Bookworld Online: Marsh Man

305 All Work And Some Play

I worked diligently and consistently until lunchtime and went down to the dining room. I wasn't surprised when several people stopped me to talk and then complimented me on finally 'going commoner'. It made a few of the others laugh and two of the women at the table wished they had thought of asking me first.

“Perhaps if these dates work as well as Laura claims they should, I will learn enough to share that experience.” I said and the two women blushed deeply and nodded. “As long as you don't already have significant others.” I looked at the faces of the four men at the table. “I've already learned to never step on another man's toes or try to claim their prize.”

Two of the men nodded, looking happy.

“Enjoy your meal.” I said and walked over to my regular table. Hanna, Jill, Gella, and Farra sat there, looking embarrassed and uncomfortable.

As I approached, the old man intercepted me. “My lord, if I may have a word.”

I nodded and we walked off to the side.

“Your words have stung your charges deeply and has made them question themselves and their actions.” The old man said. “When they arrived here in disgrace, they told me what happened.”

“Disgrace?” I asked and looked over at them. Their heads hung low.

“They feel that they have failed you, my lord.”

“Obviously, they didn't tell you the truth.” I said. “This will take some time. Sit with me for the meal.”

The old man sighed. “My lord, if you don't sit with them now, they will continue to think you do not favor them.”

“That's fine. I don't right now.” I said and he looked surprised. “They are misbehaving and irritating me to the point that I had to yell at them to stop and then ordered them to return here with their things.”

The old man looked to be at a loss for words.

I put a hand on his shoulder and walked over to a free table at the side of the room. I had the old man sit down and food was immediately served to the both of us. I thanked the server and then told the old man everything that had been going on. Gella's actions and inactions as the main sticking point. Sleeping with the women she wasn't protecting me from, then me asking her why she was so casual with letting me do things like that, when she knew I wasn't supposed to.

The old man looked stunned as I told him that the others took my words to Gella personally and then changed their behavior, even after both I and Eludora tried to explain it to them. The situation was just getting worse and worse.

“Until they learn that I want them to be what they were supposed to be, and not this mess of fakeness and irritation, I do not want to be around them.” I said and finished eating. “I'm struggling enough as it is with my anger and hatred without having to deal with this as well.” I stood up. “Perhaps if you tell them to stop their ridiculous behavior, my orders to do so might actually work.”

The old man just stared at me and didn't say a word.

“I don't want to have to kill them for angering me.” I said and stared into the old man's eyes as my magic flowed out like a searing heat and swirled around us. “I do not need more fuel for my anger.”

The old man shivered and rubbed his arms. “I... I understand, my lord.”

“I hope so.” I said and my magic flowed back inside of me, still swirling. “It would hurt me to lose them, even more than they are hurting me right now.”

The old man nodded and I walked away from the table. I didn't look over to where the women sat and left the cafeteria to go back to my work. I stopped outside the doors and remembered my date, so I went back inside and over to the kitchen. I was immediately met by the head cook.

“If it wouldn't be too much trouble, I need a private area set aside for a date. The food can be the same as everyone else. I just want more privacy.”

“Of course, my lord.” The woman said with a huge smile. “A partition with a sound dampening enchantment will be put around the table you just used.”

“Thank you.” I said. “The server...”

“We already have three volunteers to be at your call, my lord.” The woman said and nodded at the women standing off to the side.

“You already knew.” I said and she smiled.

“We have wine and ale for the meal, because stronger spirits too soon on a date could be disastrous.” The woman said. “Do you have any preference?”

“No. It's just wine. You can send a server to ask Laura what she prefers.”

“That is a fine suggestion, my lord.” The woman said. “It will be done.”

I nodded and walked away as I ignored the quickly whispered conversation behind me about making the table and partition the most romantic setting they could.

I worked for the next five hours, only doing the experiments that could be done within that short amount of time, and I was satisfied at some of the results. I set them aside and marked everything down, then a knock came at the door. I looked down at myself and the mess I was. I completely forgot that I should have allowed the time to get changed first.

I walked over to the door and opened it. Before me was a vision of loveliness. She had her hair pulled back on the sides, leaving her ears exposed and her neck bare. Her hair flowed down the back and was quite appealing. I wasn't sure why, since I normally didn't care about such things. She wore a form-fitting dress that looked tailor-made for her and I wondered if she went into the city to buy it.

Laura saw my eyes roam over her and she blushed a little. “I made it, my lord. I mean David.”

I blinked my eyes at her and then smiled. “You do very good work.”

Laura blushed at the praise. “Th-thank you, David. I have a talent for it and...”

“I hope Jensen has been giving you everything you need to play and have fun with it.” I said.

“More than that, my... David.” Laura said with a bright smile. “I've never had access to so many fabrics or tools at my disposal before, even after we raided that textile shipment!”

I nodded at her and stepped out of the potions lab. “That was an easy one to acquire. I preferred the slaver ship.”

Laura laughed softly. “Yes, you would. The guards were twice your size and angrier than bees guarding their honey!”

I smiled, because that was a great time. “We need to stop off at my room for me to change. I forgot to bring clothing with me.”

“That's not a problem. I knew you would and expected it.” Laura said and we walked down the stairs. “Your work takes precedence. It's too important to delay any more than necessary.”

“The last two weeks set me back significantly, especially since this last weekend I didn't get to work on it at all.” I said. “I did make some good progress today.”

“I'm glad.” Laura said. “I can't wait to look in a mirror and recognize my own face again.”

“I don't use mirrors.” I said and she laughed softly.

“Yes, that would save you from being reminded how your life has changed how you look.” Laura said as we entered the floor my room was on. “I am still surprised at how you have adapted your skills to use only two fingers on each hand.”

“I didn't really have a choice. It was either adapt or die. I won't die, so I adapted.” I said and held the door of my room open for her.

“I'm very happy about that... even if I'm not sure I like that you are more graceful wearing women's footwear than I am.” Laura said and then laughed. “That's not something I thought I would say to my date!”

I smiled and directed her to sit on the couch in the living room. “I'll wash up and be right out wearing appropriate clothing.”

Laura nodded and sat down to wait.

I went into the bedroom and stripped off the clothing I wore and went to the bathroom. I washed up quickly using the cleaning spells and dried off, then went back into the bedroom and grabbed one of the basic suits worn for meals. I took everything off of the hanger and dug out just the pants and the shirt. I grabbed a pair of underwear from the drawer for such things and then dressed. I went out to the living room and Laura smiled at me as she stood.

“Let me just fix that for you.” Laura said and unbuttoned the collar button on the shirt and the next button. She smoothed her hands down my chest and admired the fabric. “Yes, that's very nice.”

I caught her hands before they went lower and she let out a little giggle. “Our food awaits.”

“Yes, my... David.” Laura said. “I'm sorry that I'm having trouble calling you by name.”

“It's part of the slave programming.” I said and led her out of my room. “It's something that magic and potions can't fix like scars and broken bones.”

Laura sighed. “I regret ever being one; and yet, if I wasn't one...” She smiled. “...I never would have been rescued by you.”

I nodded. “Most people never have to experience such things and don't realize how their lives are so different from ours.”

Laura nodded back and we walked, side by side, down to the cafeteria. As soon as we entered, a server came over to us and led us over to the partitioned area. Laura gave me a pointed look.

“I asked for a bit of privacy. They came up with the partition on their own.” I said and we entered it.

All other sounds died away and Laura looked around.

“It's enchanted.” I said.

“Oh. That's quite handy.” Laura said and sat.

“I suspect it's a test. If our date works out well, I suspect a dozen more of these will cover the wall tables by next weekend.” I said and the server chuckled. “Make that by tomorrow.”

“Yes, my lord. It already has the others buzzing about the versatility.” The server said. “I'll be right back with your food and drinks.”

“We've barely started our first date and it's already changing everyone's lives.” I commented.

Laura laughed softly. “It's definitely changing mine. After you left this morning, all anyone could do was ask me to tell them what happened to let you ask me out.”

“I thought I heard congratulations and praise, too.” I said and she blushed. “I didn't say that to embarrass you.”

“I'm not embarrassed, my... David.” Laura said. “It felt so nice to have people talk to me about something other than work. Most of the other women just want to talk about clothing, dresses, and what they would like to see.”

“I hope you are ignoring them.” I said and she looked surprised. “You don't want to have your passion become a chore. You will resent having to do it and you will lose your desire for it. That would be a shame.”

Laura gave me another pointed look. “David, you... how are you so wise?”

“The basics were beaten into me as a child and then I learned to apply that knowledge at the feet of various people as I ventured into the world.”

“At... at their feet.” Laura whispered.

“Yes, I was less than a slave and less than a commoner for most of my life. My conscription into the army actually raised my social status.” I said, to her surprise. “It also led me to becoming a noble by association and then one in my own right. Becoming a slave actually freed me from the binds I hadn't known that nobility had placed upon me.”

Laura sat there and stared at me.

“Your food, my lord.” The server said as she entered the partitioned space and placed the plates and glasses on the table. “Do you want me to wait here or to come back at twenty minute intervals?”

“Intervals, please.” I said.

She nodded and left.

Laura took a breath and let it out. “My lo... David, I didn't realize you have been so... so...”

“I didn't know I was until I knew I was.” I said and she looked at me like she didn't know what I was saying. “As I gained knowledge, my mind realized the differences as my situations changed. However, my old friend Gillis said something interesting to me once. I took in the information given and adapted to where I needed to fit in. However, I was still me. No matter what was going on or what was happening, I was still me.”

Laura once again stared at me without speaking.

“Shall we eat? If the food gets cold, I can heat it again.” I said and she nodded.

We ate the meal and drank the wine. Laura smiled slightly after every sip and her eyes went to mine. I didn't bother to confirm that I had suggested they ask what her favorite was. The server came back and refilled the glasses after she left desserts for us. She took the empty main plates before she left. We ate the dessert and sat there, not really talking or needing to, as we sipped the wine to finish off our glasses.

The server came back and looked at us and guessed correctly. “Thank you for eating here tonight. I hope you enjoyed the food.”

“Give our compliments to the chef.” I said.

“And Hintel.” Laura said, her face slightly red from alcohol. “It was as delightful as it was last month.”

The server smiled. “He'll love hearing that. Thank you.”

I started to offer my arm for Laura to take, shook my head, and took her hand instead. Laura smiled and we walked out of the partitioned area. A few people noticed us and no one said anything, not even the women that were supposedly mine. In fact, they avoided looking at me completely. I looked around for the old man and he was near the center of the room.

I stopped walking and glared at him. He flinched and ducked his head. Apparently, he had failed in telling them what I wanted them to know. I quickly debated in my head to yell at him as my magic flowed out of me, swirling faster than it had been. Laura gasped and gripped my hand tighter as the magic flowed through her.

I turned to look at her and she had wide eyes as her other hand was moving through the magic flow. I could almost feel her fingers as she seemed to find one of the stronger currents of magic and put her hand right into it. Her hand glowed slightly and she moaned a little, then she realized where we were and blushed deeply.

“D-David...” Laura whispered.

I nodded and didn't bother trying to pull my magic in as I led her from the room with our hands clamped together like a vise. Her hand was still moving slightly up and down as my magic swirled around us. I didn't take her back to my room, as that wasn't somewhere I wanted to bring her. Other people had been in that bed, and for much different reasons.

I brought her up the long set of stairs, my magic never waning or my pace wavering, and we arrived at the top floor where the Grand Mage's remains still stood. The magical barrier was still intact and Laura stared at the blood soaked thing.

“Yes, it's the Grand Mage. It will remain until he turns off the barrier.” I said and Laura barked a laugh. “You understand.”

“He will be trapped forever by Helena's protection.” Laura said, her smile bright.

My magic swirled thicker and she moaned loudly. I brought her over to where the Mages Council's items were displayed and had been deconstructed. It showed the things they stole from other mages and it was a fitting memorial to the old ways.

Laura didn't bother trying to be gentle with me and tore my shirt and pants off, then she pulled her dress off and made a little bed for us on the display. She pushed me down on top of it and went down on me with her mouth, not that she needed to. I was already quite hard and ready.

After a few moments of her playing with me, she climbed on top of me and showed me what a woman could do with her body when she wanted to pleasure herself with a man's help. It was very educational. Also, the sight of her shapely ass as she rode me while facing the other way and jammed my manhood into her as hard as she could, felt absolutely incredible.

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