Bookworld Online: Marsh Man

166 Academy Antics Part Thirty Four – The Weekend Visit Conclusion


Our tour ended after that and we met Donna, Mage Ridge, and Darrel back down on the dock.

“Did you have fun?” Donna asked, even though she could easily tell from her husband's face that he had a great time.

“It was okay.” Alex said and then couldn't keep a straight face as he laughed. “It was GREAT! I got to touch the steering wheel and everything!”

Donna bent over and kissed and hugged him. “You're welcome.”

“I'll thank you later.” Alex whispered into her ear and licked it. Donna let out a giggle and then fake coughed to cover it up as she stood.

We walked around the dock while Alex and I ate the pieces of fried fish Donna gave us. It was quite tasty and when we finished eating, we went back to the carriage and drove back to the estate. It was almost like Alex gave himself permission to relax, because he let out a huge yawn.

“I think someone needs a nap for a few hours before we eat supper.” Donna said, suggestively.

“I do. Thank you.” Alex said and let another yawn. “I'll be... fine for...” His head lilted to the side and then he started snoring.

Donna laughed softly and nodded to the butler. When Alex was out of earshot, she looked at us. “Free time until supper. Help yourselves to the parlour or the games room until then.”

“Thanks, Donna.” Mage Ridge said and she left with her husband. None of us asked where they were going.

“I'm going with Alex to lay down for a while.” Donna said. “Are you all right by yourself?”

Just then Tabitha appeared and she clamped onto my arm as if she had always been there.

“I retract my question.” Donna said with a chuckle. “See you at supper.”

I nodded and she left to follow her husband.

“Free time.” Tabitha said. “Do you want a tour of the house and grounds?”

“Is there a potion or equipment room?” I asked and she shook her head. “Then no.”

“The parlour? Do you want some tea?”

I thought about that for a minute. “If you join me.”

“Wh-what? No, I... I couldn't...”

“Sit with me and have tea.” I ordered and she straightened her back and nodded. “Lead the way.”

Tabitha kept my arm and led me to the parlour, sat me down and made sure I was comfortable, then she left to prepare the tea. She came back ten minutes later with a large tea service and expertly did a cup up for me, with my chosen two sugars, and then she did the same for herself and sat across from me on the other couch. She also looked uncomfortable.

“Come here.” I said and pointed to the spot right beside me as I turned slightly and crossed my legs, then I sipped my tea. It was just the right temperature and I didn't have to blow on it.

Tabitha saw my satisfied face and smiled a little, then she stood and transferred over to sit beside me. She held her cup steady and took a sip.

“So, were you always a maid?” I asked.

“Since I was fifteen.” Tabitha said. “I grew up in a noble house and learned all about my job from my mother and the other maids. I looked forward to fulfilling my chosen role my whole life.” She smiled as she remembered how that came about. “I was so happy when Alex's father accepted my petition to take care of his son.”

“Your mother wasn't powerful enough to become a mage?” I asked and she shook her head.

“We were both tested several times and neither of us could make the crystal glow more than a little.” Tabitha said with a sigh. “Still, I can do a few little things, as long as it doesn't require chanting. I always mess up trying to remember all that crap.”

That made me smile a little and she smiled a lot in return.

“What about you?” Tabitha asked. “I've heard a few things when my lord and my lady are talking...”

“I grew up in a marsh, fought to survive every day, was tortured and maimed, then I was suddenly on my own when I was of age. I figured out how to live alone and then I killed someone, was convicted and sentenced to death, conscripted into the army, served my time and lost my foot when I was eaten by a dragon, saved the kingdom by ending the war with my revolutionary weaponry, then I was rescued by Helena and escaped my fate of being in the army for the rest of my life.”

Tabitha sat there with her mouth open in shock and didn't say anything in response.

“Now I'm engaged to a strong and powerful woman, have a mansion remodelled how I want it, tons of money I earned both on my own and with Helena, and I'm on my way to becoming a recognized mage.” I said and took another sip of tea. “It's cooling off.”

Tabitha put her hand over it and her hand glowed, as did the cup.

“Show me how you did that.” I said and she gave me a knowing smile. She slid closer and seemed to cuddle in and she did her best to teach me another spell called Heating. That was two of them she had shown me and as we talked about more specific things, mainly little details of our lives that were interesting, I asked her what else she knew.

She was a little sad that all she knew were little household things and nothing significant. A sweeping spell, a modification of her lathering spell for cleaning windows, and using the heating spell on a tray and warming a bunch of cups at the same time. She also knew something to push the smoke of the fire away and up the chimney when there was a bad draft.

Needless to say, I asked her to teach me and I spent all of the time until supper learning important magic. Tabitha didn't think so, not realizing that the spells could be very useful with more magic applied. It was all in what you could imagine doing with it that mattered. She seemed to enjoy teaching me, too.

The door to the parlour opened and a different maid told us that supper would be served soon. We left there and went to the guest room to get me changed into my meal suit and to grab my luggage bag. Tabitha was quite efficient with her work to get me changed and she escorted me to the dining room.

The seating arrangements were the same and everyone seemed to be in a better mood, as was I. Or maybe it was just me and it just seemed like they were happier. Either way, the meal passed by quickly with polite conversation and a few laughs thrown in, especially when Alex recounted his ship adventure that day.

Alex was loaded into his small hand cart after the meal and the butler hauled him along in front of the rest of us to the front door. “Thank you for coming to visit on such short notice.” He said and held his odd hand out to me.

I did as the master rigger did and used my odd hand, too. “Are you sure you're okay with letting Tabitha go?”

“More than okay.” Alex said, his voice full of relief. “I told you she was being wasted here.” He turned and saw her coming down the stairs with two suitcases and a butler with her trunk, so he laughed. “Apparently, she wants out even more than I thought she did.”

“My lord, that's not true.” Tabitha said with a red face. “I'm just eager to please my new lord.”

Alex held his hand out to her and she took it with both hands, bent over it to lightly kiss it, and did a curtsy at the same time. “I release you into David Drake's custody and employ.”

“Thank you, my lord.” Tabitha said and stepped back to let the others say goodbye.

“Thank you for bringing David over, Vicki.” Donna said and hugged her cousin. “I doubt you'll be allowed to do it again for a while.”

“It's all right. I'm just visiting with my husband. David just came along for the ride.” Mage Ridge said, conspiratorially.

“What... oh, ha ha. I get it.” Donna said and gave her another hug. “Thanks for covering the favor up.”

Mage Ridge laughed softly and bent down to hug Alex. “You hang in there.” She said and kissed his cheek. “We all care about you.”

“Your husband's right there.” Alex said and she laughed.

“Thank you for letting me come along.” Darrel said and wasn't sure which hand to use to shake hands.

“I hope you weren't too bored.” Alex said and grabbed one at random and shook it briefly.

“It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.” Darrel said and his wife gave him a stern look. “What? That's the truth. I'm not going to lie to the host.”

“Come on.” Mage Ridge said with a roll of her eyes as she slung her bag over her shoulder. She took her husband's hand and led him outside to the waiting carriage. Tabitha and the butler followed with her bags and the door shut behind them.

“We've agreed to do it in the morning.” Donna said to me and took me into a hug. “Thank you very much, David. Even if we die, you've given us so much hope that we can pass on without worry.”

“Hey, speak for yourself. I'm going to go kicking and screaming, just like my grandpa!”

Donna laughed and let me go. “I loved that old man so much.”

“We both did.” Alex said with a big smile and looked at me. “We'll see you next month at your place.”

“I look forward to seeing you both intact.” I said and gave Donna a kiss on the scarred side of her face, which surprised her, and I pat Alex on the shoulder as I passed him. I nodded to the butler and then saluted the night guard on the door before I climbed into the large carriage and sat down next to Tabitha. She looked very happy to be where she was and Mage Ridge couldn't help but smile at her.

We rode in companionable silence all the way back to the academy and the carriage stopped at the gate. To Darrel's surprise, the large gates were opened and we rode inside and all the way across the campus to the old dorms.

“By the Son's Light.” Mage Ridge and her husband whispered as my dorm mansion came into view.

“I knew it!” Tabitha exclaimed and then covered her mouth. “Please accept my apologies for my outburst.” She said in a more subdued tone.

“What outburst?” I asked as the carriage came to a stop in front of the doors.

“I thought you said they assigned you to live in a death trap?” Darrel asked, anger in his voice.

“They did. The building was condemned and falling apart.” I said as the carriage door was opened by the coachman. “I fixed it.”

I stepped down and held an elbow out to Tabitha. She almost squealed in delight as I did and the two guards on the mansion's doors opened them.

“Oh, my god.” Tabitha whispered as she glanced inside.

“Can one of you give us a hand with her luggage?” I asked and one of the guards stepped forward.

“The smaller bag is the one I'm keeping with me when I leave for the Henrietta Longshore Estate.” Tabitha said and the guard nodded as he lifted down the other bag and the trunk. “Thank you, kind sir.”

“It's no trouble, ma'am.” The guard said and lifted both things easily. “My lord, which room?”

“Second door at the top of the stairs.” I said and he nodded as he took the bags inside. “It's just a quick tour and then you have to go.” I said to Tabitha and she nodded. I ignored Darrel's grumbling as we went inside and it was a very quick tour, even with greeting Hope and Sara. We were back out two minutes later and Tabitha's face was alight with happiness as I helped her back into the carriage.

“I'll be by to visit tomorrow, my lord.” Tabitha said. “Is there any message you have for the lady of the house?”

“Tell her I've been to visit Alex and Donna and will have a letter for her tomorrow evening for Sara to give to her.”

Tabitha nodded and I turned my head to Mage Ridge.

“I'll see you in class, Mage Ridge.” I said and bowed slightly to her. I glanced at Darrel and an odd thought appeared in my head. “Mage Ridge, do not take liberties with my personal maid.”

“What?” Darrel looked surprised. “I would never...”

“You're angry at me for being treated better than you today and you're envious that Alex gave me a maid.” I said and he opened his mouth to deny it, then he let out a sigh. “Tabitha, if he so much as asks you a personal question or touches you during the drive home, tell Helena right away. She's a high ranking mage and she'll take care of it.”

“My lord.” Tabitha said, her voice respectful and it had a bit of reverence in it. She knew what that meant, as did Darrel, because his face drained of color and he wouldn't look at me or Tabitha. My point was made, so I stepped down from the carriage to let the coachman shut the door. The carriage took off and turned around to go all the way back over to the teacher's living area to drop off Mage Ridge.

I went inside my dorm mansion and the doors shut behind me.

“I have the bath all ready for you, my lord.” Sara said and was as happy about it as she always was. She took my hand and led me up the stairs to strip me off to enjoy herself and to wallow in her work.

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