Bookworld Online: Marsh Man

234 Academy Antics Part Ninety Eight – Mingling For Fun And Profit

The meal ended and I gave the closing toast after I stood again. “Once again, I thank you all for coming here on this day to gather together and share food with both friends and family.” I looked around at everyone's happy faces. “I would also like to officially announce the newest member of my family, Vanessa Elizabeth Sellwafer-Henrietta.”

A lot of gasps and mutterings responded and Mona looked completely shocked. Selena only looked surprised, which meant that she hadn't told her mother about the contract negotiations. I could see a lot of people were shocked that a budding mage would willingly sign a concubine contract.

“Helena and I signed the contracts with her mother and father, ensuring that we all would get what we needed, and everything is properly registered.” I said and gave a pointed look to Vanessa. “Both I and my future wife welcome you with open arms and we hope that we can live up to your expectations.”

Vanessa's face was flushed red as she stood and smiled. “You've already exceeded them, My Lord.”

Her words made a lot of them talk quite loudly.

“Good for you!” Gary said and I smiled.

“I know you all are assuming we've had sex already.” I said and both Mona and Selena didn't look surprised this time. “I swear on the royal ceremonial sword that I have neither taken her maidenhood nor have I done anything to sully her virtue.”

“We have kissed once properly and twice in greeting.” Vanessa admitted. “David has been more of a gentleman than any other man I have ever met.”

That made a lot of people widen their eyes.

“Not so good for you, then.” Gary said and a few people laughed, mainly the army people.

“We aren't planning on breaking the terms of the contract.” I said and that got everyone's attention.

“You added that into the contract?” The queen asked, clearly shocked.

“It's one of the stipulations, yes.” I said and looked back at Vanessa. “As a proper lady, she won't be required to submit to that clause in the contract until after the marriage ceremony.”

“By the Son's Light!” Mona said, quite loudly. “You shared your title with her!”

“As I have with Lady Helena.” I said and she caught her breath. “Our son will also be Lord Henrietta.”

There was complete silence for three seconds until that sunk in, then there was an immediate uproar and everyone except Mona, Selena, and the queen jumped from their seats to swarm me at the head of the table to congratulate us. Even with my vigilance technique, I couldn't make out the individual words as everyone talked at once and patted my shoulders and my back, shook my hand, and gave me brief hugs.

The fervour died down after a couple of minutes and they returned to their seats.

“Congratulations, Lord Drake.” The queen said.

“Thank you, your majesty.” I said and waved my glass of wine around to everyone to finish my toast. “To love, to life, and to heirs.”

“To heirs.” Everyone responded and took a sip as I did, which finished the meal, and a few people let out relieved sighs.

“I'm so stuffed!” Jinelle said a bit loudly and nearly everyone laughed. “Hey! Everything was delicious! I couldn't help eat it all!”

“We're laughing with you, dear granddaughter.” Lady Marks said with a compassionate smile. “I actually can't remember the last time that so much great food has crossed my plate in one night.”

“It really was great.” Rose said with a smile. “Father did tell us that your cook was talented, only we didn't quite believe him.”

“We assumed he was biased with the extra special meat you served.” The queen said with a chuckle. “I am relieved that we were wrong.”

“Did you try some of it?” I asked and she shook her head. “Perhaps next time.”

“Don't you dare think about going all that way to get more.” Rose said, then she blushed. “Um, I mean... you shouldn't put yourself in unnecessary danger.”

A few people laughed softly and she blushed a little more.

“Shall we retire to the parlour and relax? I need to recline on a nice couch right now.” Helena said.

“Of course, dear.” I said and helped her stand to assume the escort position. “Vanessa.”

“My Lord.” Vanessa said and walked around us to take my other arm.

I walked the two of them out of the room and the others followed us as they talked animatedly about everything. Hope opened the door to the parlour and there were already drinks of various kinds set out, including tea, water, and various juices. There were several maids there to inform people of the different choices as well.

The queen's guards were also doing their jobs well. They were both present and unobtrusive as they guarded both the queen and the princess from certain out of the way spots. Gillis had arrived with a guard and he was doing his job by being easily seen as her shadow. I was sure that was the point, to show that she had physical protection and to distract everyone from noticing the rest of the guards.

“Right here, David.” Helena said and motioned to her favorite couch, so I eased her down onto it and she reclined slightly. “Plop Vanessa here beside me and go mingle.”

“Are you sure?” I asked and Vanessa sat where Helena indicated.

“Yes, Vanessa and I haven't had much time to interact without you as a buffer.” Helena said and saw Vanessa's slight blush. “I'm sure we'll get along well, considering we share views on you and how to treat you.”

“I'd like to talk to you as well.” Vanessa said. “Is this the best time? There are so many guests...”

Helena chuckled. “David will keep them at bay for us, won't you, my love?”

“Whatever you want.” I said and bent down to kiss her.

“Don't hurry back.” Helena said and Vanessa laughed softly.

I kissed her next and then went over to the main group of guests after a quick whispered word to Hope. She left and quickly came back with Jill, Sara, and Tabitha to set up a kind of perimeter around Helena's chosen couch.

“That was a great meal.” Gary said as I stood next to him. “I'm glad being out of the army has been so good to you.”

I had to laugh a little at that and my former XO Anna Carter and Drill Sergeant Nancy Travis looked confused.

“David had it bad after being hurt in the dragon mission.” Alex said.

“Listen to who's talking.” Donna sighed. “You lost an arm and a leg, you brave fool.”

Alex laughed. “Yeah, it got me out of the service quicker than I thought it would.” He put his arm around his wife. “You weren't much better with all that spray damage.”

“Oh, it was horrible.” Donna said and a few tears came to her eyes. “I didn't even want to look in the mirror anymore.”

Alex hugged her tightly and she wiped at her eyes.

“Then almost out of the blue, David showed up and did his marsh magic.” Donna said and smiled, even though the tears didn't stop. “By the Son's Light, it was the worst pain I've ever felt since the day I received the injuries in the first place.”

“It really is.” A voice said and we all turned to look at Rose. “My sister cursed David...”

“Ahem.” The queen said and then pretended to cough.

Rose rolled her eyes. “Lord Drake's name has never been said so loudly or with such hatred.”

Alex nodded. “I was right there, quite delirious, and I have to admit that I was yelling his name as well.” He looked at me fondly. “I wasn't cursing him, though. He was giving me Donna back and I'd suffer through anything to have that.”

“Me, too.” Donna said and kissed Alex. “Getting you back was worth it.”

“I really want to know what you did.” Linette said as she walked over to us with her daughter, mother, and sister. “Is it really a state secret?”

I nodded. “I can't reveal anything until a certain condition is fulfilled.”

Linette sighed. “You don't know how long...”

“It's up to the royal family.” I said and nodded to the queen. “I won't break the contract that I signed in good faith.”

“Thank you, Lord Drake.” The queen said. “I'm sure that... well...”

“We're working on it.” Rose said with a sly smile.

I had to chuckle. “Good luck.”

“Your highness, have you received my gift?” Lady Marks asked as she gave me a wink.

“I have and it's wonderful.” The queen said and glanced around, then she pulled up the sleeve of her dress. “Richard couldn't keep his hands off of me last night.”

Lady Marks laughed. “I assume you'll want another container. Or two.”

The queen's eyes almost sparkled. “I'll invite you over for a girls only family dinner as a thank you.”

“Ooo.” Both Jinelle and Rose said at the same time, which made the older ladies laugh softly.

“That sounds wonderful.” Lady Marks said. “David, have you made anything else to stun us with?”

“There's no such thing as a stun potion.” I said and that made everyone laugh.

“You're so funny.” Rose said and looked at Jinelle. “Let's go raid the drinks table.”

“No alcohol!” The queen and Linette said at the same time as the girls ran off laughing.

“She might almost be finished at the academy; but, she acts like such a little girl sometimes.” Linette said with a shake of her head.

That explains a couple of things. I thought.

“Rose can be rambunctious at times as well.” The queen said and glanced at me. “I should start reining her in very soon.”

“I think you can let her be young for a bit longer, since she won't be starting at the academy until next year.” Greta said. “I'll keep an eye on her when she starts school, as will Jinelle.”

“Thank you.” The queen said.

“Hey, David! I just noticed!” Gary said as he looked at the glass I was holding in my hand. “What the hell happened? You got your little finger back!”

I pointed it out at the queen. “State secret.”

Gary looked at the queen and she nodded. “Well, damn. I know it's going to be a good story and I won't get to hear it.”

I put a hand on his shoulder. “If it makes you feel better about this, I don't use a wooden leg anymore.”

“No? Then what...” Gary stopped talking and bent over to touch my leg. “Good god, it's real! It's a real leg!”

The people around us laughed at his startled reaction.

“My fiance ordered me to mingle, so I need to keep doing that.” I said as Gary stood up.

“David, what the hell did you do?” Gary asked.

“Something I need to do again, I believe.” I said and touched the back of my damaged hand. “Ladies and gentlemen, please excuse me. I see my next target.”

A few of them turned to look and saw the Montgomery Family.

“Miss Carter, would you accompany me? I'm sure that the old man would like to hear your views on using the sword I sent you.”

“I'd be honored.” Anna said and took my arm. “Excuse us.”

“Me, too.” Nancy said and followed us.

“How far he's come.” Alex said with a smile.

“We'd be very interested in hearing about some of your adventures together.” Lady Marks said.

“Chief Stromboli can assist with that, too.” Donna said and the older man nodded.

I tuned them out as I brought Anna over to see the old man, Black, and Heather.

“Ah, the illustrious host.” The old man said with a bright smile. “Who is this? Another conquest?”

“Hardly.” Anna said with a bit of a laugh. “I'm his old training XO.”

“Oh! You were the one he sent his sword to.” The old man said and Black and Heather perked up at that. “How does it feel? How long can you hold the charge before it dissipates? Do you pre-charge it or do it just before attacking?”

“Grandfather, let her breathe and answer.” Black said with a laugh. “We rarely get independent input for our enchantments.”

“I wouldn't quite call me independent.” Anna said, amused. “I suppose I'm not your normal clientele.”

“Yes, yes, exactly.” The old man said. “New eyes gives new view.”

Thus began a lively discussion on the merits of the new enchantments over the old ones.

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