Bookworld Online: Marsh Man

190 Academy Antics Part Fifty Seven – There’s More To The Story


Rose had been completely engrossed in my story and seemed on the edge of her seat as I told her all about meeting Helena's family. The king, the queen, and Rose didn't react when I told them about Marcus and the first supper meal with the family. The two men in uniform and the two remaining maids on the other hand, had their mouths covered and looked sick.

I moved on to acquiring the Longshore Estate, working on it, and making it even better than it had been. After that, it was my start at the academy. That was when all three of my maids arrived.

“It seems I must pause my story here to get ready to enjoy your company at supper.” I said and Rose was disappointed. “I can continue after the meal.”

Rose became happy again and I left the parlour to head to the guest rooms. A castle maid led us there and promised to come and get me when supper was ready. We went inside and the three maids stripped my academy uniform off, careful of my bandoleer and my knife sheath like always, then Sara and Tabitha gave me a thorough bathing.

Tabitha did the ritual this time and I was dried off, dressed in my best meal suit, and waited for the maid. She retrieved me and my maids whispered good luck to me as I left. I was taken to a very large dining room that sat fifty people. I didn't have to ask the castle maid where my seat would be, since I already knew the lowest position was beside the lowest member of the family.

I walked around the table and all the way up to the end. I gave the king a bow, the queen, the first princess, and then the second princess. All four of them looked surprised. I sat down beside Rose and her eyebrows rose.

“David, what are you doing?” Rose whispered the question.

“Even if I had signed the papers as they were, I would still only be a guest of your family.” I responded in a whisper. “I know my social position.”

Rose let out a little sigh and didn't say anything else in protest of my seating choice.

Supper commenced and it was pretty lavish. Five courses were served, much more than I've ever had in a single meal. It was good that the portions were so small, or I might have had trouble eating it all. They even had different wines served for each course. I had to admit that they complimented the flavor of the food nicely. The king did the end of meal toast after dessert was served and we all drank to it, then Rose practically jumped to her feet.

“Bring the wine.” Rose said to a maid and took my hand, then almost ran from the room with me in tow. The queen shook her head and followed us, with the same two men in uniform behind her, and Rose led us to a different parlour. This one was more suited for wine drinking apparently, and Rose urged me to continue talking.

I hadn't noticed the dress she wore until she tried to cuddle into my arm and it gave me a down the top view. I had been right and her breasts were both modest and full, because just like Helena and Greta who had worn a similar style dress, it let me see a lot more than I should when the woman chose to show me. The queen must have known, because she was giving her daughter a very pointed look.

“Princess Rose.” I said.

“Yes?” Rose asked, her face showing a mischievous smile and her manner was unreserved.

I let out a small sigh. “Never mind.”

Rose's smile became genuine. “Please, continue your story.”

I nodded and told them all about the things that happened to me at the academy the last few weeks. The queen couldn't keep her face calm as I described everything. It took a while before I finally got to taking the trip to get the special flower for the botany workshop.

Rose's eyes almost sparkled as I told her about working on the schooner and then the adventure through the rocky valley. I also told her that Victoria still had no idea we had encountered any of the troglodytes and that only my fiance, Rose and her mother were privy to that information. That pleased both women to no end, as if having information that almost no one else had was more important to them than what the information actually was.

I told them about the encounter with the twenty foot long snake and Rose let out a little squeak. I pat her hand that clutched my arm tightly, and continued on about masking our scents and then going right into the large nest of hundreds of snakes. Rose almost whimpered and looked like she was about to cry.

“It's all right. The disguise worked.” I reassured her. “We weren't attacked and we got out of there with six samples and not just one.”

“Six!” The queen gasped and then composed herself. “I apologize. Please continue.”

I smiled at her and kept talking. I saw both of them visibly relax when I told them about Victoria ranting at me about how scary, crazy, and reckless it had been to do what we did. By the looks on their faces, I was sure that they both would have berated me as well and probably much more sternly, considering their reactions to just hearing about the snakes.

My tale continued on the road, the stop at the inn to cook the meat, and my encounter with the cook and the subsequent chase by her husband. Both of them let out girly giggles and covered their mouths at my hasty fleeing with Victoria in my arms. It was nice to see Rose do it and oddly charming to see the queen react the same way.

My eyes roamed over her figure in the stylish dress she wore and for some reason, I cast Sense Magic. I saw two glowing things, one bra and one piece of underwear, just like Mage Ridge had worn when we went to see Alex and Donna. I assumed she wore them for the same reason, that she wanted to appear appealing to men, then my gaze went to Rose. My eyes widened as I saw a similar glow of enchantment around her breasts to squeeze them and push them up.

I knew that she wanted me to see them by wearing the dress and hugging my arm. I just didn't realize that she would offer them up so much or so blatantly. I thought about reminding her that I was betrothed, then remembered Victoria's stance on the whole thing. She was completely comfortable with me and unashamedly teased me with her body as much as she wanted, specifically because she knew I would never betray my word to Helena.

So, I enjoyed the view for what it was, something I was allowed to look at and never touch, then continued my story about working on the clipper ship. I skipped over the part about seeing Victoria and Cynthia going at it in the tub twice and twice in the bed, because I knew it would embarrass both women if anyone knew. Technically, I wasn't supposed to know either, so I left it out.

I described the incident with Proctor Simmons and both the queen and Rose had a difficult time keeping the anger off of their faces, until I kicked the mage and then threatened him. After that, I told them I made him swear an oath that no one would come after me for what he did, and the very next day, the director sent word to the castle to have me arrested for it. It killed Simmons and the blame was solely on him and the director.

“And here we are.” I said and waved at the parlour. “You know the rest.”

“No, you've only told us about...” Rose started to say and the door opened to admit the resplendent man again with the king behind him and two more uniformed men. “Finally.” She said and let my arm go as she held a hand out for the papers.

The man gave the king a questioning look and the king nodded. He handed the papers to Rose and she quickly read them over. I also read them and neither of us caught anything that would be bad for me or the citizens living in my marsh.

“I think it's legitimate this time. If it's not, or if father tries to twist something to his advantage, I'll set him to rights and you don't have to worry.” Rose said, her voice confident.

“Rose, please.” The king said with a sigh as he sat next to his wife.

“It's all right, father. I won't be watching you all the time, just when it concerns our new family friend.” Rose said sweetly, then she turned towards the door. “Go ahead, father.”

The king nodded and turned towards the door of the parlour. “Ellen, come in. We need you for this part.”

Nothing happened for a minute, then the door opened again and Ellen stepped into the room. She had her face blank and her countenance was reserved. Her dress was similar to the one Rose wore, except that it couldn't be used effectively. She only had one arm and wouldn't be able to clutch onto a man's arm to give him the teasing view the dress was meant to allow. She had a man in uniform behind her and he carried a long box.

“Sit, please.” The king said to his first daughter.

Ellen walked over to us, gave her sister an odd look, then sat down beside her.

“The last paper is the contract between our families.” The king said to me. “We will provide transport, any ingredients or support you require to get those ingredients, and the facilities to brew the same potion you used on Alex and Donna. When the potion is completed and administered to my daughter Ellen, all the other documents will take effect. You will become a lord that owns the entirety of the marsh, minus the trade route, which will remain to ensure physical contact between the Gulf Kingdom and its territory in the Eastern Empire.”

I read it over again and saw that it was just a contract. “I assume you contacted Alex and Donna and know what has to happen when the potion is drunk?”

The king nodded. “I've got several healers and maids waiting already. As soon as you can make the potion, Ellen will receive the best care.”

I glanced at Rose and she nodded. The resplendent man named Klaus handed me a writing instrument and I signed everything. As I wrote out my name on each one, they glowed slightly and a copy was produced. I assumed it was my own copy until a second one was created. I glanced at the resplendent man and he didn't look surprised, so I kept signing. I reached the contract and read it again, which made Ellen growl a little.

I gave her a quick smile and signed my name. After the two copies were produced, Klaus gathered up the originals and tucked them into a small bag he had behind his back. He gathered up the first copies and handed them to the queen, then he gathered up the second copies and handed them to me.

“It's done.” The king said and nodded to the man behind Ellen.

The man stepped around her and placed the long box on the coffee table. He didn't wait for the order and opened the box to show me the contents. Inside was a ceremonial short sword that looked brand new. I gave the king a surprised look and he laughed.

“Yes, it's really old and also very clean. The castle maids and butlers do an excellent job on everything, even on things I didn't realize they took care of.” The king said and waved at it. “You can check it to see that it's quite real and not a replica.”

“Father?” Ellen said, as if it was a question.

“Your restoration is worth more than an old family heirloom.” The king said. “You are more important to me than any heirloom.”

Ellen's face flushed red and she ducked her head.

I reached out and touched the blade and only used a slight bit of magic, barely perceptible, and the part I touched glowed for a second. Even if they somehow switched them and it wasn't the real one, it was still a magical blade and that was all I wanted.

“The ceremonial sheath is under the velvet.” The uniformed man that gave me the box said. “When the sword is worn on the hip, everyone will know that you have the favor of the royal family.”

I glanced at the king and queen and both of them nodded.

“Our daughter is worth all of this trouble.” The queen said and looked at Ellen. “Even though she's pigheaded, stubborn, extremely opinionated and prone to emotional outbursts at inappropriate times, she's still our daughter.”

“M-m-mother!” Ellen gasped, her face red. I couldn't tell if she was angry or embarrassed, though.

“You can have the sword now and I'll have an expedition prepared to head to the marsh.” The king said. “When can you go and start this for us?”

“Go? Why would I go anywhere?” I asked and the king's face went blank.

“Are you breaking the contract already? You just signed it!” The queen said, surprised.

“You bastard! I knew you wouldn't do it, even for all of that land and a full Lord title!” Ellen spat and stood up. “I'm tempted to have you arrested for fraud and tossed into the castle's deepest and darkest dungeon for fooling us like this!”

I looked at Rose and she was the only one that didn't react. In fact, she looked thoughtful. I reached out and briefly touched her face. “Unlike them, you came to the right conclusion.”

Rose's face went to a deep red and she bit her bottom lip.

I stood and held my hand up in a stop gesture to the uniformed men. “I need to reach into my bandoleer for something. I'll do it very slowly.”

The men nodded and I very slowly reached into my suit coat and opened one of the many pouches. I pulled out the vial of completely clear liquid and set it down on the coffee table. Everyone in the room stared at it, as if it was something very precious. It was.

“One full restoration potion vial, as agreed.” I said and sat back down.

The shocked looks on their faces was priceless.

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