Bookworld Online: Marsh Man

210 Academy Antics Part Seventy Six – Testing What Works


I was woken up the next morning by two anxious looking maids.

“My lord, it's getting late.” Sara said as I opened my eyes. “If you don't hurry, you'll miss the first morning class.”

“It's just history of the kingdom.” I grumbled and closed my eyes. I hadn't felt like this in the morning for a long time.

The two maids shook me awake again and I sighed.

“I need a bath.” I whispered.

Sara and Tabitha let out 'eep' sounds, then I lost a bit of time until I felt cool water poured over my face.

“Right, just a second.” I said and touched the tub to use the warming spell. “That's better.” I said and drifted off to sleep as they kept washing me. I was gently woken up when it was over and stood.

“My lord, how...” Sara asked as she looked at my erection.

“I might be tired from lack of sleep for two nights in a row; but, I won't disappoint you or perform less than what's expected of me.” I said.

Both Sara and Tabitha had adoration on their faces as they peered up at me.

“Yes, my lord.” Sara said and performed the ritual diligently.

Needless to say, I woke up fairly quickly as she worked. When she was done, we were out of time, because of the delivery that morning. I was dried off and dressed as I promised Tabitha a quick bath at lunchtime to prepare for my trip back to the marsh.

“Thank you, my lord.” Tabitha said, gratefully.

I was led out of the bedroom and over to the guest room. “Good morning, Greta.”

Greta promptly stood, already dressed, and she looked as tired as I did. “Good morning, David.”

“Shall we go?” I asked and assumed the escort position.

“My sister's probably already at the medical building waiting for us.” Greta said with a smile as she took my elbow and put her arm through. “I have the testing vial for Eludora as well.”

I nodded and we walked down the stairs to the first floor to see that the guards were loading a hand cart for us.

“Thank you, gentlemen.” I said, sincerely.

“By rights, we should have a workman or two here and a horse and cart for deliveries.” One of the guards suggested. “Hauling all of this on your own every time isn't something a lord should be doing.”

The hand cart was loaded and I had to let Greta's arm go to take the cart. She looked a little sad at that, then she schooled her face and we walked at a fast pace to take everything over to the medical building. It wasn't very big, since it was rare for a lot of students to be sick or injured at the same time. We weren't surprised to see a medical carriage with two horses drawing it and several healers were inside.

“There he is!” A familiar woman's voice said loudly and the door opened and five people stepped out. Linette was almost jumping up and down as Greta and I came to a stop beside the carriage. “By the Son's Light, you are a godsend!”

“I think she's a little excited.” Greta joked and Linette laughed.

“Get these loaded up and be careful!” Linette said to the others and she went back to the carriage door. “My lady, please allow me to help you.”

“Thank you.” Eludora said and carefully stepped out of the carriage on spindly legs. “Linette was kind enough to pick me up at my residence and then explained what in the world was going on so suddenly.” She said in an accusing tone as Linette helped her balance.

“I had no idea you hadn't talked to her first.” Linette said. “I was so happy to tell her the news!”

“Don't get too excited.” Greta cautioned her. “We don't know if it'll work like we think.”

“Even a minor improvement will be more than I ever expected.” Eludora said as Linette helped her walked to the building. “I am not getting younger each day!” She chuckled. “As I progress in years, my condition is degrading steadily.”

“That's what David is worried about.” Greta said and we followed them inside. “Your condition is already at a less than favorable state as it is and he doesn't want it to get worse.”

“We'll try a sip of the potion first, to see if that causes any changes in her.” Linette said and then greeted the healers there as she requested a room. It was granted immediately and we went there. “I hope you're okay with disrobing.”

“I assume you need to see... all of me... for an accurate assessment?” Eludora asked.

“It will greatly help if we can see and measure everything, including your muscle density and the fat content of your flesh.” Linette said, quite clinically.

“Then I agree.” Eludora said and two women healers came in and helped her remove her robes and clothing. She gave me a searching look before she took off her bra to reveal her small breasts and then she pulled off her panties to reveal that she was completely devoid of hair.

“Can you drop your glamour?” Linette asked after the two healers left, so that it was only her, Greta, myself, and Eludora in the room. “I'll lock the door, so no one will see.”

Eludora gave me a pointed stare and then sighed. “No one outside of a select few were supposed to know.”

“He didn't reveal anything.” Linette said. “I'm an experienced healer and one of my passive skills is to detect any concealment on a person.”

Eludora blinked her eyes at her as she sat down on the bed. “How... no, I suppose there's no need for you to lie about such things.” She said and her normal visage flickered and faded to reveal her real skin color and appearance.

Linette reached out to touch her hand briefly. “I'm very sorry that they did this to you.”

Eludora nodded and looked at me again. “Please, don't judge my body when I lay down.”

“I don't understand.” I said.

Eludora briefly touched her small breasts, then she laid down to put as much of herself on the bed and most of her calves and both feet hung off the end of the bed. When I looked at her chest, it had pretty much disappeared.

I walked over to her to look closely. “Where did they go?” I asked, confused.

Eludora laughed at my confused face and her chest jiggled a little bit.

“Oh. I see. They are still there, they are just spread out to make it seem like they are missing.” I said and nodded my head. “I almost thought you used another glamour to try and hide them from me seeing them.”

Eludora held up a hand for me and I took it. “I wouldn't hide anything from you, someone who has been through much worse than I.” She said and let my hand go. “I just didn't want you to be disappointed that they weren't perky and stayed pointed out like when I am upright.”

I raised my eyebrows at her and she chuckled again, shaking her small and spread out breasts.

“I am sorry for assuming something so vain about you, David.” Eludora said.

“All right, I have everything ready.” Linette said and I stepped back for her to do her work as she performed a bunch of spells and then wrote down the results. “Greta, a sip.”

Greta took out the vial and popped the cork to let Eludora take a sip.

Eludora let her tip it up for her and then hit her hand and dumped it all down her throat.

“No!” Greta gasped. “You weren't supposed to take it all! It's too dangerous!”

“I must take the risk.” Eludora said and closed her eyes. “I have suffered enough with this distorted body and I want it to end.”

“Taking too much could kill you, dammit!” Greta said, sternly. “We were supposed to work out the proper dosage for you today!”

“Even if it causes me severe pain, I will take it religiously.” Eludora said and kept her eyes closed. “Ohhhhh, I... I feel... uggghhhhhhh...”

We watched carefully as Linette performed several more spells and monitored Eludora's condition.

“She's under a lot of stress.” Linette whispered and wrote the results down. “We need to calm her down, somehow!”

I walked over to Eludora and saw her pained face and she trembled. “Eludora.”

She opened her eyes and looked at me with tear filled eyes and smiled. “Don't worry, David... I can... do this.”

“Can I touch you?” I asked.

Eludora didn't hesitate as she nodded right away.

I reached out with both hands to touch her breasts and she let out a satisfied sigh and closed her eyes again. I moved my hands around and felt the much different shape of them in this position for several moments before her nipples popped out. I focused on them and Eludora's breathing sped up.

“I... I can't believe...” Linette whispered as she cast the spells again and saw the results easing down and evening out. “It's working.”

“He's confusing her brain's pain response with pleasure.” Greta whispered back, amazed.

“I've never thought to distract someone like that.” Linette whispered.

The two of them watched as I played with her chest and flicked Eludora's nipples.

“S-s-suck them.” Eludora whispered through gritted teeth and then winced. “P-please!”

I glanced at Linette, who estimated another ten minutes for the pain to subside.

“I'll message... Helena myself.” Eludora breathed and gave me a pleading look. “I need... hurry...”

I nodded and bent over to suckle on her left breast. She moaned immediately and then writhed on the bed, despite being in pain.

“OHHHH!” Eludora suddenly yelled and an arcing squirt came out from between her legs and landed between her knees. It soaked the bed in a wide spot, because there was so much. Her whole body trembled for about ten seconds, then she let out a very satisfied sigh and stared at me sucking on her breasts. “I want to hug you so... OWWW!”

There was a snapping sound as her right hand cramped up and we saw the jagged bone of her wrist.

“I've got it.” Linette said and cast a relaxing spell on the constricting muscle.

Eludora groaned as the pain lessened.

“We can't give you a healing potion until the other's gone through your system.” Linette said. “Otherwise, all of this will be undone.”

“I... know.” Eludora said and looked at me. “More, David. I can feel... ughhh... cramps... more cramps are...”

I didn't wait for her to explain or to cry out in pain. I reached down between her legs and started to play with her as I moved to her other breast and suckled and licked it.

“Oh, god!” Eludora gasped and she came again. My hand was in the way this time, so it splashed right there and soaked the bed in a wider area. “Oh, god... ohgod ohgod ohgod...”

Greta and Linette stood there, completely shocked at what was going on in front of them.

Eludora came several times as I worked on her. The cramps came and went without Eludora noticing them at all.

“Arm again.” I said and went back to kissing her chest.

Linette went to the arm and cast the relaxing spell on the muscles there again.

“Thigh.” I said and she helped. “Neck.”

Linette went to each place I mentioned and did the same thing. She had been wrong about the time estimate, though.

It took almost half an hour before Eludora's body stopped tensing and trying to hurt itself as the muscles constricted and cramped. By the end, Eludora had tears streaming down her face and she had a broken wrist, a fractured femur (thigh bone), collar bone, and a dislocated shoulder.

“Oh, god.” Eludora groaned.

“It's all right now. The crisis has passed.” Linette said. “I'll have you healed up...”

“I'm not crying over that!” Eludora spat angrily at her, then she sighed and looked at me. “I need you, David. I need your strong muscular body to hug me while you're inside of me.”

I reached out and pet her sweat soaked head. “Even if I was allowed, you wouldn't survive the first few minutes.”

Eludora opened her mouth and bawled as more tears streamed out of her eyes. I stood there and comforted her as much as I could. She cried for nearly ten minutes before she started to calm down and Linette was there to help her. Eludora was healed and was also exhausted, so she couldn't tell us if anything was changed or if she felt any different.

“We'll let you rest for a few hours and we'll come back at lunch to check on you.” Linette said.

Eludora didn't say anything as she closed her eyes and almost immediately fell asleep.

The three of us left the room and Linette let out a sigh.

“That was one of the worst things I've ever witnessed.” Linette said.

I did not enlighten her to how much suffering I go through or for how many hours I go through it.

“We'll have to dilute it again to at least a quarter strength.” Greta said. “We just need a strong dissolution solution to combine it with.”

“Victoria's enhanced watering potion.” I said and both women looked at me with shocked faces.

“You want to combine a rehabilitation potion with plant food.” Linette said, her voice without inflection.

“I can easily remove the growth enhancers and fertilizing components.” I said. “It'll just be a refreshing drink when I'm done.”

Greta looked thoughtful, then she nodded. “Let's stop by your first class and let the teacher know you've got important work to do for me.”

“For you?” I asked.

“Advanced potions class.” Greta said with a smile. “You're so far along in the self study part that you need the 'advanced' advanced course. It's all practical work, too.”

I must have looked surprised, because both she and her sister laughed.

“If we can get that drink done quickly, dilute one of the vials into four doses with it, we can be back here in plenty of time to check on Eludora and her progress.” Greta said and took my arm to lead me down the hallway.

“I'll stay here and monitor her.” Linette said.

“Thanks, Linette.” Greta said with a wave.

“I expect more potions!” Linette said loudly.

“We just gave you 1,400 of them!” Greta said loudly back.

“I want more!” Linette exclaimed and Greta laughed as we left the medical building.

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