and more.

Everyone entered from the start and only met on the exit point because they can't feel the existence of each other even if they are just on the back.

Everyone moved only two people stayed here for as long as ten years, even Xiang searched for Kastha for almost five years but in the end still give up and came back to his master to report, his Master was naturally happy to receive some of the treasure inside the Dungeon and the most important thing was the "Great Jade Slip" which has the medicinal formulas of Great Dam Realm to Nine Star Alchemy. All the people went inside are from the Mortal Invincible Realm after this comes the River Flow Realm and the third one is naturally the Great Dam Realm. The prestige of these medicinal formulas can't be neglected because once able to refine the medicines of the slip he will Step into Rushing River Realm the fourth realm.

After absorbing the Dungeon momentum of Zeus skyrocketed and he broke through the second realm of Martial Alchemy Bookpen, three nirvana supporting the body, his fleshy body also become second realm fleshy body. But the most important part now was that his Pitch Black Bookstone integrated with the Heaven Sroll, like the book was lock and the scroll was key. His book produced a great resonance and his soul started writing the spell in book in his sea of consciousness.

After it stopped writing the book grow a faint shine like being upgraded or strengthened.

His first spell after reincarnation was there but now there was no buddha statue which means he can't test the strength of this spell.

His first spell of the book was "Heavenly Scroll Dominates".

Zeus thought in his heart "Soon I'll realise the strength of this spell".

Kastha smiled smugly" Big Brother, little princess broke through, very very hungry now".

After Zeus heard this sentence he could not help but open his mouth to say "You are really too unbridled, let's go".

Kastha nodded " Always follow, separated by only death ".

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