Bookworld Online: Marsh Man

296 Examination Exultation Part Six


For some reason, Gella led me around to the main administration building during our walk.

“Lunch is over, Gella. The cafeteria is closed.” I said and she gave me a sly smile, then dragged me up the stairs. I didn't clue in to where she was bringing me until we went past the floor that the cafeteria was on and the library doors opened. A very tall Eludora stood there, still near her nine feet of height. To my surprise, she had normal shaped arms and legs, with the proper muscles and appropriate strength to move her large frame around.

“My dearest.” Eludora whispered and her arms went around me as she knelt to look into my eyes.

“Eludora.” I responded and didn't hug her back.

“Idiot.” Gella said and slapped the back of my head.

That motion pushed my head forward and my lips met Eludora's. She moaned as a substantial amount of her magic poured out of her like a river. My magic responded in kind and swirled together with hers. Her hands tore off my uniform coat and shirt, which made buttons fly, and her hands rubbed my skin as her glamour spell faded. Her white skin and long white hair were revealed and she kept kissing me as she slipped out of her own simple dress.

I tried to protest and it came out as a mumbled moan, which encouraged her. She pushed me down to the floor right there and I felt a soft and thick blanket under me and not the rough carpet of the library. I glanced up to see Gella smirk as she closed the backpack she carried for me. I tried to glare at her and instead of being intimidated, she blushed.

I held in my sigh as Eludora moved down to pull my pants off and she moaned as my prominent erection was revealed. Her mouth slipped over me and she started sucking. She was as inexperienced as Jinelle was, since neither of them had ever seen a personal maid take care of someone. Gella knelt beside her and started whispering in her ear.

My body responded to Eludora's altered technique and she looked immensely pleased when I couldn't control it and poured myself into her mouth. She slurped it all up and swallowed, moaned as she felt it go down her throat, then she gave me that look. It was the look of 'you're getting sex and you're going to like it'. I doubted I would be allowed to leave at this point, considering Gella had engineered this whole encounter, so I didn't try to roll away as Eludora moved up to mount me.

“Please accept my maidenhood as you have the others that are devoted to you.” Eludora said, almost like a ritual, then she sat down on top of me and my erection pierced her womanhood. “AHHH-huh?”

I almost laughed at her surprise that my magic healed her instantly.

Gella wasn't restrained at all and did laugh. “Hanna reacted the same way!”

“What... why...” Eludora looked at her and then down at me.

“My lord healed you, so you can enjoy him right away.” Gella encouraged her.

Eludora's smile was bright as she started rocking and making my erection move in and out of her. Her smile slowly faded and was replaced with pleasure. She moaned and licked her lips as she did her best to do all the work. She knew I was against this the last time we had seen each other, so she didn't want me to worry that I had to do anything to return her unrequited love.

Gella must have assumed this was the case and gave me a stern look. “My lord.”

I sighed and sat up, making Eludora gasp as my face was buried into her breasts. She wrapped her arms around me and cooed that she was so happy. With her in the right position now, I rolled over and put Eludora on the floor on her back while still inside of her.

“OHHHH!” Eludora moaned loudly when my erection went a whole lot deeper than her previous movements had allowed. Her own long legs as she knelt over me, had prevented me from completely entering her.

She kept her long arms around my back and just their weight alone held me close to her. She kissed me continuously while I moved in and out of her, giving her the pleasure that she had so desperately wanted during her first recovery treatment. She couldn't do anything with her long legs, though. Her thighs alone were several feet long and wrapping them around me was not going to work, so she kept her knees bent and spread her legs very far apart instead.

This gave me a lot of room to work, so I used it effectively and made her scream my name. Our magic was flowing around us like a deep ocean, mixing together and not causing any kind of damage to our surroundings or to Gella, whom was watching closely for any intruders. She didn't want anyone interrupting my passionate reunion with Eludora.

“Give... give it to me, David! I want it!” Eludora shouted as she orgasmed and her magic pushed me to do the same. I wasn't going to give her a child, though. I left my magic out of it as I blew the load that she wanted into her. The magic around us ebbed and started to flow back into her. She was panting heavily and she held me tenderly as she thought it was over. She kissed me and closed her eyes.

“Don't go to sleep yet.” Gella warned her.

Eludora opened her eyes to look at her. “What? I was... trying to bask...”

“He's not done.” Gella said with a soft laugh.

Eludora gasped when my magic cleaned her all over, then I moved down to put my face between her legs. “David? What are you doing?”

“My lord is going to show you a more commoner way of doing things.” Gella said with a huge grin.

“What do you meaaaaaooohhhhhh!” Eludora moaned as I used my mouth, tongue, and magic to please her. She had never heard of such a thing before and experiencing it was almost too much for her.

“Pause, my lord.” Gella said to me and checked Eludora's breathing. “She almost passed out like Hanna did after the first time.”

I lifted my head to look at the euphoric look on Eludora's face. “Do you need me to stop?”

“Nnnoooo.” Eludora slurred, her tongue not quite working right. “Keeeeeep gooooinng.”

I raised my eyebrows at Gella, who shrugged. “All right.” I said and went back to work. Eludora moaned and her hands played with her own breasts absently, as if she needed to do something with her hands.

“Grab his hair. It feels wonderful if you pull his face in tighter.” Gella suggest to her.

Eludora giggled and her large hands gripped my long hair, then she pulled hard and jammed my face against her womanhood. “OHHHH!”

I had to close my eyes when I felt my face get soaked. I didn't say anything, mainly because Eludora had tears in her eyes as she played with my hair. I kept working on her, using my fingers and tongue, and she had several more orgasms before she sighed and relaxed, letting my hair go.

“My lord, she needs a break.” Gella said and I moved away from Eludora's sensitive area. “Like Jinelle, she needs to recover a bit before she can go again.”

“We only have another twenty minutes of the hour left. We can't stay.” I said.

Gella looked down at Eludora. “We can't really leave her like this.”

“Put out the 'Library Temporarily Closed' sign on the door and I'll take her and the blanket into the storage room.” I said and Gella did that while I picked up the large form of the librarian. She didn't react or even try to hug me as I carried her into the back room. I was surprised to see a bed there, which meant that she didn't leave the library anymore, despite having an apartment in the teacher's building.

Gella entered and saw the bed I had put Eludora on. “Leave a note and tell her you'll see her again in a couple of hours.”

I gave her a questioning look.

“She's going to need you again, just like Jinelle did after her first time.”

I couldn't argue that, so I left the note on a piece of paper that I placed on her chest. As soon as she woke up, she would either feel it or see it. We left there and stopped at a bathroom to clean up and make sure that I looked presentable. My shirt was a loss, so Gella used some number ten potion to seal it where the buttons were supposed to be.

We left the building and returned to the auditorium. There were groups of students standing around outside and waiting to go inside, so we joined them and waited as well.

“What's it like to murder someone in front of so many witnesses and still get away with it?” A young man's voice asked with a sneer.

“It's the same as doing it in private where I also kill any witnesses.” Gella drew her sword and the young man's face showed fear. “Do you want to find out if that's true?”

He shook his head vigorously and stepped back, then seemed to run away. He didn't go far and stopped at the edge of the small crowd of students.

Gella laughed and sheathed her sword again. “Cowards always run when faced with the truth.”

“I prefer to call it a tactical retreat.” I commented and Gella laughed.

Everyone around us gave us strange looks, which we ignored. At the hour mark, the auditorium doors opened and Pavinca was there with a dozen workmen.

“Thank you, gentlemen.” Pavinca said and the men walked out the doors and off to the left. “We're ready for you all now.”

We all filed into the building and saw the difference. Smaller workbenches were provided, half the size of an actual workbench, which was perfect for the task at hand.

“As you can see, this setup will work much better than desks and individual tests.” Heather said from the front of the room. “After discussing things with Director Chasma, I've changed the exam to give each of you several options for enchanting. This course was supposed to encourage you into the field, not discourage you from pursuing it as a job or even as a hobby.”

“Yeah, that didn't happen.” A young man's voice said.

Heather sighed. “I know and I'm sorry. I couldn't go against my husband.” She looked around the room and then looked right at me. “Some of you know why.”

I knew she was referring to when she tried to charm me and was caught by her husband. He made her renew her loyalty oaths to him and his family, which restricted what she could openly do against him.

“So, you're saying that if you hadn't been caught breaking the law and school rules by trying to magically ensnare Lord Drake, you could have made every male in the course fall for you and be better enchanters?” Gella asked. Her voice was fairly loud and it echoed slightly in the auditorium.

Heather's face flushed to a deep red and everyone knew that was exactly what she had meant, because she didn't deny it, not with Director Chasma right there beside her.

“Just get on with it.” Pavinca said and then sighed. “You're fired after the exams are graded. I can't have someone influencing the students like that.”

“I haven't since...” Heather started to deny.

“Before that! How many men have been compromised, all because you wanted them to become enchanters?” Pavinca asked. “How many are dead now because they could be so easily influenced by magic?”

Heather couldn't answer that and stayed quiet as she pushed a hand cart filled with things made of wildwood. Four inch coins, six inch square blocks, daggers, short swords, and even shields.

“Please choose something that you would want to have yourself. Protection for others, offense, defense, passive enchantments, or whatever you want. When you choose, I'll give you the basic design and you can use whatever runes you want to complete it.” Heather said and went to each student to give them a chance to take what they wanted.

When she reached me, she wouldn't look at my face. I took one of the six inch square blocks and knew exactly what enchantment I was going to put on it, slightly modified, of course. I would need six separate and equal pieces, so I had a question to ask.

“Can we divide this up how we want? I don't want to fail if I do it and it's not accepted.”

Heather looked at the wooden cube and back at my face. “Divide how?”

I smiled and slid my sword out, made it glow, and sliced the cube into six pieces, each an inch long, making six equal squares.

Heather stared at the perfect cuts. “Are... are you... only submitting one of them?”

“No, I'm using them all and I'll reform the cube.” I said, surprising everyone except Gella. She knew exactly what I was going to do with it.

“I'll allow an exemption, just to see what you come up with.” Pavinca said from the desk at the front of the room.

I nodded and Heather moved on to give items out to the rest of the students.

“The carving kits are in the drawer of the bench.” Heather said. “Take them out only when you want your exam to start.”

“When do we know we can start?” Someone asked.

“I'm giving each of you a basic enchantment drawing first.” Heather said and took out a stack of papers. “Use the runes you want and complete the enchantment on your chosen item. When you're confident that you can safely carve them, take out the tools and the official exam will start for you.”

I checked the desk and the drawer for enchantments, spells, and cursed items. I cast Dispel on everything, just in case, and opened the drawer to do the same thing to the cloth bundle of carving tools. Once I checked that they were fine, I started to work.

I skimmed a very thin sliver of wood from each wood piece to use as a veneer to cover the enchantments when I was done carving them. I quickly carved out the very first enchantment of the six I had perfected, then added in a slightly larger power distribution path. I flipped it over to hide it until I was ready to add my enchanting potion, and carved the next square, adding a slightly altered magic path.

I did the next square and added a smaller reservoir for power than it should have. This guaranteed that it wouldn't last when combined with the other slight alterations. This was only for the exam and wouldn't be kept, so I needed to make it inherently flawed and to fail after only a few minutes of use. It was surprisingly easy to finish.

I used my enchanting potion and infused each of the blocks separately. I used some number ten potion and added the veneers to cover the enchantments up to stop anyone from stealing the design, then I used more number ten potion to stick the enchanted pieces together and made a cube with the center empty. I raised my hand and both Mage Heather Montgomery and Director Pavinca Chasma looked at me.

“You have a question?” Pavinca asked.

“What do I do when I'm done?” I asked, shocking everyone and made Gella laugh.

“It's barely been half an hour!” Heather exclaimed. “You didn't even use any sheets to draw out...”

“I only needed sheets in class because you demanded to see my work.” I said and she looked stunned. “Do you want to come and get this or should I bring it to you?”

“I'll get it.” Pavinca said and walked over to me. “What is it?”

“I thought you weren't allowed to ask?” I asked as I handed the cube over.

“That only counts with the higher class levels. This is the basic first year course.” Pavinca said and looked at the seven inch cube in her hands. “Why is it an inch bigger?”

“It's hollow.” I said. “Don't activate it until you want to examine it.”

She must have heard something in my voice and looked back at my face. “Why?”

“Do it from six feet away. That's the safe distance.” I said and she looked worried. “It won't activate until you want it to. Just add magic to start it like all enchantments.”

Pavinca nodded and started to walk back to her desk. She stopped and looked back at me. “You didn't say what it was.”

“No, I didn't.” I said and smiled slightly.

Pavinca huffed and walked back to the desk and put the thing on the center of it. She and Heather moved some papers and things off of the desk and stepped back to the safe distance, then took another step back.

“This should be fun.” Gella whispered from beside me.

Pavinca nodded to Heather, who used some magic to activate the enchanted cube.

A solid and slightly blue circular sphere of magic snapped into being around the desk. It was exactly five feet out from the cube. The sound of the magical barrier severing the wood floor was loud in the silence of the auditorium. Luckily, the solid stone floor under the wood stopped the desk from falling, since the barrier also cut through the stone.

“By the Son's Light!” Heather gasped.

“That... that's a perfect mage shield.” Pavinca said and reached out to touch it.

“NO!” Heather said and grabbed her hand. “It's solid! You know what a mage shield does to any attack!”

“Touching it...”

“It doesn't know you're only touching it! Anything hitting it will be damaged!” Heather said and let her hand go. “I never thought... how did he...”

“I don't know.” Pavinca said and looked at me. “Lord Drake...”

“It only lasts a few minutes, so you need to take whatever measurements you need for my exam.” I said and she nodded.

Both of them got to work and used several detection and measuring spells. When they were done, the perfect sphere flickered slightly.

“DUCK!” Heather yelled and dove away to hide behind the previous screen they had for the individual tests. Pavinca was right behind her and they both looked out at the desk from safety.

The shield sputtered and the wood cube started smoking, then the sphere snapped like the sound of glass breaking and the wooden cube exploded and sent burning wood shards out about ten feet. It was nothing but ashes several moments later.

“F-full marks.” Heather said and pulled out the papers she had on her desk. “Even lasting as long as it did, an artificial and independent mage shield actually working, is an amazing piece of enchanting work.”

“You can leave if you want.” Pavinca said. “Making you stand there for the next four hours or so is unnecessary.”

“Thank you.” I said and turned to walk over to the door after whispering 'library' to Gella, who smiled.

“Lord Drake.” Heather said in a normal voice and not a shout, so I stopped walking and turned to look at her. “Are you making more of them?”

“Not for the military.” I said and left.

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