Bookworld Online: Marsh Man

153 Academy Antics Part Twenty One – Library Again

I didn't really learn much that morning, since it was just the introductory lecture for both subjects. They couldn't skip over anything, because everyone else there had almost no experience with either enchanting or runes. Even Lorna was learning new things and she kept glancing over at me to see if I was writing anything down. I didn't have to, not even for runes, because it was all just a description of everything I already knew about them being components in enchantments.

I just didn't know what the individual runes stood for. I could guess for some of the ones I had seen in the enchantments I had already pulled apart and decoded; but, that only told me what they did. I had no reference to their meaning or what they stood for outside the enchantments. I flipped through the runes book and once again, several phrases and references went right over my head. The rune definitions didn't start until the second chapter, so I would have to wait until then to start asking questions.

The class ended and we all packed up our things. As we all filed out of the classroom, I glanced at the female teacher. Her face went red and she avoided my gaze again. I looked at the man and he looked a little excited. I wasn't sure if it was because he was teaching so many people his chosen craft or he got a kick out of being in a room full of women. Either way, he seemed to be enjoying it. Neither of them said anything as I left.

Vanessa put a hand out to get me to stop walking, then she took out three vials from her pocket. She drank Lorna's primer potion, our more powerful mental stimulant potion, and the quarter dose of healing potion. She took a very deep inhale of breath as she tucked the empty vials away and her eyes seemed to shimmer with happiness.

“Are you eating in the cafeteria today?” Vanessa asked in a normal and confident voice as we started walking again. “I'm all ready to slobber over some chicken or a nice steak for you.”

Lorna heard her and laughed. “What lengths are you going to go to in order to become his concubine in three years?”

Vanessa put her arm through mine. “If you must know, my mother was a bit upset about losing her daughter to another family so quickly. That is, until my father explained to her why it was a much better idea to loan me out than it was to try and pair me up with some stranger and marry me off.”

“Loan you out?” One of the other girls asked and took Vanessa's free hand. “Van, you know how that sounds, don't you?”

“Oh, I know. As does my father.” Vanessa said and looked at me. “He wishes to negotiate with the Grand Mage over the terms and asked me to extend the invitation. Hopefully, it can be settled quickly and both of our families can come out of it with both profits and children.”

“Helena has broken emotional ties with the main branch of the Henrietta Family.” I said and a bunch of the girls around us let out gasps. “She didn't like how he was treating her decisions or how he favored her older brother.”

“I'm glad I don't have an older brother.” Vanessa said. “I've been the precious little bundle of joy for my parents all on my own and I like it that way.”

A lot of the girls nodded agreement.

“What should I do, then? How are we going to come to an agreement?” Vanessa asked as we left the building.

“Contact Helena. She runs the business side of things and I handle the physical side.” I said and her eyes widened. “She's very smart and can handle the negotiations on her own.”

“But...” Vanessa closed her mouth and sighed. “I don't know how my father will handle it.”

“Get him to bring his wife along.” I said and Vanessa took in a sharp breath. “Between her and Helena, I'm sure favorable terms can be reached quickly.”

“That... that's actually a good idea.” Vanessa said, her mind focused on the problem. “Mother would very much enjoy being involved and father wouldn't be solely under the pressure of pleading our family's case.”

I pat Vanessa's hand and she let my arm go. “I'm going to the library, so tell the food guard that he can relax again today.”

Vanessa laughed. “Yes, he's been a bit of a wreck for a couple of days.”

I nodded and waved for her to go into the student administration building with everyone else. “See you tomorrow.”

Vanessa paused briefly and leaned in to kiss my cheek. “Thank you for the potions.” She said and let her friend lead her into the building.

I waited until nearly everyone was inside, then entered the building myself. I didn't stop at the second floor where the cafeteria was and went right up to the third floor to the library. I entered and there were several students scattered around at some of the tables.

“Ah, hello my friend.” Eludora said in a whisper when she saw me. “What can my extra long and gangling limbs help you with today?”

“Are there maps or specific areas where the ingredients we listed yesterday can be found?” I asked.

Eludora gave me an odd look. “You would venture to places unknown to get them?”

“If they are close by.” I said.

“How close?” She asked.

“Two days by fast boat.” I said. “Do you know the average speed of the army's flat bottomed boats?”

Eludora smiled. “I suppose I don't need to ask why you think I would know such current information.”

“Does that mean you don't know?” I asked and her smile became sly.

“How much time do we have?”

“I don't have to report to detention until afternoon classes are over.” I said and her sly smile became a very happy one.

“I assume you brought the lists?” She asked as she slowly stood and I nodded. “Then follow me to the maps room.” She waved at someone and a short man came over to the desk and took her place. “Place the 'away' sign on the desk when you have to leave when lunch is over. I will be busy.”

“Yes, Mage Eludora.” The man said and ducked his head slightly.

Eludora led me around the counter and down several aisles to a door. It was only a small door meant for normal people, so she opened it and had to bend over to fit through. I stepped in behind her and the room was full of shelves filled with scrolls and large rolled papers. Unrolled maps littered the walls and several desks as well.

“I know it looks like a mess... because it is.” Eludora said with a deep womanly laugh. “The room is much too small for its contents. Unfortunately, this is all the space that has been allocated for maps and no matter what I do, I cannot do anything with the chaos.” She touched the closest shelf and spoke in a sad voice. “Some of them are starting to dry out and crumble, despite my best efforts. If I cannot find a solution to this storage problem, some of these maps will be lost forever.”

I didn't know anything about maps; but, I knew a lot about tanning and pelt storage. I had made countless wooden frames that could be easily stacked. When I started to explain about the 2 inch wide square frame that the pelt would be tacked to, to let it cure, Eludora's eyes lit up.

“David, that would be wonderful if I could unroll all of these and store them flat.” Eludora said. “What about the dryness and brittleness?”

“I don't have enough fortifying waterproof potion to treat them all.” I said. “I also haven't had a chance to convert my recipe for the ingredients available. If my merge potion is any indication, it will only be about three quarters as effective and will take longer to set. It should still work.”

Eludora let out something like a moaning sigh and her hands slid over my head and down to my neck to caress the skin there. “David, you are more of a godsend than I thought you were.” She said and half knelt and half bent over in front of me to put her head only a few inches above mine. “I agree with your friend Vanessa. If you weren't already promised to someone else, I would be all over you.”

“Vanessa's petitioning to be my concubine.” I said.

Eludora's face hadn't changed, even though she seemed to shudder. “Because of my years of forced servitude and the years of freedom afterwards, I... I would be remiss if I gave it up, just to have you bed me.”

“Vanessa wants a child without the marriage commitment.” I explained and her eyes widened slightly. “She would marry me if it was possible, and she can't, so she said she would settle for the next best thing. Her family seems fine with it.”

Eludora blinked her eyes several times and she looked deep in thought. “You said you are getting married the day after graduation?” She asked and I nodded. “Then I have until then to decide if I want you to... own me.”

“Own you?” I asked, slightly confused. “I thought a concubine was someone that was an adjunct to the marriage, so they can get pregnant with a child and then go back to their family?”

“It seems that your knowledge of what it means is a little skewed.” Eludora said. “Allow me to enlighten you while you make me some of those frames for me to mount the larger maps.”

“I don't have any wood.” I said.

“We will get some from the Civil Construction workshop.” Eludora said. “Follow me.”

I followed her out of the library and we walked a short ways across part of the academy campus. Her steps seemed to slow down halfway there and her breathing sped up. I offered her my arm and she laughed softly, then braced her hand on my shoulder.

“I probably... should have just... sent you alone.” Eludora said between her panting breaths. “My stamina is... lacking.”

We were three quarters of the way to the building she indicated and her steps faltered slightly. I thought about just letting her continue like that, then realized we had to walk all the way back and I had to carry the wood, which meant I might not be able to be her support.

“Please stop and rest.” I said and she looked down at me. Her face was unchanged, and yet, I knew under her glamour that her face would be full of regret and resignation. “Allow me to help you.”

Eludora looked around briefly and pointed to a bench about sixty feet away. “I should be able to make it that far.”

I turned to face her and held my arms out for her. She laughed at my gesture, probably thinking I was joking, then she carefully knelt on the stone walkway to look into my eyes. I let her see in my head what I wanted to do and her eyes widened again.

“Only your arms and legs are longer. Your torso is the same as if you were my height.” I said as an explanation. “I will brace you properly if you can manage to hold on to me.”

Eludora sighed and motioned with her hand, an army signal of acceptance, and then she used my outstretched arms to half-sit and half recline as she tried to put her very long arms around my neck. They were much too long to do it successfully, not without them flopping around, so she resigned herself to holding onto my shoulder as I picked her up.

“Can you hold up your feet? I don't want to drag you around or possibly hurt you.” I said and she nodded as she lifted her feet slightly and I quickly tucked the robes around her legs and braced her properly. It took me a few moments to get the balance right, then I walked normally over to the bench.

I felt Eludora's face heat up and blood rushed to it as she blushed, thanks to my vigilance technique. I made it to the bench without stumbling, dropping her, or tripping over her long robes. I couldn't put her down like she was, however. So, I sat down on the bench with her on my lap instead.

“You could have put me down or let me stand.” Eludora said with a whisper.

“I didn't want you to kneel on the hard stone again and hurt your delicate knees more.” I said and dug into my academy suit coat to get at my bandoleer. I pulled out a general health potion and gave it to her.

Eludora gave me a searching look in return.

“If I wanted to poison you, there are much easier and quicker ways.” I said and she chuckled.

“Yes, that's true.” Eludora said and drank the potion.

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