Bookworld Online: Marsh Man

292 Study Break – Adult


Jinelle looked very surprised when she entered our dorm rooms. None of us commented on her looking around or about her giving pointed and barely concealed looks at Hanna. She was the youngest one there and did get a lot of attention from being so cute, probably because of her thinner frame and her happy expression.

“I see you brought a lot of materials.” Jill said and waved at the small table we ate meals on. “I'll grab a footstool for the crate.”

“Thank you.” I said and waited for Jill to bring it from the living area and put the crate down on it.

“We will try to not be too noisy as we make supper.” Hanna said and gave me a hug from behind, then she and Jill went to the kitchen.

“When did you move in here?” Jinelle asked as she sat at the table.

“Just before the weekend.” Gella said. “It's just too much travelling for us to commute from the Sanctuary and back every day.”

Jinelle looked at her, then at Farra, then her eyes went to the kitchen to look at Hanna and Jill.

I held up a hand to get her attention and then started pointing at them in the same order she looked at them. “Sworn Sword, Apprentice, Personal Slave, and Temporary Personal Maid.”

Jinelle's eyes had widened as I successfully justified having more than just a personal maid that all first year cadets are allowed. I didn't mention the previous king lifting that restriction for me, though. That wasn't information she needed to have, since it made no difference to my current situation.

“We should go over the recipes and ingredients first.” I suggested and Gella nodded. “If we familiarize ourselves with those, the notes on each will make more sense, instead of trying to only read the notes and then associating them with the recipes.”

Jinelle gave us furtive looks as she looked at the large stack of notes, knowing the larger stack was going to take a lot more time to get through.

“We can just skim the notes when we learn the major ingredients and their reactions in the recipes.” Gella said to her to try and convince her. “Also, any that have very reactive effects we can focus on, because you know that Mage Marks is going to want us to know about them.”

Jinelle sighed and nodded in agreement.

“Huddle up.” I said and moved my chair close to Jinelle's and then Gella moved over to my other side.

Jinelle blushed as I put an arm over her shoulders to pull her in close and she missed Gella ducking under my other arm.

“I'll flip the pages when necessary.” Gella offered and we started to discuss the first recipe.

Farra handed Jinelle the first potion bottle and sat across from us to absorb as much of our discussion as possible without actually reading the notes. I was tempted to get her to start transcribing the notes and to write down our words, then decided against it. It was more important for us to study as much as possible and as quickly as possible. I could always copy Jinelle's notes after the exam, anyway.

We talked for quite some time and went over the qualities of the potions and their component ingredients. Jinelle dug through her notes for each one and we added them to the discussion. Getting other people's opinions on what the best part of a potion was, was a new experience for me. It also let us learn the potions inside and out as well. Farra also offered her own views, using her experiences on the ship and at the Sanctuary working with myself and the old man as examples.

We stopped when supper was served and Jinelle blushed when she realized that she was inadvertently sitting where my wife would sit when at a larger table. The others didn't tease her about it and she eventually relaxed and enjoyed the meal and the conversation.

I watched her and saw that she was carefully watching everyone's interactions, as if memorizing them. It's almost like she's never had a normal meal with other people. I thought, then I realized that she probably hadn't. This might have been the very first friendly meal that she had ever had, with no social obligations or requirements on her part, for her to perform or be wary of.

“That was delicious, Hanna and Jill. Thank you.” Gella said and leaned back from the table.

“I'm glad your stomach appreciates how hard we work while you're off keeping our lord company.” Jill said with a smile.

Gella laughed and pat her slightly distended belly. “I'm so glad that the rehabilitation potions are working so well. I don't remember the last time I had an actual appetite.”

“I know! It feels... weird.” Hanna said and her hand pat her own belly. “I'm even eating snacks now.”

Farra and Gella fake gasped and stared at her, to make her blush, then they laughed and hugged her.

“We're just kidding, Hanna. We're really happy that you're feeling so much better.” Farra said and kissed her cheek. “I'm not up to eating more yet, so you're farther along than I am. I'm so proud!”

Hanna blushed even more and also looked a little proud.

“Lets clean up and get back to studying.” I said and stood.

Jinelle sat there, quite surprised, as she watched us all clean up the plates and wash them. We took turns washing ourselves up in the bathroom and came back to see here still sitting there with her mouth slightly open and her eyes fixed on us.

I took the initiative and helped her stand and then took her to the bathroom, washed her face and hands to clean her up, then dried her off and brought her back to the table that Gella and Farra had put the potions notes back on.

“L-L-Lord D-Drake...” Jinelle whispered, her face red.

“We're in private and I've had you tucked under my arm for the last few hours, so David's fine.” I said and sat her down as I would if she was a lady.

Jinelle's blush deepened and she looked at my face to see if I was being sincere.

“I mean it. It's just public social protocol that requires formality with others around.” I said. “I even called the new Queen by her given name when she wasn't being a bitch.”

“It only happened twice.” Gella said with a laugh, which set the others off and we all laughed, even Jinelle. She knew what Ellen was like after spending time with Princess Rose while growing up.

I put my arm back over Jinelle's shoulders. “What is it you want to say?”

Gella tucked herself under my other arm to resume our previous positions.

“How... how can you... act so...” Jinelle's voice drifted off.

“I've spent more time as less than a commoner than I have as a Lord.” I said. “After being exposed to both lifestyles, I can honestly say that I don't know which I would choose if I had to pick to go back to them.”

Jinelle blinked her eyes at me. “What do you mean? You're Lord Drake. You can't choose to become...”

I chuckled and the others around us laughed softly. “Jinelle, I've been a pirate for most of the time I've been away. I didn't choose that life. My life just became it when I was in that situation.”

Jinelle looked confused.

Gella pat my arm and leaned around me. “He means that as he moves into a new area, his life changes to suit that area.” She said as an explanation. “He was a baby and had a normal life. He was taken to the marsh and became someone who could survive there. Years later, he was taken back to the village. Before he could adapt without the Hag being there, people blamed him for her crimes and sentenced him to death.”

Jinelle gasped and covered her mouth. “No!”

“The army conscripted him and he adapted to their way of life to survive. He did, right up until Colonel Rivers tried to get him killed. He couldn't stay and arranged to be rescued by Helena.” Gella said and her hand moved to caress my chest. “She saved him before he was completely mangled and then he was brought here. He adapted quickly, thanks to eloquence lessons from a cousin to the royal family. He didn't know everything, though.”

“Then I went to the academy and my life changed again.” I added. “Ridicule, derision, ignorance, and irrational anger at me was my daily life. I adapted and refused to let them dictate what my living conditions were going to be like.”

“Just as he was finally getting acceptance from the community as a whole, he was attacked and kidnapped.” Farra said. “He was made a slave and mangled again, nearly crippling him and making him weak in his body.” She reached over and caressed my face briefly. “His spirit, though... nothing could ever get him down. He adapted and thrived and made the best of his situation, like he always does.”

“Then he came back here and saw what happened.” Hanna said as she put her arms around me from behind and hugged me. “His spirit... his spirit was... damaged.”

“Lady Helena.” Jinelle whispered.

“She was his only reason for coming back here.” Hanna said and kissed my cheek. “She was his world, as was his son.”

I felt my magic respond as my anger rose. Everyone around me shivered and reached for me, even Jinelle. I felt their magic respond and mine flowed out and into them.


You have a critical choice to make. Do you want to change the nature of your relationships with the women in your life or do you want to maintain your distance and remain mostly unaffected by their emotions?

A) Push them away. B) Embrace them. C) Let your magic decide. D) Do nothing.

What the hell is this? I asked. There's almost no reason for this to happen right now!

You are obviously unaffected by their emotions, so you have no clue that they all love you in their own way. So, I think I'll take this very important decision and let magic decide.

Oh, look. You have chosen C.

Congratulations! Let's see what happens. Good luck! We're all rooting for you!


“Ohhhhh.” Jinelle moaned and cuddled into me to kiss my neck. Her magic burst out of her and was like pouring oil on a fire as it entered me and joined with mine.

Jill quickly grabbed the papers from the table and ran from the room. She didn't have to have magic herself to realize what was going on. She knew a magic convergence when she saw one.

I turned my head to Jinelle to tell her to stop, because I didn't want my anger enhanced. She lifted her head to meet my eyes and I saw understanding there, then she moved forward slightly and our lips connected. Our magic surged at the same time and Hanna, Gella, and Farra moaned loudly as our magic smashed through them and swirled around inside them, adding to the feeling and the pressure.

My hands seemed to move on their own as I dug into Gella's top and grabbed her breast with one hand and then I dug through Jinelle's clothing with my other hand and grabbed her breast, too.

“OHHHHH!” The four of them moaned loudly as Jinelle had an orgasm just from that and shared the feeling with everyone, including me.

I felt someone's hand on my pants and then they were opened and gone. Someone's mouth was on my manhood and I was too busy kissing Jinelle to look down. It wasn't a ritual because no one was thinking about a bath. At all. It also felt very different while kneading someone's breasts and kissing them.

We somehow went from sitting at the table to laying on the bed, with my mouth buried deep into Jinelle's womanhood and her screaming my name. My hands were occupied as I played with Gella between her legs on one side and Farra on the other. Thanks to only having two fingers on each hand, they were the perfect size to pleasure both women.

That meant Hanna was the one with her mouth wrapped around my manhood and she was very enthusiastic about it. Her hands were dug into my butt cheeks and she shoved me hard into her mouth and down her throat, letting her magic pleasure the both of us, just like mine was flowing over everyone and making everything feel ten times better than it normally did.

When I blew my load, Hanna moaned loudly and had an orgasm as well, which she shared with everyone. Apparently, she really liked having me pour myself down her throat and her magic responded to that.

I pulled out of her mouth and crawled up onto the bed to look down at Jinelle. Her eyes were bright and tear filled, her body tingling all over with our combined magic, and she reached up to pull me down and wrapped her legs around me. It just so happened to position me perfectly and I slid right into her opening.

“AH!” Jinelle gasped as I tore her open, meaning it was her very first time, then our combined magic healed her instantly and she had an orgasm from feeling all of me inside of her. Her eyes were frantic as she stared at me, then she smashed her lips against mine and kissed me as she hugged me tightly. “MMMMM!”

“Ohhhh!” Gella beside us moaned, then Farra let out a low scream as she soaked my fingers.

Hanna crawled up over me and pulled my head up and broke the deep kiss Jinelle had on me, then she pushed her dripping womanhood into my face. “Love me, my lord! LOVE ME!”

I was pretty far gone by this point and pulled my hands away from Gella and Farra, braced myself, and did my best to give Hanna a thorough licking. She moaned and came all over my face, dripping onto Jinelle's face, whom didn't seem to mind or care.

Hanna collapsed at the headboard of the bed and barely managed to not lay down on Jinelle's head.

“David!” Jinelle exclaimed and my attention went back to her. “Give it to me! Fix my family!”

I wasn't sure what had come over me as I growled and drove myself at a furious pace inside of her. Her screams of pleasure echoed through the dorm room as I had my way with her, then our magic seemed to coalesce together and I let my next load go inside of her.

“BY THE SON'S LIGHT!” Jinelle yelled and came as the magic infused into her and her womb, implanting my very fertile seed inside of her.

My mind started to clear as the magic ebbed from the intensity, then Gella's hands grabbed my hair and pulled. I was wrenched from inside Jinelle and Gella wrapped her legs around me and plunged my unwavering erection into her depths.

“MY LOOORRRRRRD!” Gella yelled and kissed me passionately. She wouldn't let me go, even as my mind seemed to snap out of whatever magic induced haze it had been in. Unfortunately, I was the only one thinking rationally at that point and Gella refused to let me talk and assisted my movements inside of her with her arms and legs.

“Gella... Gella, I... you have to...” I tried to say and she gripped me tightly and did the same as Jinelle as she smashed her lips back against mine to shut me up.

There was no magic building up between us after using up so much with Jinelle, and Gella didn't care. Not that she was thinking too much about what was going on. She had me inside of her, something she had dreamed about ever since I had rescued her, and now I had given her exactly what she wanted. She didn't care how it had happened and wasn't going to let me stop now.

Gella's magic swirled around me and held me as tightly as her arms and legs did, then she screamed as an orgasm hit her and I spilled myself inside of her as a result. There was no magic infusion, so we were both sure that no child was going to result from our coupling. The magic seemed to be an essential component and all Gella wanted was to be with me like that in that moment. She let me go, well sated, then I was roughly grabbed and rolled over onto my back.

“Farra!” I gasped as she hovered over me, her eyes glowing with her magic, then she plunged herself down onto me.

“MY LOOORRRRRRD!” Farra yelled, eerily similar to Gella, then she laid down and kissed me passionately as her hips kept moving.

I felt smaller hands touch my face and broke the kiss to look, only to see Jinelle as she smiled at me through half-closed eyes. Her lips found mine and she let her gentle magic flow out into me.

Farra groaned as she felt it and her movements sped up. I somehow knew that she didn't want to let this opportunity pass her by and I knew that if she stopped or tried to let me speak, the magic would break apart and we would all lose out, because it would be over.

I was sure that last thought wasn't my thought and Jinelle broke the kiss to smile at me again, then she rolled over onto her side and away from me. I was about to ask what she was doing, then Hanna was there and she sat on my face. I felt her magic spike and knew she wanted me to keep going, so I did my best to lick and kiss her between her legs. She moaned as much as Farra, then I felt pressure build up inside of me again.

Farra felt my manhood twitch inside of her and her magic tried to build and join with mine. I was sure that she was trying for an infusion, only she was at half a crystal's worth of power and that was nowhere near enough for what she wanted. It drained back down to a quarter as she desperately tried, then she collapsed on top of me and my shot inside of her was wasted. According to her, anyway.

“Move!” Hanna ordered and pushed Farra's shoulder.

Farra looked at her with tears in her eyes.

“We'll try again after we figure out how to fix you.” Hanna said.

Farra nodded as she slipped off of me to lay beside Gella.

“My lord, I love you. I am yours, body and soul.” Hanna said, almost in a chant, then she moved around to look into my eyes.

“Hanna, the magic...” I tried to say.

“I'm not doing it for the magic, my lord.” Hanna said and positioned me at her opening. She took several deep breaths and then held her breath as she sat down. “AHHH-huh?”

My magic had swirled up and her scream stopped, because she was healed.

Hanna's slightly pained face was full of astonishment, then she copied Farra as she moved up and down on me. Her breasts were starting to fill out from the emaciated distortion they had been, so I reached up and carefully cupped them.

“OHHH!” Hanna gasped and came all over my belly. “You touched them! YOU TOUCHED THEM!”

I pinched her nipples lightly and she moaned, then she laid down on me and kissed me tenderly and lovingly. “I've wanted... to kiss you... like this... for... ever.” She breathed into my mouth and rocked her hips to keep herself pleasured as she enjoyed herself by kissing me like she always dreamed.

It took nearly three times as long for her to make me shoot a load inside of her and her body seemed to shut down when I did. She collapsed on top of me and fell asleep right away.

“The poor thing exhausted herself.” Jill said and Hanna was lifted off of me and tucked into the other bed. Farra and Gella were there, too.

“You came back.” I said. I didn't comment on not seeing her move the other two women. Apparently, my vigilance technique wasn't working for anything except whatever I was touching.

“Of course I came back.” Jill said and bent over me. “I wasn't going to let anything bad happen to anyone under my care.”

I blinked my eyes at her for several moments, not really understanding what she meant.

“My lord, my Lady would never allow you to abuse those under our care.” Jill said and looked down at my very well used member that was still quite erect. Her hand reached out and she gripped it before she stroked it. “May I have a turn, my lord? You seem to be energized by magic itself.”

I looked down at myself and had to agree. Whatever was going on tonight, my manhood was not quite done. “As long as you realize that nothing else will happen.”

Jill smiled and climbed on top of me. I only just then noticed that she was completely naked. She didn't say anything until she sat down on top of me and let out a pained sound. My magic responded and immediately healed her. Jill was fairly old when compared to the others, which was why she had fit so well into a more motherly role for us all.

I never imagined that she could be even tighter than when she had given me her maidenhood. “Jill...”

“You're welcome, my lord.” Jill said and motioned to the bed. “I prefer to be on the bottom.”

“Of course.” I said and easily rolled us over to gently lay her onto the bed, then proceeded to have sex with her. The others were sound asleep, which left Jill and I by ourselves. The only noises in the room were our breathing, our sex sounds, and Jill's moans.

“My... my lord.” Jill whispered and her hands cupped the sides of my face. “Even if we never do this again, I am so glad that I got to share one more thing with my Lady.”

That made me think about our interactions. “You've performed the ritual for her; and yet, you've never kissed me for her.”

Jill's smile almost lit up the room. “As you wish, my lord.” She said and pulled me close and kissed me even gentler and softer than Hanna had.

This lasted for our entire love making session and Jill cried out in pleasure as she accepted my latest shot. She whispered her thanks for allowing her to feel the same things that Helena had, then she rolled over and fell asleep.

I moved off of her and sat up to look at the room, only to see everyone was asleep. I looked down at myself and I was still hard, which surprised me, then a soft moan drew my attention. I moved to the other side of Jill where Jinelle lay on her side to see her hand was buried deep between her legs.

“Jinelle?” I asked and she opened her eyes to look at me.

“That... that wasn't a dream?” Jinelle asked and blinked her eyes at me, then she looked down at me. “That definitely wasn't a dream.”

I moved towards her and she rolled onto her back. “It's still hard.”

“I can feel the magic still.” Jinelle said and moved her hand out of the way to expose herself. “I thought it was only... only my fantasy.”

I slipped into her and hugged her tightly. She moaned and kissed me tenderly, then she rocked her hips to help me continue to make love to her.

“My family... they are going to... be so angry at you.” Jinelle whispered and bit my ear.

“It's not witnessed or registered.” I whispered back and she gasped at the realization that no one would know who the father was, then her body gripped onto my member and squeezed it like a vise. I couldn't hold on with her reacting like that and spilled myself once more into her.

“Ohhhh, David. Thank you.” Jinelle said and kept kissing me. Her relief was almost physical at the thought that she could have a child and that would keep her away from any marriage contracts.

We stayed coupled together and kept moving with our bodies for quite some time before either of us felt the magic start to fade completely between us. We had pleasured ourselves more times than either of us could count and remained joined together as we fell asleep.

Not surprisingly, we all woke up fairly early the next morning. No one said a thing as we all had separate baths because Jinelle was there. Jill had her work cut out for her by taking care of all of us, Jinelle included, whom went first.

We studied for the remaining time that morning before getting dressed and heading over to the testing auditorium. We had an exam to write and an advanced potions practical to do our best in.

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