Border Guardian Hal Akircius
Chapter 8: Urban Initiation Peripheral Region Edition (Part 1)
A week after the waterway was opened, Fredia Castle, between the King
Bergan, a Fredia castle billionaire, remembered a little confusion as he proceeded to read a letter from Hull brought to him by an imperial technician.
Bergan sits on a castle desk set next to the throne.
"Well, King Akircius is going to mine a lot of burning stones called coal, isn't he?
"Yes, it depends on us coming as technical mentors for that.
"I see..."
Indeed, the burning stones and the burning soil have a lot of proportions in the vicinity of Fredia Castle.
Until now, people living in Castle Town only used firewood instead of firewood when they were really poor. They thought it was worthless, but it wasn't.
If you look from the people of Bergan and Fried, it is more of an obstacle because the land that cannot be turned into a field is spread over a wide area.
It would be quite useful as a fuel, but I didn't know there was any other use for replacing firewood.
"I don't mind mining, but paying my salary to hire a miner means..."
"Yeah, I recruit people from downtown Fredia and around. Although the salary will be paid in the currency of the Empire. We will also start the street laying between Cilentium and Fradia, which has already been started in conjunction, on this side, so we will also recruit its workers.
If that happens, a large number of personnel will be mobilized from the Freed, but people will be able to gather quickly if recruited, as it is not a story of unpaid and compulsory labour, but a popular task that will be rewarded.
If it was Hal's position, he could order the people to work hard, but without doing so, Bergan renewed his respect for Hal.
But there is a problem.
It was about the content of the remuneration to be paid.
Bergan puts his arms around the technician's words and thinks.
There were times when currency was used to exchange with the Empire, and of course there were times when gold and silver were used to determine their value by their weight for trading.
No matter how the Frieds say they are culturally backward, they do so to that extent.
However, the people of Fried do not know anything about currency or money that has a certain value regardless of its weight or size.
Even if you get it, it's not worth more than the weight of metals such as gold, silver, and copper used for that currency in the Freed power zone, so it can't be used as a currency like the Empire.
Bergan received the consideration of his labor, coal mining, in the sense that he would be paid a currency that would not be usable in Fried, or would diminish in value, and he showed a difficult color.
"If it's a reward, I'd like to ask for some wheat, beans, or salt.
Gold and silver would have responded differently, but they are nevertheless marginal to the descending nation to be paid.
Bergan demanded that the Empire technicians do so, as it is generally the well-preserved food that is paid for such labor as wheat, dried meat, dried beans and salt.
"No, we pay in currency. I can't give this away.
Bergan was rejected more strongly than I thought by an imperial engineer, and I could not measure its intentions and accidentally do so.
However, the technician took over the words softly in a flinch from the time of rejection.
"This is especially worrying, but currency is free to use if you come and wear it, and if you ask and wear it, call a pedestrian from Cilentium who we can shop in currency.
"... I see, currency, huh?
"Yes, currency,.
Having finally understood Hal's intentions in that language of the technician, Bergan only solved the face.
The point would be that we want to spread currency to the land of Fried as well.
While the main purpose must be to mine coal and lay streets, someone must have come up with an idea to use this opportunity to spread currency to the Frieds who are lagging behind in their economy and commerce.
Sooner or later, if culture develops, the Frieds will also be deeply involved in something called currency and imperial-style circulation, but it's far better than being suddenly brought in in a forceful way.
If we gradually get used to this opportunity under forces favorable to ourselves, we will be able to accumulate so much knowledge that we will not be sucked up by empires and other countries.
If we succeed, a large merchant from Fried may be born at an early stage.
"Okay, I don't mind the reward in currency, but at the same time I want you to arrange for a conscientious merchant who can be trusted and not just a technician... at this request?
"Let's take it.
Bergan smiled and exchanged a firm handshake with the technician.
A few more days later, the Cilentium Southwest Wetlands
In front of the south gate of the city of Cilentium, 1,000 large soldiers hardened into imperial gear lined up without the madness of dimensions, awaiting the arrival of Hull.
Although he is hardened by the imperial-style armor helmet, the colors of his hair from his helmet are mostly gold and silver, and it is obvious that he is from Cliffonam and Oran in combination with the stature of his soldiers.
And after a while, Hal, who could follow Quintus, stood before the soldiers.
Hal slowly opened his mouth as he looked around at the tight-faced soldiers.
"We're in action today! Don't panic, don't be alarmed, and be under the command of your superior officer, protect your comrades and honor!
A powerful answer returns and Hal, hearing it, sees Quintus beside him with a satisfying grin.
Quintus nodded one under Hal's gaze, putting a temperamental decree on the soldiers.
"Twenty-first Regiment forward!
For this reason, it goes without saying that Quintus' sword band has a brand new knot.
It was a wetland that smoothly reduced the amount of water in a series of drainage operations, while the hunted down aquatic warcraft attacks were enlivened.
Until then, the warcraft had been driven to the central part of the wetlands in such a way as to soak in the waters of the diminishing side, but they finally realized the cause, and the attacks on weirs and waterways began.
In response to repeated damage to equipment and attacks on workers, the Cilentium Administration planned to wipe out warcraft that had been nested in the wetlands, choosing a clear day when the power of the aquatic warcraft would weaken and transferring the plan to implementation.
Twenty-first Regiment carefully choosing dry soil in the wetlands to advance after a while.
Even if it is dried up, it may be buried around of heavily armed soldiers, depending on the degree of hardness and weighting, because it is a weak soil that originally contains large quantities of water.
There is no other way to make sure of it, and it is difficult to say that the soldiers are well advanced.
Still, as the soldiers who hardened themselves to heavy equipment proceeded without raising a sound, they could see the last water field in the wetlands where the desired Warcraft gathered.
The Warcraft have begun to get excited about seeing heavily armed soldiers as soon as possible and are starting to scatter unreachable water bullets and mud balls.
"Look, you do what you're trained to do!
Hull was brought today among the soldiers of the twenty-first legion, made up of 5,000, especially an elite 1,000 with excellent mastery of the methods of warfare and a spirit of bravery.
Hal recruited volunteers sent by each tribe during the Battle of Cilentium Cage Castle as soldiers of Cilentium by negotiating with each tribe.
There was no denying them that Hal had seen the scene of defeating Fried's hero king by one horse, and Hal rebuilt the twenty-first legion on the basis of them.
The new Twenty-third Regiment has not yet completed its soldier gathering, but Hal Akircius' fame has been heard, and the Freedom Warriors of Cliffonam and Oran have been gathering singles or families from all over the place, and the composition will soon be over.
Recruitment of cavalry, spear soldiers and swordsmen of auxiliary units attached to each legion is also well under way, and by the end of spring the basic strength of Cilentium is expected to be finished braiding.
"Stand by! Start gradually!"
The former warriors of the Cliffonams, who hardened themselves to the equipment of that empire and furthermore trained in imperial-style methods of warfare to meet its skills and tactics, follow orders issued by Hull to advance through the wetlands of twinkling and poor scaffolding.
As we entered the range of the Warcraft, water bullets and mud balls began to fly in one after another.
From time to time, hard mud balls with mixed stones and powerful water bullets hit the great magnitude, emitting a loud noise to make the soldier jerk off every shield, but the soldiers around and behind him support his body to withstand the power, keeping the great magnitude in front of himself, and making sure to advance step by step while preventing water bullets and mud balls.
"Stop! Crossbowmen ready!... Fire!!
Soldiers who stopped moving forward perfectly under Hal's command.
And shortly afterwards, the soldiers in the front row slightly open the big one.
From that gap, a crossbowman protruded his tip, releasing a short arrow simultaneously.
Short arrows burst into warcraft one after another with a sharp wind-cut sound.
Creepy voices, barks, and endless screams, and warcraft that fall scattered with blue fluids.
"Shield, shut up! Load!... All right, second shot ready... fire!
Hull's arrow-hearted order closes the shield, and a quick loaded crossbowman fires a short arrow from the gap of the shield reopened, relentlessly defeating the Warcraft.
The Twenty-first Regiment strikes down the Warcraft one after the other by repeating several simultaneous shootings in their intact position.
Finally, the aquatic warcraft, overwhelmed by a series of attacks, began to rise above dry soil.
I would be willing to switch to a direct attack.
"Coming, prepare to throw arrows!
Soldiers removing imperial throw arrows from their shields.
The Imperial soldier has two spears as basic gear, but Hal made the throwing arrows lighter and more equipped with numbers as basic gear.
Although the throwing arrow is about half the length of the throwing spear, it has a hammer attached to it, so that the tip is always adjusted to point in the direction of travel, and this is because of its versatility in usage.
"Let go!"
One throwing arrow after another was released and poured down on the Aquatic Warcraft.
Fast-moving aquatic warcraft in wetlands, mud and water are also just haunts of snakes, sea urchins, shellfish and fish that crawl unnecessarily if they go ashore, and are shot down one after the other before approaching the soldiers.
The soft, elastic skin also made no sense if the blade tip stood vertically, receiving one throw and arrow after another into the back and head that was shot into the mountain shape, and the aquatic warcraft blew up their stinky blue blood and breath and ran out.
"Hold your fire!
After a while, there was nothing to move when Hal issued the suspension order, and the Aquatic Warcraft were almost destroyed, but none of the damage was done to the Twenty-first Legion.
"Don't be alarmed! We have a survivor! To the right!"
Immediately after challenging the melee, Quintus, who runs his eyes unawareness to the devastated flock of aquatic warcraft, gives the order and ends it with a crossbow when he finds a conspicuous survivor.
"Enemy Warcraft Destruction Confirmed!
A few minutes later, the Warcraft who were in the water were also put on hold, and Quintus made an end-of-operation report to Hull after the soldiers were aligned, and the demolition of the Warcraft in the wetlands ended successfully.
"... now you can cultivate this land as well.
"Oh, now that we have more land, we can accept a lot of people.
Hal responds to Quintus' words as he gathers the body of the Warcraft in one place and sees the soldiers under his command who are oiling and burning.
"Right, because there's been an explosion of migrants, especially these days.
As Quintus puts it, the population of Cilentium has exploded here recently and already has a population of over 40,000, including military personnel and officials.
But the warcraft that nests in the vast wetlands that extend southwest in today's operation was swept away, making the land arable.
This means that it is now possible to further accept and develop people.
Migrants to Cilentium vary, and not only veterans and their families have emigrated from the empire, but cheap skilled workers and craftsmen and their families and disciples have emigrated in large numbers in search of new heavens and earth.
Meanwhile, the soldiers and craftsmen of the Orans and Cliffonams who worked in the Empire, as well as the peoples who had studied technology in the Empire, continued to gather in Cilentium.
From all over the northern border, in addition to the freedom fighters and their families who wanted to admit Hull as a new hero and come under their command, the Klingonham descendants, unable to inherit the land, are coming for the land and the house.
There are many who come these days without bothering to recruit, and Dresines says he is being chased to build a household registry.
"All right, I'm returning! Align!"
End of the operation, the Twenty-first Regiment began aligning itself with the decree of Hull.
Northern Border Post Rehabilitation, Colonia Meridieto
By command of Adamantius, the Northern Border Post was undergoing a major transformation.
Until now, the forts and barracks buildings would not have been deliberately created to make the perimeter look, but they were all wooden up to the walls and defensive fences.
Adamantius rebuilt it with marble and cement brought from Cilentium, and reborn it into an imperial city that included army garrisons.
Although there is a difficulty in its breadth because of its location in the narrow between the northern and eastern mountain ranges, Adamantius had masterfully used the terrain and had been making towns carefully over forty years, and had originally had a commercial urban character as the only point of contact on the northern border, arguing that the improvements were relatively easy to end.
The residents are not even so surprised, as it is about the garrison and exterior walls that were remodeled, otherwise it is almost a town attached to the previous barracks.
However, it only leaked certain dissatisfaction with the registration of residents and the imposition of tax obligations, as the name of the customs office was no longer available and became an imperial city.
Those residents who also know Adamantius's moderate attitude of governance have fallen back slightly in response to that persuasion.
"Um, has this made it an official annexed city..."
The opening of Adamantius in the Executive Office is a transmission stone communication sent by the newly opened Western Postal Association Cilentium Base Bureau, where it is noted that Adamantius will be appointed Mayor of Colonia Meridieto in the name of Border Guardian Hal Achilcius as the 22nd Legion Commander.
A signed letter of formal appointment is due to arrive early, but with this time today Adamantius came fully under the command of a border guard officer from the Imperial Army.
And the northern border post was dismantled and officially became the annexed city of Colonia Meridieto of Cilentium.
"Hmm, I'm the mayor..."
Adamantius crumbles as he strokes his cheek, which he can do to.
Place the communication text on the executive desk, under the eyes of the risen Adamantius are the mountains that lead to the imperial side.
And beyond that lies vast and tidy agricultural land.
In addition, the town of Colonia Lemesia was pompous among the agricultural lands, and far beyond it was sumptuous and unclear, but even the Setria Inland Sea, which supported the distribution of the empire, was faintly desirable.
I don't know by the looks of it, but the empire is starting to get upset about the Southern expedition.
"... it's something the Empire can't do either.
Crushed again, Adamantius sighed.
The Northeast Precinct Border Guard was dismantled and a quick arrangement for Adamantius already left 15000 Imperial soldiers for the Empire City.
It was the other day that the remaining 5,000 were likewise regrouped by Adamantius as the Twenty-second Legion and that Adamantius himself was entrusted by the army to its provisional Legion Leader.
As soldiers stationed near the northeastern precinct are also beginning to mobilize to the south, there are voices of anxiety from surrounding cities and villages, and Mayor Colonia Lemesia, the largest city in Lemesia, has offered to help Adamantius when things happen.
So far I have told them that jurisdiction is different and that I can make a patrol to deal with the most recent area, but I have explained to them that the original task of Adamantius is to suppress it to the north, and I have been convinced that Adamantius was feeling a deterioration in security.
The Border Guard, which was originally placed in a deserted area, has no effect on the border, but it is problematic in itself that military units have disappeared from the vicinity.
Ironically, the northern border had begun to stabilize rapidly together with the development of Cilentium, and the likes of bandits and bandits who were on the northern border would have started using loopholes or crossing mountains to enter the empire.
Hull is also crusading fairly aggressively on the Cilentium side, so not many, but inspired by it, dissatisfied elements and poor groups in the area are starting to move, leading to a deterioration in security, and even more anxious for the surrounding villages and cities.
So far there has been no noticeable movement, but it is troublesome when the discerning begin to lead.
"I hope nothing happens to the Empire itself..."
That's what Adamantius said while leaving the office behind.
Colonia Meridieto, even if it is not as Cilentium, is also in the process of development and has a lot to do.
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