Faced with such a situation, in order to completely eliminate the aberrations, the legends and demigods first launched a fierce attack on the Mother of Flesh and Deformation.

But this meat mountain is based on the entire southern continent, madly absorbing flesh and blood as nutrients, and its strength has far surpassed that of ordinary demigods.

Coupled with the obstruction of a large number of aberrations.

This led to an extremely tragic battle.

Fortunately, after a large number of strong men fell, the Mother of Flesh and Deformation was finally completely killed, turned into pieces of meat all over the sky, and scattered all over the southern continent.

At that time, everyone was shocked to find that with the killing of the Mother of Flesh and Deformation, almost all the aberrations fell into a state of suspended animation.

It was as if all the nerve centers were destroyed.

After some observation, they came to a conclusion that most of the aberrations themselves have no wisdom and ability to think, and they are all controlled by the mother, that is, the mother of flesh and deformity.

Once the mother is killed, these offspring will naturally lose the ability to act independently.

After confirming the authenticity of this conclusion, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and the various reinforcements began to land on the southern continent in an orderly manner to clean up the deformed creatures spread across the entire continent.

However, what no one expected was that shortly after the reinforcements landed, the deformed creatures on the southern continent that had not been cleaned up yet came back to life again!

The remaining strong men went out again, but were shocked to find that another meat mountain had drilled out from the ground...

It was a new mother of flesh and blood and deformities.

Only then did they understand that once these deformed creatures lost their mother, they would spontaneously breed a new mother to control the tribe.

Although this new mother of flesh and blood and deformities was obviously not as powerful as the previous one, she inherited the tentacles of the previous mother of flesh and blood and deformities that spread across the entire continent, like a weed with roots deeply rooted in the soil and constantly absorbing nutrients.

As long as all the tentacles and deformed creatures cannot be completely removed in a short period of time, the new mother of flesh and blood and deformities will be like weeds, and will grow again in the spring breeze. 'In a short time, it can quickly recover its strength by devouring other deformed creatures.

In other words, the only way to completely kill the Mother of Flesh and Abnormality is to completely destroy the entire Southern Continent in a short time, leaving her no possibility of resurrection.

And it is not easy to destroy a continent in a short time.

That is the second continent of the main material plane.

Even if no one stops it, it takes a very long time for a demigod to destroy such a huge continent.

If you want to destroy the Southern Continent in a short time, I am afraid only the legendary gods can do it.

But the gods don't seem to have any intention of taking action....

In order to prevent the fall of the main material plane, the strong men had to urgently evacuate all the uninfected people on the Southern Continent.

Then they used the artifact 'Dream Crown' left in the world during the Ragnarok to put the Mother of Flesh and Abnormality into an eternal sleep.

All the deformed creatures also fell into a state of suspended animation.

As long as they are not disturbed, they will sleep forever.

But in order to prevent someone from trying to enter the South Continent in the future to awaken this deformed mother body and cause unnecessary disasters.

The powerful people set up a "program" for the Dream Crown.

The crown began to continuously absorb the dream energy generated by the flesh and blood and the deformed mother in her sleep, turning into a dream mist surrounding the entire continent, completely blocking the entire South Continent.

So far, the catastrophe that swept the entire South Continent ended at such a heavy price.

'But why do deformed creatures appear in the dark area under the East Continent now? ' Irene had deep doubts in her heart.

You know, after the South Continent was sealed, in order to prevent the catastrophe in the South Continent from happening again, under the call of the powerful people of various races, the entire main plane was swept.

If there were deformed creatures left outside the South Continent at that time, according to the terrible infection speed of the deformed creatures, it should have erupted in these years.

Instead of suddenly appearing in the East Continent until now.

Deformed creatures don't seem to be guys who will endure.


A sudden roar brought Irene back to her senses.

Looking around, she saw shells being fired from the alchemical cannons prepared in advance on the city wall. After flying a beautiful parabola, they fell into the approaching tide of distorted beasts.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

With the sound of violent explosions, huge fireballs began to bloom like flowers in the densely packed swarm of distorted beasts. Under the violent explosion and high temperature, the distorted creatures within the explosion range were instantly blown into charred pieces of flesh and blood.

The yellow sand on the ground also shone at this super high temperature..

However, this still could not stop the advancement of the deformed beast tide. The subsequent deformed creatures quickly filled the gaps caused by the explosion. Even the pieces of flesh and blood that were blown everywhere were not wasted. They just grabbed them and stuffed them into their mouths.

They don't know what civilization is and what first come first served is.

Some unlucky deformed creatures just stuffed the meat into their mouths, and were torn into fresh flesh and blood by other deformed creatures around them who were also attracted by the meat.

For a while, flames, explosions, and splashing meat and internal organs became the main theme of this battlefield.

In such a chaotic situation, the beast tide quickly approached the towering black wall.

Then another roar rang out: "Shoot!!!"

Suddenly, the black knights standing in a row on the city wall pulled the triggers of their guns, and bullets engraved with inscriptions flew out one after another. When hitting the monsters, the violent magic contained in them exploded instantly, causing a huge range damage slightly inferior to the alchemical artillery.

But this still could not completely stop the charge of the beast tide.

One after another, the distorted creatures rushed to the bottom of the city wall, and with a "click", they hit the city wall like mud. After scratching with their tentacles and limbs for a while, they slid into the deep trench dug in advance under the city wall.

As time passed, the trench was soon filled with wailing and twisted distorted creatures.

Subsequent distorted creatures began to step on their bodies and climb up the city wall.

At this time, Irene finally understood why the city wall was built so high.

Although these distorted creatures could not climb up the straight wall by themselves, they piled up into a bloody staircase one after another. The subsequent distorted creatures climbed higher and higher, and were about to climb the wall.

The black knights began to throw rolling logs, boulders, and even fuel oil under the wall without haste.

As a bomb ignited the fuel, the whole wall suddenly caught fire. The distorted creatures collapsed and disintegrated like a collapsed dam in the piercing wailing, turning into fresh barbecued meats ranging from rare to very well done.

The distorted creatures that arrived later tore off large pieces and ate them.

The scene was simply a super large barbecue buffet!

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