Bookworld Online: Marsh Man

112 Purchasing Power

Thanks to my vigilance technique, I easily avoided all other boats in the various waterways and passageways that we had to take to get to the capital. We arrived in half the time that Helena and Gillis had taken to get there and they only gave me a searching look as I pulled up to the private dock owned by Helena's family.

“You can borrow the family coach to get yourself home while David and I are shopping.” Helena said to Gillis as I tied up the boat and secured it to the dock. “Just feed the horses and the driver before you send the coach back for us.”

Gillis reached out a hand to take hers. “Thank you.”

Helena shook her head. “No thanks are necessary. We need to go to the capital anyway.”

“I'm getting the ride pretty cheaply.” Gillis said with a big smile. “You'll have it back in half an hour.”

“There's no rush.” Helena said and I helped her out of the boat. “We're going all over the market district.”

Gillis nodded as I helped her out of the boat. “Thank you, David.”

“You're welcome, Jacqueline.” I said and she had an odd look on her face. “Gillis.” I corrected and she smiled sweetly at me.

The guard strapped on the trunk and picked up both of her large suitcases. He stepped out of the boat, without needing a hand, and followed Gillis to the stable. I put on my pack and helped Hope put hers on, then we both stepped out of the boat. We all went over to the stable and the man there quickly had the small staff bring the Henrietta Family coach out and attached two horses to it.

The guard with Gillis put the trunk and the two suitcases into the cargo rack on top and tied them down. Both Hope and I declined adding our packs to it and climbed inside the coach with Helena and Gillis. It was quite large inside and I slipped off my pack and put it on the floor between my legs as I sat down between Helena and Gillis. Hope took off her pack as well and sat facing me, put her pack between her legs as well, making sure it touched mine.

The guard chose to ride up front with the driver and the coachman stood on the back runner and held on. His job was to open and close the door when necessary. I was surprised there was such a demanding job, then Helena reminded me it was a status thing. It seemed like a lot of things for rich families were status things.

The coach drove off and passed several smaller structures and then the main house came into view. It was a mansion that was grander than the one Lady Sandra Rivers had renovated in the Eastern Empire to become the seat of her new lands, which might mean there were a lot more lands under the Henrietta Family's control... or they just liked big expensive things. I didn't ask which was true.

We seemed to travel for quite some time through streets that had a lot of people, horses, and carriages around, before we came to a stop in front of a street that was 100 feet wide and was full of shops, stalls, and people. Lots and lots of people.

“Hope, you should leave your pack in the carriage. You'll need to carry some things for us.” Helena said and Hope nodded. “Lift the seat and tuck it in there if you don't want to put it on top.”

“Thank you.” Hope said, her voice full of gratitude, and stood up to lift the seat. Inside was a large space and Hope easily fit her pack into it.

The carriage door opened and the coachman stood there at attention.

“It's not quite normal for a woman to be wearing pants in the city, so we will be stopping to get your uniforms first.” Helena said and Hope nodded. “After that, it's David's turn and we have to buy an appropriate outfit for him to meet my family.”

I stepped out of the carriage first and held a hand back for Helena, who took it graciously and gave me a half hug with one arm as she held on with her hand. I raised my eyebrows slightly and she smiled.

“You're not supposed to help your maid out in the same manner.” Helena whispered. “Don't worry about it too much for now. I've got plenty of time while we shop to fill you in on all the little details that your lessons with Sandra didn't cover.”

She told me to only offer my arm for Hope to use as a balance to climb down, rather than a hand like I had done for her. It was less formal and showed that I was helping without being too familiar with her in public.

“Lady Rivers, it was nice seeing you again.” Helena said with a nod. “I'll send you an invitation for supper in a few weeks.”

Gillis smiled for a moment, then she sighed. “I hope to have the family settled down by then.”

“I hope so, too.” Helena said with a smile.

Gillis glanced at me and nodded. “Goodbye, Mr. Drake.”

“Goodbye, Lady Rivers.” I said and nodded back.

Hope, Helena and I stood there and watched the coach drive away until it took a corner and disappeared from sight.

“The uniform shop we use is this way.” Helena said and motioned off to the right. She clung to my arm and led Hope and myself where she wanted us to go. She knew exactly what to get, mainly because she had two maids and five tutors growing up.

Hope looked a little pale when four uniforms, two for a maid and 2 for a tutor, were taken out for her and it cost two gold coins. She paid the money and didn't complain about how expensive it was, even though the clothing was well made. Hope took one of the traditional maid's uniforms, a medium length black dress, a white frilly blouse, and a half-apron, and went to the change room to put it on while the clerk wrapped the others inside a nice box.

Helena beamed a pleased smile at Hope when she came out a few minutes later. “Wonderful! It doesn't have to be altered.” She said and tugged at the edge of the skirt and on the collar of the blouse. “Yes, that fits quite well.” She turned to look at the clerk behind the counter. “This is why I always come here when I need something. Thank you for your hard work.”

The woman's face flushed red. “Th-thank y-you, my lady. Thank you.”

“Be sure to tell your manager what I said.” Helena said and put a handful of silver coins onto the counter. “If we need anything else, I'll send the new maid for it.”

“Of course, Lady Henrietta. I'll make note of both things.”

Helena smiled at the woman and turned back to Hope. “You'll find the shoes are more comfortable than the short boots you were wearing. They are designed for extended wear.”

“My feet already feel better, my lady.” Hope said.

Helena nodded and waved at the wrapped package. “Grab your clothes and let's go. My fiance needs a proper outfitting.”

“My lady, what about my old clothes?” Hope asked.

I pulled out a canvas bag from my pack and handed it to her.

“Thank you, my lord.” Hope said with a sly smile, then she went back into the change room to get her old clothes. She walked over to the counter and thanked the woman, then put the box into the canvas bag. It barely fit and she tied it to make a good carry handle.

The three of us left there and walked nearly the entire street away before coming to a very fancy store. Wood engravings and gold filigree were everywhere, both on the outside and on the inside. I didn't ask how much it cost.

“Hello, my lady, my lord.” The man behind the counter said. “I don't need to ask what you need from me, do I?”

Helena let out a fake laugh and waved her hand. “It's too difficult hiding things from you, Ferdinand.”

The man laughed. “I assume you want top to bottom?”

“You know full well that my father demands it.” Helena said in a teasing manner. “Nothing less than the best, which is why I came here.”

“Of course, of course.” Ferdinand said and came around the counter. “Let's get a good look at you.”

I stood still as the man approached and he held a hand out to me. It wasn't to shake, however. His palm was towards me and I felt a bit of magic flow over me.

“Ah, I see. Will the proper adornments be all right?” Ferdinand asked Helena and she nodded. “I'll be right back.”

When he disappeared into the back room, Hope turned to us to whisper. “Can he actually make a whole suit in only a few minutes?”

“He's the best magical tailor in the capital, if not the entire Gulf Kingdom.” Helena said, not bothering to whisper. “With just a few alterations to a standard outfit of his own creation, he can make custom masterpieces to fit any body size and shape.”

The man came out of the back room with several pieces of clothing and accessories hanging over his arms and shoulders. “To the display area, please.”

Helena led me over there and I took my pack off to stand it next to Hope and hung my bandoleer on it. Hope quickly turned away when I started to strip off my clothing. The man didn't bat an eye at my disrobing and stopped me when I reached my underwear. Then I was unceremoniously dressed by him and by Helena. She had resisted at first, then the man had teasingly asked for her help, as if he knew that she wanted to.

Ten minutes later, I was dressed in the most expensive piece of clothing I had ever seen. It was elaborately constructed with many pleats and details that were almost hidden within the shape of the fabric, not to mention the Henrietta Family's crest on the cuffs, collar ends, and shoulders. The suit was so expensive that the man didn't ask for actual money and only asked if it would be charged to my account at the bank.

“I'm buying it.” Helena said to the man's surprise. “We haven't set up his account at the bank yet.”

The man smiled, because he knew you needed to have a lot of gold to have an account at the bank. “You must love him a lot to spend this much just for him to meet your family.”

“I wanted to buy him a whole wardrobe.” Helena said, matter of factly.

The man looked shocked for a second and then he laughed. “My lady, you are as delightful as always!”

“Oh, you.” Helena playfully swatted his hand and the man laughed again.

“I assume he's wearing it out of the store?”

“Of course. We might as well show off this wonderful outfit to the bank staff.” Helena replied.

“You flatter me, my lady.” The man said and bowed his head. “If you mention to the staff that you bought it here, perhaps I might see fit to not charge you full price.”

Helena fake gasped. “You scoundrel!”

The man laughed again for several moments. “You are such a delight.” He said to Helena and then he pat my shoulder. “You are a very lucky man and I hope that you count your blessings.”

I glanced at Helena and she nodded slightly, so I nodded to the man and he nodded back.

“It's a pleasure doing business with you.” The man said and bid us a good day.

Hope had already gathered up my old clothing and tucked them into my pack, so I took my pack from her and we left the shop.

“You can't wear them with the suit on.” Helena whispered to me as we walked down the street.

“I know. It's too heavy for Hope to carry with her other things.” I said and as we walked, the Henrietta Family coach pulled up and parked at the end of the street where it had dropped us off.

“Perfect timing.” Helena said.

We walked over to it and climbed in. Hope put her purchases inside the seat with her pack and I sat down to root through my pack as the coach took us to the bank. I dug out a half filled and quite heavy canvas bag and set it aside, then carefully tucked my bandoleer into my pack.

“What is that?” Hope asked, her voice filled with curiosity. “I couldn't even lift your pack to carry it for you.”

“It's about a third of what I own.” I said and opened the bag to show her the contents.

Hope's mouth dropped open and she couldn't speak as I took out two gold coins to replace the money that she had spent to buy clothing. She clutched the coins in her hand and stared at me.

“Uniforms are bought out of wages and then reimbursed.” I said as I repeated Helena's whispered words to me. I closed the bag up again. “If you're wondering where I got it, hunting exotic pelts for three months pays a lot.”

“Isn't he wonderful?” Helena asked and reached for my arm, I assumed to hug it like usual. She sighed and took my hand instead. “I have to wait until tonight to hug your arm properly. I wouldn't dare wrinkle the suit before father sees you in it.”

I nodded and waited for the coach to take us to the bank. We didn't have an appointment and Helena said that was fine, mainly because I was going to deposit all of my gold into an account. They would accommodate any eccentricities of the rich, especially if it would let them have more gold.

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