Bookworld Online: Marsh Man

188 Academy Antics Part Fifty Five – A Royal Meeting


“WHAAAAAAAATT?!?” Ellen yelled in shock and her mother and sister let out disbelieving and inarticulate sounds, which was very unlike their normal behavior.

“I can't give it back. It's treated and preserved.” I said. “If you try to undo it, it'll just melt and dissolve away. Mostly.”

The king gave me a shocked look and then he sighed in relief. “No, you misunderstand. Let me explain.” He said and then told me about Gillis and how she had finally managed to have dinner with my fiance after all this time, then how Helena had shared my letter about helping Alex and Donna.

“Oh.” I said, finally understanding. “My answer is no.”

“Excuse me?” The king asked, his deep baritone voice was full of disbelief.

“The trade's not worth it.” I said.

The king gave me an incredulous look. “You can be sent to jail for up to ten years for assaulting a mage.”

“He was a thief, not a mage.” I corrected. “He didn't cast any magic when he tried to rob us.”

“No judiciary member is going to believe that.” The king said.

“I'll specifically request one that can tell lies from truth or have someone cast the spell.” I said. “I don't know why you don't do that for every supposed crime, since it would save so much time while investigating.”

The king gave me a furtive look and I knew what that meant.

“I see. You can't frame people or use scapegoats for the nobles if they have to tell the truth, just like Proctor Simmons when he refused to tell the whole story of our encounter.” I said. “It's too bad that all nobles aren't forced to take a similar oath. There would be a lot less crime or a lot less nobles. Either way, the world would be better off.”

“By the Son's Light.” Ellen's mother said with a shake of her head. “He really doesn't hold us in high regard.”

“Grace.” The king admonished and she nodded. “Mr. Drake, what would it take for you to do this favor for me?” He asked and gasps came from his wife and two daughters.


The king has asked you a very important question. The rest of the story hinges on this decision, so choose wisely.

A) Ask for a trade (and arm for an arm). B) Ask for all the money you are owed.

C) Ask for something unreasonable. D) Ask for something stupid. E) Ask him to make you a mage.

F) Choose two. G) Choose nothing (refuse the offer).

Wow, okay. I thought as I read the choices over. No timer popped up, so I had some time to think it over. All right. I have a feeling that he's going to refuse whatever I chose first, so I'm only concerned over what I really want. I'm going to be a mage automatically, so asking for that doesn't make sense. He'll probably throw me in the castle dungeon if I ask for an arm in exchange. Then again, if I ask for it first, he will have to refuse and my second choice will look that much more reasonable.

I read over the options again and thought about it.

I'm really tempted to ask for something stupid, just to reinforce their misjudgment of me. I thought as my eyes went to the first princess and saw her calculating face. No, that won't help me. I better go with the safe option and ask for the money she stole from me, so I'll choose two. My first choice is A, which will be refused, and then choose B.


“What do I want?” I asked and looked at his arm. “If you want your daughter's arm back, I want an arm in exchange.”

“WHAAAAAAATT?!?” Ellen yelled again and shot to her feet. “You BASTARD! It's not bad enough you've maimed me and now you want to maim my father? I'LL KILL YOU!”

“It doesn't have to be the king's.” I said and turned to look at her sister.

“NO!” The king and his wife gasped at the same time and looked shocked.

Rose on the other hand, looked thoughtful. She stood up and I saw she wore a resplendent dress that showed off how womanly she was, even five years younger than me. Her chest was both modest and bold and her hips were shown to full effect. Her hair and makeup were well done and she exuded a maturity that belied her actual age of fifteen. She walked over to me and the king held his hand out to stop her.

“No, I refuse to allow this.” The king's deep baritone voice rumbled as tears came to his eyes.

“Father.” Rose said, almost in dismissal, and she looked into my eyes. “Do you truly want an arm for an arm? If you do, I will give it to make my sister whole again.”

I reached for her with my hands and the king grabbed my arm.

“Don't touch her.” He growled and now I knew where Ellen got her colonel persona. She was copying her father or had more of her father in her than anyone else.

“Father, let him go.” Rose commanded in a stern voice. “Now.”

The king sighed and let my arm go.

I continued my movement and took her hand with both of mine, since I was still shackled. I lifted her hand to my mouth and kissed the skin on the back of it and not the fingers, as I ignored proper protocol for royalty, then I gave her a touch of my magic. I felt hers respond and she took in a sharp breath as her whole arm tingled from the briefest touch.

“Second Princess Rose Samantha Rivers, I do not want your arm. I knew your father would refuse any request I made first, so I asked for something he would absolutely have to refuse.” I said and heard several relieved sighs. “I didn't expect you to be so brave as to accept such an unreasonable request.”

Rose beamed a smile at me. “You were testing my resolve and I passed.” She gushed and looked at her sister. “I thought you said he was a monster that could gut any creature that exists?”

“He is.” Ellen said, her face a mask to hide her anger. The only thing holding her back was her mother's death grip on her remaining arm.

“To be fair, I gutted the dragon from the inside as I tried to save myself.” I said.

Rose's head snapped back to look at me. “Really? You killed a dragon?”

“No, Mage Lucas did.” I said and I saw approval on the king's face. “I just happened to have been eaten by it a few minutes earlier.”

“Woooow.” Rose whispered and stared at my face.

“Rose, go back to your mother and sister.”

Rose glanced at her father and saw his stern face, nodded and looked back at me. “I want to hear about what happened with the dragon. You will attend me for a short while right after this meeting.”

I looked down at the shackles binding my wrists and back at her. “With the king's permission.”

“Father.” Rose said, her voice stern.

The king sighed and waved at the two uniformed men that had brought me here. One stepped forward and unlocked the shackles. The thick red marks they left behind could be clearly seen. Rose caught her breath and her free hand lightly touched the marks.

“I have to let your hand go to deal with them.” I said softly and she nodded. I waved a hand at the guards. “I'm getting a healing potion from my bandoleer.”

The two men watched me intensely as I very carefully took out a half filled vial and put several drops on one wrist and rubbed it, then I did the same to the other wrist. I corked the vial and put it back. Both men relaxed, because I hadn't tried to give the vial to the princess or smashed it on the floor or something.

“Woooow.” Rose whispered as her hands touched the spots that I had just healed. “Your healing potions really do have multiple uses.”

“You've bought some?” I asked and she motioned to her mother as she reluctantly let my hands go.

“Thankfully, we have very capable healers here at the castle and we haven't had to use many of them.” Her mother Grace said. “We bought ten crates.”

I nodded and turned to the king when Rose sat beside her sister once more. “What I really want is for you to undo the mistake your daughter did when she dishonorably discharged me from the army instead of medically discharging me like she was supposed to.” I said and the king's eyes widened. “I want the money, loot, and rewards that your daughter stole from me by confiscating my shares of the conquest of the Eastern Empire.”

Complete silence filled the room and no one spoke. Barely anyone breathed.

“Mr. Drake, that's a very complicated matter.” The king said. “The orders were filed and the crimes registered appropriately. The monies, loot, and rewards have already been distributed appropriately and have become a part of the economy. For me to try and go back to dig all of that up to redistribute it...”

“Then that's a no.” I said and cut off his excuses.

“Unfortunately.” The king said, his face looked like he was slightly in pain, probably because he couldn't give me what I wanted.

Silence fell again for several moments before I spoke.

“Is that all? Is the meeting over?” I asked.

The king looked over at his family and sighed.

“Give him the marsh.” Ellen said. She had the same pained look on her face, only this time, I was sure it was because she was making a suggestion to help me.

“What?” The king asked.

“He seems to like living there, apparently.” Ellen said with a shrug.

“How can you give me something you don't own?” I asked and they all looked over at me. “The marsh isn't a part of either the Gulf Kingdom or the Eastern Empire. I know. I've seen all of the maps.”

The king didn't refute it and looked thoughtful.

“If no one owns it, then anyone can claim it.” Ellen said.

“I claimed it a long time ago.” I said. “I'm also the sole resident.”

“It doesn't work that way.” Ellen's mother said. “You need to have a population to vote and elect a ruler before...”

“I elect myself.” I said. “I vote for me. Oh, look. I won. I'm now the ruler of the marsh.”

“Mr. Drake, you can't seriously think that...” The king started to say.

“Are you going to send an army in to claim it? You need to declare war against me first.” I said. “Good luck not getting them all killed.”

The king sighed. “If you hadn't realized it, you are standing right here and not in the marsh.”

“I built a house there and lived there all my life.” I responded. “What right do you have to tell me I don't own it?”

“I'm the king of this kingdom.” The king said, a bit sternly.

“Which the marsh is not a part of.” I said.

“Actually, it is now.” Ellen said and smiled. “You helped the kingdom establish relay stations all the way through it to the new territories. All of that area is a part of the kingdom and the rest of the marsh can be annexed at any time.”

“You're claiming the Foundation Trail documents apply here?” The king asked, thoughtful.

“They do apply. It's the basic strategy to establish routes to new places.” Ellen said. “You don't even need to ask for a meeting with the other lords and ladies. It's automatic.”

The king smiled and nodded. “Very well.” He said and turned to me. “Mr. Drake, if you do me the favor of giving my daughter back her arm, I'll sign over the marsh to you, in it's entirety, minus the trade route that goes through it.”

“That's not fair. You can't just arbitrarily take my home by spouting words and then pretend to give it back to me if I do what you say.”

“It's not pretend. I'll have the appropriate land deed drawn up. It will all be quite official, I assure you.” The king said, smugly.

“Does that mean I'll be a land owner in the kingdom?” I asked and he nodded. “Doesn't that make me a noble by default?”

There was a quick intake of breath and I couldn't tell whose it was.

“I assume that depending on the size of the land, an appropriate title is granted.” I said. “Do you know how big the marsh is?”

The king looked a little worried. “No, not really.”

“It spans the distance between the Gulf Kingdom and the Eastern Empire. Its lands are vast and its waterways are numerous. Is there a title higher than Lord for an estate that spans thousands of miles?”

“No.” The king said with a flat voice, now that he realized what he had offered.

I gave Ellen a smile and looked back at the king. “Throw in that old ceremonial short sword with the land title, and you have a deal.”

“I... have to think about it.”

“Father!” Rose spat and the king winced, probably because she was willing to give up a precious body part for her sister and he was balking at giving me a noble title with all the land that was mine, anyway.

The king let out a sigh and held his hand out for me to shake. “I'll have the appropriate papers drawn up while you speak to my daughter under guard and with direct supervision.”

I shook his hand and walked over to Rose. “My lady, please forgive my atrocious attire while in your august presence.” I said and bowed to her formally as I held a hand out to her. “Shall we retreat to the closest parlour for us to have tea and enjoy each other's company?”

Rose looked absolutely delighted at the invitation. “My lord, I would like that very much.”

Both her mother and sister looked shocked as she stood and I assumed the proper escort position. Rose took my arm with enthusiasm and cuddled in, just like Vanessa did when I escorted her to class. We left the room with three people staring at our backs and the two men in uniforms that had brought me here, followed us out.

“Grace.” The king said and his wife jerked slightly.

“Yes, of course.” Grace said and stood up as she looked at Ellen. She didn't ask her to come with us and followed behind the two men as she joined our little procession. Rose whispered where to go and we picked up several maids along the way. One was sent for tea and we entered a very opulent parlour.

I led Rose over to one of the comfy looking couches and sat her down, then sat myself right beside her.

Her mother Grace looked a little scandalized, then she let out a little sigh as she sat across from us in a plush chair. I started to tell the tale of the dragon battle and Rose took my hand as she shook her head.

“Tell it from the start.” Rose said. “Right from when you were given the crazy mission by my sister.”

I glanced at her mother. “You might not like what you're going to hear.”

“That's why I didn't bring Ellen.” Grace said and made a hand motion for me to proceed.

I looked back at Rose and she looked both expectant and full of anticipation. “All right. It all started...”

I told the tale and didn't stop when the maid came in to serve us tea. Rose reluctantly let my hand go as she accepted her cup and then we all sat back and relaxed as we enjoyed the tea and I spoke about what Rose wanted. Inside information about her sister and what she was like while outside the castle.

Apparently, no one would tell her about the events that were happening all over with her family members and she was desperate for any information, especially when it concerned her older sister. It took a while and no one else came to the room or interrupted us.

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