Bookworld Online: Marsh Man

300 A Weekend Excursion


We went back to the Sanctuary and poured over the lists that Melanie had provided. It was extensive and showed a lot of businesses had only partially supported the mages and some openly defied them. Those were either shut down or the owners were killed outright, ruining their families and the businesses. The people at the academy hating me on sight when I first came back, made a lot more sense now.

My supposed death had set off the whole coup and the take-over of the country by the mages. It didn't matter if I was actually responsible or not. I was the cause and that was all they cared about. Of course, knowing I was not responsible and that going against me would only bring ruin and death, stopped nearly all of them from coming after me for revenge. Nearly.

We sent copies of the lists to the distributors and sellers of the potions and ingredients. They were former slaves on the lower floors that were good at accounting and keeping track of those things. Jinelle had been right and Lady Marks was on the collaboration list, as were several of her friends, one of which was the older man that Jinelle had been promised to. That put her being sold off in a whole new light and it would change the tactics I would use to bring the older woman to heel.

At lunch, we all sat down and discussed things. There was so much to do and so little time in the day to do them. I also had to search for Mage Ridge's husband at her estate, or his estate, depending on who he left in charge when he fled. Gella was as eager as I was to find the man. He had always had a bad attitude when it came to me and I was sure that he ran because he was guilty.

“Good afternoon!” Linette said loudly when she entered the dining room. Jinelle was right behind her.

“Healer Marks!” Most of the people in the room shouted in answer.

Linette laughed. “It's nice to finally be back. I'll have the clinic set up after lunch to give you all a good check-up.”

Sounds of agreement and happy faces came from them all.

“It's so nice to have patients that appreciate my hard work.” Linette said as she sat down across from me to join us for lunch. Jinelle sat beside her and nodded at me and the others at the table.

“Did you pick up the crates set aside for you?” Farra asked.

“They are loading them onto the carriage as we speak and they'll come back for me after they are delivered.” Linette said. “Are you sure that you can afford to sell so much to us for so little?”

Farra nodded. “It's part of our business plan. Essential services get a major discount.”

“That's so nice of you.” Linette said and smiled at the slave that served her meal. “Thank you, Kemma.”

The woman smiled brightly and lightly touched her shoulder, then served Jinelle. “If you need a drink refill, wave to Hintel.” She said and pointed to the side of the room at a man with several bottles of wine, a barrel of ale, and a few stronger spirits. His group of friends were getting really good at distilling.

“Did he get that nice stout to ferment properly?” Linette asked.

Kemma smiled. “I'll have a glass brought over.”

“Thank you.” Linette said.

“How was your morning, Lord Drake?” Jinelle asked.

“Full.” I responded. “You can call me David here. We're not out in public.”

Jinelle smiled and nodded slightly.

“We went to the castle and my lord visited Melanie.” Gella said. “It was quite the wait.”

“That was my fault. I shared some magic when we greeted each other and her baby fussed inside of her pretty hard.” I explained about what happened and her needing a bath. I left off the ritual part, though. That was a secret that only a few people knew.

“I thought it was funny.” Farra said with a smile.

“I'm glad she wasn't hurt.” Hanna said. “I've seen some active babies still in the bellies and it's not good for the mothers sometimes.”

“She was fine, thankfully. She has a good attendant.” I said. “Also, she's having a boy in a couple of weeks.”

Linette and Jinelle gasped in shock.

Gella laughed and pat their hands. “Yes, a new prince will be born soon, ensuring the main branch of the royal family continues on with the same name.”

“Security around the castle will increase appropriately.” I warned them. “If you're going to visit, I suggest doing it soon.” I looked at Linette's thoughtful face. “I'm not sure if she had a personal healer or just has access to the ones assigned to the castle.”

“I'll check when I leave here after supper tonight.” Linette promised. “What are you going to do?”

“I have more work in my potions room to handle. I'm quite far behind in my experimentation and brewing tests.”

“Perhaps I could help?” Jinelle offered.

We all looked at her with curiosity on our faces, which made her blush.

“It shouldn't take me too long to get caught up to your progress.” Jinelle said.

“You have to agree to not disclose what you learn to anyone, especially your family.” I said and glanced at Gella. “Bring a standard contract to the brewing room after lunch.”

Gella nodded.

Jinelle looked a little worried about that. “It's not going to bind my magic or make me lose it, if I let something slip, will it?”

Gella let a smile show on her face. “You can't let something slip. That's the point of the contract. We don't want you using the techniques and procedures you will learn here for anyone else except us.”

Jinelle now looked even more worried.

Gella laughed softly. “If you don't want to sign it, you won't be allowed into the private area that my lord works in. Your offer of help will be just that, an offer. We have lots of other potions being made constantly and someone with your expertise could easily remember the recipes and use them.”

“I would never...” Jinelle started to protest.

“Even if it would help your grandmother? Your aunt? Give them better health and a more stable beautifying creme?” Gella interrupted and Jinelle closed her mouth.

“We can put that off until after we eat.” I said and they all nodded.

Lunch was great and Linette enjoyed the stout so much that she ordered her own barrel, at a discount. She did provide an essential service to the Sanctuary, after all. It was only fair that she be rewarded for that. She thanked us for the consideration and left to go down to the main floor to set up the clinic.

Jinelle refused to sign away her rights with a contract, so she spent the afternoon touring the place and seeing what went on at the Sanctuary. She told me at supper that she was shocked with what we had done to the place. What she had known about the guild and what we were doing now, were two completely different things, even if some of the things we offered were similar.

We made the mage guild's efforts seem paltry in comparison and our business models made them look like idiots by doubling and tripling profits in the same markets by doing only half the same amount work.

“You're doing so much here.” Jinelle said as she ate.

“Isn't it great?” Linette asked and took another sip of stout. “If I wasn't so needed where I am, I would seriously consider working here full time.”

“Really?” Jinelle asked. “I thought you were happy being a healer for the capital's hospital?”

Linette laughed. “Of course I'm happy where I am. I didn't say I wasn't.” She said and Jinelle looked confused. “I can see what's going on here. They are making their own society within our society. It's like the guild only it's not as excluding or restricting. There's no strict conduct guidelines and everyone is encouraged to do what they enjoy. I can't help but admire that and want to be a part of it.”

“Which is why we keep inviting you back.” I said and raised a glass of wine to her.

Linette smiled happily. “Thank you, David.”

We all drank to that and the meal ended.

“I need to go.” Linette said and stood. “I'll be back in two weeks for another clinic.”

I stood and walked around the table. “Make sure you let Farra and the old man know what potions you need more of, so they can keep you stocked up.”

Linette smiled. “I'm very glad that you're so accommodating, David.” She said and gave her daughter a look that clearly said to not react, then she pulled me into a kiss. Since I no longer had any restrictions on myself, I kissed her properly and not how she expected. She moaned a little in pleasure and hugged me tightly.

A few people let out whistles and shouted encouragement, which made Jinelle blush and Gella, Hanna, and Farra laugh.

“M-m-mom!” Jinelle gasped.

Linette broke the kiss with a sigh and looked into my eyes. “You are very lucky that I'm married.”

“So are you! Ha ha ha!” Gella laughed and everyone in the room joined in.

“Oh, be quiet.” Linette said and waved her hands to try and hush everyone, then she laughed, too. “I better go before I start blushing.”

“I'll walk you out.” I said and took her arm.

“Jinelle, let's go.”

“Actually, she needs to stay for a while to help me compose some documents for your mother.” I said and Linette looked interested as I led her to the door. “It concerns her creme and the ingredients the Mages Guild provided for her.”

Linette nodded. “She was quite desperate for them, that's true. Are you still making them?”

“We are. We also have a few new things that could change or enhance it some more. The details still need to be worked out.”

“She will be delighted to hear that.” Linette said and we descended the stairs. “When will you be visiting?”

“I'd say in an hour or so. It depends on what Jinelle has to say about her contributions to your mother's work.”

Linette nodded and let me guide her out of the building and into a waiting carriage. “I'll see you later, David.”

“I hope so. My people need your expertise, especially in these last few stages of the potion.”

Linette smiled. “Until next time.”

I nodded and watched the carriage leave. I went back inside and Jinelle stood on the stairs with an accusing look on her face. I walked over to her and took her arm before leading her back up the stairs to the floor my room was on. I wasn't surprised to feel Gella hiding in the shadows and keeping watch over us.

I took Jinelle into my room and she caught her breath at the sight. “They modelled it after the captain's cabin on the ship.” I said and brought her into the bedroom.

“What are you doing?” Jinelle asked and let my arm go to cross hers under her chest.

“I'm going to give you what you came here for.” I said and started to strip off.

“David, you... you...” Jinelle looked away from me. “You kissed my mother.”

“Before she left me here to attend the academy, I kissed your aunt, too.”

Jinelle caught her breath and shook her head. “Why? Why tell me that?”

“I haven't had sex with either of them.” I said and put my hands on her shoulders from behind. I turned her to face me and the look on her face was a mix of anger and sadness. “I've kissed Pavinca as well.”

“By the Son's Light, David!” Jinelle exclaimed.

“It was a magic sharing experiment.” I said. “I didn't have sex with her.”

“That... that's not the point!”

“Then what is?” I asked and opened up the top buttons on her dress.

Jinelle glared at me. “You can't go around kissing women like that.”

“I don't. That was the first time I actually kissed her back. She kissed me twice before to thank me for the potion donations. That was months before I was kidnapped and made a slave.”

Jinelle looked into my eyes and sighed as she uncrossed her arms. Her dress dropped to the floor and she didn't say anything when I bent down and took off her underwear. “I don't want you kissing her.”

“I will avoid it or tell her not to.” I said and picked her up.

Jinelle let out a startled squeak, then she held onto me while I carried her to the large bed.


Montage mode engaged. Skipping time. Done.


“How... how can you do that?” Jinelle asked in a whisper two hours later. “My resistance to your charm fails every time.”

“It's because I saw you naked and didn't tell anyone else about it, not even my retainers or my betrothed.” I said and she caught her breath. “It's true. That was between us and you said to not tell anyone. No one knows about it, not even now.” I didn't tell her that Gella was waiting outside the room.

“You really didn't brag about it?” Jinelle asked.

“Why would I? It wouldn't help you or make you feel better about what happened.”

Jinelle took a deep breath and let it out. “Are you really doing up documents for my grandmother?”

“Yes. She needs to know, officially, the reasons I won't be providing the ingredients anymore.” I said. “I also have documents for your signature to remove you from her influence.”

“Wh-what?” Jinelle gasped.

“They are forms for you to sign, claiming coercion with the mages guild to corrupt you by selling you to one of their main conspirators.”

Jinelle stared at me like I had stabbed her.

“We found the man's name on the trusted list from the Mages Guild. He fully cooperated in helping them try to take over. My writ of dispensation does not cover non-mages, so I am hurting him in the only ways available to me. Denying what he wants and ruining him by public opinion.”

Jinelle didn't react and barely blinked at all.

“We should bathe and get those forms signed. We can get dressed and surprise your grandmother by showing up fashionably later than she expected.”

That made her flinch and frown. “You told mom a time and intentionally ignored it?”

“It's a test. A relatively minor one, compared to some of the ones that Gella and I use for other mages.” I said and climbed out of bed. “Linette knows your mother cooperated with the guild and still informs her of things. By law, that's collusion.”

Jinelle sighed and laid back. “I am guilty of that as well.”

“So is your aunt, Mage Marks.” I said and waited for several moments to see if she would get out of bed, then reached down to pick her up in a princess carry.

“David!” Jinelle gasped.

“I told you. We need a bath and to get ready.” I said and took her to the bathroom. I quickly set it up, to her surprise, and then bathed her and myself. I was efficient with it and didn't play at all, then dried her off and myself.

“I can't wear...” Jinelle started to say.

“I have your things ready, my lord.” Jill's voice said from the bedroom.

I took Jinelle's arm and led her out to the bedroom, as if escorting her to an event. Jill saw this and covered her laugh with a hand. She didn't comment and helped us get dressed in two fancy outfits. Jinelle was reluctantly happy to have such a nice dress, by the expression on her face.

“The documents are on the dining room table, my lord.” Jill said and pat my chest to let me know I was immaculate. “Do you want your hair in a ponytail?”

“No. I want Lady Marks see what she will be missing because of her mistakes.”

Jinelle sighed and followed me to deal with the paperwork. It didn't take long and she looked sad to have to do such a thing to her family. She would essentially be breaking confidence, like Helena did to her family, except Lady Marks would still be responsible for taking care of her monetarily and was required to return Jinelle's maids.

“At least I'll still be a Marks.” Jinelle whispered and signed the last document. Copies appeared next to them.

“If you choose to be.” I said and rolled up the copies to take with us. “You can marry who you want and take their name, change yours, or have them change theirs.”

Jinelle gave me a longing look and shook her head. “Once it's known that I'm pregnant...”

“It's a safety measure.” Jill said and took the originals. “It almost worked for Helena. If her father wasn't such a controlling bastard...”

“Enough.” I said and Jill closed her mouth. I took her hand and put it to my chest to hold it tenderly. “You did what you could. It's over and done with. Most of them are dead now, except for those not willing to come back to the capital. I will be hunting them down after I fix myself and build better weapons to do so.”

Jill nodded and turned the hand to lift it up and cupped the cheek of my face. She nodded and didn't say anything before she let me go and stepped back.

“Jinelle.” I said and she took her place at my side. I led her from the room and Gella slid in behind us to guard us. She also wore her small backpack and had her weapons out in the open, showing everyone that she was in guard mode. We went down the stairs and out of the building to the waiting carriage. The driver already knew where we were going, so we left at a fast trot.

The drive was quiet and long, which made Jinelle fidget after a while. I touched her hand and shared magic with her to calm her down. She gave me a sad smile and hugged my hand. I didn't try to convince her that everything was going to be all right, because things were going to change for her after tonight.

The butler at the Marks estate looked perturbed at our arrival, which was the point, and he left to announce it. Lady Marks stalked into the lobby to glare at us and also ranted at being kept from other duties while she waited for us. I didn't say anything, or pointed out the expensive clothes we wore to meet her, and pulled out copies of the forms that Jinelle had signed.

What followed was a rant of epic proportions. She berated the young woman for being so stupid, for giving her virtue to a commoner, and for ruining the family name.

“No, you did that.” I said.

“You!” Lady Marks spat and pointed. “This matter does not concern you!”

“Actually, it does.” I said and pulled out the papers concerning the Mages Guild and her cooperation with them. It also highlighted her trying to sell Jinelle to cement the relationship.

Lady Marks looked shocked, then she snarled and tore the papers up.

“Those were your copies to read over and to see where your fault lies.” I said and she cursed at me and paced back and forth in the lobby. “It doesn't matter what you say, Lady Marks. You are at fault for this situation. Your actions contributed to the defiling of your granddaughter, just so she could get away from you and your corrupting influence.”

“She was the price for a business alliance!” Lady Marks spat.

“Which is now ruined because of your plots and schemes.” I said and she looked even angrier than she had been. “Your own stores of ingredients could have lasted you quite some time before you needed replacements, if you only used them for yourself and a few gifts for friends.”

Lady Marks turned away from me and didn't say anything.

“Ah, I see.” I said and smiled. “Lady Jinelle Marks has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?”

Jinelle gasped and Lady Marks turned red from both anger and embarrassment.

“It seems my idea of her setting up a new home for you was premature, Jinelle. This mansion should serve your purposes well.”

“Wh-what?” Jinelle looked from me to her grandmother.

“Lady Marks breached her contract with me. I have received no monies concerning the updated creme I created since I had been removed from the Kingdom forcefully. I also didn't receive any after returning to the Gulf Kingdom and I know for a fact that both Greta and Linette have told her that I was back.”

“You... you can't...” Lady Marks whispered. “I'll be ruined.”

Jinelle gasped again and looked at me with horror on her face.

“She means physically. She has lots of money to cover the penalties for breach of contract and this mansion is only one of her properties.” I said and Lady Marks looked startled. “I have a very attentive account manager at the bank. She was quite thorough in looking over everything. I believe she must be sorely missing the remuneration she should have received from your accounts.”

Lady Marks sighed and rubbed her face with her hands. “I'll have it sent as soon as...”

“No, I let it go this long, because I had so many other things to take care of. It's been long enough.” I said and smiled. “Pack your personal belongings and vacate the premises. The new Lady Marks wishes to move back into her home.”

Lady Marks tried to give me a hate filled look, then sighed and nodded.

“Grandmother.” Jinelle whispered.

“I think I am going to retire.” Lady Marks said and looked down at her smooth skin. “Perhaps to the country plantation and far away from the public eye.”

The butler appeared and glared at us, then he led a sad old woman away and up the stairs.

Jinelle looked at me when they were out of sight. “David, you... why...”

“She doesn't want to suffer the humiliation if it gets out that she helped the Mages Guild in their plot, just so she could remain looking younger. Not for power, or prestige, or even political gain. She helped to try and overthrow an entire country for a pretty sight whenever she looked in the mirror.”

Jinelle sighed and nodded.

We stayed there for over an hour as Lady Marks packed up her things and left with several carriages of clothing, equipment, and experiments. I hadn't tried to deny her taking most of her workshop or research, since she would see it and know that it caused her ruination as much as it made her beautiful.

Her two assistants looked lost and spoke as one. “What do we do now?”

I gave Jinelle a pointed look and she couldn't stop her smile.

“Who said you had to leave?” Jinelle asked them. “There's lots for us to do here in a large potions lab.”

The two young women gave her a surprised look for a second, let out yells of delight, and hugged her tightly.

“We're going to have so much fun!” One of them said and took her hand. “Your grandmother wouldn't let us experiment with anything except her cremes and lotions!”

“We have so many ideas that we've been hiding, it's not funny!” The other one said and ran ahead to open the door to the downstairs storage area. “We can show you, now that we're allowed to!”

Jinelle looked happy as she was led away.

I looked up at a noise I heard and saw three anxious female faces on the stairs. “Your lady needs you to take care of her now, more than she ever has before.”

The three of them let out squeals of delight and ran down the stairs, past me, and followed their young lady into the lab's storage area and the assistant's living space.

I waited until it was quiet before I left the mansion. Gella handed me a change of clothes from her backpack when I entered the carriage and it drove off to our destination. I quickly changed with her help and donned my own weapons for battle.

We arrived down the street from Mage Ridge's estate and the carriage dropped us off. Gella and I slipped onto the grounds easily and I cast several spells to help us stay hidden. We weren't surprised to find several traps, damaging enchantments, and mages patrolling the grounds. Unlike the other interrogations, giving them a dose of truth serum made them confess immediately.

We killed them and moved on towards the house. It took us ten minutes to disable the wards and enchantments keeping us out, then we slipped inside and I cast the containment spell that blocked the doors and windows with magic to stop anyone from leaving or escaping before we found them.

Then the slaughter began.

Fifteen mages were staying there and had blueprints of the castle, the Mages Academy, and the Mages Guild. The last one wasn't even close to what it looked like now, not after all the changes we had made to it. That didn't matter at the moment as Gella decapitated men and women alike that attacked us and I cast various high damage spells to dismember and kill the others.

We crept through the large manor and disposed of anyone that was an enemy. If they didn't attack, we dosed them and then killed them. They had gathered under Mage Ridge's husband to try and retake the guild. Idiots.

“I know you're there!” A man's voice shouted into the hallway from what was the main bedroom. “If you don't show yourself, I'll kill her!”

Gella and I exchanged looks. She nodded and faded away and I dropped my stealth and obscure spells to walk into view.

“I knew it was you!” Her husband spat at me. He had a knife at Mage Ridge's throat.

“Of course you did. I've been asking all over for you.” I said and slid my sword back into the sheath. “It was very stupid of you to come back once you got away.”

The man shook his head. “I had to come back. I ran out of money and...”

“You had all these mages around and you ran out of money?” I asked, confused. “What were you doing? Sitting around and eating all the time?”

The man didn't respond.

“You can do magic. You shouldn't need money at all. I lived for twenty years and never had any money at all until just before I left the marsh.”

“Well, not everyone is an idiot that likes to wallow in filth and muck.”

Mage Ridge gasped and started crying.

“Shut up!” The man spat and gripped her hair tightly to hold her still. He looked at me and smiled. “You are going to stand there and I am going to kill you. If you don't, my loving wife loses her life.”

I used Detect Enchantment and found several things, so I stayed quiet and studied them.

“Do you agree?” The man asked and shook Victoria's head to make her cry out. “Answer me!”

“I won't move from this spot.” I said and stood up straight. I gained the enchantments and used Disable Enchantment on all of them. Luckily, he didn't notice the slight glow on the knife he held had faded away.

“I'm going to enjoy this.” He said and let her hair go and started chanting under his breath. He didn't move the knife from her neck as he did so. He pointed his free hand at me. “Ray of Death!”

“NOOO!” Victoria yelled and closed her eyes as the ray of black light hit me. “No! He didn't deserve to die like that.”

I looked down at my chest and back at the man. “Was that supposed to do something?”

Victoria gasped and opened her eyes. She was shocked that I was still alive. I did not enlighten them that my amulet protected me, just like Gella's protected her.

“How?” The man asked. “I cast it properly! I killed six villagers on the way here to make sure! It should have worked! IT SHOULD HAVE WORKED!”

“Gella.” I said and her sword pierced the back of the man's head and came out of his mouth. He choked on the blade and dropped his knife as he tried to somehow grab the blade. It was still glowing, so when he gripped it to pull, it sliced into his fingers and blood spurted everywhere.

Gella pulled the blade out and the man dropped to his knees, then fell backwards. “Severed spine and nerves.” She said and ended the glow of the blade before she wiped it off.

“You... you didn't even question him.” Victoria whispered as she looked down at her dying husband.

“We don't have to if they attack us first.” Gella said. “He also cast an evil spell, Ray of Death. He wasn't going to live long after being sentenced for the people he killed, anyway.”

“But... what about...”

“He was the last one here.” I said and walked over to her. “Are you okay? Do you need a healer?”

Victoria shook her head and tried to move, then her legs gave out. I caught her and she grabbed onto me and kissed me. I had to admit that was a sound tactic to ambush someone that wasn't expecting it.

“Thank you, David.” Victoria said, her face flushed red, and she let me go and stood on her own again.

“There was nothing to it.” I said and Gella nodded.

“We've had tougher times assaulting a rival pirate ship.” Gella said. “I kind of miss those days. Everything was so much simpler.”

“You finally realized the allure of the marsh.” I said and she gave me a sly smile.

“Should we clean up in here?” Gella asked and waved at the man's body.

“No, I... I'll... actually, I don't know what to do now.” Victoria said with a shake of her head. “I'm no longer married and I don't have to abide by his decisions.”

“We'll loot them for whatever valuables they have and gather the bodies in the front hall. Call a disposal crew and they can take care of it.” Gella said.

Victoria nodded. “You won't find much if they came here looking for money.”

“There's more value in items and enchantments a person can carry than the money they have on them.” I said, wisely.

Victoria grabbed my arm as I turned to leave. “David, I... I'm not married anymore.”

Gella gave her a look, looked at me, and shrugged. She picked up the body and left the room.

“Mage Ridge...”

“Please, call me Vicky.” Victoria said, her face red. “I haven't heard someone call me that since the academy.”

I raised my eyebrows at her and she gave me a longing look back. “I won't be tied down with contracts or forced to...”

Vicky pulled off her dress and laid down on the bed to present herself to me. “Just once, I want another man to take me. I've only been with my husband and I want to know what it's like with someone else.”

I looked at her and she was soaked down there. “Are you sure?”

“I've wanted you ever since we met and I found out who you were.” Vicky said and pulled off her underwear. “I could never say anything because of my vows and oaths.”

I pulled off my clothing and she drooled a little at my sculpted form, even if it was all white skin. She waved me forward and I slid into her with almost no resistance. She moaned and coaxed me into having my way with her, wanting me to show her how I made a woman my own. I obliged and she screamed my name and her pleasure throughout the house. Only Gella was alive to hear her.

When I didn't finish quickly like her husband, Vicky had no idea what to do with me. She seemed at a loss as I kept going, making her orgasm over and over, unlike her husband that was just killed. When I approached the end of my own pleasure, she was quite enamoured of me. I pulled out and sprayed myself all over her belly and she moaned at the amount that I released.

“Soooo.... much... just... just for me.” Vicky cooed and rubbed her hands through it. “It's so warm.”

I stood up and used several cleaning spells to wash myself and dressed.

“David... thank you.” Vicky said and lifted her hands to stare at the dripping liquid. “This... thank you.”

I nodded and turned to leave the room. I ignored the slight slurping sound and the soft moan behind me. I found Gella beside the bodies and a small bag of enchanted items and weapons.

“Did you have fun, my lord?” Gella asked as she slung the bag over her shoulder.

“I thought you were supposed to protect me from threats.” I said instead of answering.

Gella looked surprised. “My... my lord, I... I thought...”

“I didn't ask you what you thought. I asked you what you swore to do for me and why you aren't doing that.” I said and her surprise turned to shock. “In fact, you even brought me to Eludora, despite my wish to stay away from her to let her get over her infatuation.”

Gella looked at a loss of what to say to defend herself.

“I can let what happened with the others go, because we all live together and things can happen sometimes. With Eludora and now Mage Ridge, your services have been lacking and I've been left to fend for myself.”

Gella still looked too stunned to respond.

“Do you need some time to think about what it is you want to do with your life, if you are having trouble upholding your obligation to me?” I asked and she didn't say anything. “We should go back to the Sanctuary. I have more work to catch up on before Eludora shows up tomorrow and uses up even more of my time.”

I walked out the front door of the manor and over to the same spot that we had snuck onto the grounds. I entered the carriage and sat there for nearly twenty minutes before a very embarrassed Gella entered and sat down across from me. She wouldn't meet my eyes at all.

“Driver! Home, please.” I said and looked out the side window.

“Yessir.” The driver said and we took off at a fast trot.

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