Border Guardian Hal Akircius
Chapter 13: Northern Peace Oran and Dongzhao's Apostolic Section
Cilentium North Castle Gateway
The young leaves of the trees that grow in the streets and mountains are also out, and the coolness of the clean water flowing through the waterways disappears during the season.
Farmland on the outskirts of Cilentium extends further, with energetic and upright leaves of winter wheat poking heaven, and pastures blooming with poor flowers.
Throughout that season, the north castle gate area of Cilentium was filled with smiling citizens.
Today is the day Hal returns after completing his northern expedition.
It is the day of the return of a hero who led three legions and a tribal warrior regiment to defeat the Halemians and calm the northern tribes of Cliffonam.
As communicated in advance in Transmission Stone Communications and Early Horses, today, the legions and border guards awaiting return.
In front of the castle gate are the chief officials, headed by Sittius, Alchiando, the chief of the Almar clan, and other district representatives, as well as Erreisia and Alshalea, whose stomachs have become conspicuous for a long time.
Next to it, there was also Altrius with a satisfying grin.
"Uhm, boulders are my prospects! There is only a few left to unite the land of Cliffonam!
"... the burden has increased, but this may have been a good idea"
Sittius says with a saggy, sinister face, but Ellesia adds with a smile.
"Yeah, now the unrest and turmoil in the north will subside. Unlike before, people are interacting more and more, so isn't it as much of a burden as Mr. Sittius worries?
"I hope so. Either way, I guess we should rejoice in a great victory and peace now..."
Sittius responded with a slight loosening of his sinister expression.
"Oh, here we are!
When Lucius looks in the direction he points, an army of Cilentium appears with Quintus at the head in Hal and Adamantius and Belius.
And the civic cheer exploded to the legions, whose footsteps also appeared soaring around the hem of the northern platform.
"Welcome home."
Hal stopped the regiment in front of the castle gate and rushed to El Laicia first with Adamantius and Sittius discussing administrative procedures at his leisure.
"Ha, I'm home..." Elle, that belly... "
Ellesia and Alshalea accidentally laughed at Hal's strange face, who could not hide their joy while surprised.
Ellesia is laughing too much and even tears in her eyes.
"Before Hal went north, actually... I wasn't sure what to do, but I thought I shouldn't blunt my feelings... but I'm really glad he's safe...!
That's what I said. The quality of Erlacia's tears changes.
"... I was worried, thanks, I'm fine now"
Hal slowly and firmly hugs Ellesia as she cares about her stomach.
And Altrius and Alshalea look warmly at the two people who hug each other.
"Soldiers! The wife of the Border Guardian is pregnant! Joy! Praise!
When Adamantius pulled out his sword and cried out, the soldiers of the Northern Legion also pulled out their swords, banging their swords and shields together to cheer.
Citizens of Cilentium, who saw Hal and Erlacia responding to that voice, also cheer again.
A second cheer struck the northern gates of the castle, and the Cilentium was to boil to double joy.
Cilentium City, Administration Building, Office
"I apologize for the lack of water for the couple, but you have to make it full at night… there were just three problems that I had to cata as soon as possible, two first"
It was Hal who remembers nostalgia and laughs bitterly at the words that highlight the work priorities of Sittius, whom he hears for a long time, but this also enters the office prompted by the usual and by the uniform.
There, two contrasting groups of messengers were already seated, and their messengers moved before Sittius began introducing them.
"Whoa, you're the border guardian, Lord Qiu Ru Qingyi of King Fried! Beautiful victory! I am the leader of the Western capital of the East Photographic Empire!
"I come from Tronia, the capital of Oran… The people of Oran say Chris Urawinus, chief of the Alleony tribe… I congratulate you on behalf of the people of Oran for this great victory"
Chris Urawinus, who is visiting Cilentium as a representative of the Orans, speaks in a quiet manner against the nearby Le Seung Seong, who is flashy gestures with a cheerful voice.
Each of the two cases is different, but they are unanimous in that they have come through friendship by applying the power of Cilentium.
Hal has already informed us that he will accept the request for the establishment of the Oriental Postal Association in transmission stone communication, and has already installed it on the other side across the road from the Western Postal Association.
Hal has also received a report on the purpose of the visit of the Le Seung Bang.
Hal takes his seat alongside Sittius himself when he urges the two of them to take their seats.
"So, Governor Ledu, what does East Photography bring to Cilentium and what do you want from Cilentium?
"Oh, for the record, well, you're young, you're good, you're good... but you're right, let's just say the East Photo, as far as I'm concerned, is a joint front against the deal and Siluha."
To Hull's direct words, Li Shengbang opened his mouth by staring into its eyes at what was preferable.
"Against Siluha? Does East Photography deal with Siluha?
"No, no, there's always a border dispute, but I don't mean to be hairy. I'd rather be in Siluha."
To Hull, who inquires in surprise, Li Shengbing dismissed the mistake with a grin and a flickering wave of his hand in front of him.
And when I sit back in the chair, I take the word for it.
"Eastlight goods have recently begun to flow to the Empire via Cilentium, and the merchants in Siluha may think about holding back the trading route because the interests are greedy and tingling."
"... is that to say that there may be an attack on the eastern states of the Empire or against us? But doesn't that have anything to do with east photography?
To Hull, who frowned, Li Shengbing exaggerated and uttered his words in heaven.
"Say what! Oh, there it is! As you know, there are many preferences for ceramics, porcelain, silk, tea and other products that we sell to the Empire, so we can't sell them without peace. When it comes to war, no one buys preferences... well, there's not a reason for the war over the distribution of preferences... it's funny how the world makes sense, that's what happens all the time. Well, I'm sure there's a lot of Siluha people around here, but in this state, they're poor, so if we win the war, we can secure a trading route and hold off the distribution afterwards, so there might be some people out there who want to bet."
"I see... but I can't ask you to do more than be an imperial official"
"Whoa, once in a while, it won't hurt to come there all of a sudden.
"Then you will work as an official of East Photography."
To Hal, who speaks out the cat and refuses the words of the pompous Le Seung-bak, Le Seung-bak turns off his grin and speaks with a serious voice.
"Don't you mind where I got it? The throne of Fried is the same, and there must be no problem in East Photography."
"Unfortunately I will not be in that hand, because if you are a throne, you are at the top, there is no one to order, but there is always an advanced man in the official position. If I were awarded the position of East Photographer and given the Emperor's orders, I would not be able to resist them, and I would have trouble being offered crusaders for disobedience."
Sittius nods with a satisfying grin at Hal's words.
It was Li Shengbing, who looked remorseful when he saw how it was, but he immediately regained his former plausibility and continued his words.
"... well, I'll think about it, but I don't want to say much, but I don't have the power to make an expedition to the West like this in the east light, do I? Dongzhao is busy in his own country."
Le Seung Bang is right, the Toho Empire is burning its hands at the rebellion that broke out in the country, and even more so in the south, it is under attack by emerging countries and is distressed by its response.
Because it is a great power, its health is different from that of the Empire and Siluha, so although the influence has not yet been manifested in the Western Province, it is less likely to freely send troops to the West as before.
Dongzhao, who once competed for the reign of the Empire and the Continent, has also become an old power.
But when it comes to old age, the big powers can't be caught off guard.
Hal also squeezed his face and said to Li Shengbing.
"Maybe not now, but I don't know in the future, and if there's a revolution in the East, it could be targeted as a remnant by the successor states."
"… at all, I often say things that are difficult to say, such as the destruction of the negotiating party's country, but the concern came to the extreme"
Lord Akircius is growing every day.
Sittius responds with a sneering smile to the words Li Shengxing threw up with a bitter laugh.
Li Shengbing slipped back deep into his chair and spread his hands.
"Well, I thought you were the only enemy, Lord Sittius, but this isn't the prospect of Sukedai Sung. I'm totally out of line."
Hal slowly opens his mouth as he smiles bitterly at Li Shengbing, who sighs in an openly disappointing manner.
"I refuse to be a government official, but I think there's room for negotiation on the rest"
"... you say?
Hal said quietly to Li Shengbing as he embarked on himself again.
"I think the joint front against Siluha is worth listening to...... how about it?
"Well... so there's room for negotiation on military cooperation," he said?
"Yes, our dissatisfied molecules have fled to Siluha, so we believe that cooperation with each other makes sense."
Sinking himself in the chair again, Li Shengbing, who had conceived Hal's words, smiled slightly at him, pounding himself on his knees and saying:
"... Yikes! The Empire and Higashi are now quasi-allies, so let's take the form of a foreign cooperation agreement between the local authorities. As soon as we get approval from our own country, we'll sign it!... after that, it's not a deal, what are we going to do with this?
"You can sell a lot of wheat, meat, dairy, vegetables and other foodstuffs from here."
"Mmm, I would definitely like grain and vegetables for livestock products as horns... this is not the silk cloth, ceramics, porcelain, tea leaves and other preferences that I mentioned earlier... Then, you can do street maintenance there, that way is better than ours. The art of street popularization is superior. Is there anything we can do over here instead?
Hal answers after conceiving with his hand on his chin for a while to the suggestion of Li Sheng Bang.
"Can't you send a port engineer, river ship carpenter, or river ship sailor to wear it?
"... with port engineers and river ships?
Hal takes over the words to Le Seung Jong, who asks strangely.
"... I'm actually trying to open a new river route, but the river route is not very well developed in the Empire. But you're in your own country, and river routes are flourishing, right?
"Well... the river route is very well developed in our country"
Even though he was surprised that Hal knew about the information in Dongzhao's home country, Li Shengbang found this proposal fascinating.
Several large rivers form a plain in the country of Dongzhao, and rice cultivation is very flourishing, while rivers and lake marshes with their abundance of water impede land transport.
But the Orientals did not consider the river or lake marsh an obstacle, but rather have used it since ancient times as a valuable and important waterway for ship traffic.
Dongzhao's river traffic, which has developed in this way, also has a day longer than the Empire in port maintenance techniques, river shipbuilding techniques, and shipbuilding techniques in canals and rivers.
Hal asked Dongzhao to provide the ship's technology in return for building the streets.
All right, I'll arrange it as soon as I can.
"Thank you."
Li Shengbang rose in response with a full grin, similarly smiling and standing up, Hal and Gatchili exchanged imperial style handshakes.
When Li Shengxue left the office with Bamboo Jane and luggage with official clothes describing his official position, the long-sleeved Oran stood up and came to Hull.
"... I think you've spoken to Mitsuhito over there... so I'd like you to listen to me."
Saying so in a low voice, the Oran, Chris Urawinus, moved to the front of Hull and sat down.
Wait for it. Hal asked a question.
"So what is the story?
"I came to tell you because we have decided on the Orans' general intentions, I want to join the Silentium Alliance... Randells told me that border guards won't refuse, will you really accept us?
I was thinly aware of the purpose of Chrisurawinus' visit, but once again, when it was made so clear, it was Hal who remembers the feeling of being carried heavy baggage, but answers, recalling the contents of the material previously provided by Sittius.
"… you can't join as a formal alliance yet, but you can join yourself."
"Well... ok, there will be circumstances for you, now that I give you our throne, I want you to take it..."
"Huh? The throne?
Leaving aside the surprise Hal, Chrisurawinus followed the words with indulgence.
"Yes, I seem to have declined the official position earlier, but this one is Oran's throne. There is no superior to the king, no one commands you."
"... but"
"If you ask me, didn't you inherit the throne of Fried, I think Oran's throne is heavier than that of a tribe in Cliffonam... I'd like you to take it"
Hal raises his voice and arms together.
No matter how many names are allowed to participate in the Silentium Alliance, if they receive the throne and stand as king of Oran, they will incur responsibility for security and livelihood protection for the people of Oran as king.
Even though at the same time the right to tax, the right to summon warriors and the right to levy in an emergency were granted, there was probably a risk that the current Cilentium would be an unbearable burden.
Sittius watching Hal tour.
But there was no expression on that face, quietly awaiting Hal's decision.
Knowing or not how it was, Crissurawinus opened his mouth again.
"If you're going to take the throne, I want you to take control of Tronia, the capital of Oran."
Tronia is one of Oran's premier cities under the control of those elected King Oran, the size of which is such that it does not allow anyone else to follow it, with a population of about 100,000.
Although the Aleony tribe, usually the neighborhood's great clan, presides over the King's administration of the Midwest, taxation is to be impossible except for the King, and has developed over the last few decades as a kind of tax-free zone for the Orans in the King's absence.
The power of the city is entrusted with the throne to Hull, a foreigner.
Hal finally made up his mind about that offer, which the Orans were prepared to pass on in pain.
"… OK, I accept the offer, but not right now"
"Well, what time will you take it?
"After this fall we will visit Tronia once"
"Then I would like to perform the ritual of succession to the throne in Tronia. Is that all right?
Hal slowly opened his mouth, firmly looking back at the slightly reddish face of Crissurawinus.
"Okay, I just declare to the Cilentium Alliance that all Oran tribes have joined in the form of quasi-allies, both internally and externally. This should at least put an end to the pressure from the Empire and Cliffonam and put an end to the inter-tribal fighting."
"Thank you... Now the people of Oran can see the future too, Border Guard Officer, thank you for your interruption"
Hull nods to Chris Urawinus, who finally expresses his thanks with a relieved look, and turns his determined caged eyes to Sittius, who stares at this one with a sinister face.
"Mr. Sittius, could you please draft the text of the declaration and inform the relevant bodies of the Empire?
"Yes, I understand. Would you like to make a statement immediately?"
Rising from his seat, Sittius quickly heads to his seat and begins to write a document on the eastern photo paper.
Hal uttered words again as he looked sideways at the condition.
"Please say hello to all Oran."
"I understand that the people of Oran will await the return of the king."
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