The first to arrive at the scene was Tiechui, followed closely by Berent and Tasha.

After they saw the two black dragons, they were all excited and greedy, but then they noticed the corpse on the ground.

From the corroded longbow on the corpse, it can be guessed that this is probably their half-elf teammate.

This made the three people slow down for a moment.

Sensing the arrival of the enemy, Irene glanced behind her, and took advantage of the moment when these people hesitated to shout to David who was eager to try: "Go!"

Then spread the dragon wings, and as the surrounding magic power was mobilized, it flapped violently and rushed into the sky.

As a not-so-serious black dragon, Irene had no shame in running away from the battlefield. The other side had more people, and only a fool would fight them head-on.

This is deep in the Ghana Forest, the territory of the Dragon Mother. If these people dare to chase, Irene will wake up the Dragon Mother. When the time comes, the Dragon Mother, who is in a bad mood, will definitely come out of the dragon's nest and kick these people's butts hard!

David wanted to take action, but after being shouted by Irene, he was afraid of the tyranny of this elder sister, so he could only spread his dragon wings unwillingly.

Somewhat unwillingly, he raised his middle finger to the three adventurers who had just arrived after his body floated in the air, and provoked in the standard continental common language: "Come up and bite me if you have the guts!"

After speaking, he patted the dragon's butt and flew upwards in the eyes of the dwarves who rushed over to kill the dragon.

"Damn it! The long ears were killed by them, Berent, don't let them run away!" Iron Hammer shouted while waving the sacred flail.

Tasha also looked at her captain, but there was not much sadness in her eyes.

When they decided to hunt dragons, they were ready to die in the Ghana Forest.

Adventurers are just a bunch of guys who trade their lives for money, and every adventure is a gamble of their lives.

For them, witnessing death is as common as eating and drinking, except that this time it was their teammates who died.

Berent turned his eyes away from Alvin's body, sighed with grief, and then slowly took out a parchment scroll with gold edges from the storage ring.

"Don't worry, they can't run away."

Irene originally thought that these adventurers would use long-range attacks to prevent them from leaving, and she was ready to take a few fireballs.

But unexpectedly, they were not obstructed by any attacks.

After getting out of the dense canopy smoothly, Irene took a deep breath of fresh air from high altitude and was about to lead these people to the direction of the dragon's nest, but at this moment, she suddenly felt something was wrong.

The magic power that supported her flight dissipated.

This feeling is like flying in the sky with a plane, and then the engine suddenly disappears.

A plane without an engine will fall from the sky, and without the support of magic, the little dragon girl is also pulled down by gravity and falls rapidly.

David also fell from the sky, and even if he frantically flapped his dragon wings, he could not avoid the fate of falling continuously.

Without the lift provided by magic, the dragon's extremely aerodynamic body could hardly fly with its own dragon wings that were extremely uncoordinated compared to the body.

"Bang, bang, bang.....Crack--Boom! Boom!"

After breaking countless branches, Irene barely made a hard landing with her limbs and tail, and the mud and water on the ground were splashed more than three meters high.

But that was all. Falling from a height of more than 20 meters was not enough to hurt the dragon's strong body.

In contrast, David's landing was much more casual. He fell headfirst. Under the dual blessing of the several tons of weight and speed, the dragon head and most of the neck were already buried in the ground.

David's body shook, trying to pull his head out of the soil, but the soaked soil was too sticky, and he failed to pull it out the first time.

Then he started the second attempt, using his two front paws to support the ground, and his hind legs kicked the ground fiercely, and then "bang!" pulled his head out.

After shaking his head and spitting out the soil in his mouth, David was about to curse, but he found that his sister was confronting the adventurer team, so he opened his eyes in a formal manner and glared at the three adventurers opposite.

The scene suddenly became quiet, leaving only the sound of rain.

Neither side chose to take action immediately. Even the most irritable dwarf priest Iron Hammer was forcibly held down by the captain Berent's shoulders. Both sides seemed to be afraid of each other.

This is indeed the case.

For this dragon hunting, the adventurer team originally formulated a set of cumbersome dragon hunting plans, in which everyone has a corresponding position and role to ensure that everything goes well.

ButNow that Alvin is dead, the original plan has been scrapped by half.

For them, they can only take one step at a time.

Irene was also afraid of the other party. She didn't expect that these guys had even prepared a magic scroll that could prohibit flying.

Forbidden-flying magic, even the lowest level, requires a very complicated magic array to be set up before it can be released, so it usually exists as part of the city defense compound magic array.

Such a complex magic array, condensed into a small magic scroll, the difficulty can be imagined.

Even the castrated version, the lowest-grade forbidden-flying scroll that can only cause a very short-term forbidden-flying, is very expensive and rare.

These guys seem to have spent a lot of money.

Therefore, the little dragon girl who was in danger did not feel afraid, and even a little eager to try, wanting to have a vigorous battle.

Of course, the premise of such determination is that Irene quickly analyzed her own trump cards and the means that the other party might have...

She determined that this place was not far from the dragon's nest. As long as she made a little more noise, she could attract the sleeping dragon mother in the dragon's nest to save the dragon.

During the protection period of the young dragon, the presence of the dragon mother was like a life-saving talisman.

Looking at the appearance of these guys, they obviously didn't know that the dragon mother existed and regarded the two of them as two wild young dragons, otherwise they would not come to hunt dragons so openly.

When the time comes, the dragon mother will come with a morning mood, and a breath of dragon breath can send these guys to Baator Hell to talk to the succubus for free.

After the two sides confronted each other for a while, Irene took the lead in breaking the deadlock and said in the common language: "Are you going one by one, or together?"

Because they were still young dragons, her voice was a little childish, which is the so-called loli voice.

"It turned out to be a beautiful black dragon lady!"

Berrant pretended to be surprised, carefully put the range-locking scroll in his hand that could only be used once into the storage ring, and inserted the broadsword behind him. He took a step forward and performed a strange etiquette.

"Black dragon lady, I don't think we need to be so stiff, we can talk."

"Heh." Irene sneered, not believing a word of what this person said.

He just attacked them, and now he is saying these words again. Is he fooling them, the two black dragons, as white dragons?

However, Irene did not get angry on the spot. With the experience of two lives, she is more thoughtful than ordinary young dragons, and knows that it is more beneficial for her to delay time now.

Maybe if they delay for a while, the effect of the lock-in magic will expire, and then the two dragons can play yo-yo happily.

That is much safer than fighting with these guys and making a noise to attract the dragon mother.

After analyzing the situation in her mind, Irene pretended to be innocent and naive and said, "What do you want to talk about?"

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