“I need a room. The cheapest.” The Hag said as we entered the inn.

“But...” I started to say and she whacked me so hard that I fell to the floor, dazed.

“We won't need an extra blanket.” The Hag said.

“I... I'm sorry.” The woman that ran the inn said. “I can't have you... um... he's only...”

“He sleeps on the floor, you trollop!” The Hag spat. “Don't assume things you don't understand.” She glared at the brown haired woman. “Becky.”

“I haven't been called Becky since I was...” Rebecca stopped talking when she realized who she was talking to. “Yes, I'm sorry. I did make a mistake. The room will be three copper and a copper for the extra occupant, two copper each for breakfast, and...”

“If you tell me to take a bath, I'll skin you alive and watch your kids dine on your innards.” The Hag said. Her voice was even and there wasn't a trace of growl in it, even though that was a threat that was worth a bit of a growl.

Rebecca's face drained of color and she held out a room key with a shaky hand.

The Hag dropped the appropriate copper coins onto the counter, took the key, and led me to the room. It was sparse and cozy at the same time and the Hag pointed to a spot on the floor in the corner that was near the bed. I did not miss the similarity to the way it was at home.

“Sit there and stay there.” The Hag said and I walked over to the spot, sat down, and looked at her. “I have some errands to run, so you are to wait for my return.” She glared at me. “DO. NOT. LEAVE.”

I nodded several times, pulled my knees up to my chest, then ducked my head down. I heard her leave and shut the room door. I also heard the key in the lock.


You have a choice to make. Will you defy the Hag?

A) Stay put. B) Run. C) Cry for help. D) Leave the room. E) Pee your new pants.

Yeah, those are great options. Thanks. I thought with sarcasm. I decided that I was going to play it safe already, so I'm going to choose A.


I didn't lift my head and I didn't move from the spot. I stayed there for most of the day and didn't even take more breaths than were necessary. I knew for a fact that when she came back, she would know it if I moved or tried anything. I didn't know how she always knew what I was up to, she just did. I also knew that she would never tell me how, the same as when I was curious about anything else. She always cut me off and stopped me from asking questions and I never questioned it.

The Hag came back to the room a long time after the sun set and I could tell that she had been drinking. I didn't know what, though. By the way she wobbled in through the door and dropped the key, I was pretty sure that she had drunk a lot of whatever it was.

“Boy.” The Hag said as she stumbled into the room and shut the door. “You like it here in the village, don't you?”


Here's your chance to tell the Hag how you really feel. Will you take it?

A) Admit you do. B) Call her a bitch. C) Say you don't know. D) Admit you're scared.

I read the options twice, then twice more. I... I... I'm scared that I'll pick the wrong answer. I thought and looked at the Hag and saw her growing ire. I choose D!


“I've never been here before.” I said in a soft voice. “People look at me weird and I don't know what to say to them.” I looked at the Hag and let her see and feel the fear I felt. “You're the only person that...”

“Shh.” The Hag said and wobbled over to me. She pat the top of my head to comfort me and then she dug her fingers into my hair. “Your hair is changing.” She said and pulled it forward to show me the black streaks growing through the dirty blonde mass I used to have.

“My... hair...” I whispered and looked at it.

“That's my blood going through you.” The Hag said and I looked up at her. “Get up off the floor.”


The Hag gripped my hair again and pulled me up to my feet.

“OW!” I said loudly and she slapped the bad side of my face with the permanent snake bite damage.

“Don't fake pain, Boy.” The Hag said and wavered in her stance, then she almost toppled over. I grabbed her to stop her from falling, for some reason, and sat her on the bed. “Faking pain only gets you more pain.”


The Hag slapped the bad side of my face again. “I can keep hitting you until you understand.” She said and slapped me again.

“No, I... I get it.”

“Good.” The Hag said and laid down on the bed. “Ugh, this thing is too soft. My spine is bending unnaturally.”

I was surprised to hear this and looked around for some kind of solution. The only thing I saw was the thick skinned rug. I picked it up and showed the Hag. She squinted her eyes, then rolled off to the side. I put it down on the bed and folded it in half, then she rolled back over.

“Ahhh, that's better.” The Hag said and reached out for my hand.


What will you do? Be smart or be stupid?

A) Slap it. B) Take it. C) Kiss it. D) Kick it. E) Lick it. F) Bite it. G) Ignore it. H) Hug it.

The safest option for me and for her, is B. I'll choose B.


I reached out and took her offered hand. I stared at it like it was something I had never seen before.

The Hag closed her hand on mine and her strong grip cracked several of my knuckles and snapped two of my fingers. I didn't cry out, even though it hurt, because of what she had said only minutes ago.

“I smelled one of my potions near one of the houses I haven't visited before.” The Hag said in a deadly voice and I looked into her eyes. The deep pools didn't try to suck me in like the last time I saw them so close.

“I... must have...”

“Don't lie.” The Hag said and squeezed harder, which snapped my last finger.

“I lost my snake juice.” I said through gritted teeth. “I really did.” I concentrated on digging through my pockets and not finding it. “I should have left it home and forgot.”

“Do you know how much that potion costs?” The hag asked me and eased her hold on my hand. The pain didn't lessen, however.

“N-no.” I said and looked at my hand and the three broken fingers. “I only know what the health and healing potions cost.”

The Hag huffed and smiled. “No, that's how much I sell them for, not what they are actually worth.”

“I don't understand.” I said.

“No, you don't.” The Hag said and let my hand go. “You will learn.”

I cradled my hand to my chest and didn't show her how painful it was.

“You're learning.” The Hag said and closed her eyes. “You will... learn... well.” She breathed and then fell unconscious.


Another choice, another way to fail. What will you do?

A) Take her knife. B) Take her hand. C) Check her pockets. D) Strangle her. E) Kill her.

It's bad that the last two options aren't connected or count as the other. I thought. I can't take the knife, because she'll know and stop me. Her hand... no, she already proved that was a mistake. I'll choose C this time.


I very carefully rummaged through the various pockets in her clothing, which was a lot harder than it was supposed to be, since she was still wearing her old hag disguise. I did a lot of fumbling and found several odd and squishy things that were hidden in her clothing. I didn't linger and kept searching, then found several vials. I pulled them out and sighed as I found two number fours, the healing potion, and one of the rare number nines, the fortifying potion.

I drank the healing potion and my fingers fixed themselves and healed. I put the other potions back where I found them and then put the empty vial in her hand. I hoped that she would think she drank it while drunk and I laid down on the patch of floor that she picked for me. I cuddled in on myself and did my best to sleep as much as I could before morning.

I assumed it was going to be a doozy.

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