
During the night, the ship set sail to an unknown destination. In the morning, the door of the hold opened and the dirty man came in. He looked around and didn't take note of the dead body.

“All right, you lot. Up and out! You've got work to do!” The dirty man said and the slaves all stood and shuffled out. He walked over to the body and chuckled. “You didn't last long, did you fresh meat?”

“Longer than he did.” I said and the dirty man jumped back and stared at the body.

“What the hell?!? The dead talked!”

“No, I did.” I said and the dirty man's eyes moved over to the wall where I sat.

“You!” The dirty man exclaimed. “You should be dead!”

“Many many times.” I said and gave him the same smile the Hag used.

The man shivered at the sight of my grin and the dried blood on my face as he stepped back. “S-stay away!”

I held in my laugh at his reaction and just stared at the man until he slowly backed all the way to the door of the hold. “Get me food soon or you won't like what happens next.”

The man let out a yelp and jumped out of the hold before he slammed the door closed.

I did my best Hag cackle impression and heard the man squeak in terror and then heard his feet run across the wood floor and up the stairs to the deck. I would probably only have half an hour to myself before some of the crew showed up, maybe even the captain, and I closed my eyes to keep examining my magic. The limited amount I had used it the night before seemed to be all I could do.

It's like I'm back to when I first started doing it on my own. I thought and opened my eyes to look at my hand. A small flame appeared there and it was much smaller and less intense than I had been used to. I doubted I could light much on fire right now, let alone an entire room like I used to. I think if given enough time, I might be able to increase it with a lot of practice.

I looked around the hold and the only thing there was the body. It must have been specifically for just the slaves, since it wasn't the size of the entire ship. With nothing else to do, I braced myself against the wall and very carefully pushed up with the heels of my feet to a leaning position. I looked down at the stubs of my feet and I knew that trying to walk without any toes to balance, was going to be as difficult as learning to walk with a peg leg.

I held in my sigh and turned to put my shoulder against the wall and took a tentative step. It was shaky, since the wood floor hadn't been cleaned in a long time. The grime from unwashed bodies and dried sea water had caked all over the place. I took another step and winced as my other foot tried to push off with toes I didn't have. I actually sighed this time and took another step while I concentrated on not doing that.

I took my time and very slowly made it to the end of the wall. I took a laboured breath and turned around, then slowly made my way back to where I was sitting before. I had been tempted to walk all the way around, just to prove that I could, then remembered the crew would be showing up soon. I sat down again and rubbed my foot stubs. With no soft fleshy pads called toes to use to gain momentum, it was only skin covered bone that was the last part of my foot that touched the floor as I walked.

The door to the hold opened and six burly crew came in. The group split apart and three went to the left and three went to the right. Each drew swords and held them at the ready. A man stepped in and he looked a lot like the captain that had picked Victoria and I up for our botany excursion. He was smarmy and dressed like a pirate, which also told me what kind of ship I was on.

“I hear that you threatened one of my crew.” The captain said, his voice deadly.

I didn't respond and his face went to anger.

“Speak, slave!” The captain spat.

“I didn't have to threaten him. He ran like a scared little near-rabbit when he realized the fresh meat ate the old meat.” I said and waved at the body in front of me.

“What did you say to him?”

“I asked for good food or he wouldn't like what happened next.” I said, not bothering to lie.

“You won't have any food at all until you make up for killing one of my slaves.” The captain said.

I barked a laugh. “Yes, starve me and lose two free workers for no reason.” I said and he looked even angrier. “You set things up for the slaves to deal with any fresh meat coming onto the ship. You shouldn't be surprised when one fought back. It was bound to happen sometime.”

The captain's face didn't lose the anger. “I should put you in shackles and hang you from the mainsail!”

I shrugged. “You're the captain and you're already down one slave that probably worked less than the others because he seemed to be in charge. He was a bit fatter, too.” I licked my lips and made a smacking sound. “I bet your other slaves have been slower and harder to control with him eating the majority of the food you toss in here.”

One of the six men reached out a hand and tapped the captain's shoulder. The captain turned to him and they had a whispered conversation about it being true and that they were thinking about getting rid of the other slave soon for exactly those reasons. Unproductive slaves were bad slaves. I didn't tell them that I could easily hear them talking and kept a blank look on my face.

“You will take over the dead slave's duties tomorrow.” The captain said, an angry expression still on his face.

“If he was a scout in the crows nest or a helper in the galley, I can do that.”

The captain's face somehow got angrier, which was a neat trick. “You are a slave and will DO WHAT I SAY!”

I didn't react and pointed at my cropped feet. “Didn't your near-rabbit tell you I need to relearn how to walk with no toes and to use these?” I asked and held up my hands with only two fingers and a thumb on each.

The captain cursed and turned around to draw his sword and sliced at the wall. The sword left a deep furrow and his heavy breathing could easily be heard in the quiet. “How... long?”

“Two weeks, if I'm given good food to get my strength up. Three or more if I have to fight for gruel.”

The captain cursed again and turned back to glare at me. “You seem sure of those answers.”

“It's not the first time I've lost fingers and toes.” I said. “If I had an old pair of boots, I might be able to modify them and tie them to my stubs.”

“You dare ask for clothes?!?” The captain spat.

“Boots aren't really clothing and I didn't ask for a new tunic or new pants.” I said and waved at my bloody pants. “I could use them right now; but, I'd rather earn them.”

The captain looked surprised, as did his men. “Explain.”

I almost smiled and managed to hide it behind a cough. “I have experience sailing a ship.”

“Which job did you do?” The man that touched the captain's shoulder asked. “Depending on the position, I could recommend to the captain to increase your food allotment.”

I actually smiled this time. “All of them.”

The men were still for a moment, then they all laughed. Even the captain smiled with his angry face, which was weird to see.

“You're pumping bilge! No one can do every job! Ha hahaha!” One of the other men exclaimed.

“The best speed direction for the ship is broad reach when in medium to high waves. Runs can only be done with smaller waves.” I said and the laughing lessened. “I was brought onto the ship on my back in a hand cart and I saw the rigging. The mizzenmast topgallant sail rigging is cross-threaded with the mizzen topsail on the left side. One good hard turn to the right in a heavy wind and the ropes will shear and it will drop both sails.”

They all fell quiet at my words and they exchanged looks with each other and then with the captain. After a minute of complete silence, the man that asked me what job I did stepped forward.

“What do you suggest to fix the problem?” He asked, as if it was a test.

“If you've got the ropes and replacement pulleys, run a new rig up with new ropes for the topgallant, replace the old ones, then cut the old ones free to leave the shared pulley only for use on the top sail. Once ropes are worn, it's safer to replace them than to hope that they won't catch on a well-used pulley.”

The man looked surprised and turned to the captain. They had another whispered conversation that I easily heard and the man said he wouldn't have thought of adding another pulley to ease the strain for both sails. He would have only replaced the ropes.

The captain listened and his angry face faded to apathetic. “How did you get this knowledge?”

“I worked on a schooner and a clipper ship.” I said. I didn't add that they were only for short trips, though. I wouldn't expand on that, even if asked.

“You've gotten around as a slave if you've been on two ships.” The captain said and then scowled. “Why did they kick you off?”

“I only became a slave recently.” I said without adding that it was the Hag that caught me. “Both crews that I worked with wanted me to sign on permanently because of my expertise.”

That sentence shocked them and all six of the crewmen crowded the captain and they had a heated whispered conversation. If they could get my help, the ship's efficiency could only get better, especially with the deadbeat already dealt with.

I kept my face blank as they talked about trying to force me to do it, as if that was possible. I slightly shook my head as the captain tried to order them to make me help, since I was a slave. I let it go on, just to see if they would come to the right decision.

“Enough!” The captain said and waved them to part and he glared at me. “You are a slave on my ship. You will work as I deem necessary or you will be beaten to within an inch of your life and won't eat.”


You have a choice to make. Will you comply with your owner's commands or will you take your life into your hands and hope for the best?

A) Give in. B) Spit on him. C) Laugh. D) Go to sleep. E) Refuse. F) Counter offer. G) Choose two.

Oh, I think I'll choose two. C and F. Let's see how he likes ultimatums.


I barked a laugh, similar to the Hag's cackle, and the crewmen looked surprised. “If you think you can beat the knowledge out of me to benefit you, go right ahead and try it. You'll find out how quickly this ship can go to hell.”

The captain still had his sword in his hand and he gripped it as he took two steps towards me. He raised it in a threatening manner as if to strike me and I looked into his eyes calmly. I didn't flinch, twitch, or even made any kind of noise. The crewmen's surprised looks stayed on their faces as the captain stopped walking and held the ineffectual sword as if it would still work.

I slowly pushed myself up to stand, careful of my footing, and kept my eyes locked onto the captain's eyes before I slowly turned around to show my back. The hisses and curses from the men filled the hold. They all knew what had to happen for my back to be that mangled.

“You can't see my face now. Go ahead and strike me down like you desperately want to.” I said and stood there while I waited.

It was deathly quiet as we all waited for the captain's decision.

There was an inarticulate shout and the sword swung at me... and then it made a thunk sound as it dug into the wall of the hull beside my neck. I didn't move, flinch, or even look at the blade, even with it that close. I also felt the small stirring of magic within it. At the moment, it was as threatening to me as the captain was, which was not at all. He knew he needed me and all the posturing was just for show.

“You aren't afraid of me at all.” The captain said, angrily.

I didn't say anything in response and he cursed.

“Speak, slave!” The captain spat.

“You don't want me to answer.” I said and carefully braced myself as I turned back around. I didn't want to slip and slice my neck open on the sword. “Your anger blinds you. If I tell you why I'm not afraid, you'll be insulted and will take it out on me, even though it's the truth and it's not my fault.”

The captain bared his teeth at me. “I think you can stay in this hold for a week without food and we'll see how cooperative you'll be then.”


You have another choice to make. Will you accept your fate or will you change it?

A) Accept the punishment. B) Bluff. C) Threaten. D) Do nothing. E) Laugh. F) Choose two.

I've gotten this far with some posturing, so let's go all the way. I choose B and C.


“The other slaves stay here, so I'll have lots of food to pick from. It might not taste good because of the white dye; but, it's still edible.” I said as I let my blank face fade and then I grinned like the Hag. “Or maybe I'll wait for one of the crew to deliver food to the other slaves and I can get some healthier fresh meat.”

The crewmen took a step back, as did the captain, which left his sword out of his reach and well within mine.

“You seem to be under the impression that I am trapped on this ship and can't go anywhere.” I said and changed my face back to a blank one without expression. “You're wrong. It's you that's trapped on this ship with me and it's you that has nowhere to run.”

“Men.” The captain said and took another step back and the crewmen took fighting stances.

I smiled and used my right hand to take hold of the captain's sword that was embedded in the wall. I made it glow, which made everyone gasp, and I eased it out of the wall as if it hadn't been stuck there.

“Ah, a proper blade for a proper lord.” I said and the men's eyes widened. “I told you. I only recently became a slave. My city was attacked and I was taken prisoner, maimed, and then changed into this.” I waved at myself. “That's why I need a couple of weeks to learn to walk properly again.”

The men formed up as the captain retreated behind them.

I lifted the blade and it was a little awkward, since I didn't have enough fingers on one hand to hold it steady. “Well? Are you attacking me or what?”

The men glanced at the captain and back at me, waiting for the order.


You're really getting a lot of choices this time. So, here's another. Do you want to keep up the farce or take the severe beating and possible death you've guaranteed yourself with the last two choices?

A) Surrender. B) Attack. C) Throw the sword. D) Use magic. E) Do something stupid. F) Choose two.

I chuckled at the comment and the choices. I've succeeded where I should have failed when choosing that option, so I have to do it again. I choose E.


I could see the captain debating the order and I saw in his eyes that he was going to order them to attack me, probably in the hopes that at least one of them would live long enough to do me in. I couldn't let that happen, so I gave them a much better option.

“Kill the captain and I'll make this the best pirate ship on the ocean.” I said and the men looked startled, as did the captain. “I'll make you rich, too.”

“How?” One of the men asked and the captain cursed.

“I'm already rich from making potions and selling expensive furniture. I even had my own ship built.” I said. “Being a pirate is just another business of acquiring goods and selling them to the highest bidder.”

The men looked thoughtful.

“Attack! Kill him!” The captain said and then he punched the closest crewman to grab the man's sword.

Robbing your own crew was not done on a ship, especially a pirate ship, so the men turned and ran him through just as he gained the sword. The sword dropped from his hand and he looked down at the five swords impaling him.

“Good job, men.” I said and hobbled over to the captain as he dropped to his knees. “It seems your ship is now ours, captain.”

“Wh-why... how...”

“Simple greed. They know I can do what I claim.” I said and swished the glowing sword across his neck.

The captain's head flopped backwards from his body and the crewmen gave startled shouts.

“You see? A proper blade.” I said and let the glow fade. “Before I do anything else, I was joking about eating you. It was the best way to unnerve you.”

The men gave each other looks and then looked back at me.

“So, who wants to kill the dirty near-rabbit that accepted me onto the ship before we raid the captain's stash?” I asked with a feral smile.

The crewmen gave me feral smiles back.

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