The standard dragon language was heard by the two young dragons, and the voice was very cold.

Irene and David were both stunned.

This was the first time they heard their mother dragon speak since they hatched.

But they didn't expect that the first sentence was an expulsion order.

Irene raised her head and looked at the mother dragon, only to see indifference on her face, as if she was looking at a stranger.

After living here for four years, it would be a lie to say that she had no feelings. As a human soul, she still cared about this mother dragon.

Unfortunately, the mother dragon was different from her.

The five-colored dragons had weak family affection. After seeing that the two young dragons had the ability to survive, the mother dragon just wanted to drive them out quickly, so that no dragon would disturb her sleep.

"Mom~ I can't bear to leave you!"

David howled like a drama queen, and pounced on the pile of gold coins he had just put down.

However, before he touched the gold coin, a thick tail swung over and slapped him away with a "bang". He landed accurately next to Irene, and his head was stuck in the soft soil.

"Go, leave my territory and build your own territory." The dragon mother issued the final ultimatum, and then she lay on the pile of treasure and closed her eyes.

A circle of magic barriers appeared out of thin air around her, protecting her and the treasure.

In the concept of the five-colored dragons, after the cubs are driven out of the nest, they are strange dragons. Their life and death are no longer the mother dragon's business. Since they are strange dragons, they must be on guard.

"Mom! I don't want to leave. I want to live and die with you~~~"

David pulled his head out of the soil and continued to wail.

"I think you want to live and die with the gold coin." Irene complained in her heart, and pulled David's tail and walked out of the cave.

She had expected this day, but she didn't expect it to come earlier than she thought.

"No~~~" David wailed, plowing a long gully on the ground with his face and claws.

After the two young dragons left the nest, the mother dragon, Silvery, opened her eyes a little, and then released a barrier magic to seal the entire dragon nest, and then closed her eyes and continued to fall asleep.


Outside the dragon nest.

Irene spread her wings and jumped out of the swamp. After throwing David on the shore, she flew to the place where the space gem was buried without looking back.

Although they were still siblings who shared life and death together just now, for the five-colored dragon, the relationship ended after leaving the dragon nest. If they met in the future, they might become enemies.

From then on, she had to set up her own business. The items in those space gems were the little bit of original capital for her to start from scratch.

The dragon's wings whistled through the night wind, making a slight whistling sound. Irene soon arrived at the area where the gems were buried. Looking down from the air, this lifeless basin in the dense forest was too conspicuous.

After landing, she skillfully found the place where the gems were buried and dug out the three space gems that belonged to her.

She did not touch David's one.

It was just some gold coins and useless materials. There was no need to make an enemy with a dragon so early for these things. It would greatly delay the development speed in the early stage.

Putting the three gems in her mouth and holding them under her tongue, Irene looked at the Ghana Forest shrouded in the night sky.

"It's time to leave here."

Although this forest is rich in food, it is too close to the human empire and there is a risk of adventurers coming to the door.

This time, she was able to successfully kill the adventurer, but it was not certain in the future. It was impossible to be so lucky every time. Without the protection of the dragon mother, once a mistake was made, the price paid would be life.

It would be best to find a place where there are no powerful monsters and human adventurers rarely set foot, and live there for a few decades until you are strong enough to go out.

According to the regional information recorded in the Dragon Heritage, Irene considered it in her mind.

The human empire to the east of the Ghana Forest was ruled out first. Going there would be like a sheep walking into a tiger's mouth. If you are not slaughtered, you will be trained as a mount.

To the south is the territory of a mature green dragon. If you are discovered, the worst result is enslavement.

To the north, across the San Pedro Mountains, is the territory of the dwarves. Those guys have been forging iron and mining for many years, and have trained their muscles. It is better not to provoke them.

Finally, Irene turned her eyes to the west.

To the west of the Ghana Forest is the desolate God-forsaken Land.

In the era when the orcs ruled the continent, that area was still the location of the prosperous Orc King's Court. However, after the God War 10,000 years ago, the overlord of the continent changed from orcs to humans. Now there is only a desert there.

The God-forsaken Land covers a vast area, but only a few small tribes of orcs and half-orcs are scattered around, so it is a place that is rarely visited by people.

"Although it is a bit desolate, it is safe enough and is very suitable for making dirty moves."Erin determined her goal.

The endless desert is an absolute forbidden zone for other creatures. If they can't find water and food, they will die.

But for top magical creatures like dragons, it's not a big problem. If they can't find food, they can just eat dirt and survive well.

Thinking of this, the little dragon lady was about to spread her dragon wings when a familiar voice suddenly came from above.

"Sister, please stay!"

Erin raised her dragon head and saw David flapping his dragon wings and chasing after her.

"Hmm? "

Before Irene could speak, David swooped down to the ground, stirring up a large cloud of dust, and then he was choked by the dust and kept coughing.

"Cough cough cough cough..."

Irene spread her dragon wings, flapped them twice, blew away the dust, and looked at the little black dragon in front of her with vigilant eyes.

The five-colored dragons were emotionally weak, and after being driven out of the dragon's nest by the dragon mother, it was not an exaggeration to say that they were enemies, so she could not afford to be unvigilant.

David coughed for a long time, and after noticing Irene's somewhat impatient eyes, he quickly waved his claws to indicate that he had no ill intentions, and said in a very shy manner:

"Dear sister, can you take me with you? "

Erin narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at this dragon brother.

For a dragon cub who was driven out of the nest, it is not easy to survive.

Especially in the young dragon stage, this stage is between the young dragon stage protected by the dragon mother and the adolescent stage with certain combat capabilities. It is most likely to die due to various accidents. It can be said that this is the age group where the most dragons die.

It is indeed a good way to keep warm together, especially when they are hatched from the same nest of dragon eggs. They know each other better and can gain more powerful strength like a wolf pack to improve their own survival ability.

Although David is a little naive at ordinary times, he is also a real dragon with good combat power, plus the slight feelings cultivated in the past four years.

After weighing the pros and cons in her heart, Erin spoke in David's expectant eyes: "Okay, but you must submit to me and offer everything you have."

"Huh?" David was obviously a little surprised. After hesitating for half a second, he took off his underwear, stockings and underwear on his head with great regret and presented them with his claws.

Erin: "..."

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