In a blink of an eye, a week has passed since the grand founding ceremony of the Black Dragon Empire.

On the surface, the East Continent seems to have returned to peace.

In a dark meeting room in the Black Dragon Empire.

Several figures whose faces could not be seen clearly sat on both sides of the long table.

The dim light ball on the roof kept flickering as if it had a bad contact, emitting a light that was sometimes bright and sometimes dim.

In the quiet room, one or two wails like wronged souls would be heard from time to time.

"Ah... I died so miserably..."

"I am a dead soul..."


"Do you believe that I will turn you into a dead soul now?"

In the weird atmosphere, a sudden rebuke sounded, interrupting the wails like wronged souls.

Irene, who was sitting at the head of the long table, first glared at David, who put his feet on the long table and covered his mouth to pretend to be a ghost.

Then he looked up at the light ball hanging on the roof as a light bulb.

The cold eyes scared the light ball so much that it turned off on the spot, and then lit up again, illuminating the entire room.

"Ahem, sister, don't be like this."

David scratched his chin awkwardly, glanced left and right, and whispered to Irene: "Give me Emperor Dai Tian a face, I am also trying to ease everyone's tension."

Irene: "(¬_¬)"

Ignoring this not-so-serious dragon, she looked around at the Black Dragon Empire's high-level officials, including Gal Wangcai, and snapped her fingers after confirming that everyone was present.


Irene stood up with her hands on the table and said: "First of all, thank you all for your unremitting efforts and contributions. It is with your joint efforts that the current Black Dragon Empire exists."

The family members sitting below heard this and raised their necks one by one. Although they said that it was all His Majesty's leadership, they were still very happy in their hearts.

But before they could enjoy themselves for long, Irene poured a bucket of cold water on them.

"I am about to fall into another deep sleep. In the following time, I hope you can properly manage this new empire. When I wake up, I will see a thriving empire instead of a ruin."

"Don't worry, sister. I'm still here! I'm not that sleepy." David suddenly raised his hand and interrupted, "Just go with peace of mind! I'll miss you!"


"Forget it, you'd better shut up." Irene held her forehead and cast a silence spell.

"Oh, woo, woo, woo!"

David, who was silenced by the spell, immediately danced and shouted.

Irene clapped her hands, drew everyone's attention back, and continued: "Before falling asleep, I developed a development plan for the future of the empire."

"I hope you can do it well."

"Only when the economy and strength develop simultaneously and are strong enough can we keep the existing wealth."

In her heart, Irene secretly added: 'I can lie down better. '

"Your Majesty." Equipment Minister Gar raised his hand and said: "Just say it directly, I will do it."

"Okay, then I'll say it simply." Irene raised her head. "The fastest way to improve strength is nothing more than money."

"As everyone knows, the main economic income of our Black Dragon Empire is red wine. Before, due to various concerns, we only dared to invade the bottom market. Now that there are no concerns, we not only have to attack the high-end market."

"We have to go one step further."

As Irene said, the storage ring flashed, and there was a glass wine bottle in her hand, but the wine inside was different from the previous red wine. It was not red, but colorless and transparent.

"This is my latest work, called Baijiu. In the future, we will not only attack the high-end market, but also continue to expand the types of alcoholic beverages."

"At present, we have established a peaceful relationship with humans. Next, we can take the opportunity to find dwarves and sign a treaty to borrow the channels they dug."

"Through their channels, we can actively send people to the human countries to sell alcoholic beverages, eliminating the middlemen such as merchants. Not only can we greatly increase profits, but we can also take the opportunity to infiltrate our tentacles and claws into the eastern countries."

As she said, Irene put the bottle of wine on the table, making a light sound, and looked at the young orc sitting next to Wangcai.

"Xize, this matter is entirely up to you."

Xize was about to agree, but Irene continued: "In addition, you must actively develop side businesses."

"I will give you a document later. When you go to the human countries, try to buy some shops, collect some romantic and interesting stories circulating in the taverns every day, record the gossip news and bounty tasks on paper, and then print a small amount of this paper and try to sell it."

"If the sales volume is good, slowly increase the printingQuantity. "

"Your Majesty, what does this mean?" Caesar frowned in confusion. He had only heard of selling books, because books contained useful knowledge. As a backward orc, he could not understand the concept of newspapers proposed by Irene.

"Don't worry about it, just do what I say." Irene smiled mysteriously.

In this backward Middle Ages, most civilians had no entertainment measures, and the channels for obtaining information were extremely scarce.

According to Irene's idea, if the concept of newspapers was introduced at this time, providing a stable channel for obtaining information and entertainment methods, there was a high probability that newspapers would not be sold.

This was also a bold attempt by her to use the civilization knowledge of her previous life to invade this "backward fantasy world." "

Anyway, even if the attempt fails and we lose money, we still have the main business of alcoholic beverages to support us.

If it succeeds, not only can we have another revenue route, but we can also control public opinion, mix a lot of praise for the Black Dragon Empire in the newspapers, and guide the direction of public opinion.

Prepare for entering more markets in human countries in the future.

"As for the territory." Irene said after a little thought: "Now we no longer need to develop secretly. While striving to unify the entire God-forsaken Land in a short period of time, we must also pay attention to the problem of food."

"If the food supply is insufficient, the population growth is destined to be slow."

"Although we can purchase a large amount from the outside world, it is too easy to be controlled by others. We need to build a backup underground farm. The temperature difference underground in the God-forsaken Land is not large. We can grow a large number of fluorescent mosses and underground mushrooms, and then use these crops to raise rats and rabbits, which are fast-breeding and highly adaptable creatures, as reserve food."

"In addition, when digging underground farms, we can also look for the remains of the ancient orcs buried underground. Those ancient technologies can greatly enhance the strength of the empire. "

Speaking of this, Irene looked at Wangcai. "I mentioned earlier that building schools and cultivating talents does not need to be said much. Wangcai, you should put this matter on the agenda as soon as possible."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Wangcai replied.

"The above is the future development direction I set for the empire." Irene clapped her hands. "Then the first high-level meeting of the Black Dragon Empire will be held here."

"If an unexpected situation occurs, you can wake me up in advance."

"But I hope that when I wake up, I can see a brand new empire."


After speaking, Irene walked towards the door of the conference room.

Behind her, a group of relatives stood up in unison, pounded their chests heavily, and shouted:

"For the glory of the Black Dragon Empire!"

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