Bookworld Online: Marsh Man

215 Academy Antics Part Eighty One – The Marsh Is Full Part Two


I went down the street with the full intention to knock on Mrs. Hansen's front door, then I noticed the nice little shop she had next to her house. There were a couple of people waiting to get inside and I took a closer look at her house. There wasn't a light on anywhere in the house, which meant no one was home, so I went to stand at the end of the line.

The man and woman in front of me gave me a quick glance and then promptly ignored me. The door to the shop opened and a woman came out with a small bag and a happy expression.

“Finally.” The woman in front of me said and she and the man beside her entered.

I grabbed the door before it shut and saw that the inside of the shop was packed. There were a couple small tables and there were four chairs around them. They were full, as well as all along the walls as people stood beside shelves that were like mini-tables that had plates of various sweets on them. I thought that was an ingenious use of space and it kept the crowd away from the middle of the room.

No one took notice of me standing there in the doorway until there was a squeal of delight. I was quite surprised when two young women walked over to me, with one carrying the plates of sweets they were sharing. The other young woman was someone I never thought I would see again, Shelly Phelps. She came to a stop in front of me and stared at my face.

“Hi, Shelly.” I said.

“It... it really is you.” Shelly whispered, her eyes wide. “What happened to your snake venom scars?”

“I healed them.” I said and both she and the young woman next to her gasped.

“I thought... diamond snake venom...” She started to say.

“Yes, they were magical wounds.” I confirmed and she took several quick breaths.

“M-m-marsh Man.” Shelly whispered. “I'm... I'm 14 now.” She looked into my eyes. “Only three more turns left.”

I tilted my head slightly and gave her a questioning look, which made her blush.

“We... we promised... (mumbles)... when I was of age... do you remember?” Shelly asked haltingly and her friend took in a sharp breath.

“I thought that was forbidden by your family.” I commented and her blush faded slightly.

“I don't care what they think.” Shelly said.

“What about your unc-” I stopped talking when she put a hand over my mouth.

“I'm not a kid anymore. I know... I've heard...” Shelly's blush came back. “I know what my uncle was like now, and I understand and... I... I forgive you.”

I smiled, because she had sworn that she would never forgive me the last time she saw me, and she felt it with her hand. She didn't move it, as if she wanted to keep the smile all for herself, because no one else could see it. I stopped smiling as I reached up to take her hand and she looked like she expected me to push it... and possibly her... away.

Instead, I turned the hand over and lightly kissed the back of it, as if she was a high class lady that was deserving respect. There were several gasps, a lot of muttered conversations, and a very shocked look on Shelly's face. Her friend looked ready to faint.

“If your decision hasn't changed in three years, I'll come back here for you.” I stated firmly.

Shelly's hand started shaking slightly and I let it go, so she could hide it from sight if she wanted to. She did and hugged it to her budding chest. “I can't wait.”

“W-we should go.” Her friend said and gave me an odd look. “Are you really the Marsh Man?”

“For the last little while, I've only acted that way towards my enemies.” I said with a small smile and looked back at Shelly. “Please, call me David.”

“D-David.” Shelly whispered, as if she had trouble with me having a normal name and had to come to grips with it.

I stepped aside and Shelly's friend took her hand and led her by me. Since someone else had left the shop, I assumed I could enter without protest, so I did. I had everyone's attention now, most of them women, and I ignored it like I always did and walked over to the counter as I took off my pack.

A woman I hadn't seen before was there behind the counter. “What can I do for you?” She asked with a fake smile that I could easily see through.

I couldn't tell if it was because of me being the Marsh Man or because of my interaction with Shelly. “I want a loaf of cookie bread, with raisins if it's available.” I said and put my pack down in front of the counter.

“I'm sorry, we don't have either the main recipe or the variant right now.” The woman said and the smile didn't falter. “Can I interest you in some scones or perhaps some oatmeal or molasses cookies?”

“No. I'm only here for the cookie bread.” I said and she lost the fake smile. “I'd like to speak to Mrs. Hansen, please.”

“I'm sorry, she's busy.” The woman said.

“I know she's busy.” I said and motioned at the people in the crowded shop around us. “Go in the back and tell her that David Drake is here to see her.”

“I can't leave the counter.” The woman said, a bit smug at her easy refusal of my request.

“I wasn't asking.” I said and pointed behind her. “Either you go in there and tell her, or I will.”

“How dare you order me!” The woman spat. “Who do you think you are, a lord or something?”

I let a smile appear on my face that bared my teeth. “That's exactly who I am.”

Gasps and even louder mutters came from the people around us.

“No, you... you just said that...”

“I am Lord Drake of the entirety of Drake's Marsh, declared by King Rivers himself.” I said and complete silence fell in the shop. “I have the paperwork if you need confirmation.”

“He's telling the truth.” A woman's voice said from off to the side.

I turned to look for the source and saw a decent looking woman that wore an army uniform and had the rank of Sergeant. I quickly gave her a proper salute, which she returned automatically, because mine had been so crisp.

“You were in the service?” She asked, clearly shocked.

“I was stationed at this garrison and established the new front before my dishonorable discharge.” I said and her face went completely blank. “Before you judge, it was for medical reasons and the CO at the time was angry that I was leaving and changed it to dereliction of duty and cowardice.”

The woman took in a sharp breath, clearly understanding who I was with that claim, and her eyes went to my hands and down to what should have been my missing foot.

“I fixed them.” I said and her eyes darted back to my face.

“You... how...”

“It's a secret.” I said and put my finger to my lips. “Shh.”

That made her smile for a second and then she frowned. “You have to tell...”

“The king himself knows.” I said and she clamped her mouth shut on whatever she was going to say. “That's right, there's no higher authority for me to report it to.” I continued and she nodded. I turned back to the woman behind the counter. “You didn't go in the back yet.”

The woman's mouth seemed to tighten and her lips almost disappeared.

“Go. Now.” I commanded and she gave me a defiant look. “I hope she doesn't dock your pay when I tell her how long you've made me wait.”

She glared at me for another couple of seconds, then she turned around and went into the back.

“Sir, you know most people don't like being ordered like that.” The female sergeant said.

“I was only a private, despite being eligible for promotion when I left the service.” I said and glanced at her to see her surprise. “I learned to properly salute from some very influential people.”

She smiled and nodded.

“She wasn't going to go, no matter how politely I asked or begged. I thought about offering money, then thought she would just take it and say she couldn't do it.” I said as an explanation.

“How could you tell that?” The man next to her asked. He was dressed as a civilian.

“People are sometimes very easy to read.” I said and glanced at him. “I won't reveal who you are to prove it.”

Both the man and the woman looked surprised.

There was an inarticulate shout, several pans hitting the floor, a yelled name that I assumed was the woman behind the counter's name, and then two sets of quickly walking feet.

Mrs. Hansen came out of the back, half covered in flour, and she had a beaming smile that was almost exactly like her daughter's. “David! It's so nice of you to stop by after so long!” She said and walked around the counter to give me a hug, then stopped when she realized she would cover me in flour.

“It won't stick.” I said and she let out a little laugh as she took that last step and wrapped her arms around me.

Mr. Hansen came around the counter as well to pat my shoulder. A puff of flour floated to the floor and he laughed. “Damn, this stuff gets everywhere.”

“Gloria's been getting depressed lately.” Mrs. Hansen said and let me go.

I looked down to see the flour on my coat, so I pat it in several places and the flour slid right off. “She's really happy right now, because of why I came here.” I said and she looked confused. “I replaced the ward I gave her with a new one.”

“Yes, that'll do it.” Mrs. Hansen said as she gave me huge smile. “Is that why you came here? To tell me that?”

“No, I came for some cookie bread.” I said and she looked a bit sad.

“We're working on another batch right now. Can you stay for a while and...”

“No, I need to send a message to the capital and then go into my marsh.” I said and she sighed. I leaned in close and whispered. “Gloria told me the secret was to ask for the corner pieces that no one wants.”

Mrs. Hansen's sad expression instantly became happy and she whispered to her husband. “Honey, please get the scraps from the last few batches for our good friend David.”

“Yes, dear.” Mr. Hansen said and left at a fast walk. He gave the woman behind the counter a stern look. She winced a little as he passed by her and went into the back.

“We won't dock her pay for delaying us in coming out to see you.” Mrs. Hansen said to me. “Instead, we firmly expressed our displeasure at her not conveying the message right away. What if it had been something about Gloria being hurt or missing? She would have stopped us from hearing about it until we weren't busy, and that's not something we will stand for.”

“That's why I ordered her to go. I knew she wouldn't listen, otherwise.” I said.

Mrs. Hansen nodded. “She's a good worker, too. If she does this again, we won't just dock her pay, we'll fire her.” She looked around the crowded shop. “There's lots of people that would want to work for us now.”

I saw several interested looks and knew she was right.

Mr. Hansen came out of the back with a large canvas bag that was stuffed full. “Is it true that you're really a lord?” He asked as he handed the bag to me.

“The king granted me the entire marsh and bestowed the full Lord title onto me.” I said and tied the canvas bag to the top of my pack to secure it like a bedroll. I reached into my pocket to get some money. “How much for the...”

“We can't sell them, so there's no charge.” Mrs. Hansen said as she waved away the money in my hand. “You can consider it a gift for making Gloria happy.”

“Thank you.” I said and put the money away. “I have the old ward in my pack. Do you want it put up in here?”

“Is the house close enough to get coverage, too?” Mrs. Hansen asked.

“Just about.” I said as I picked up my pack and she nodded.

“In the kitchen, please.” Mrs. Hansen said and then everyone watched with envy as I was led into the back of the shop by the shop owners. I put my pack down and took out the ward and charged it up, then I hung it above the door to the front of the shop. I used a bit of number ten potion to stick it to the wall and stop anyone from stealing it, then Mrs. Hansen hugged me again.

“Thank you very much, David.” Mrs. Hansen said and let me go. “Any time you're passing by, feel free to come in for a visit.”

“It's all because of you that we're this prosperous.” Mr. Hansen said. “Those first few outrageous first ingredient deliveries let us build up a huge clientele and then more people heard about it as visitors passed through. It's been a booming business for months!”

“I'm glad.” I said. “I need to go.”

“You be careful out there.” Mrs. Hansen said as her voice became serious. “I know people might not recognize you right away; but, some of us do. If word gets around that you're back...”

“It's only for three days and I have to meet my fiance in the capital.” I said and she gasped.

“You're getting MARRIED?!?” Mrs. Hansen asked, shocked.

“When I graduate from the mage academy in three years.” I said and the both of them looked shocked.

“MOOOOOOM!” Gloria yelled as she opened the back door. “I have the stuff you ordered!”

“Thank you, Gloria.” Mrs. Hansen said without correcting the girl's loud yell indoors.

I knew she had been doing it since she was younger and gave her a wave. She beamed a smile at me and ran over to give me a tight hug.

“I haven't seen you in forever!” Gloria said and giggled, which made her parents laugh, because they knew she saw me on the road outside not long ago.

“We need to get that sorted.” Mr. Hansen said. “David, we'll see you the next time you come by.”

I nodded and both he and his wife walked over to the door. Gloria giggled and pointed at her mother's butt. I looked and saw two perfect hand prints made of flour on the dark fabric of her skirt.

“That's sneaky!” I whispered.

“Daddy's still bad!” Gloria giggled and hugged me tighter.

“I need to go.” I said and she let me go. “I'll stop in again in three days.”

“Kay.” Gloria said. “Bye!”

“Goodbye.” I said and put my pack on, then I decided it was safer to leave out the back. I bid her parents goodbye as I passed them, then I was walking down the road towards the mages guild building. I was going to have to face whatever was inside to send a message to Helena, because I knew for sure that I wasn't getting into the garrison to the mage contingent there.

After I sent her a message, I only had a quick ride to go before I was back at my old house. I chuckled at that thought and my pace picked up. I had some important things to do while I was here and I only had three days to do it. The best part about it, was that if I was careful about how I did it, this was going to be so much fun.

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