Do gods bleed?

This is a very profound question.

So profound that no one can answer this question.

But on this day.

On this day when humans judge the gods.

This profound question.


has the answer!


also bleed!

The gods of mankind hold up the kingdom of God, and the flames of faith are burning around them.

In the endless starry sky, they use the shield of faith to block the attacks of the gods.

With the sharpest sword of rules, in the incredible eyes of the gods of other worlds, they pierce their bodies!

The golden blood splashing out is like a meteor, passing through the sky.

Sprinkling beautiful wonders like fireworks!

The war of gods is about to start!

Faced with such a scene.

The followers of the gods of other worlds naturally cannot sit idly by.

In the kingdoms of God hanging high in the sky, the most loyal servants of the gods poured out continuously like a swarm of bees.

Among them were angels, demons, and fanatics who returned to the kingdom of God!

They wanted to save their own gods, stop the rise of mankind, and maintain the majesty of the gods.


The Primarch warriors who had been prepared long ago drove huge warships and fearlessly blocked them!

The Primarch warriors wearing power armor waved their buzzing chainsaw swords, and with the war roars that resounded through the sky, they fought with the servants of the gods...


The wings of the angels were cut off.

The horns of the demons were pulled out.

The fragments of the warships and the bodies of the Primarch warriors were scattered throughout the starry sky!

How grand and heroic this war was!

In a short period of time, its scale not only swept the entire main material plane, but also affected countless surrounding planes!

The gods of the other world are very strong.

But in the face of the infinite faith and hegemony of the gods of humanity, the endless supply of faith power from all mankind, and the accumulation of generations over tens of thousands of years, they are nothing but chickens and pottery dogs!

Under such a powerful offensive, the kingdoms of the gods of the alien world were shattered.

They were undoubtedly defeated!

One third of the gods were killed on the spot.

The blood of the gods dyed the entire starry sky golden.

The defeated gods of the alien world could only flee to the depths of the starry sky like a stray dog.


How could humans let these evil invaders go?

Under the call of Chu Xia, the supreme leader of the great judgment organization and the only main god of the human pantheon.

Humans launched a "great expedition" that was enough to shake the entire star world!

It is bound to completely expel the gods of the alien world!

They drove steel battleships one after another, led by the gods of humanity, and conquered the star world from the main plane.

From one end of the star realm, they fought to the other end.

In the process, they conquered one plane after another that was ruled by alien races.

On them, they planted the flags of mankind.

And those races all became appendages of mankind!

Until the expeditionary army chased all the way to the edge of the universe.

The whole universe was cheering for mankind!

And at this time.

The gods of the alien world have no way to escape!

They will usher in the final judgment!



In the boundless star realm, in the Emperor, the most majestic battleship of the human expeditionary army, the human Lord Chu Xia, sitting on the golden throne, closed his eyes slightly and whispered softly: "After this battle, I can have a good sleep."

When he said this, his face was full of fatigue that was difficult to conceal.

Although, as a god, he should not be tired.

The immortal body of the god will not be tired.

But he still has a human heart.

Looking back on his life, Chu Xia only felt...

It was like he was dreaming!

He was just an ordinary office worker at the beginning, and the world ended inexplicably just because he took a shit with pay.

Then he encountered the invasion of the alien world and the gods descended. Such ridiculous things.

In order to survive and prevent being killed by aliens, he had to practice hard after popularizing the practice method.

He finally broke through to the legendary level.

He thought he could finally rest assured.

But one day, he was eating instant noodles at home, and suddenly the door was kicked open.

After asking, he found out that the first generation of managers nominated him as the leader and asked him to take on the responsibility of saving mankind.

This is really....

You sit at home, and the pot comes from the sky.

In the years since he became a leader, Chu Xia thought that he had lived a trembling life, developing steadily and growing in a wretched manner, for fear of disappointing the expectations of the first generation of managers.

In the middle of the process, he was deceived by those crazy scientists to be a guinea pig for hundreds of years.

Although it was a bit painful when being dissected,Compared with the huge pressure of shouldering the fate of all mankind, it is nothing.

It can even be regarded as a rare vacation.

As a result, after a few days of rest, a rebellion broke out among humans, and he was forced to stop the rebellion.

In this high-pressure environment, he survived for tens of thousands of years before he finally had the ability to compete with those damned alien gods.

"My life is really like walking on thin ice."

Chu Xia covered his face helplessly, listening to the prayers and praises that sounded in his ears all the time, and had to force himself to get up.

He put his hand on the golden throne full of sacredness and technology.

His eyes swept across the walls of the hall, the murals full of religious colors, recording the battles of gods on the Great Expedition.

Let the golden throne created by the highest crystallization of human wisdom help him purify and transform the power of faith that continuously flows into the godhood.

Without this throne, he would soon be corrupted by the power of faith, and his humanity would gradually transform into divinity.

Become a true god.

Of course, this "very soon" is for great beings like gods who can change in the blink of an eye. For humans, it is a very long time.

However, even with the help of the golden throne, humanity will gradually and irreversibly transform into divinity under the influence of the power of faith.

Everything has a price.

This... is the price of becoming a god.

Other human gods are the same as him.


When humanity is completely replaced by divinity, will the true god still stand on the side of humans?

No one can guess.

But fortunately, they had planned everything tens of thousands of years ago.

"Tap, tap, tap..."

In the magnificent hall, a sudden sound of footsteps rang out.

Chu Xia didn't need to look, his divine power, as deep as the sea, had already explored the visitor inside and out.

This is a green-skinned orc.

Unlike ordinary green-skinned orcs, this orc, except for the head, has been replaced with almost all mechanical parts that shine with metallic luster.

The only intact head also has an eyeball, which has been replaced with a mechanical eyeball that emits scarlet light.

The hair on the top of the head has been replaced with optical fibers that flash from time to time like breathing lights.

"Gul, is there something wrong?"

Chu Xia turned his attention away from the mural and looked at the green-skinned orc who walked to the golden throne and saluted with his chest touched.

As his most loyal subordinate and the wise man in the expeditionary force, Chu Xia didn't think that the other party would come to chat with him for no reason.

"Great Emperor, merciful Lord..."

"Stop, stop, stop!" Chu Xia interrupted Gul's long string of flattering words, waved his hand, and said without airs: "Don't talk about those useless things, just get to the point."

"Follow your will." Gul raised his head, the mechanical eye flickered twice, and said with a firm face: "We have locked the remaining gods of the alien world and trapped them in the subspace barrier. Please take action yourself and bury them completely!"

'Finally... is it over? '

Chu Xia murmured in his heart, stood up from the golden throne, and stretched out a palm covered with golden armor.

The next moment.

A spear with a divine branch as the main body and technology as the embellishment appeared in his hand.

On the gun body, there are hexagonal crystals one after another.

It flickers with a hazy light,

That is the godhood of all gods on the human side, and it is also the embodiment of the laws they master.

Gently stroking the gun, Chu Xia whispered its name: "Kungunir."

In the ancient legends of mankind, this name represents the eternal spear. Once thrown, it will hit the target and penetrate any enemy in front of it.


Holding the gun tightly, the laziness in Chu Xia's eyes was swept away, replaced by endless fighting spirit.

"Let me end it all."


The 150,000th year of the gods' advent.

The judge who judged the gods threw the eternal spear in the subspace, which symbolized a sure hit.

Kungunir turned into a stream of light, without exception, piercing through the desperate gods of the other world.

The laws carried by the godhood on the gun body and the laws carried by the gods of the other world annihilated each other.

The "essence" of the gods was forcibly erased.

Before they fell into silence, the last thing they saw was Chu Xia, whose "essence" had also been annihilated.

Kungunir, who had returned to his hands, was gradually disintegrating into countless pieces.

This judge who had been "walking on thin ice" all his life chose to carry the divinity of the gods of mankind and the gods of other worlds... and return to silence.

This is the fate of the judge.

Just because...

This world does not need God.

The fate of mankind should be in the hands of mankind itself.

Instead of seeking help from...

illusory gods!

So far...

There is no God in the world!


After endless years.

A soul fragment shining with the brilliance of humanity broke through the dark night sky and fell into a dead egg.

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