Bookworld Online: Marsh Man

282 Academy Antics Take Two


The guard at the gate waved us through without stopping us and I tossed him a gold coin. He fumbled with it for a moment, almost dropping it, then he smiled as he pocketed it. Gella shook her head at me and her smile didn't lessen.

“I know.” I said and she chuckled. “I said I know.”

Gella laughed out loud. “He's going to expect payment whenever you pass by! Ha ha!”

I had to smile at her laughing. “Is it because he was so easily trained or that I didn't do it before?”

“Both!” Gella said and kept laughing.

We came to a stop at the main building and went inside. No one stopped us and we walked down the side hallway towards the director's office.

“We don't have an appointment...” I started to say.

“She's been expecting you since this morning.” The secretary said with a smile. “Go on in.”

“Thank you.” I said and held a hand out to her.

“Really?” She asked, surprised.

I nodded and she took my hand, then I bent over it and kissed the back of it as I pushed my magic through it.

“Ohhh.” She moaned and closed her eyes briefly, then she opened her eyes and beamed a smile at me. “Thank you, my lord.”

I nodded again and let her hand go as Gella opened the office door for me.

“I actually felt you flirting with my secretary...” Mage Chasma said and her secretary gave her the same beaming smile. “...and she's unrepentant for taking a lord's attention, however briefly.”

“Why would I say no?” The secretary asked. “The rest of your afternoon is free of appointments.”

“Thank you.” Mage Chasma said and Gella and I stepped into her office and shut the door. “Did she tell you I expected you here this morning?”

“Yes, and I don't know why.” I said as we all sat down. “I only found out at lunch that Greta was offered her old job back.”

“She didn't tell you?” Mage Chasma asked and I shook my head. “That's strange. I asked her to.”

“Perhaps I can offer an explanation.” I said and told them what happened last night between Greta and myself.

Mage Chasma nodded. “She would want a little time away from you after that, if only to get her own thoughts together.”

“I haven't felt that electric jolt before.” I said.

“It's not something I've heard of myself.” Mage Chasma said and glanced at Gella. “Perhaps taking a sample size of partners to see if it's Greta's involvement or just your own magic strength?”

“Are you actually curious or are you just angling to kiss my lord to feel it yourself?” Gella asked.

Mage Chasma smiled at the blunt question. “A bit of both, actually. I've felt his flirting before.”

“I'm glad you were honest about it.” Gella said and turned towards me. “My lord, please recreate what happened last night.”

I stood and let the thoughts of the Hag float around in my head, then made a fist with my hand and my magic swirled around me. It shook a lot of things in the office and Gella stood to cup the sides of my face.

“My lord, calm down.” Gella repeated and I let the magic slow, then she leaned in and kissed me. Our magic swirled together, almost violently, because she was full of repressed anger as well. Several things in the office fell over and broke, then the desk started to vibrate. Gella broke the kiss and slowly moved back as sparks of lightning danced between our lips.

“Oh, dear.” Mage Chasma whispered as the magic stopped churning and everything stopped shaking. “That was... quite volatile.” She stood up and walked around the desk. “My lord, please try that again.”

I did so and my magic shook things a little, then Mage Chasma wrapped her arms around me as she kissed me and poured her magic into me. Unlike mine or Gella's violent magic, her magic seemed warm and comforting. Mine swirled with hers and combined, only for nothing to shake at all as it flowed around us.

Mage Chasma broke the kiss and moved back slightly, then we heard a loud snap of thunder as a thick bolt of lightning passed between our lips. “OHHH!” She moaned and sat against her desk, then she blushed deeply as she put a hand over her womanhood and the growing wet spot there. “I shouldn't have worn pants today.”

We were all quiet for several moments, then Gella laughed. “My... my lord!” She said and then caught her breath and spoke normally. “You can bring out the best in those around you.”

I thought about that and nodded. “Greta's passion, your ruthlessness, and Mage Chasma's comforting warmth.”

“Exactly.” Gella said. “It almost felt like standing in a warm bath just before the kiss ended.”

“It felt like a violent storm when you kissed.” Mage Chasma said. “And please call me Pavinca. After a kiss like that, I can't help but call you David.” She gave me a searching look. “I hope that's okay?”

“It's my name.” I said and she smiled at me. “By the way, I'm returning to school.”

Pavinca chuckled and handed me the papers on her desk. “Here are your exclusion papers. Being captured and turned into a slave can grant you a lot of leeway.”

“I'll be writing the exams.” I said and she nodded.

“I expected nothing less.” Pavinca said. “I do expect you to fail in the spell composition and math portions for the same, considering you have a completely different magic skill set.”

“I can fake it enough in the practical portions to pass.” I said.

Pavinca laughed softly. “All right, I'll let your marks stand if they go over the minimum you are required to have.”

“That's better than the entrance exam I took where I was given the minimum and that was it.” I said and she nodded.

“You better get to class.” Pavinca said and looked at Gella. “I hope you kept the passes and permission slips I gave you.”

“I did.” Gella said and took them out to show her.

“Keep them on you and you are allowed to go with David to his classes.” Pavinca said. “With you as a guard, perhaps the reactions will be less prevalent.”

Both Gella and I gave her disbelieving looks and she laughed softly.

“Just try not to kill them right away, please?” Pavinca asked.

We nodded and left her office.

The secretary waved at us as we walked down the hallway and then she gasped. “My lord!”

We stopped walking and looked back at her.

“You need to get a new living assignment, your books replaced, and have your Royal cafeteria card re-issued.” The secretary said. “You can come back here after class for them.”

“Thank you.” I said to her and we left the hallway and the building.

“I doubt they will give you a room, my lord.” Gella said as we went to the carriage.

“You're assuming the one assigning them will bow to pressure from the dead mages and their families?”

“Or is from one themselves.” Gella said. “Driver, we're staying until school ends. Pick us up a little after then, please.”

“Yes, ma'am.” The driver said and drove off with the carriage.

“I have Advanced Potions class right now.” I told her and waved towards the main building used for classes. We walked there and entered. It was only part way into the first class of the afternoon, so no students were in the hallways as we went to the right classroom.

Gella knocked and opened the door before I could and whispered about not letting me slip inside without anyone noticing, because that wasn't the point of returning to school.

“What is...” Greta started to ask as she turned towards the door, then she saw me. “DAVID!”

“Mage Marks.” I said and nodded to her and walked over to the desks, only to see a shocked looking Jinelle at my old potions position. I went to her old one and ignored the three angry faces on the other students. Lorna, her betrothed, and the other young blond man, apparently had family I had killed.

“What... what are you doing here?” Greta asked, nervously.

“Resuming classes just before exams.” I said and looked at the chalk board and saw that it was just a review day. “I suppose I didn't have to come if this is the last class before the exams that are apparently happening next week.” I gave her a blank look. “Thank you for letting me know you returned to work.”

Greta blushed and turned her head away. “I just... I needed some time to...”

“If you're working, that means you're not helping me with the modifications we planned to do for the next few weeks.” I said and she sucked in a sharp breath.

“David, I... I didn't think...”

“No, you reacted to something that could happen to anyone.” I said and stepped out from behind the potion workstation. “If I could call upon Jinelle to help me demonstrate?”

“M-m-me?” Jinelle asked.

“H-h-her?” Gretta said at the same time.

“It will only take a moment.” I said and walked over to the young woman. “I only ask for a brief kiss, Lady Marks.”

Jinelle stared at me. Her eyes went from my white skin, to my long white hair, and to my bright blue eyes. “What happened to you?” She asked. “You're supposed to be dead.”

“You didn't believe that.” I said and stepped close to her as she shook her head. “I was kidnapped and made into a slave, became a pirate and took over the ship, wrecked the Eastern Empire's shipping routes, and then returned here to find my entire life destroyed by the Mages Guild.”

Jinelle let out a sob and tears started to flow out of her eyes.

“No, your mother, grandmother, and aunt were not involved. I dealt with the confessed criminals in short order and will deal with the rest when they come to the capital to return to the guild.” I let my anger out and my magic surged out, rattling everything in the classroom.

“D-David.” Jinelle whispered.

I cupped the sides of her face and wiped at her tears with my thumbs. “May I kiss you?”

Jinelle nodded and I pressed my lips to hers. “MMMM!” She moaned loudly as she pushed her magic out and into me. Her magic surged out harder than any others I had done this with and it swirled with mine and mixed together. Vials nearby shattered as our combined magic lashed out and pushed everything away by about a foot, then a strong wind picked up and blew everyone's hair around.

I broke the kiss and moved back exactly an inch. The sound of thunder was very loud in the classroom as a bolt of lightning nearly an inch thick snapped between our lips.

“OHHHHH, GOD!” Jinelle moaned loudly as the magic entered her and her legs gave out.

I caught her before she fell and scooped her up into a princess carry as she cuddled into my chest.

“Iloveyou, Iloveyou, Iloveyou...” Jinelle whispered, over and over.

“What the HELL was that?!?” Lorna asked as the wind died down.

“A successful experiment and solid proof of concept.” I said and looked at Greta, who's face was pale, because she now knew she had overreacted to what happened. “I'll take her back to her room to let her rest, since this class isn't necessary.”

Gella opened the classroom door for me and I left with Jinelle in my arms. No one said anything until the door shut behind me.

“How can he come back to class like nothing happened?” A male voice asked. “He's killed hundreds of people!”

“He's killed a lot more than that before coming to the academy the first time.” Greta responded. “Why is this any different?”

“He killed our family!” The other male said.

“A criminal, by confession, that was dispatched by order of the Royal Family.” Greta said. “Are you going to join the guild in notoriety and continue their criminal activities?”

“No, but...”

“So, you think your family is better than others and their crimes can be forgiven, is that it?” Greta asked.

No one responded.

“If you didn't notice, he killed both men and women at the guild. No one was above being served justice, not even the exalted Mages Council and the Grand Mage himself.” Greta said and I felt a surge of magic from her. “They did horrible things to that man and his family! They robbed him of his fortune, his lands, and killed his future wife and his baby! What right do you have to say that your brother deserved to live after killing a baby! WHAT RIGHT?!?”

No one spoke again.

“Exactly. You have no right. So shut up and accept that your family was involved in horrendous crimes and promise that you will never seek retribution over it. If you try, he will kill you all, as he has proven by wiping out the rest of the Henrietta family and that banker's family.”

I nodded to Gella and we walked away from the still silent classroom. It didn't take us long for us to arrive at the dorm building that housed Jinelle's year of classmates. We entered and the dorm monitor saw us and nodded. She escorted us to her room and allowed me to bring Jinelle inside and lay her on the bed, under her close watchful eyes.

Her three maids came out of their room and stared at me with their mouths hanging open.

“Please.” Jinelle whispered when I tried to let her go. “Accept me.”

“I won't be signing any more contracts.” I said and tears came to her eyes again. “I am sorry, dear Lady. You know I cannot.”

Jinelle nodded and then she put her hands on the sides of my face. “A... a kiss goodbye.”

I glanced at the dorm monitor and she sighed. I nodded to her and looked back at Jinelle as I let my magic out.

“Ohhh...” Jinelle moaned as her magic surged forth without her trying to push it, then she pulled me down into a passionate kiss as our magic merged and sent out another push.

Gella caught the dorm monitor before she fell and the shocked looked on her face made Gella laugh.

I broke the kiss and moved back, the crack of thunder and the snap of lightning happened again, then Jinelle and her three maids made similar moaning sounds.

“You must be glad you're wearing a skirt.” I said.

“Yessssss.” Jinelle said and looked at me with half lidded eyes. “I... I do love you, David.”

“I know.” I said and gave her a light kiss and stood. “Enjoy your life while you can.”

Jinelle smiled sadly. “I understand.”

I nodded to her and to her dorm monitor, then Gella and I left. Now that I had some free time with the rest of the afternoon off, and having dealt with two of the three reasons I came back to the academy, it was time to deal with the last reason.

Gella walked beside me as we walked across the campus grounds towards the botany workshop. “I was wondering why you left visiting her until last.”

“It's going to be painful for Mage King because of what I'm about to do to her.” I said and Gella smiled.

“I have an idea.” Gella said.

“Perhaps.” I said and we fell silent as we walked the rest of the way to a fateful meeting that could be both therapeutic and disastrous.

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