The celebration that was disrupted by the two giant dragons that suddenly broke in quickly returned to its original state and became more lively.

Unlike other races, the ogres, a strange race, did not feel that they were enslaved, but felt that it was their honor.

So David and Irene were invited to the most eye-catching position of the bonfire party.

Trees are undoubtedly the most precious resources here, so there are naturally no tables and chairs made of wood, which can be seen from the simple houses made of stones.

The two little black dragons can only sit anywhere, but even if there are tables and chairs, they can't use them because of their size.

The old ogres named Wangcai by Irene are the patriarch of this tribe. At this time, he is directing other ogres to pile up piles of fresh fruits and barbecue cut with stone knives in front of the two black dragons, and at the bottom, a layer of large leaves similar to banana leaves is also thoughtfully placed.

Irene did not start eating immediately. Compared with the food, she wanted to learn more about this tribe first. After all, they are expected to live here for a long time.

The bonfire in the center of the square first attracted her attention.

The blazing flames dispelled the cold of the night, but what was burning was not firewood, but something that looked like feces.

No, it was feces, but it was dried feces.

"Using feces to keep warm and keep out the cold? That's a good idea."

Irene retracted her gaze and looked elsewhere

Beside the bonfire were brackets with bloody beast meat on them. After being roasted by the fire, a faint meaty aroma was emitted.

Beside the barbecue, there were also bloody stone spears and other stone weapons. Those dog-headed people should have used these stone weapons to hunt.

Surrounding the central bonfire, a circle of dog-headed people sat far away. They were wrapped in simple animal skin clothes and biting raw meat.

From time to time, one or two small dog-headed people would look at the barbecue in front of Irene and David with envy.

These two dragons undoubtedly monopolized all the barbecue.

When these little dog-headed people noticed that Irene was looking at them, they quickly retracted their gazes and trembled in fear.

"It's just as primitive as the Stone Age." Irene sighed in her heart.

However, considering that this is a wild and god-forsaken place, she was relieved. For the creatures living here, living is probably the greatest happiness.

"Sister, don't you want to eat? It's so delicious!" David, whose mouth was full, said as he stuffed another piece of barbecue into his mouth.

Irene glanced at the food in front of her. Most of them were various fruits, and the proportion of barbecue was relatively small.

She stretched out her claws to grab a piece of sizzling barbecue and put it in her mouth to taste it carefully. She was not worried about being poisoned. If the black dragon could be poisoned to death, she would have been poisoned to death by the poisonous gas produced in the swamp long ago.

The amount of barbecue was not much, and she swallowed it after chewing it twice.

Without rushing to eat the next piece, Irene squinted her eyes and savored the taste of this piece of barbecue carefully.

Crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, salty and delicious.

Obviously, this piece of barbecue was sprinkled with salt.

Opening her eyes, Irene grabbed another piece of barbecue and held it in front of her eyes to observe carefully.

The barbecue that had just been grilled was golden in the light of the fire, emitting mist and hot air, and sprinkled with some crystal salt grains, not much, but just enough to stimulate the freshness of the barbecue.

Since coming to this strange world, she has been eating raw meat and drinking blood. This is the first time she has eaten cooked food in this life as a dragon.

Throwing the barbecue in her claws into her mouth, the little dragon mother squinted happily.

"The long-lost taste makes the dragon miss it..."


A sudden wolf howl caught Irene's attention. It was Wangcai who made it.

This was like a signal. The dog-headed people stood up spontaneously, formed a circle around the campfire, and danced a strange dance.

These dog-headed people were both male and female, old and young, and they danced like a group of demons. Some dog-headed people would jump from one side of the campfire to the other when they were so excited, causing cheers and screams from a large group of dog-headed people.

Irene liked this feeling very much. It was like she was an ancient emperor, watching the concubines dancing.

Of course, the premise was that she didn't look at the dog heads with tongues wagging and the tails swaying behind them.

Grabbing a bunch of grapes and stuffing them into her mouth, Irene's eyes widened as the grapes were crushed by her teeth.

The surface of this alien grape looked no different from the grapes in the previous life, but the taste was completely better than the grapes in the previous life.

Sweet, very sweet, very sweet, that was the characteristic of this grape.

Moreover, even if it was too sweet, it would not be greasy and tasted very fresh.

"Is it because of the large temperature difference between day and night that the sugar content is locked?"

AiLin subconsciously used the knowledge she learned in her previous life to try to understand why the grapes were so sweet, but then she smiled helplessly. She had already arrived in another world, so what was the use of the things she learned in her previous life?

She was not a top student in her previous life, and after graduation, she basically returned all her knowledge to her teachers. The few scientific principles she remembered were probably that the working principle of the steam engine was to boil water.

But according to the records of the Dragon Heritage, this world has already had steam engines, and some steam creations derived from steam engines are even popular throughout the continent.

The dwarves have even popularized steam trains, and the little knowledge in her mind is probably useless in this other world.

Fortunately, she did not travel through time to become an ordinary human, but a giant dragon at the top of the food chain. She did not need to work hard, but only needed to eat and sleep to become stronger over time.

After a full meal, the bonfire gradually went out, but the dog-headed people did not disperse. They gathered in the middle of the square obediently, waiting for the two black dragons to choose a house as their nest.

But Irene was troubled by the stone houses that were not much bigger than her. It would be difficult for a dragon to enter such a small house, let alone two dragons. It would probably collapse as soon as it got in.

Wangcai, the leader of the dog-headed people, seemed to see Irene's displeasure. He hurried to Irene's side and said humbly:

"Your Majesty, please forgive our incompetence. Don't worry, I will build a luxurious palace with my children tomorrow..."

Irene turned her head and glanced at the old dog-headed man, which frightened Wangcai. He knelt on the ground and begged for mercy loudly:

"Your Majesty, let's start tonight..."

The dog-headed people in the square knelt down in unison. They knew the character of the evil dragons very well. If they were annoyed, the whole village would turn into a sea of ​​fire.

"No need." Irene said helplessly. "Everything will remain the same. We will solve the nest problem ourselves."

After saying that, in the eyes of the ogres who were even more awed, she grabbed David's tail and dragged the little black dragon away, which was still devouring.

There is a not-so-small lake in this oasis. As a black dragon who likes to live in a humid environment, Irene likes this lake very much.

After dragging David into the lake, she dug a cave at the bottom of the lake, and then used the barrier magic to drain the water in the cave, and a simple dragon nest was ready.

In order to prevent the black dragon's own corrosive aura from turning this lake into a highly toxic swamp, Irene directly turned off this passive talent and told David to turn it off as well.

After all, those ogres are now her followers. If this place is turned into a swamp, these followers will probably die from the poisonous gas produced in the swamp within a few days.

Irene doesn't want to waste it so much. These are all free labor.

After getting into the humid cave at the bottom of the lake, David found a comfortable corner, lay down and began to sleep.

Irene opened her mouth and spit out the space gem under her tongue.

She took out the book called "Beginners Learning Magic, From Beginner to Master" from the space gem, and lay on the ground, carefully turning the pages with her dragon claws.

The rustling sound of turning pages echoed in the closed cave, and David frowned in his sleep, as if he had a not-so-good dream.

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