"Huh, then there's only one left." Irene's voice was a little hoarse. She exhaled three times in a row, and it felt like her throat was almost not her own.

Turning her head, her cold eyes looked at the dwarf priest who was standing there, still a little dazed.

Less than five minutes after the start of the war, only one of the four people was left.

David also got up from the ground in a daze, his eyes almost became mosquito coils, shook his head, sat down on the ground, and said incoherently: "Sister... Why do I feel a little dizzy..."

"Don't panic, dizziness is normal, just take a few deep breaths." Irene said without looking back, her eyes still locked on the last survivor.


A flash of lightning flashed, illuminating the side of the little dragon lady's face, and her mouth of sharp teeth looked even more ferocious.

"Do I do it myself, or do you commit suicide?"

Rainwater dripped from Irene's dragon head.

The acid remaining in the corner of his mouth was diluted by the rain and dripped onto the ground, making a "sizzling" corrosion sound.

The golden eyes looked down at the dwarf in front of him.

The corner of Tiechui's mouth was bleeding, his legs were deeply sunken in the mud, and he tightly grasped the sacred flail in his hand, as if that could give him some courage.

The brown-yellow eyes stared at the black dragon in front of him, and I don't know what he was thinking.

The rain slid down his cheeks, mixed with the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, dyeing his beard blood red.

The forest fell into a dead silence, as if he was frightened.

Two seconds later, Tiechui slowly said: "What a hammer... What a bunch of waste... "

After the last word fell, the face full of flesh showed a bit of determination, and the eyes became sharp again.

"Black dragon cub! My Lord is with me. I will fight you to the end until I return to my Lord's kingdom of heaven!" He roared and started to go berserk.

His muscles began to swell, and the priest's robe he wore was directly torn by his strong muscles, revealing a large tumor that was strong and powerful at first glance, and his height was also constantly increasing.

A manic and powerful force surged from the depths of his soul, and the aura of this dwarf priest actually continued to rise in a short period of time.

Silver lower level...

Silver middle level...

Silver upper level...

It didn't stop until it reached the peak of silver, which was infinitely close to the gold level.

Faced with this sudden scene, Irene frowned first, and then stared with a pair of vertical pupils.

A Chinese curse blurted out: "Fuck! Pervert!"

This is of course not referring to the opponent's strength.

But his clothes.

I don't know what this dwarf was thinking. Under the white priest robe that covered his whole body, he was wearing a black bikini.

And it looked like a magic item that could change size with the body size, so it was not torn by the swollen muscles.

But the lush chest hair was really eye-catching...

At first glance... Irene had the urge to dig out her eyes.


Feeling mentally polluted, the little dragon girl almost vomited the venison she had eaten during the day.

Hearing Irene's words, Tiechui looked down, his eyes instantly widened, and a touch of red appeared on his unshaven face.

"Damn it, I forgot to take this off..."

David behind him saw this scene and was almost laughing like crazy.

Having his biggest secret suddenly discovered, Tiechui finally couldn't help it.

He let go of the flail in his hand, letting the weapon fall to the ground, holding the bikini on his body with both hands, gritting his teeth and speaking word by word.

"Since you have discovered me, there is no need for you to live. Let's die together!!!"

He almost shouted these words.

Erin: "........"

She had originally thought that the other party might have a trump card, and was prepared for a hard fight, or even dragging it to the rescue of the Dragon Mother, but this scene... was beyond the dragon's imagination...


The bikini was torn to pieces by the big hands like iron pliers.

As the fabric flew, Erin was about to curse a dead pervert, but she saw cracks on the dwarf's body, like a broken porcelain.

In the cracks, golden light shone through, and the night was faintly illuminated.

"Zhao! It's self-explosion!!!"

Erin cursed angrily, turned around and ran back. This guy didn't want to live for social death, and he wanted to drag two people down with him before he died!

A smile bloomed on the face of the hammer, which was full of flesh, and he opened his mouth and laughed loudly.

His body began to swell, his muscles became bloated, andStill expanding!

In just a moment, he changed from a human form to a ball with a head!

"Fuck it! Let's die together! Let's die together!!!"

"Hahahahaha! I will return to the kingdom of God under the crown of the God of Light!!"


After roaring this sentence, his body shrank violently into a point, and then suddenly exploded!

The surrounding air seemed to be ignited by the high temperature of the explosion. A shock wave with a destructive breath, starting from the center of the explosion, quickly spread to the surroundings.

"Fuck! The clergy are all crazy!"

Erin rushed to David with a curse, and in the latter's confused eyes who had not figured out the situation, she grabbed one of his claws and dragged him with all her strength while running and flapping the dragon wings.

According to the power of this explosion, at least hundreds of meters around would be reduced to ruins.

The dragon wings without any magic fluctuations gave Erin a blow.

".....The restricted airspace has not been lifted yet!"

After cursing, under the pressure of life and death crisis, the little dragon girl ran with the momentum of a long-distance running champion.

Because of her large body, the air seemed to be torn apart during the running, making a sharp whistling sound.

David, who was dragged by her, didn't understand the current situation until then. He quickly released the claws held by Irene, and swung his two forelimbs quickly, running and complaining: "I fucking @#%.... Shit...&%¥#..."

The terrain in the jungle is complicated, and Irene and David need to avoid obstacles frequently. The speed of running is obviously not as fast as the speed of the shock wave approaching.

Just when the blazing shock wave was about to touch the tails of the two dragons.


In the deafening dragon roar, it was as if the real dragon power fell from the sky, covering the entire jungle.

Along with the dragon's might came an invisible barrier.

"Boom!" The shock wave from the explosion hit the barrier, splashing invisible ripples that could no longer spread.

David, who survived the disaster, lay on the ground in dejection, gasping for breath. "Got... saved..."

Erin also breathed a sigh of relief, then raised her head and tried to squeeze out a very reluctant smile.

"Hi, Mom, good evening..."

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