Bookworld Online: Marsh Man

117 Breakfast Bonuses

We made it back to the guest room, surprisingly without the guards. As soon as we stepped inside, Helena turned to hold me tightly in her arms.

“David, I'm so sorry that happened! I never expected...” Helena stopped hugging me and let me go. “You said you're not feeling well, so go ahead and try to get all that up.” She motioned to the bathroom. “I'll have Jill go find something to settle your stomach.”

“I'm fine. I only said that to leave the room before your brother decided to ignore your father.”

“Wh-what? But... you ate...”

I shook my head and she sighed.

“My lord, I am very sorry.” The maid behind us said as she shut the door. “It was only meant as a joke. You were supposed to react and yell and holler at being fed like the dogs.”

“So, Marcus did put you up to it!” Helena said, angrily.

“He's the young lord. Anything he says, we must do, or be fired.” The maid said and she wiped at her eyes. “Or be fired when we do.”

“Like I told the Grand Mage, it wasn't your fault for doing your job.” I said and took out ten gold coins.

“No, my lord. I've been paid this month.” The maid said. “I won't accept money for what happened.”

“All right, what happened?” Hope asked. She and Jill had sat and waited in the room for the meal to end and now she wanted to know what was going on.

“It was horrible.” Helena said, tears coming to her own eyes, then she explained what had happened.

Hope's face was quite angry by the time Helena was done speaking. “I'm going to kill him!”

“No, you won't.” I said.


“You know he is expecting retaliation for this.” I said and Helena, Jill, Hope, and my new maid nodded. “I want him to suffer, so we are not going to get back at him.”

The four women stared at me with blank expressions, then Helena got it.

“Oh, David! That's brilliant!” Helena exclaimed and gave me a kiss. “He's going to go crazy as he waits to see what we're going to do to him over this! He'll be jumping at shadows by the end of the week when nothing happens!”

I nodded and she gave me another kiss, this one a bit more passionate.

“Wait, mom was right. I can't taste the rancid cream, even kissing you like this.” Helena said, confused.

“I put some healing potion on my napkin.” I said as an explanation and she looked shocked, then she laughed.

“I love you so much!” Helena said and kissed me again, only this time she didn't stop. I felt hands all over for several minutes as my clothes were removed, then an also naked Helena pulled me down onto the bed. I made love to her right there.

When we were done sometime later, I glanced around and none of the maids were present. I still had my vigilance technique going and I hadn't heard them leaving.

“Relax, they just used the secret exit.” Helena said, as if she knew what I was wondering. “If you need them for anything, just ring the little bell.”

“We should bathe and go to bed.” I said.

“Yes, that's a good idea. I want to hold you in my arms all night again.” Helena said and looked down at me. “Although, a bath might not be necessary.”

I was about to ask her what she meant and she slid over on top of me.

“You bravely stood up to my father, one of the most powerful members of the Grand Mages Council, and he had to back down. No one has ever done that before. No one.” Helena whispered and we joined together. “I knew... asking you to marry me... was the right choice a long time ago.” She said and then moaned as I moved inside of her. “I never imagined... you would exceed... all of my expectations.”

“I wasn't sure that your father could get me out of the army.” I responded.

“He almost didn't.” Helena said and let out a whine as I rolled her over onto her side. “He had to... call in several... OHHHHHH!” She moaned as she came.

I stopped for several minutes to let her recover and she kissed me softly several times. “Ready?”

“Y-yes.” Helena said and when I started again, she whispered. “I love you... I love you... I love you.”

We spent the night together and neither of us rang the bell for the maids until the next morning. The three of them rushed in, almost frantic, and Helena laughed as she was pretty much dragged from the bed and into the bath. Unlike the night before, she took it alone and was quickly dried off and dressed in a simple and yet expensive dress that only went to her knees. It also showed off a lot more of her breasts.

Helena saw me looking and blushed slightly. “It's just what I wear at home with my family. When we go out this afternoon to shop, we'll both be dressed appropriately.”

I nodded and climbed out of bed, because it was my turn in the bath. To my surprise Jill joined in, even though I had two maids trying to take care of cleaning me. Hope didn't try to fight for the cloth when the bath was almost over and the only thing left to wash was my crotch.

Jill looked a little put out when my new maid, whose name was Sara, snatched the cloth and lathered it up. “I wanted to thank him for what he did for my lady.”

“I need to thank him for saving me from humiliation.” Sara said. “I've never had anyone stick up for me before, so he deserves this.”

Unlike the other times I had been washed there, she very gently stroked me with her free hand and also washed me with the cloth. I grew hard, that I would learn later was her intention, and she asked me to stand. I did, thinking that she was going to dry me off with the bath over, and all three maids gasped at the sight of my erection.

Hope blushed hard and turned her head away, Jill blushed a little and licked her lips without looking away, and Sara moaned as she gave me a lick. She slipped me into her mouth a second later and then proceeded to 'thank' me by sucking on me. I finished a few minutes later, also her intention, and she didn't stop for several moments after that, making sure to get it all.

“Thank you very much for letting me do that, my lord.” Sara said as she licked her lips, then she used the lathered cloth to wash my crotch again.

“Was I allowed to refuse?” I asked.

Sara looked surprised and glanced at Jill.

Jill shrugged. “I was going to do it anyway, so I'll save it for later.”

Sara wasn't sure how to respond. “Um... well, I think...”

“Will you do it after every bath?” I asked, wondering if this was normal behavior for these maids, since Jill just said that she was going to do the same thing to me later. They must have had different training from wherever they learned being a maid from.

Sara took in a sharp breath and then beamed a smile at me. “I would like very much to do that for you, my lord.”

I nodded and then I was quickly dried off, wrapped in a towel, and brought out to the main room. I was dressed in a similar casual outfit in the same color scheme as Helena's dress, which pleased her to no end. I wore thin pants and a short sleeved shirt, with a tie for her father to see, and we left the maids behind in the room as we went to breakfast. It was held in a different room from the formal dining room and the room was packed with large windows that let the sunlight in and it really brightened up the place.

“David!” Mona exclaimed as we entered the room and she stood up. Her dress was surprisingly similar to Helena's and it showed off a lot of her chest. She walked over to us, clicking her heels on the tile floor, and made her chest bounce with every step. “I sincerely hope that you weren't too sick last night.”

“He wasn't sick at all.” Helena said, proudly.

“Wonderful!” Mona said and leaned in to give me a peck on the lips. “Come, sit beside me, the both of you.”


“Your father's already gone.” Mona said with a wave of her hand. “I doubt we'll see your brother this morning... or all day if we're lucky!”

“The second bit of news is a relief.” Helena said.

Mona laughed as she took our hands and led us over to the much smaller and more intimate table. “The cooks have outdone themselves this time.” She sat me in a chair, sat Helena in the one on the other side, then sat down herself between us. “I'm sure it's to make it up to you for what happened last night.” She said to me as she pat my arm and then left her hand there.

“Did he dismiss the cook that listened to my brother?” Helena asked.

“Not really.” Mona said and Helena looked surprised. “You know we've had a long standing relationship with their family.”

“He transferred whomever it was.” Helena said, catching on right away.

“He wouldn't tell me where.” Mona said. “Either it's a terrible post or he doesn't want anyone to know why he was transferred.”

“I'm betting on the latter.” Helena said. “Father won't burn an associate family because of my brother. I bet it's going to be seen as a promotion by the family while the cook is told the real reason.”

Mona nodded and her hand rubbed my arm slowly. “I'm sorry about all of this David. I had hoped we would meet on amicable grounds and everything would be all right, with everyone happy and no one overreacting.”

“We both hoped that and it was all for naught, mother.” Helena said. “I never imagined Marcus would be so blatant in his actions, especially in front of father.”

“Your father is so embarrassed.” Mona said as her hand stopped its motion at my hand and gripped it slightly before she let it go. “I'm sure that was why he went to the guild so early this morning.”

“No doubt.” Helena said.

“Is it morning already?” Selena asked as she came into the room. She wore a dress that showed off the same amount of cleavage as Helena's and was half a thigh shorter. “Ugh, someone turn the sun down. It's too bright.” She said and mostly covered her eyes.

Helena and Mona laughed nearly identical laughs, which clued me in on how similar all three of them were. Their hair color was the same, their bodies in similar shapes except for Mona's larger breasts, and their speech and voices were nearly identical. The only real difference was that Selena was almost a head shorter than Helena and her mother.

“I think someone's been into the ale stored by the stables.” Helena said, teasingly.

“I only had two glasses.” Selena said and plopped down onto the chair beside me, her eyes still mostly covered. “Morning, mother.” She said and leaned in and kissed my cheek. “Oh, what did you use to get your skin so soft?” She leaned back in and rubbed her cheek on mine. “You have to loan it to me, whatever it is.”

“I think you're getting quite enough of it as it is.” Mona said.

Selena gasped, because her mother's voice didn't come from beside her, like she expected. She moved her hand away from her face and her eyes nearly popped out of her head as she saw that it was me she had kissed and then rubbed her face on.

“D-D-David, I... I'm... I thought...” Selena's face flushed red as she blushed.

“Good morning.” I said and kissed her cheek.

Selena's face went to an even deeper red.

“I believe that we can eat now.” Mona said with a huge smile on her face and waved at the kitchen. The maids came out a second later with several dishes of great looking food, which proved that Mona had been right. They really did go all out to give me a great tasting meal this morning.

I didn't bother telling them that I had eaten things that tasted much worse than what I had for supper the night before. Water beast, for example, took time and effort to make it edible. If you messed up even one step, just like in potion making, it would ruin it. No one needed to know that and I could use it to my advantage, since they would probably keep treating me extra nice because of one badly prepared meal.

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