Bookworld Online: Marsh Man

308 Innovations Invite Destruction Conclusion


I had most of the cremes packed up when I heard Linette shout.

“By the Father's Grace! You're okay!”

I sighed at the distraction when the talking stayed loud after that, so I walked back over to the door and opened it. “Why are you still here?”

Linette and Jinelle turned to me with anger on their faces. “We thought you killed the baby!”

I gave them a blank look. “Why would I do that? None of this is her fault.”

Both women gasped and then looked down at Jinelle's baby.

“Then... what did you do?” Linette asked.

“She's a girl?” Jinelle asked at the same time.

“I just took my magic back.” I said and they both gasped again and stared at me. “Everything my magic touched seems to be destroying itself, so I took it from her to save her from the same fate.”

Neither woman said anything.

“I still have work to do.” I said and closed the door, then went back to packing the creme into jars and then crates. Thankfully, the talking stopped or they left. Either way, it was quiet again and I finished packing the cremes into crates. I would have to bring them downstairs in the morning. Most of the people at the Sanctuary were already in bed.

I thought that was a good point and secured the crates, to stop anyone from taking them, and left the potions lab. Linette and Jinelle were gone, so I didn't run into them. I went down to my room and had a bath, left off all my clothes, and climbed into bed. It still felt weird not having anyone to siphon off my magic.

I woke up about five hours later and made breakfast for myself. It was way too early for the cafeteria to be open and I had to go upstairs and bring the crates of potion down anyway. I left my room and went downstairs to the storage room and retrieved a hand cart. Instead of using the stairs, I used the pulley system we installed to gain access to the growing floors on the outside.

It was shortsighted of the mages to not have done it themselves. I hooked the hand cart to the pulleys and secured it at the height of the doorway to the floor below the potions lab. It was the highest and newest growing floor, so it would take no time at all to get the crates loaded inside.

One of the guards asked me what I was doing and I told him. He made a squealing noise for some reason and ran off to who knew where. I shrugged and went inside and all the way up to the potions lab and transferred all the crates down to the top growing floor. No one was around, so no one interfered when I opened the outside door and pulled the hand cart inside.

I filled the hand cart, careful of the balance and weight distribution, then hung it back on the ropes and pulleys. I closed the door and walked all the way down to the ground floor and went outside, only to see a dozen men and women waiting anxiously.

“It'll be right down.” I said and went to the pulleys. When two of them ran over to help, I stopped them. “I've got it. You didn't pack the cart and don't know the weight distribution.”

The two men nodded and stepped back. The very last thing they wanted to do was to piss off the boss.

I undid the secured ends of the ropes and then slowly lowered the hand cart. A dozen more people showed up and they all looked anxious. “Don't grab it and run. I need to explain how to work it and the proper dosage and coverage procedures.”

“Yessir.” All of the men said.

“You'll all be back to normal by the end of the day.” I said and they cheered.

When the hand cart touched down, they untied it for me and then stepped back to let me take the handle. I nodded to them and everyone followed me inside to the large cafeteria. A couple of the workmen set up a simple table for me and I placed the hand cart behind it and a crate on top before I sat down to wait.

“My lord?” One of the men asked.

“I'm waiting for everyone to come for breakfast and I'll start the lecture.” I said.

“By the Son's Light, go get EVERYONE!” Someone yelled and I was left there all alone.

It took twenty minutes and the entire cafeteria was packed. Everyone except the original ship's crew was there. Molly told me that Jensen had them as guards for the Sanctuary today, because they knew I was going to help the slaves recover.

“I'm glad I put him in charge.” I said and then picked up a jar of creme. “This is an exactly measured dose to return your complete skin back to its original color. There is enough for your hair as well if you have short hair. However, if you only apply it to your scalp, your hair will grow out to the original color, which is why the dose is meant to cover the skin.”

“That makes so much sense.” One of the women said. “I suppose I can wait for...”

“I made fifty extra jars, because I know a lot of you have much longer hair and would need more than just a single jar to restore it all. I've kept some for later, since I know of at least one slave that will need a couple of jars. However, you won't need an entire jar just for hair. A handful of creme applied liberally is enough, even for some waist length hair.”

“That's a relief!” Someone said.

“I recommend saving your hair for last and then sharing a jar among you until it's empty and then using another for the next few women.” I said and they all nodded. “This took a long time and a lot of expensive ingredients to produce. It is not to be wasted.”

“Never!” Nearly everyone shouted.

“I will need a volunteer to show how to apply it.” I said and nearly every single woman put their hand up, except for one of them. I wasn't surprised that Laura didn't want me touching her after she decided to not date me anymore.

A few of the women around her gave her slightly angry looks and she looked guilty.

“People don't have to keep dating if one of them doesn't want to.” I said and Laura blushed from embarrassment. I pointed to another woman. “Do you have a man?”

“Yes, my lord.”

“Good! Both of you come up here.” I said and that surprised a few people. “It takes six hours after application for the creme to settle and to do its work. Only do the parts of yourself that you are not going to use or lay on for those six hours, then do the rest or have someone else do it for you and flip over.”

“Why can't we do it all at once?” The woman asked as she brought her man over to me.

“I did that and had to stand up without moving for the first six hours, then sat down to do my feet.” I explained and most of the women gasped and the men groaned. “Exactly. I want you to do your own fronts and lay down to rest for the first six hours, then have someone else, your man or a friend, finish off your backs and then rest for the rest of the day. Or night, like I did.”

“We all have the day off, sir.” The man said and everyone nodded.

“That's great. Let me show you with your own hands how to apply the creme.” I said and did that with his own hands on his bare chest. “This is the thickness it has to be. If you still have creme left in the jar above half when you finish the front, you may have missed a spot or not applied enough creme to somewhere. Usually your armpits and your belly button.”

A few of the women giggled as they looked at the man demonstrating it and his belly button was untouched. He shrugged and swished the creme inside and pretty much filled the hole.

“That's good. The original potion soaked into your skin and changed it to only grow with the white pigment. This creme removes that effect and dissolves the old potion's properties, restoring your body back to the way it used to produce normal skin.” I said and everyone nodded. “Ma'am, if you can help me demonstrate for the other women.”

“Of course, my lord.” She said and blushed as she went to pull off her top.

“Leave that in place, please.” I said and she looked surprised. “Your man is going to do your back and appropriate areas.” I said and held out a hospital gown that opens in the back.

“Oh! Okay.” She said and ducked behind the hand cart and crates to change, then came back out.

The man knew what to do after a little coaching and she moaned as his strong hands worked the creme into her bare back, shoulders, the backs of her arms, and the backs of her legs. He blocked everyone's sight as he covered her backside with creme and she let out a significant moan.

There were hollers and catcalls, which made the woman blush and the man smile with pride.

“Are there any questions?” I asked and no one spoke up. “Then come on up and get a jar each. Pair off if possible, or go back to your rooms and do your fronts and then pair off to do the backs.”

“How did you do yours?” A female voice asked.

“Time, patience, and a sponge on a stick. That's why I recommended having someone else do it. You can't tell a sponge to not be so rough.” I answered and a few people chuckled.

After everyone had a jar in their hands, they started to leave. I was only slightly surprised that Hanna wasn't there and had not taken a jar, or that Farra was not there, either. I had seen and calculated how many extra jars were needed for the long hair on those that had it and put that many aside, with a couple extra for excitable hands.

Since I had nothing else to do, I went to Jensen and asked to see the job records for everyone. I needed to find someone to take care of me for the ten days I would be out of commission and he looked worried.

“I'm sorry, Jensen. I have to do this.” I said.

“No one can know you're not going to be around to defend us.” Jensen said and I sighed. “People already know.” He guessed and I nodded. “I'll double the guard starting tomorrow and have both response teams of guards prepped and ready.”

I nodded again and we went over anyone that had a propensity for healing during the times that Linette had been here, especially anyone she had as an apprentice or helper. It took us several hours to make up a short list. I would have to wait until tomorrow to ask them, since they would be too busy being restored today.

“I think I'll go back to the academy and pack up my things. I left in a rush the last time and forgot everything.” I said and pat his shoulder. “I will only be out of commission for ten days when I start regeneration.”

“A lot can happen in ten days.” Jensen said with a sigh.

“A lot can happen in one day.” I countered and he smiled. “If you are too worried about things, move the gates to other spots and then create a fake gate that's just a huge trap.”

Jensen stared at me with his mouth slightly open.

“It worked in the Eastern Empire. We lured an entire army into attacking a completely fabricated defensive structure and wiped them out.” I said and walked out of his office to let him stew on that information for a while.

I found the carriage and the driver nearby, who was having a nice nap. “I'm sorry to bother you.”

The driver didn't jump and only opened his eyes. “I wasn't asleep.”

“I know.” I said and he smiled. “Let's go get breakfast at a nice cafe I know near the police station and then you can take me over to the academy to get my things.”

“You're a month late for that.” The driver said and hopped up from his bedroll, rolled it up, and tossed it into the space behind his seat. “Will they bother keeping your things?”

“They better hope they did.” I said and the driver laughed.

The horses were hooked up and we were soon off into the city. The guy at the cafe was surprised when I ordered enough breakfasts for myself, the driver, and the entire police station staff, then he laughed and pointed at my face.

“I thought I recognized you! You're that married mage guy that Dana has a crush on. You're the only guy who ever ordered a pile of breakfasts like that and gave me so much money for it!”

The only person he could be referencing was the constable woman that had taken me back to Helena after Greta had been ambushed by criminals and I killed them all.

“The next time you see her, tell her I wasn't married, just betrothed, and she's been dead for quite some time now.” I said and paid for the food with the same amount as last time and even gave him the same tip.

“Damn, you're a great guy!” The man said and served us our breakfasts. He soon had a pile of plates ready and left to go to the police station to deliver the first batch.

Two minutes later, the door to the police station slammed open and a woman I recognized ran across the road, ignoring the horses and carts going through at the time, and she almost skidded to a stop beside my table. Being a police offer like she was, her eyes went to my bright white hair and then to my missing fingers.

“I want to ask you what happened; but, I've been waiting to see you again since that day.” Dana said and pulled me into a passionate kiss.

The driver laughed and kept eating.

Dana broke the kiss and she was breathing heavily.

“Hello, Constable Wilson.” I said and she blushed.

“It's Dana.” Dana said and held a hand out to me. “I'm so glad the rumors of your death were exaggerated.”

“So am I.” I said and shook her hand, then waved at the chair beside me. “Have a seat.”

“Thank you.” Dana said and sat. “Now you can tell me what the hell happened to you.”

The driver laughed. “I'll be in the carriage.”

I nodded to him and he left us alone. “Do you have the time to...”

“I have nothing more important right now, so start talking.” Dana said.

I smiled slightly and then did so. It took a long while. Dana had breakfast and by the time I was done, we both had lunch.

“So, you've completely destroyed your current support structure and you essentially have no one left to depend on.” Dana said. “You're also about to go on a rampage to devastate anyone that gets in your way, if even one more person betrays you in the slightest.”

“Yes.” I agreed.

“You said a good romp from that ex-slave helped you keep control?”

“That and her explaining about commoner dating and how to act properly.” I corrected.

Dana smiled and stood. “Then you better hold onto your pants, because you're going to really enjoy this.”

“Enjoy what?” I asked and stood as well.

“I can't say until we're there.” Dana said and pointed at the carriage. “Stay right there and I'll be back in a few minutes. I'm taking a few days off of work to help you.”

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a handful of gold crowns. “Do you need a bribe for your captain?”

Dana stared at the gold for a moment, then she laughed. “Only if I want him to laugh his ass off.” She said and started to walk away. “On second thought.” She came back and took two coins. “I want to see him fall off his chair from laughing so hard.”

Five minutes later, a man's uproariously loud laugh rang through the street. A minute after that, a very happy Dana came out of the station and climbed into the carriage.

“Now we can go.” Dana said with a satisfied smile on her face.

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