Bookworld Online: Marsh Man

126 Days Go By Fast

Helena's prediction that her father wouldn't countermand her brother's unreasonable conditions he had placed on the family's orders, was confirmed by Administrator Lannin when we arrived at the Longshore Estate. She had him contact them immediately and cancelled all current orders as well as all future orders to those businesses for the Longshore Estate and for everything else that the Henrietta Family controlled as well.

Helena's mandate that the Henrietta Family would no longer deal with those businesses was spread far and wide as she had Lannin inform everyone of their unfair treatment, then she demanded their deposits and payments back for non-delivery of their product and restitution for breaking their previously established agreements.

“I want to see father bow down to the idiots that listened to my brother and try to reestablish good relations with them after my harsh and true words.” Helena said with satisfaction. “If my brother thinks he can ruin my authority with those businesses, then I'll ignore them and find new businesses to deal with.”

With Administrator Lannin's help, she quickly found those businesses and they were quite enthusiastic about accepting huge orders for materials. Just like her sister Selena, Helena established new working relationships that were going to benefit the family for years to come.

We all got to work after that and fell into a routine. Making potions, building things, buying materials and ingredients, making more potions and rebuilding the house, the grounds, the reinforced hidden barricades, and the protective wall around the main part of the property. Thanks to the techniques I had learned and adapted to army combat, the work crews picked it up quickly and soon could work completely unsupervised.

The next day, two of the work crews tackled the grand staircase in the main lobby. Thanks to number ten potion, they only had to secure the boards in place and made a huge curved staircase to go up to the top floor. It was amazing what they could do and they didn't even have to cut the wood.

The men were actually laughing as it was very easily assembled and supports were added without having to cut into the walls or the beams of the floor. The whole thing was set in place and secured, then they quickly did up a mold for making the rails and the spindles to hold it up.

Using the potion saved them over a hundred hours of carving work and then they added wood stain over everything to get it the right color. Fortifying waterproof potion was added next and it aged to perfection.

“I really love working here.” Frank said as he beheld the completed grand staircase. “A day. It only took us a day to make this gigantic thing.”

“Good job.” I said as I pat his back. “Go home and rest so you can do even more tomorrow.”

Frank laughed and nodded agreement, then everyone left to go home.


Montage mode engaged. Narrative recursive from first person to third.


Day after day, more miracles of construction happened. The house seemed to grow new parts almost organically as work crews became adept at using the number ten potion instead of traditional means of attaching things.

A constant funnel of supplies came into the estate and were quickly disseminated among the spread out crews and they applied them where necessary. A few people stopped by, mostly nobles and a few normal people, inquiring about how such construction was possible.

“We're the best work crews in the capital.” Frank boasted and went back to work. They all knew to hide the techniques and potions from outsiders, so he worked normally until the onlookers left and then he really got back to work.

At night, Helena was a bit too tired to do anything except sleep after working all day. So, she bid her maid Jill to ensure that David was relieved of his tension before going to bed, if Sara hadn't done it after the bath. Since Jill knew Sara always engaged in that particular bath ritual, she waited until David finished his lessons late in the evening and entered his room before her lady did.

Jill wasn't surprised that David didn't object, even when she said that Helena had asked her to do it because she couldn't do it herself. He let her please him with her mouth and then cleaned him up afterwards. She helped the others dress him for bed and then they left to let their lord and lady sleep soundly until morning.

“I can't believe you do that, too.” Hope said to Jill as they changed for bed in the communal room that they shared as personal maids.

“I'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable.” Jill said and stopped dressing to take Hope's hand. “He's a great man and my lady wants nothing more than to keep him happy when she's tired.”

“I know, it's just...” Hope sighed and let her hand go to let her finish changing. “At least they aren't having sex every night.”

Jill laughed. “That's only because my lady is too tired to enjoy it. She would be all over him if they didn't work so hard every day to get the house in order.”

Hope shook her head. “I don't want to think about them doing that.”

Sara laughed this time. “You didn't hear the other maids talking?” She asked, just as Marcus' maid came into the room. “Speaking of the devil's helper.”

“I hate it when you call me that.” The woman said with a sigh and sat down. “You know I hate taking care of that idiot even more than his sisters hate him.”

“Why don't you quit?” Hope asked.

“I want to.. I really do...” The woman said and gave the other maids a pointed look.

“The other house maids are paying her a gold each to stay and not subject them to her circumstances.”

Hope looked at her with shock on her face and then she did the math in her head. “You're getting two and a half times more money than everyone else.”

“...and that's why I stay.” The woman said. “I'm Kass, by the way.”

“I feel both envy and horror for you.” Hope said and shook the woman's hand.

Kass laughed. “So does everyone else.”

“We really do.” Sara said. “Now tell them what you told me.”

Kass nodded and told them about how David was making a play for control of the Henrietta Family by having Helena marry him and giving birth to a child. Hope was stunned into complete silence.

“Isn't it great?” Jill asked and looked happy. “My lady will finally have more power in the family than her older brother and it's all thanks to David.”

“Jill's been relieving him each night her lady can't.” Sara said.

“Oh, you lucky girl.” Kass said. “I wouldn't mind trying it myself.”

“Are you serious?” Hope asked.

“Have you felt his magic?” Kass asked and Hope shook her head. “The next time you go over to the Longshore Estate to deliver lunch, wait for fifteen minutes near the main fireplace at the far side of the house. Even just in passing when he's infusing the potions gives you a thrill.”

“No, I... I really shouldn't.” Hope said.

Sara touched her hands. “It won't make you horny, so relax. It's just... I don't know... exciting?”

“It tickles your spine.” Kass said with a wistful look on her face. “I would definitely like a direct feeling.”

“Ha, you're never getting it. They know you're Marcus' maid.” Sara said.

“That's no reason to dislike me.” Kass responded.

“No, no. You misunderstand. They know he has access to you for the same thing.” Jill corrected.

“Oh. Yes, that's true.” Kass said. “I'm glad he doesn't demand it all the time like he did when he became an adult.”

“She quit years ago.” Sara said, confirming what happened to his old personal maid. “The Grand Mage paid her off for Marcus ordering her to... ahem...”

“Oh, that bastard.” Hope said, her face angry.

“We make sure that nothing else happens and we keep an eye out.” Sara said as she took Kass' hand.

“It's a relief, to tell you the truth.” Kass said.

“Come on, get changed for bed. We have an early morning tomorrow. The weekends are always extra busy.” Jill said and Kass changed, then they climbed into their beds and laid there for several quiet moments.

“Marcus is really angry about David changing his name.” Kass said into the silence.

“Did he say what he was going to do?” Sara asked.

“No, but... it won't be good.” Kass said. “I can't promise to tell you as soon as he decides...”

“We don't expect you to spy, just keep us informed about the danger.” Jill said. “Thank you. I'll let my lady know.”

“We'll tell David.” Hope and Sara said at the same time, automatically including the other in the task. They laughed and the other two maids joined in.

They soon fell asleep and morning seemed to arrive instantly.


Montage mode ended. Narrative returning to first person primary.


I woke up after having the weirdest dream and then our three maids came into the room to help Helena and myself get ready for breakfast. In the middle of that, they told us about Marcus and how angry he was over my announcement.

“We'll have to double the guards on the estate.” Helena said right away. “Both during the day and at night. I will not have him wrecking anything or sabotaging the work crews.”

“We need to warn them as well.” I said and she looked surprised. “If we tell them they might be approached and paid money to do something, or ordered to do something or their families will be punished, they need to know that we have their backs.”

Helena smiled and nodded. “We'll inform them as soon as we get to the house.”

We went to breakfast and once again, it was just her mother and sister.

“I think your father is avoiding me.” I commented to Helena as the maids brought out breakfast.

“No, he really had to go into work early today.” Mona said.

“Again?” Helena asked with a knowing smile. “He's been awfully busy every morning this week. It wouldn't have anything to do with all the orders the Henrietta Family cancelled, would it?”

Mona looked angry for a moment, then she sighed. “I can't believe you did that.”

“I agree with my David. We don't have time to waste with people who don't want to work for us fairly.” Helena said. “We've made wonderful new contacts with less prominent businesses that were overjoyed with having such large product orders. In fact, because of us, they've been getting noticed by others that have visited the estate to inquire about how work has been progressing so quickly.”

Mona looked both upset and pleased, which was an odd combination to see on a woman's face. “You really will be finished today, won't you?”

“The main house is nearly done with only some finishing woodwork left to do.” Helena said, proudly. “David and the work crews are completing the outer defensive wall today as well and Becca's family are delivering the fountain this afternoon.”

“It's amazing!” Selena gushed. “Becca said her whole family came together to work on it.”

“How would that work?” Mona asked. “I thought they had different professions.”

Selena laughed softly. “They do have different professions; but, they all have artistic talent. If Becca's to be believed, they actually had a fist fight several times over the overall artistic vision.”

“I guess passion for your work can get out of hand sometimes.” Helena said and glanced at me. “Or passion in general.”

“Today is a relaxing day.” I commented. “All we really have to do is make potions and supervise.”

Helena knew what that meant and she gave me a sly smile, because she hadn't had me all week and eagerly looked forward to me performing my husbandly duties.

We had a lot of rooms to 'christen' in the new house to make them our own.

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