Bookworld Online: Marsh Man

302 Examination Exultation Part Nine


Those few hours working had passed like smoke and I went down to my rooms. The work crew had added the second room to our space and gave us much more room. They even made a much larger bed for our use. It was almost like they knew Eludora would be sharing it this weekend. It didn't bother me that they knew most of my business, since it let them anticipate some of my needs.

The tub was the same size and Jill and Eludora sat there waiting for me. I nodded to them and stripped off, then bathed Eludora and myself, with Jill's help, because there was a lot of Eludora's nine foot tall frame to get clean. When we were done, Jill looked reluctant.

I actually sighed out loud, which surprised them. “You are taking my words the wrong way and applying them to things they need not be applied to.” I said and looked up at Eludora's face. “Did you tell them what I told you about how they are helping me?”

“Yes, I... I said...”

“Gella laughs a lot, Farra is a cuddle machine, and Hanna is self-asserting past her slave programming.” I said and looked back at Jill. “Did you hear anything about baths or rituals in that?”

“N-no, my lord. I... I just...” Jill suddenly looked sad.

“Yes, you assumed I didn't want that, even though you know I appreciate your diligence and your ability to perform the duty without actually being my official personal maid. You assumed wrongly, which seems to be a symptom that you all suffer from.” I said and stepped out of the bath and started to dry myself off.

Jill took several deep breaths and was quite troubled that she had failed to perform the after bath ritual for the first time since she had started doing it. It was a point of pride for personal maids that their lords allowed them to do it for them, especially when their wives couldn't satisfy them.

I dried Eludora off and her eyes kept going to Jill, who looked like she didn't know what to do with herself.

“David, your words...”

“She is once again assuming wrongly. I can't do anything to counter her thinking and she needs to work it out for herself.” I said and led her out of the bathroom and into the bedroom.

“David, you... you don't have to do this.” Eludora said, weakly.

“Now you are lying to me and to yourself.” I said and laid her down on the large bed. She looked surprised that she was completely supported and the mattress wasn't digging in where her arms or legs would normally hang over the edges.

“David.” Eludora whispered and looked up at me with longing and sadness on her face.

I ignored the sadness part and joined with her like she really wanted and we had sex for quite some time. I wasn't surprised that the others stayed out of the bedroom and gave us privacy. When we were done, Eludora was lost in her pleasure and held me to her chest and stroked my hair like I was her favorite pet.

I was only slightly annoyed by the treatment, since I had to assume she had to do that without the ability to hold me normally with her very long arms. She eventually fell asleep and I didn't try to get away or tried to sleep myself. I wasn't comfortable or felt tired, which wasn't a good thing for me. I had an exam first thing in the morning and I hadn't reread the copied notes for the class.

For the first time in as long as I could remember, the night passed as slowly as if it crawled by on broken legs. It was almost torture that I had to suffer through the entire thing and didn't sleep at all. I think my annoyance kept me irritated and my mind couldn't relax. Not being able to move hadn't helped to improve that feeling.

Early morning eventually arrived and I didn't bother trying to be considerate of her feelings when I moved Eludora's arms off of me and climbed out of bed. I didn't glance back as I went to the bathroom and took a bath by myself. I dried off and dressed in my academy uniform and went to the kitchen, only to see Gella asleep sitting there with her head resting on the notes. They were slightly stained and a little crumpled from her sleep movements.

I ignored them and quickly made breakfast for everyone. I didn't bother trying to look for the others, since it didn't matter at the moment. I finished and set the table. “Gella, get up.”

“Huh?” Gella jumped and looked around, then saw me all dressed and holding a plate of food. “My lord.”

I put the plate in front of her, on the scattered papers, and sat down across from her. “BREAKFAST!”

Three yells of surprise came from the living room and one came from the bedroom. I didn't speak again as Jill, Farra, and Hanna came into the kitchen and Eludora wore a large robe and entered as well. I ate quickly, because I would be in a rush if Eludora was going to be bathed.

“Jill, Eludora needs a bath before we leave for the academy.” I said and Jill nodded.

“That's all right. I can get one later.” Eludora said and then blushed when Jill looked crestfallen. “That's not an aspersion to your skills, I just need to be back at the Library before the students arrive for exams.”

“Do you need help getting dressed?” Jill asked.

“Please.” Eludora said and they went into the bathroom to retrieve her clothing from the previous day.

“Gella, you need to get dressed quickly. We're leaving even earlier than I planned, apparently.”

“Yes, my lord.” Gella said and stood, handed me her plate, then she gasped when she noticed the papers she had pretty much ruined. “Oh, no.” She said and looked at me. “My lord, I'm sorry.”

“Did you do it on purpose?” I asked and she shook her head. “Then go get dressed.”

“But... you can't study...”

“It doesn't matter. I can't fail it.” I said and Gella looked guilty. “Go. Now.”

Gella nodded and jogged into the bedroom to get her things.

“My lord, you seem angry.” Hanna said.

“That's because I am angry.” I said and my magic seeped out and swirled around me. “I haven't slept since early yesterday morning and I couldn't study last night because Eludora held me like a pet and wouldn't let go. I am irritated because I couldn't get away until this morning when I decided that I could ignore how she felt about me escaping from her embrace.”

“My lord, please calm down.” Farra whispered as my magic seemed to bite along her skin and she shivered.

“She could have told me that she needed to be there early yesterday, instead of waiting until now. I don't have time to study, even if the notes weren't ruined, because we need to leave immediately for the academy.” I said and I closed my eyes and pulled my magic in. It was a bit difficult, because it was unfocused and I wanted to lash out at something.

“My lord!” Jensen gasped as he entered the room. “We have a group of mages attacking the gates!”

“Perfect.” I said and stopped fighting my magic. It swirled out and I turned my head to look in the direction of the main gates. I walked over to the wall of the kitchen and held my hands out. “Wind Shear!”

A huge pulse of magic shot out of me and blew out the entire wall, destroyed the oven and part of the pantry, and tossed debris out across half of the field in front of the building. The battle at the gates seemed to stop as everyone turned to look at the source of the explosion.

“You DARE come here when I'm irritated?” I asked and looked at the large group of mages. I could see that some were academy students and didn't care. They were a convenient target and I needed to vent.

“Everyone back!” The Sanctuary Squad leader said and the defenders ran towards the ship parked beside the building.

“There's the usurper!” One of the mages shouted.

“FIREBALL!” I yelled and held out my hands towards them. I didn't have to shout, though. I just wanted them to know what was coming. A huge fireball ten feet across formed in front of me.

“Shields!” Another mage yelled.

“That won't help you.” I said and launched the flaming inferno that was filled and fuelled by my anger.

It crossed the distance quickly and crushed the shields they had erected, then it exploded and sent them all flying away and on fire. Their screams sounded like music to my ears and my vigilance technique told me who was still alive.

“Lightning Bolt! Lightning Bolt! Lightning Bolt!” I repeated several times and a dozen bolts of overcharged electricity shot out of my hands and hit each mage. The screams stopped as each mage blew up from my magic and soon no one was left on the enemy's side.

“By the Son's Light.” Someone whispered.

I stood there, glaring at the devastation I had caused, and took several deep breaths. I could feel my magic was still swirling around, only it wasn't debilitating or distracting. It was a comforting embrace, something I hadn't really felt in a while, and I pulled my hands back and let my arms fall to my sides. I didn't pull my magic back in, either. I let it settle and it calmed down and flowed back into me.

“Jensen, apologize to the work crews for me. Double their pay and buy the best materials to replace the wall. If the protective enchantments on the Sanctuary are compromised when you have Molly check them, send word to me at the academy after supper. I'll make replacements this evening and send them along.”

“Yessir.” Jensen said and saluted as if I was still the captain of the pirate ship.

I turned to look at the others and saw their stunned faces. “Let's go. Eludora will be late if anything else delays us.”

They all nodded and followed me out of the room and down the stairs. The carriage was waiting for us at the front door and I helped them all into the carriage before shutting the door.

“My lord?” Gella asked.

“I'm riding up front with the driver in case of an ambush.” I said and did just that. “I'll try and stay out of the way.” I said to the man.

The driver laughed. “I just saw you decimate a prepared group of mages like they were bugs and you're going to protect us from any more that appear. You could dance on my back and I wouldn't say anything about it!”

That made me smile. “I wear soft soled shoes.”

The driver laughed and laughed as we drove out of the compound.

My guess had been right and two ambushes had been set up on the shortest route to the academy. They knew we needed to get there as quickly as possible and were prepared for us if we somehow escaped the attack on the Sanctuary. What they hadn't planned on was us arriving this quickly. A few Mage Fires and Lightning Bolts took care of the startled mages.

The guard at the academy looked worried until he saw me on the front of the carriage. “My lord! You're okay!” He said with relief and opened the gate. “I sent the fastest horse in the stable to warn the Sanctuary when I saw some graduating students sneaking out.”

I looked at the driver and he nodded.

“That's how your men had your defenses ready for the attack.”

I pulled out a handful of gold coins and handed them to the guard. “Thank you.”

“I didn't do it for the gold, my lord.” The guard said and tried to hand it back. “You're cleaning up the mess the guild made of everything. You're making things better and it's more than anyone else is doing, even the royal family.”

I pat his full hands. “Keep it as a reward. You gave us the time we needed to take care of them.”

The guard smiled and nodded as we drove by. The driver dropped Eludora off at the library building first and I helped her out of the carriage. Several students were there waiting, too.

“Thank you, David.” Eludora said. “I'm sorry that...”

“It's not your fault. It's not really anyone's fault but my own.” I said and she looked sad. “Go inside and be the best Librarian this academy has ever seen.”

Eludora nodded and easily reached up to the roof rack and pulled out the wrapped present we had given her the night before. She hugged it and nodded to me and then said goodbye to the women in the carriage.

I stood on the door step of the carriage and the driver took us to the dorm building. There was some time before the exam was going to start, so there was no point in standing around outside. I thanked the man and helped everyone out, then led them inside the building. We greeted the dorm monitor as we passed her and she nodded in return.

When we entered the dorm room, Hanna, Jill, Farra, and Gella all started to talk at once. I held a hand up and they stopped talking. I didn't say a word and sat down on the couch, then took several deep breaths and let them out. It stopped me from lashing out, which seemed to be a particular problem this morning.

I pointed at Jill. “Speak.”

“My lord, I'm sorry about this morning. I didn't intend to...”

“I know. You have a decision to make and you are unable to resolve what I said with what you think I want.” I said and pointed at Gella. “You are the same.” I pointed at Farra. “You are the same.” I pointed at Hanna. “You are the same.”

The four of them stood there and stared at me.

I stood up and looked at each of them in turn. “I have not asked you to do anything, you have all offered your services. I have not asked you to change to suit my needs, yet you have done so anyway, even though I have not been asked what those needs are.”

That made them flush red with embarrassment.

“The only one of you that I have spoken to about their lack of behaviour is Gella, yet you all have reacted as if I have scolded you like children and you fear what else I am going to say.”

That made them even more embarrassed and they looked away from me.

“You are mostly grown women. Start acting like it.” I said. “If I come back here after my exams today and you are still acting this way, I will send you all back to the Sanctuary and you can wait there until the exams end in three days and I return there.”

Their stunned looks told me that my point had been made.

“Gella, let's go.” I said and walked towards the door. “Don't speak to me unless it is a normal conversation and not about any of this.”

Gella's mouth closed and she nodded as we left.

I wasn't surprised that she stayed quiet, because I could almost hear her thoughts and feel her desire to apologize and to promise to do better. I didn't want to hear any of that, though. Actions speak louder than words. She knows this, because it was the first thing that I taught her when she became my sworn sword. I didn't want a promise. I wanted her to actually do better. Otherwise there was no point.

We waited outside the testing auditorium for a while and the other students soon gathered around to wait as well. Gella still hadn't spoken when the doors opened and we filed in to our seats to take the Basic Biology and Creature Studies exam. The new teacher handed out the exam papers and we all got to work.

I was grateful for my own personal experiences with animals over the years and I quickly filled out what I could. There were a few facts and figures that I didn't now, since I only skimmed over the notes for the class, so I had to leave those questions blank. I couldn't fake answers for those.

When I was done, I flipped the exam over and had to sit there for the remaining time. The man gave me a searching look and I shrugged, showing him that I answered what I could. He nodded in understanding and watched everyone else continue writing. Gella finished just before the time expired and the teacher gathered the exams up.

“See you back here for the practical exam this afternoon.” The man said and dismissed us.

I walked out of the room with Gella slightly behind me and went to the cafeteria. Robin was there and Jinelle wasn't. I glanced around and didn't see her, which meant her stating she would be there last week was either a lie or she was doing something else right now.

“How was the exam?” Robin asked as I sat.

Gella stayed standing behind me and to the right.

“Do I want to know?” Robin asked me as she motioned to Gella.

“Just her overreaction and another wrong assumption to a statement that I made.” I said and I felt Gella stiffen and heard her take in a sharp breath.

Robin looked confused. “Is she your friend or not?”

“She can't decide.” I said and Gella sighed. “I asked for her help in an area she was ignoring and she keeps thinking I'm trying to trick her or forcing her to change or give up her oaths and promises to me.”

“My lord!” Gella gasped.

“I said to not talk to me about it. You are to only speak to me if we are going to have a normal conversation.” I warned her again and she clamped her mouth shut.

“Restricting her like that isn't going to help.” Robin said.

“It stops her repeating herself or annoying me by saying things I don't want to hear.” I said.

Robin looked surprised. “Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.”

“I did and that is part of the problem.” I said and Gella made a noise. “I've not slept, am annoyed and irritated, and more mages attacked my people this morning. I am very close to letting my anger and frustration out again and I don't want to do that.”

“Then I won't speak of it or ask about it anymore.” Robin said.

“Thank you.” I said and we ate in silence.

Gella and I went back to the testing auditorium when lunch was over and there were a dozen pens with various animals in them.

“Welcome to the practical exams for Basic Biology. You will go to each pen, identify the creatures inside, and write out their main parts and their primary usage.” The teacher said.

I raised a hand. “Can we butcher and skin one for the choice cuts of meats and receive extra marks?”

Everyone in the room stared at me.

“You don't even know what they are yet!” A young man's voice exclaimed into the silence.

“I've killed and eaten lots of things that I didn't know the names of.” I said.

“Um... no. No, you can't do that.” The teacher said.

“Can I write it on the exam and get more points?” I asked.

The teacher sighed. “No, Lord Drake. Knowing how to butcher an animal won't help you here.”

“It helped me plenty in the real world.” I said.

“This is an examination, not real life.” The man said. “For everyone that's not planning on making a meal, please take a stack of papers and proceed to any of the pens and mark down the pen number and fill in the information. They do not need to be done in order. This is a knowledge test, not an organization test.”

I joined the line to grab some papers and went to a pen in the middle of the room. I noticed that Gella was beside me as well. We didn't talk as we worked, moved at random to each pen, then recorded the information we knew about the creatures, their species, traits, and useful parts. Not being able to show off my expertise was a disappointment. I handed in my papers when I was done and didn't bother talking to the man.

Gella was right behind me as I left the testing area. We returned to the dorm room and I could easily tell that my words had either been ignored or they were trying too hard to act like they used to. It was forced, even Farra's cuddling with Hanna and Gella. I didn't say anything until supper was over.

“Thank you all for being here.” I said and stood up from the dining room table. “Please return to the Sanctuary and I will see you in three days.”

“WHAT?!?” The four of them yelled.

“Jill is so tense that her hands are shaking! Hanna's attitude is supposed to be comforting and is so abrasive right now that I don't want to be in the same room with her! Farra's fake affection is making my senses scream and making those she pretends to cuddle wince! Gella...” I looked at her as my magic flared. “Your stiffness and inattentiveness to your surroundings has me wanting to attack you, just so you will react normally!”

The four of them wilted at my near shout.

“I am ORDERING YOU to return to the Sanctuary and to STAY THERE! I need some peace and quiet and I need some time to figure out why you are INTENTIONALLY trying to anger me! I am tired of saying it, over and over, so I am ORDERING YOU to LISTEN TO WHAT I AM TELLING YOU!” I shouted as my magic lashed out at them.

They gasped as my magic and my orders filled them.

“Gather your things and have the guard at the gate call for the carriage and an escort to protect you.” I said and sat back down to put my head in my hands. “I did not want to do things like this.”

“My lord...” One of them started to say.

“STOP RESISTING AND DO AS I ORDERED! RIGHT NOW!” I yelled again without looking at them. I heard them run to get their things, listened to them pack everything hastily, then they crossed the room and left at a run.

The door slammed and I felt the emotional dam inside of me crack nearly all of the way across. I could feel the web of breaks grow and threaten to weaken it, several weeks before my previous estimation. I couldn't let that happen, so I spent the rest of the night trying my best to rein in my feelings and letting my magic calm me as much as possible.

Thankfully, Jensen did not send word that the wards were damaged and I didn't have to make replacements or stop looking after my own well being.

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