Bookworld Online: Marsh Man

225 Academy Antics Part Eighty Nine – The Talk

Helena and I stayed there making out and the men around us were both looking and not looking at us. They all had approval on their faces, too. Eventually, Helena let out a sigh into my mouth and broke the kiss without letting me go. Her face wasn't completely flushed red, which meant she was restraining herself.

“We need to talk.” Helena said, her voice promising that it was going to be a long one.

“Of course. I expected nothing less.” I said and eased my hold on her, then assumed the escort position and she clung to my arm as if she never wanted to let it go. “Gentlemen.”

“My lord.” The workers said and we all walked calmly back to the mansion. I grabbed my pack from the cart and told them to unload the bags of ingredients and crates of potion into the potion room in the basement, then handed each of them a gold crown. They tried to refuse for a moment, until Helena gave them a stern look. They accepted the coin and practically ran into the back door with the items.

“That was handy. Even I can't get them to do that.” I commented and Helena laughed softly.

“That's because they adore you and are reluctant to accept anything like extra money or praise from you.” Helena said and leaned against me. “However, I command them to move and they do.”

“Like I said, handy.” I repeated and she smiled slyly at me as we entered the back door. “I need a b-word after travelling all day and I have to drop my pack into the vault.”

Helena's eyes almost danced at me not saying the magic word. “So, it's true what Hope said.”

“I understand the power of the word now, after gaining a second personal maid.”

Helena looked like she was fighting not to laugh. “I should step back and see the impact.”

“It's a bit terrifying if you're not ready for it.” I said and she laughed.

“All right.” Helena let my arm go and took exactly two steps away. “Let's see it.”

“I need a bath.” I said and almost quick as a flash, two very excited women had appeared at my sides and gripped my arms as if I was going to try and run away.

“My lord, we'll have you set to rights as soon as possible.” Sara said, assuredly.

“It will have to be quick, since supper will be served soon.” Tabitha said and the two of them dragged me out of the room without waiting to see if I was going to move my feet. Helena's unrestrained laughter followed us all the way to the stairs and then I was brought to the main bedroom's very large bathroom and stripped. My pack was placed within my reach and I was placed into the large tub.

I was scrubbed quite thoroughly from head to foot and then asked to stand. I had another double ritual, this time with Tabitha first and Sara second. I wasn't sure how they worked out who got to do what normally and I didn't question it. If they handled any problems they have, without my input, that was all for the better.

I was dried off and then dressed in my best meal suit. I detached the canvas sack from the top of my pack and handed the sack to Sara. “It's cookie bread. Please distribute it to the staff and workers while leaving some for the meeting tomorrow.”

Sara's eyes widened and she nodded before leaving on her important task. I put the pack into the personal vault without taking anything out and then Tabitha led me down to the large dining room. Helena was already there and sat to the right of the main chair at the table. She was impeccably dressed and I walked over to her to give her a kiss and sat down myself.

We enjoyed a nice meal of good food; but, it was a bit lacking in richness and flavor to what I was used to at the dorm mansion. I didn't comment on it, because I didn't want to cause any animosity within the kitchen staff. Plus, it was Helena's staff as well. If she was happy with it, then that was good enough for me.

Wine was served and I brought the meal to a formal end as I stood and gave a toast. A light round of applause responded. Before I could ask what the point of that was, the head butler stood up.

“Welcome back, my lord.” The butler said and bowed. The rest of the staff at the staff table stood and they bowed and curtsied, too. “It has been long since you've graced us for a meal.”

“I'm sure my absence hasn't been that pronounced.” I said and all of them had sad looks.

“David, we've all missed having you here.” Helena said, sincerely. “Things are always much more lively with you around.”

I glanced at her and then at all of the staff, who all nodded. “I'll promise to not skip any meals while I'm here at home.” I said and raised my wine glass for another toast.

The staff scrambled a little and picked theirs up and raised them. “Here, here.”

We all drank and Helena stood as she put her wine glass down.

“We should retire to the parlour.” Helena said and I escorted her to the parlour and nodded at Hope. She brought the wine and followed us to the parlour and set it up. When she left, I touched the side of the bottle and chilled it instantly. Helena gave me a questioning look.

“It's just the inverse of the heating spell you use on your plate all the time.” I explained and her eyes widened. “I can show you how I did it if you want.”

“Maybe later.” Helena said, despite the flicker of interest in her eyes. “Please sit. We have much to discuss.”

I poured a bit of wine into new glasses and set them on the table without handing one to her, and sat down right next to her on the couch. I turned to her and took her hands, then I took a very deep breath and let it out.

“I, as Lord Drake and your betrothed fiance, do hereby formally request the punishment you see fit to give me for my disgrace and the shame I've brought to you.”

Helena took a deep breath herself. “David, I don't hold you responsible, so there's no punishment to be issued on your behalf.”

“Helena, I did put myself into several questionable situations and...”

“...I completely trust you.” Helena said. “Not only have you never lied to me, you've also never hidden anything that you've done or had done to you. You've even told me about all the the things you went through with the Hag, which is something I never expected you to do.”

“Mage King wasn't a maid and she did the ritual.” I said and ducked my head a little. “It wasn't even after a bath.”

“That wasn't your fault.” Helena said. “You said in your message what happened and I don't blame you at all.”

“I don't know how I can make it up to you if you don't blame me.” I said, dejectedly.

Helena let my hands go and she cupped the sides of my face to make me look at her. “You didn't know she was going to do that, did you?”

“Well, no... but...”

“I want you to tell me exactly what she said.” Helena said.

I repeated, word for word, what I had heard Mage King say that morning, including her words 'one more time before he wakes'.

Helena nodded. “Yes, that's exactly what the investigators reported.”

“Investigators?” I asked.

Helena had a smug smile on her face. “As soon as your message was delivered to me and I read the contents, I contacted the academy immediately. The administration was less than pleased to hear that a teacher had taken liberties with a student.”

“I don't understand.” I said.

“Let me explain.” Helena said and then enlightened me as to what a liaison between a teacher and student meant for both the parties involved, as well as how badly it reflected on both the teacher and the institution that had hired them.

I questioned the fact that we were adults and Helena laughed.

“You could have been old enough to be her father and it would still look bad. She took advantage of her position over you to do what she wanted, regardless of your thoughts and feelings, both of which she was well aware of. She also knew that you were betrothed to me, as does the entire academy. She can't claim ignorance like she tried to tell you.”

I fell silent at her words and had to think about that.

“She also didn't apologize for the act, only that she was caught at it.” Helena said and my eyes widened. “I knew you would miss that distinction.”

“I only heard her say that she was sorry.” I admitted and Helena gave me a quick kiss.

“I know, and that's why I said she took advantage of your trust.” Helena said and lightly kissed me again. “I am so very sorry this happened to you. It broke my promise to you.”

I shook my head in denial.

“I promised to protect you from anyone trying to take advantage of you, and I failed.” Helena said and she ducked her head a little.

“No, that's not applicable in this, not with the way things came about.” I said and she looked into my eyes. “You would have to be by my side constantly to prevent anything happening in that context, and I didn't expect it to happen. We even had separate rooms and...”

“No, don't try to justify it.” Helena said and kissed me again. She held it for several seconds before breaking it. “Mage King did wrong and I'll deal with it.”

“You will?” I asked, a bit surprised.

“When she showed up at the academy a day after leaving and without her student that was in her care and under her authority, it garnered a lot of attention.” Helena said and smiled wickedly. “A lot of her actions over the last few years are being called into question because of it.”

“Am I in trouble?” I asked and she shook her head. “How?”

“Once you were away from the academy and that incident happened, the rules about escorting became superfluous, since no one in their right minds would expect you to stay with her after that.” Helena said and her hands ran through my growing hair. “Will you get this cut again?”

“If you want.” I said and she raised her eyebrows at me. “I could have a shaggy mane or be completely bald for all I care.”

Helena chuckled and covered her mouth with a hand. “I can't imagine you bald. I can't.”

I had to smile and didn't remind her that I practically was bald after getting my hair cut in the army. Of course, we all were back then. It helped with making us all look more uniform and fit together as a unit.

After a few moments, Helena gave me a concerned look. “I'm tempted to challenge her to a duel.”

“She won't accept.” I said immediately and she looked surprised. “You would kill her right away, even if she chose the first blood rules or one hit each.”

Helena's eyes went predatory and she smiled evilly. “That was my hope.”

I reached up and ran my hand through her hair. “You worked out the flaws in the rules as well?”

Helena chuckled. “Oh, yes. Nothing makes my mind work overtime like having to defend you, David.”

I leaned forward and kissed her. “Thank you.”

“No, David. Thank you.” Helena said, sincerely. “I know I've pretty much thrown myself at you and I was very happy that you caught me.”

“Just like at the back of the house today?” I asked and that made her laugh.

“Very much so.” Helena said and snuggled in to me. “How did you do that?”

“Dispel on whatever speed spell you used.” I said and she nodded.

“I did feel a familiar wave of magic.” Helena said and relaxed. “Pass me the wine, please.”

I passed her a glass and took mine, then the two of us reclined slightly and held each other as we sipped. “Helena.”

“Yes?” Helena asked.

“I love you.” I said and she turned her head to face me.

“I love you, too. With all my heart.” Helena responded.

I gave her a quick kiss, then another. We took another sip of wine and sat there for nearly half an hour before she spoke.

“I've made you wait long enough, I think.” Helena said.

I raised my eyebrows at her and she smiled evilly.

“All right, I've made myself wait long enough.” Helena corrected. “I need you to make love to me.”

I took her wine glass and placed it with mine on the table, cast the lock spell on the parlour door from across the room. That surprised her almost as much as me stripping her off without pause and did exactly as she asked, right there on the couch.

Her opinion that we should only have sex in a bed, changed significantly that night.

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