Border Guardian Hal Akircius

Chapter 17 Finals (Part 1)

Late at night, Sirukha territory and Yurials Castle South Gate

The noise of the night bug stopped.

Until then, the voices of the bugs, which were loud and loud, stopped simultaneously.

The southern infantry of Siluha, who noticed its strangeness, looks outside the castle gate, but there is nothing moving in the dark around it.

Staring at the foothills where the abyss of the Crescent Moon night extends, but there can be no such thing as an inherent anomaly, which is the territory on its own side.

The soldier was surprised by the wind. The bug must have stopped ringing and resumed his sentry.

Infantry walking silently over the castle gate.

Same night as usual.

I thought it was the end of the world when I was summoned, and I spared my parents and wives my goodbyes, but decided unexpectedly to be left behind in safety.

Maybe we can make it home safely.

Yes, the soldier who had his thoughts strong every night just walks over the walls thinking of his hometown.


Sharp, quiet noises were heard, while the infantry's sight glitched with impact.

What's going on?

Looking down, I could see an arrow with black arrow wings piercing my neck until about half way through.

An infantryman who opens his eyes in amazement and tries to scream.

But his throat, pierced by arrows, can't speak, and he just sounds like an air leak all the time.

When an infantryman who couldn't breathe got to his knees and poked his hand with a spear against the wall and looked forward, he caught sight of the preceding colleague soldier cutting out an arrow from his throat.

Oh, what... me neither... what...

Slowly his vision began to dim, and the last time a soldier laying on his body saw him in tears was a star full of brilliance, no different from his homeland, even in exotic circumstances.

"... All right, go!

"... Roger."

Inserting the grass into their armor helmets, the Northern Legion soldiers, distracted by the darkness, immediately moved quickly and quietly on Hull's command.

And they shall open the gates of the castle, conveying the ropes that the earlier shadows drooped, and guard them from being shut again the gates of the castle that were opened, until the allies fell from the gates of the castle into the avalanche.

The Northern Legion soldiers read a pattern of Hal watching soldiers patrolling, shooting those soldiers with arrows, sewing their gaps and sneaking into Castle Julials one by one.

The Sirukha Army's guard of the Castle of Julius is far from the battlefield and the morale of the soldiers is remarkably relaxed.

This is not unrelated to the fact that the infantry of the Siluha Army is a semi-enforced Southern infantry subject.

Hal, who spotted the gap, decided to mount a night raid based on reports from the shady.

Fighting at night in empires, western countries, and at the end of the eastern lights is highly dangerous for fellow soldiers, and there is little that can be done because the danger other than enemies such as terrain and beasts is so great that it cannot be ignored.

However, night wars took place all the time in Hull's hometown, the Qun Islands, due to skirmishes and other skirmishes between Mr. Dae.

Hal persuaded the officers who opposed the fact that the Shirouha soldiers who became enemies were quite different from the Northern Legion soldiers in terms of their physiological style gear, and that the enemy was a small number, and dared to choose the battle of the night.

From the shadows of the walls that are dispersed in the dark night, successive Northern Legion soldiers head to the castle gate.

Hal, who saw the appearance, raised his hand small to the main force following the rear to prepare for the battle.

The Northern Legion soldiers are all former Cliffonam warriors, and unlike Imperial soldiers, ambushes are treasures.

I can really lay low skillfully.

It was so much so that I didn't know there were a large number of soldiers lurking here unless I heard the sound of the outfits still up close.

After a while I heard the noise I had been waiting for in the ears of Hal and the others who lay down on the ground.

I hear heavy sounds, sword trident sounds and small screams that I said Dosunbatan.

Eventually a white flag was waved from the soldier's quarters at the castle gate, which could be seen at night.


Hal's leaping voice is followed by a quiet, slow opening of the castle gate.

The infiltrated Northern Legion soldiers captured the castle gate and made the operation a success.

"Go, avalanche!"


A shout arose from the vicinity with Hull's decree, and at the same time a Northern Legion soldier rose simultaneously from a place that seemed grassy on one side.

The Northern Legion soldiers faked the grass in the grass they put on their armor helmets.

A complete ambush that doesn't even notice the night bug until halfway through.

The soldiers burst into an avalanche into the open castle gate at once.

Occasionally the battle begins all over the Castle of Julius.

Wrath and screams, swordspears and shouts fly across the castle, and blood and flesh pieces splash across the castle.

Siluha soldiers, whose movements are surprisingly dull, are relentlessly being attacked by Northern Legion soldiers, and can be raised to blood festivals one after the other without being able to resist them.

Some seemed to be in deep sleep, and many were slaughtered and killed by Northern Legion soldiers who attacked them ready as they fell asleep and rose.

From the basement to the rooftop of the tower, Castel Julials is filled with Northern Legion soldiers.

A castle that fell in a few moments was once again recaptured in a few moments.

"Wahaha, there is no other love for what is the indestructible Julials! Alert is the most dangerous thing when you do it, that's what you say. '

Altrius puts his arms together and says it well with Hull's shoulder.

"Well, it's certainly like being alert... but good to go"

"What can I say? There's no clue in my operation."

I reprimand Hal for breathing so much that Altrius says he's out of his mind.

From Altrius, it was an operation prepared around the perimeter, one without the kind of speculative elements that Hal had made it include.

"Ahhh? Oh, no! No, I don't understand the predecessors' perspective... and the predecessors are amazing..."

"Huh? Well, come on. '

Restore the navel that Altrius was bending to Hal, who is in a hurry to get in the mood.

Relieved again, Hal asked Altrius this time, choosing his words carefully.

"... but we should have already received news of the fall of Lugusa to the Castle of Julials. Why were you so alarmed?

'It is self-evident reason. If Lugusa falls and learns that he has been denied a way out, the southern infantry may be in disarray and rebellion, so the commander of Siluha has not kept the information down. The gatherers are free of charge, so the only hope is to survive and return to their homeland, and the spearhead of their actions, their anger, and their discontent when this is overshadowed goes to the Commander. Therefore, you will not pass on the details to the soldiers. There is no trust between the commander and the soldier. It is a late act, but it is truly sad...'

"... I see"

Hal agrees with Altrius's explanation.

It would certainly be difficult to maintain the morale of a convoy, which can never be said to be high, but on the contrary, it would mean that dissatisfaction is also prone to explosion due to certain triggers.

"Uhm, so gathering soldiers is really very difficult to deal with. The powerful summon soldiers on the grounds that they can be quickly gathered at a price, but soldiers with no purpose and no reason are really difficult to handle. If so, the mercenaries are easier to handle clearly. The Lord is also careful."


Altrius took over the words, grinning satisfactorily at Hal's honest and mysterious reply.

'Either way, we won again. Now that the communication between the eastern Empire and Siluha has been cut off, you can get in touch with Cilentium and ask him what's going on with the other tails. "

There is a branch of the Western Postal Association in the Castle of Julials that allows transmission stone communication.

If Siluha hadn't destroyed or taken it away, Altrius was optimistic in this regard.

"The merchants whose information is life will never turn the Western postal association that holds that information against the enemy. Much in the way of future business'

"I hope so, oh, looks like you're ready. Let's go."

"Um, let's meet with General Liquinius... especially if he's safe."

Hal, who confirmed that the last tower had flown a white flag to mourn its domination, urged Altrius to snort heavily over his shoulder.

The next day, Julius Castle/Legion Chief Executive Office

"Apparently the Imperial Army has lost. Worse still, Poutrus Leames has fallen, and now the Siluha army is besieging Colonia Leamesia."

"Uhm, did you say the general of Siluha, Asfarif or something... it's quite something. It's an affront to almost dominate the Eastern states in this short period of time. '

Hal and Altrius raised their voices when they grasped the situation in transmission stone communications with Cilentium, Colonia Meridieto and even Colonia Leamesia.

As for Hal, he thought the Imperial Army would take a protracted method of warfare because it had an overwhelming lower number of troops than Siluha, but he seemed to have been kicked in one fight.

The Imperial Army, which lost near Colonia Meridieto, is regrouping and Adamantius seems to be responding, but it will be difficult to capture.

Asfarif, who led the Siluha army on the other hand, was free to move the detachment as pressure from the Imperial Army was gone, and in fact Asfarif had not missed that good opportunity because of the need for an isolation operation against Colonia Lemesia, which had caused the small cities of the eastern states to fall one after the other.

Only two or three small cities and Colonia Lemesia are holding up.

It's also coming to a point where it's not strange no matter what time it falls.

The situation was tough, but there was also good information.

"Hmm, the Imperial Capital seems terrible... but did you get permission to cross the border from the divided Senate, which is good news"

"Yes, it sounds like the senator with that senate document has already arrived in Colonia Meridieto. Now it's clear and we're entering the empire."

As Hal grinned, Altrius put his hand on his chin on the desk, making a difficult face.

In front of it is placed a forwarded letter from Sir Quinkinatus describing the tragedy of the imperial capital.

"What happened to Magnus..."

"... I hope you're okay"

He closed his eyes for a while to think about Hal's words before Altrius slowly opened his mouth.

"Well, he's got a lot to say... well, I'm not going to go to Empire City or anything, but depending on the circumstances, we have to take into account that we're going to attack Empire City."

Initially, the operation between Hal and Altrius was terminated at the time of control of the Castle of Julius.

The Siluha army, which was dropped from the rear liaison base, was pressured back and forth and was denied supplies by land, so they thought they could put Siluha on a seat in the truce negotiations.

However, the Imperial Army, which was supposed to exert pressure for a long time, was defeated, and the Siluha Army was in a position to march to the Imperial Capital as well if it wanted to.

If the Shirukha army shows how they will march to the Imperial Capital, they will not even be standing and caged in the Castle of Julials if it is Hal, and they will have to challenge the field, but without permission to cross the border, they will not be able to fulfill it either.

However, there was an eye for crossing the border.

All we have to do later is make sure the rear is safe and then march on imperial territory.

"As long as the Castle of Julius is properly defended, it can withstand 100,000 large armies with about 5,000 soldiers. It is enough without General Liquinius'

Said Altrius, who was hearing from the prisoners how Asfarif pulled out this castle and what the end General Liquinius, who was protecting this place for a hundred years, had come to an end.

As far as the castle is concerned and the defensive system, Border Guard Castle Julials is able to defend it with a small number of soldiers without having to rely on General Liquinius.

After the absence of Liquinius the castle had to be guarded only by the hands of men, but it was also a sufficiently possible construction, and I wondered why it was necessary to keep it in this land until I dared to tie that General of the High Arm from Altrius.

"So we'll just drop the fort south of here and show the momentum to attack Tion and roll it over all at once?

'Um, that would be good. All you have to do is abandon Lugusa and leave about a thousand for Julials. By the time we drop the southern fort, we'll have a supply unit arriving in Julius. "

That's what Altrius said when he removed his jaw hand from Hal's words and put it on his hips, laughing invincibly.

"I don't know how much Asfarif and I are, but let me remind you of my strength and that of Haruyoshi… we are the strongest in the West!

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