Obviously, compared to trading with the dog-headed man in front of him, he was more interested in the source of the gold coin.

The poor dog-headed tribe suddenly took out a gold coin, which was just as outrageous as a beggar who had been wandering for many years suddenly taking out a Lamborghini car key.

"You don't need to know." Wangcai raised his head, staring at Magrisius with his turbid eyes, and said loudly, "Give us salt now!"

"Oh! God, if you don't tell me, how can I know if you robbed the passing merchants?"

Magrisius said, put the gold coin into his storage ring, waved his hand, and pretended to retreat to the side of the mercenaries casually.

"Chief, you know, I am a decent businessman, and I never accept such dirty gold coins..."

Wangcai hesitated for a moment, and said like reciting a line: "This is given by a bartender who is temporarily staying in our tribe."

"She still has some wine that she wants you to help sell..."

As a straightforward dog-headed man, his acting skills are really not good. After reciting the lines in a hurry, he took out another gold coin and shook it in his hand, "The lord also wants you to help buy some things."

"Are you serious?"

Magrisius's face became serious. He took two steps forward and looked down at Wangcai, trying to see from the face of this old dog-headed man whether he was lying.

He has heard that some bartenders, in order to make more special wines, will choose to travel around and look for materials suitable for making wine.

Compared to a noble bartender, these traveling merchants are a group of paupers. Those guys can sell a barrel of wine at a high price.

If what the dog-headed man said was true, he would probably make a fortune this time.

Wangcai's cloudy eyes flickered twice, and he did not answer directly, but waved his hand. Immediately, two young and strong dog-headed men came out of the crowd carrying a half-man-high wooden barrel.

Magrisius' eyes were straight, and he hurriedly walked over with a few big strides. After pulling out the stopper on the wooden barrel, he stretched out his finger to dip a little wine and put it in his mouth to taste it.

With a turn of his eyes, he turned his head and said loudly to Wangcai: "Your barrel of wine tastes a bit ordinary!"

As he said, he dipped a little more and put it in his mouth to taste it. "I can only give you one silver coin for this barrel at most."

"One silver coin?" Wangcai frowned, "This is too little..."

After listening to Irene's talk about the value of these wines, he knew very well that these wines were definitely more than this price.

Although 90% of this barrel of wine was diluted with water.

"It's a lot, my patriarch." Magrisius winked at the mercenaries behind him and asked them to move the barrels to the packhorses.

"Patriarch, you have never been to the outside world and don't know the market. The price I give is already very fair."

He pointed at the mercenaries behind him, or more precisely, at their weapons that were already unsheathed and shining with cold light. "I have also spent a lot on this journey. You can't let me..."

"Enough! You are too greedy!"

Wangcai couldn't stand it anymore. He knocked the ground hard with his cane and interrupted Magrisius. "Put down the wine. We will sell it to other merchants but not to you!"

"Chief, please understand. I have my own difficulties." Magrisius patted the wine barrel fixed on the packhorse. "Besides, the price offered by other merchants may not be higher than mine."

"I think this is how it is. You take me to see the bartender who made this barrel of wine. I believe he must know the price of this batch of wine better than you do."

"This..." Wangcai was silent for a moment.

During this period, Magrisius stared at the old dog-headed man and secretly guessed his thoughts.

"No, that lord is not convenient to meet you." Wangcai said.

"Haha, is that so?" Magrisius's smile became brighter. In his opinion, how could a bartender be willing to come to such a remote place?

It's nothing more than these barbaric guys robbed some unlucky merchant who passed by, and now they want to use the stolen gold coins and wine to exchange some things with him, an honest merchant.

However, since he had come across this, he should help the merchant brother he had never met to get back all the supplies and gold coins.

Magrisius's eyes became a little dangerous.

The first two times he came to this tribe, he had almost figured out the situation of this tribe. It was just a group of old, weak, women and children, without a single professional. With the three mercenaries he brought, they could completely defeat this place.

In this God-forsaken land, the merchants were killed by beasts.Attacks by humans and orcs often happened. Correspondingly, traveling merchants led adventurers to destroy entire tribes. He didn't think it was anything.

Anyway, these orcs and orcs are like weeds in the field. As long as the oasis is still there, another one will pop up soon. There is no need to worry that this will lead to no money to be made in the future.

Magritius secretly planned in his heart. After taking a look at the old kobold who was still hesitating, he turned around and said to a few mercenaries: "Hey, guys, I think we should stretch our muscles... ..."

"I advise you to give up this dangerous idea."

A sudden sound interrupted Magritius's words. He looked along the source of the sound and saw a human girl appearing not far away at some unknown time.

The fair skin and clean black robe formed a striking contrast with the dirty kobold behind him.

In this barbaric land abandoned by gods, a little human girl suddenly appeared. This was so abnormal no matter how you looked at it.

Magritius was a little surprised. After seeing the awe in the old kobold's eyes, he quickly figured it out and couldn't help but cursed in his heart: "I didn't expect this old guy didn't lie. This girl should be the one he said." The bartender’s daughter.”

This is interesting. If you can get to know a bartender, or even reach a cooperative relationship, and sell drinks specifically for this bartender, you will be prosperous from then on, and no one will come to this wild land.

After giving a look to a few mercenaries and asking them to put away their weapons first, Magritius walked towards the little girl, magically took out a sugar cube from the storage ring, squatted down and said in a coaxing tone:

"Kid, where are your adults? Tell your uncle and he will give you candy."

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