Arthas finally went out of town to find the other party according to the address in the letter.

When he arrived at the meeting place agreed in the letter, he found that there was no one here, only a letter.

When Arthas opened the letter, he found that there was only one word written in the letter.


So Arthas waited from night to dawn, and from dawn to dusk...

He waited for a long time.

Just when Arthas thought he was fooled and was about to leave, the person behind the scenes finally appeared.

It was a woman.

A woman who covered herself in a black robe.

She called herself Vina Alice.

Arthas had heard of this name in the World Journal. He knew that this guy used to be a saint of the Holy Kingdom and had been to the Forsaken Land as an envoy.

Later, I don’t know what happened. Not only did he betray his faith and throw himself into the arms of the abyss, but he also liked to destroy the church of the gods from time to time. Therefore, he has long become a well-known wanted criminal in the entire Eastern countries.

I just don't know why, although Arthas saw the other person for the first time, he felt an unusual sense of familiarity in his heart.

Before he could figure it out, the other person's words quickly led his thoughts in another direction.

From Vina's mouth, Arthas learned that the reason she betrayed her faith was that she found that the gods had already abandoned them.

When she was forced to openly humiliate the gods in the land abandoned by the gods, she was ready to be punished by the gods, but she didn't get any response.

At that time, some cracks appeared in Vina's faith.

After returning to the Eastern countries, she found some orc slaves and let them believe in heresy, but there was still no divine punishment.

Associated with the fact that no matter how she prayed since she was a child, she could not get the attention of the gods.

Vina's faith had begun to collapse at that time.

She frantically searched for various historical materials and ancient books in the church like a non-believer, trying to prove that the gods had not abandoned her, but her faith was not pious enough.

But she learned a cruel truth.

One day seven hundred years ago, all the churches of the gods could no longer get personal responses and attention from the gods they believed in.

Even the archbishops and popes who were high above became the same as those pan-believers and shallow believers, and could only get the most basic automatic responses.

Even if they openly insulted the gods, they would no longer be punished by the gods.

It felt like the human customer service of a certain platform suddenly disappeared, leaving only an artificial idiot who would automatically reply according to the questions.

The naive saint felt that the whole world had collapsed at that time, and she thought that the gods had abandoned them.

At that moment, Vina suddenly felt that she had received a strict education since childhood, and she got up early and went to bed late every day, just to stand out from the vast sea of ​​people, become the agent of the gods, and become a saint. This effort was so ridiculous!

So sad!

So she fell.

She did not hesitate to throw herself into the abyss and become the opposite of her former faith, just to take revenge on the gods.

This feeling is probably like a girl who is deeply in love and finds out that she has been cheated by a heartless man, so she is willing to humiliate herself and take revenge on him.

Vina told Arthas that instead of growing up here, it is better to return to the Forsaken Land of God and spread faith there.

The gods have long abandoned this world, so naturally they will not bring down any divine punishment.

When Arthas asked why he told him this.

Vina just said sinisterly: "Just think of it as the reward I paid for the Black Dragon Crown. After all, if it weren't for her, I would still be a saint foolishly."

After saying this, she left.

Just like she said, it seems that it was just to pay a reward.

Although Arthas had some doubts in his heart, he didn't care about those things in front of this valuable information.

He just wanted to return to the Forsaken Land of God as soon as possible to test the authenticity of this information.

But the remaining reason made him return to the human city by accident.

Arthas was too lonely.

He wanted to take those "apprentices" back with him.

These children were the few who were not afraid of him.

Although that was because they didn't know that under his armor was a dried-up body of the dead.

But when Arthas returned,

he saw a trial of pagans.

His apprentices were tied to the stake.

At that time, Arthas felt angry for the first time.

He didn't know whether this anger was because the people in the church defined the church he founded for his mother as a cult, or because they wanted to burn his apprentices to death.

In short, Arthas was very angry!

At that moment, he felt that the fire of his soul was about to overflow from his body.

No,It has already overflowed from the body!

Even the originally dry bone dragon under his crotch was covered with a layer of burning soul fire.

Driven by anger, Arthas pulled out the Frostmourne behind him.

For a learned and rational lich, this action is undoubtedly extremely irrational.

But in Arthas' eyes, there was only the desire for killing.

In his body, the hatred of the undead for the living was completely awakened by a chaotic force.

When Arthas regained his sanity again.

That city has become a city of death and ice.

There are corpses frozen into ice everywhere, and glaciers formed by blood.

The breath of death that is so abundant that it is incredible, rushing from all directions, constantly strengthening Arthas's soul fire.

Trying to pile him up to that incredible legendary realm.

Until then, Arthas finally knew why the world is afraid of the undead.

They shouldn't have existed in the world. They were dead lives, and they had a natural hatred for the living.

Once they couldn't suppress the desire in their hearts...

they would become irrational killing machines!

Arthas, who had calmed down again, felt deeply confused.

He didn't know why he did such an irrational thing?

As an undead, although he had an instinctive hatred for the living and wanted to kill them and take their lives.

But as a golden lich, he could already control this desire freely, and shouldn't be so impulsive.

What was even more confusing was why he didn't suffer any divine punishment even after slaughtering the city.

He knew that the human countries and the Black Dragon Empire had already signed a peace treaty.

Those who violated the agreement would suffer endless divine punishment.

But how could he have suffered any divine punishment now?

Arthas felt that something was wrong, but for a while, he didn't know what was wrong.

Before he could figure it out, a human suddenly appeared in this dead city.

That is...

The former saint of the Holy Kingdom——Vina

Looking at the city-state surrounded by death, this guy took off his hood and revealed his holy face.

With the most gentle tone, he said the most cruel words: "Tsk tsk tsk... This is really a wonderful massacre... It's worth the time I spent to arrange it."

Speaking of this, Vina looked at Arthas, and faced this terrible undead covered with frozen blood and minced meat, like a demon descending to the world, she actually showed a weird smile, the corners of her mouth were not like those of a human, she grinned directly to the roots of her ears, revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth.

"How about it, do you like this gift I gave you?"

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