"What a strange dream."

Irene's heart was slightly disturbed, and she had realized that this "dream" might not be simple.

'This is really interesting. 'Irene whispered in her heart.

But her predecessor, the young man named Chu Xia, was not so calm.

Out of curiosity, he went to inquire about the news of this elf.

Then he heard from other people in the shelter that this "person" was met when they went out to collect supplies.

The other party spoke a minority language from an unknown country, and the two sides could not communicate.

However, in the spirit of humanitarianism, he was brought back.

As for this guy's pointed ears, the people in the shelter could only temporarily define it as congenital ear deformity.

Under Irene's gaze, this matter seemed to have been passed.

Until more and more strange species were gradually discovered.

There were not many in number, but the types were extremely rich.

At the beginning, elves, dwarves, halflings, etc. could still be defined as congenital deformities.

Later, they discovered the appearance of "mermaids" with human heads and fish bodies, "goblins" with pointed ears and long noses, and even "lizards" with wings but unable to fly.

Humans finally realized that something was wrong.

After trying every possible way to communicate with these alien species, they received a shocking news.

These guys do not belong to this world.

They all come from another world.

That world is different from the universe where the earth is.

It is a world with magic, fighting spirit, and other supernatural powers.

However, that world encountered a crisis of extinction, and they had no choice but to flee to this newly discovered world.

If it were in the past, this news would naturally be difficult to accept.

They probably thought that the other world they were talking about should be other planets, and it was called a world because of different cognition.

But with the precedent of the world's drastic changes, the existence of another world does not seem so unacceptable.

After quickly accepting this fact, people initially understood that the world of these alien visitors had encountered more incredible changes than the universe where the earth was located, and they had no choice but to flee.

After confirming that these alien visitors seemed to be unable to use the so-called magic and fighting spirit because of the difference in the world, and posed no threat to humans, most humans chose to accept them generously.

Just because with the drastic changes in the world, humans found that the "new world" did not seem so difficult to accept.

After forming a new continent with other planets, the environment of the "flat earth" earth actually changed rapidly in a direction suitable for human survival.

Such a supercontinent that is countless times larger than the earth undoubtedly means a large amount of exploitable resources.

Humans no longer need to be as tight as before.

In addition, natural disasters and wars have led to a sharp decline in population.

Today, there is a serious shortage of labor.

From the human side, accepting these alien visitors as labor can speed up the reconstruction of their homes.

Things are also developing in the direction they want in their hearts.

In the ninth year of the world's dramatic changes, the earth and other planets were completely spliced ​​into a brand new continent.

The natural disasters stopped erupting, and the world returned to peace.

The sea water that appeared out of thin air surrounded the entire continent.

The invisible film wrapped the continent in it.

A new sun and moon appeared in the sky.

However, it was more like a projection than a physical entity.

A brand new world was formed.

The human beings, who were divided into countless new forces, also began the long-planned reconstruction plan.

This naturally included the alien visitors who joined the various human forces.

Everything seemed to be moving in a good direction.

Until the eleventh year of the world's dramatic changes.

Some caring people found that the alien visitors would spontaneously gather together from time to time, and seemed to be holding religious ceremonies and praying in private.

But most people didn't care much.

They even thought they were so ignorant.

This idea, a year later, made them fall into endless regret.

The twelfth year of the world's dramatic changes.

Amid the prayers of those alien visitors, the whole world seemed to have undergone some unknown changes.

This change was slow and continuous.

Like boiling a frog in warm water.

Only at this moment, the frog was completely cooked.

The invisible tide finally swept the whole world!

That night, the alien visitor who had not been aggressive in the past finally revealed his long-hidden claws.

He demanded that humans surrender, otherwise he would exterminate all mankind.

At first, no one was interested in such arrogant words.How many people care.

Until the alien visitors displayed the legendary fighting spirit and magic.

Faced with the sudden scene, some radicals among humans decisively chose to take action.

Machine guns, cannons, tanks, airplanes.....

They mobilized almost all their combat power.

They must destroy these alien races.

The results of the war are gratifying.

Although all alien races were not immediately eliminated in a short period of time, they were also kept in check.

According to human imagination, it only takes a period of time to completely wipe out all these guys.


When night turns to day.

When the portal emitting light appears all over the world.

When tens of thousands of alien visitors pour out of the portal.

Humans finally understand.

It turns out that what they are fighting against is just the "scouts" of another world.

Faced with the overwhelming alien invaders who can fly and hide like superheroes in anime novels.

Human civilization has entered the most critical moment.

Under oppression, humans, who had been divided into countless new forces, united again.

Formed an alliance.

Wanted to squeeze everyone's wisdom and everyone's strength to resist the invasion of another world.

Facts have proved that human wisdom is infinite.

In the war with invaders from another world, human technology began to advance rapidly.

Before the great upheaval, the ideas that only existed in theory were realized one by one.

Although the human side is still at a disadvantage, according to the speed of technological advancement, it is not without hope for humans to achieve the final victory.

Except for a few pessimistic people, most people firmly believe that the future belongs to human civilization.

In the dream, Irene, who witnessed all this, did not think so.

She watched all this from an alternative perspective and gradually understood everything.

Facts have proved that she guessed right.

Under her gaze.

That day.

The world membrane above the continent was stained with various colors of light into indescribable colors.

In the praise and prayers of invaders from another world.

In the confusion and helplessness of humans.

One by one, indescribable and ineffable beings have arrived!

They represent the highest, the most beautiful, the most good...

They also represent the most evil!

The invaders from other worlds call them...


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