Bookworld Online: Marsh Man

311 My Old New Self


???David, it looks like I'm going to be busy while you're going to be busy.??? Dana said as she tucked the papers with the details into her pocket. ???So much for my time off.???

???You still have two days left from the bribe. Save them for when I'm myself again.??? I said.

Dana softly laughed and put a gag over Bertha's mouth. She was telling us about her secret ingredient for her pies. It was a potion she bought while visiting the new lands in the Eastern Empire.

???You don't let anything bother you, do you???? Dana asked.

???I've survived being attacked before.??? I said and looked down at my slightly burned legs. ???This won't matter after I regenerate.???

???It's no wonder why you were always put out where the most danger is while in the army. Your confidence alone would make the soldiers around you feel safe in the face of the enemy.??? Dana said and stepped outside. ???Driver! I need a hand carrying a couple people and a body!???

???I have a tarp.??? The driver said and brought it in. ???Hey, boss. You're looking a little more cooked than usual.???

???I need help walking because the attack ruined my nice boots.??? I said and both Dana and the driver looked down at my feet without toes. ???They were the only things my retainers bought for me.???

Dana put a hand on my shoulder. ???David, I'm sorry.???

???It's a pair of boots that they bought on the other side of the world. They are irreplaceable.???

???Just like your retainers were.??? Dana said and gave me a kiss. ???Just like you are.???

I looked up at her as she stood straight again. ???Me????

???I would rather lose the boots than lose you.??? Dana said and helped the driver wrap the tarp around the body. ???You also saved the only witness to what happened here and what's going to happen to the kingdom. If you hadn't, no one would ever know about it.???

I didn't say anything and watched her and the driver pick up the body.

???You could have jumped backwards and saved yourself and let her die. You didn't.??? Dana said. ???We'll be right back for you and Bertha.???

I nodded and sat there as I waited. I didn't try to stand, not with my legs damaged and without my toes. I could have done it and struggled; but, there would be no point. Help was right there and they wanted to help me. I also tore my ruined pants apart and wrapped my feet up to protect them.

Dana and the driver came back in and both of them helped me stand up. I had them steady me and then I jumped up to grab the hilt of my sword. It slid out of the ceiling easily and I sheathed it.

???We need people like you at the station. A weapon like that...??? Dana shook her head. ???No, that's why it's usually limited to just mages. We'd be robbed if people knew we had weapons like that.???

I nodded and draped my arm over the driver's shoulders for balance as Dana pulled Bertha to her feet and the four of us walked out of the house to the carriage. I climbed in and sat down, then Dana shoved Bertha in and made her sit facing us. She was still babbling about something through the gag.

???The police station.??? Dana said and we were off.

The next three hours were a whirlwind of questions, answers, interrogations, glasses of ale, and meticulously going over Bertha's written confession.

???You two just happened to stumble over this garbage???? The chief asked when we were done.

???Kind of.??? Dana said and explained about me needing a healer to monitor me.

???And you had no idea that her son was a mage???? The chief asked.

???No. We only talked about him in passing when she was working for us to look after me when I was hurt or the guys on shift. She really talked a lot about enjoying healing and baking.???

???She uses a potion she bought in the Eastern Empire.??? I offered and the chief looked at me with wide eyes. ???It's her secret ingredient, apparently.???

???That... is concerning.??? The chief said.

???The traffic between the Gulf Kingdom and the Eastern Empire has been steady as the war settles down again.??? Dana said. ???More people are visiting the new territory and seeing what life is like there.???

???It's horrible for the common people.??? I said and they both looked surprised. ???They thanked us for saving them when we made the beachhead near the end of hostilities the last time.???

???But... that's not in any reports...??? The chief started to say.

???Who sends the reports and relays them for the army???? I asked.

???Those stupid sons of bitches! I hate mages!??? The chief spat.

???Welcome to my world.??? I said and Dana laughed.

The chief gave us a stern look and then laughed, too. ???Get him out of here to fix himself. Take Vernon with you. If he doesn't want to go, send his wife.???

Dana looked shocked. ???But... captain...???

???Yes, we'll be short a healer for the next two weeks.??? The chief said. ???I'll see if they will send over another for us, just in case.???

???Don't tell them it's for me.??? I said and Dana nodded.

???He's had horrible luck with healers lately.???

???And nearly everything else.??? I added. ???I'll pay for the healers.???

The chief looked at Dana and she nodded as she handed over the folded note she had written for Bertha. He read it and looked at us again, then nodded. ???All right, you take care of that.???

Dana let me put an arm over her shoulders and I leaned on her as we stood and then left the office. ???I'm glad you're not self-conscious about letting me help you like this in public.???

???Why would I be????

???Because most men are pigheaded and want to prove that they are big strong stubborn men and can do everything themselves.??? Dana said with a soft laugh. ???They think that showing any kind of weakness to others would damage their reputation and make people think that they are less of a man.???

???I'm missing all of my toes and half of my fingers. I am less of a man than I was.??? I said.

Dana burst out laughing and everyone looked over at us. No one commented about it, though. We left the station with the woman healer and the driver had two meals waiting for us.

???Thank you.??? I said as I sat down in the back.

???I had a bunch of extra money on me for some reason.??? The driver said and smiled.

Dana covered her laugh with a cough and started eating. The healer sat there and waited patiently.

We were soon done and the driver took me to the bank. I made a withdrawal for some personal funds and Dana's eyes nearly popped out of he head when she saw the amount written on the balance sheet.

???That's a mistake, isn't it???? Dana asked.

???It probably would be more if it wasn't only for my personal account. The business ones have about five times that amount in them.??? I said and smiled at the account manager. ???Thank you for your help.???

???It's always a pleasure to help you, my lord.??? The account manager said. ???Helping you helps myself.???

I nodded and picked up the bag of gold to split up into smaller bags and tied them around my belt and my bandoleer. ???Did you like the case of cremes I sent over????

The now looking younger woman reached up and rubbed her cheek. ???My lord, it's wonderful. I've been complimented every time someone sees me, even my long time friends.???

???Did you give any away or did you tell them where you got it???? I asked as Dana stood and I used her as a crutch.

???A bit of both. You are going to have a lot of orders when you release it officially.???

???Send word to Jensen when you run out. You never have to pay for it.???

???Th-thank you, my lord. Thank you.??? She said and smiled brightly. ???I won't abuse that privilege.???

I started to walk away and stopped. I turned back and looked at her. ???I should tell you a secret about it.???

The account manager perked up and looked interested. ???What is it, my lord????

???It doesn't only work on your face, neck, and hands.??? I said and she looked confused. ???Apply it to your breasts and thighs tonight and you'll understand.???

The woman gasped and covered her mouth with both of her hands.

???Have a good day.??? I said and almost right after the door to the office closed, there was a girly squeal from behind it.

???I don't think she's going to wait for tonight, David.??? Dana said.

???It was just a suggestion.??? I said and Dana laughed softly as we walked out of the bank.

We rode the carriage all the way back to the Sanctuary and brought the healer to where she would be stationed. She chose to take the bed in the side room where my retainers had their cabinets. They were all empty now and the healer was quite happy with all the space. She unpacked her overnight bag and then took the list of helpers from me.

???The manager's name is Jensen, correct???? The healer asked as I put the gold bags into the magic safe.

???Yes. He can find them for you. Assign them in shifts and rest when you can. You'll be supervising and ensuring I'm fed, healthy, and cleaned when necessary.??? I said and stripped off to get in bed.

The healer smiled. ???This is going to be a lot easier than I thought it was going to be.???

???And more lucrative.??? Dana said. ???David is paying you for your time, not the chief.???

The healer smiled a bright smile, similar to the account manager's. ???That is good news.???

???I better go.??? Dana said and hugged me. ???Be safe and try to not die as you regrow yourself.???

???I've died before. It's not a worry for me.??? I said and the healer laughed.

???I think I'm going to enjoy this job for once.??? The healer said. ???Now kiss her like you're never going to see her again and she can pine over you for the next two weeks.???

I gave her a look and then looked at Dana. I pushed up from the bed and wobbled slightly, then I moved my feet apart slightly and she looked surprised. I took two steps over to her and put my arms around her. She looked into my eyes and then I kissed her like I wanted to kiss Helena when I returned from being kidnapped.

Dana seemed to lose her strength as she held onto me, almost desperately. The kiss went on for several minutes as we moved our mouths and tongues in a little dance. We broke it at the same time and Dana looked very happy.

???Take two of the dark green potions, two of the blue potions, and one of the dark red.??? I said and pointed at my bandoleer.

???What are they for????

???The dark green smash and create a slightly poisonous fog for about twenty feet. It will fill a room instantly.??? I said. ???The blues are healing potions.???

???And the dark red???? Dana asked.

???Immolation potion. Smash it inside a building. Nothing escapes alive and the building burns down.???

Both Dana and the healer gasped.

???I always carry one, just in case I come across a very dangerous creature or a bunch of mages I can't openly fight without civilian casualties. One potion and the problem is solved.???

Dana blinked her eyes at me. ???You... you...???

???I've fought dragons and large groups of mages. It's come in handy.??? I said. ???Of course, I've improved the recipe to make it much more powerful than the ones I used before.???

???I think I might leave that one.??? Dana whispered.

???If you're worried about breaking them, stop at the fourth floor and they'll give you a belt pouch for the vials. It's padded like my bandoleer to carry potions.??? I let her go and walked over to the bed, slipped off my underwear, and sat down. ???Be careful hunting.???

???I... I will.??? Dana said and her eyes went to my crotch.

???I'll be back to my restored self in ten days.??? I said and laid down and pulled the thin sheet over myself. I picked up the clear vial of regeneration potion, flashes of the last time going through my mind, and I opened it and downed it. ???I'm going to start yelling soon.???

???I know. I just... I shouldn't leave just yet.??? Dana whispered.

I felt the cramps start and I grunted as my stomach contracted and the muscles in my abdomen tensed. It spread out from there, fairly quickly, and my body started twitching and cramping. I grit my teeth at the pain and then it really started working.

???GAHHH!??? I shouted as my hands curled up into fists and the finger bones snapped because there were no supporting fingers beside them.

???Dana! You better go!??? The healer said and rushed to the bed as she pried my hands open and then strapped my fingers down straight. She knew she couldn't let my hands heal into broken fists.

Dana gave me one last look before she heard something else snap and I yelled again. She sighed and left at a normal pace. She didn't run and I didn't expect her to. She was too sensible for that.


Montage mode engaged. Delirious state skipped. Mental faculties normal. Down time: 10 days.

You are now unconscious by magical means. Performing diagnostics.

Mental stability at 35%. Learning capacity at 80%.

Personality completion at 100%. Physical damage at 20% and stable.

Blood loss at 15%. Heart damaged and working at 80% efficiency.

Magic capacity at 140%. Magic Burn at 25%. Magic Level at 115% and unstable.

Warning: A restoration potion has entered your system and has initiated the major repair function. Working... working... applying effects... done.

Mental stability patched at 80%. Learning capacity at 100%.

Personality completion at 100%. No physical damage present.

Blood restored. Heart healed and working at 110% efficiency.

Magic capacity at 200%. Magic Burn -1% (Immunity). Magic Level at 150% and stable.

Warning: Emotional State is fluctuating and affects your Mental Stability. Do you wish to take a break for a while and relax?

No, I think I need to do a few things before I let myself go and wreck something completely. I thought.

Physical status changed to 'Enhanced'. Skipping unconscious state. Done.


I slowly came out of my oddly restful state and opened my eyes. I looked around and the room was a mess, as if a storm had hit it. I also felt very strong and powerful as I sat up.

???Finally!??? The healer exclaimed. ???I regret accepting this job!???

I looked at her and she looked like she had been through a storm, too.

???I knew you were powerful with all the things you've done and what your people have been telling me.??? The healer said and waved at the room. ???Even with the warnings, I never thought there would be a constant magic maelstrom around you!???

I found her wording odd, so I held a hand out towards her and my magic flowed over to her instantly and she shivered and moaned as it easily merged with hers and made her feel very good.

???S-s-stop... by the Son's light... I don't... ohhhh!??? She moaned and shivered again as she had an orgasm.

???Thank you for not abandoning me if you felt like that constantly.??? I said and let my magic caress her as I pulled it back.

???I wouldn't do that.??? She whispered and hugged herself. ???I've never felt... not even from other healers.??? She said and looked at me. ???You are a very dangerous man.???

???I'm also physically whole once more.??? I said and kicked off the sheet above me and stood up on my completely restored feet. I wiggled my toes and flexed my fingers as I smiled. Unlike the other times I had restored myself, I wasn't unbalanced or felt off with my returned toes and digits. I also felt my magic swirling around inside of me and it was just waiting to be used.

The healer's eyes went to my crotch and she blushed, because I was hard and erect. ???I think I need to go, now that you're... um... up... and awake.???

???And coherent.??? I said and walked over to her.

Her blush intensified and she looked up at my face.

???Do you want gold, potions, or potion ingredients???? I asked.

???Gold, please.??? She whispered.

I nodded and walked across the room and opened the safe. I took one of the smaller gold bags and closed the safe before I walked over to her and handed it to her. ???Thank you for your hard work. I've never felt this clean or well fed after a regeneration session before.???

???You're welcome.??? She said and opened the bag. She gasped and looked back up at my face. ???My lord!???

???If you want to call me that, you can.??? I said and walked over to my closet. I checked over the clothing and decided I had work to do, so I put on a work outfit, sleeveless shirt and tough pants, and dressed up and put on real boots. I wasn't sure why she looked more turned on now than she did when I was naked. ???Would you like help packing, or do you want to stay for the evening????

???How did you know it's evening???? She asked, a little surprised.

???I can feel the day waning.??? I said and closed my eyes. My vigilance technique wasn't a technique anymore. It was a full part of my senses. I knew she wanted another magic dose, even if she said she didn't. I knew there were fifteen people on this floor and that four of them needed a bath. I also knew that one of them was pregnant and was quite happy about it.

???I think I will stay tonight and then leave in the morning.??? The healer said.

???I'll be back around midnight.??? I said and went to the door.

???Where are you going???? She asked.

???I have weapons of mass destruction to construct and a war to win.??? I said and left the room and her shocked face behind me. I went down the stairs and into the storage room to pick up a large wildwood log and left the Sanctuary to go to the large woodworking shop that had been built behind it.

???BOSS!??? The men yelled when I entered. None of them said anything about the huge log I carried on my shoulder.

???I've been lax in working the last few days.??? I said and dropped the log onto a workbench as they laughed. ???Who wants to help me have some fun building things to wreck the Eastern Empire????

???When do we start?!???? They practically shouted in response.

???Right now.??? I said and they cheered. I knew they were the right crew to ask for help.

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