Under the sun, a light mist floated on the surface of the swamp.

Suddenly, ripples appeared on the water surface, and a fat black dragon head poked out.

"Is this the world of the strong?" Irene exclaimed.

Her golden eyes, the same as those of the Dragon Mother, looked around and admired the scenery of the other world.

This is a swamp in a forest, with a very large area. Most of the plants and trees around are black or dark green.

It is very toxic at first glance.

Black dragons are born with a corrosive aura, and the places where they live will gradually turn into swamps with rotten stench and poisonous gas, and only these plants can survive nearby.

Irene flipped through the Dragon Heritage and found the name of this forest.

"Ghana Forest."

This is a primeval forest covering thousands of miles, where countless monsters and intelligent creatures live.

Taking a deep breath of the sour and rotten smell, she looked into the distance.

According to the Dragon Heritage, to the east of the Ghana Forest, there is an empire formed by humans - the Rose Empire.

"I wonder if the human civilization in the other world has some unique delicacies?"

Irene, who had just eaten, recalled the delicacies of her previous life, and tears flowed from her mouth.

Isn't the purpose of dragons to live to eat?

When I have strength, I will build a kingdom and find a lot of chefs to cook for me.

If the food is not delicious, I will eat the chef!

If the food is delicious, I will eat the chef and the food together!

I eat eat eat eat eat! Jump on the table to eat!


Before she could imagine more, a strong sense of sleepiness came over her. Irene knew that this was the first sleep of a dragon.

This sleep will absorb and digest the nutrients in the eggshell, develop some organs of the dragon body, and strengthen the strength of the scales.

She could only take a last reluctant look at the scenery of the other world, then turned around, swam back to the dragon cave at the bottom of the swamp, found a place next to David, and fell asleep.

The first sleep of dragons usually doesn't last long, a few hours at a time, and two or three days at a time.

Unlike other intelligent creatures, if you want to master magic, you must learn and memorize spell models. Some more extreme magicians even choose to sacrifice hair crazily to obtain powerful mana.

Dragons, natural magical creatures, can slowly learn and comprehend various innate magic and various spell knowledge from the dragon heritage during their sleep.

On the second day, Irene woke up from her sleep.

After this hearty sleep, she could clearly feel that there was something inside her throat.

It was a special gland, which was called the basal blood vessel in the dragon heritage.

The development of this organ also means that you have the ability to spit dragon breath.

Irene tried to open her mouth, and a mouthful of acid sprayed out. When it landed on the ground, countless bubbles immediately emerged, quickly corroding the soil on the ground.

"Why do I feel like I'm spitting?"

The little dragon mother shook her head and threw this strange idea out of her mind.

Looking to the side, David hadn't woken up yet. Bored Irene simply walked to the side of the dragon brother who hadn't woken up yet and sat on him.

Compared to the damp and cold cave, it was obviously drier and warmer on the dragon brother's body. It was soft to sit on, and it was simply the top cushion.

Several hours later.

When David woke up, he saw his own dragon sister sitting on him, posing as a thinker, and seemed to be thinking about the meaning of dragon life.

"Hey! Stupid sister, I advise you to get off me quickly, otherwise I will definitely make your butt bloom!"

David was obviously swollen after a deep sleep.

Now he has learned the black dragon's signature skill, spitting.

He wants to restore the prestige of the male dragon and tell his sister who is the boss of this family.

Irene ignored the plan of this silly brother. Obviously, she did not inherit the arrogant and belligerent nature of the evil dragon.

This is a good thing.

You know, at least half of the five-color dragon cubs will die before adulthood during their growth.

The main reason for the death is that the character that does not match the strength leads to the death of wandering.

Compared with David, who is full of fighting and killing, and our black dragon is invincible in the world, Irene, a different black dragon, is thinking about how to relieve boredom in the other world.

Yes, she missed the games, animations and novels of her previous life.

There is no entertainment in the dragon's nest, and Irene is almost idle enough to chase her own tail.

If she didn't think it was too stupid, she would have practiced it.

"Hey! Stupid.....”

David, who was pressed under him, was still yelling.

Erin turned her head and glanced at him with her emotionless eyes, as if she had seen through the dragon’s life.

Then she stood up from David.

Before David, who had been liberated, had time to be happy, he saw a butt growing bigger in front of him.


Erin sat on his dragon’s head again.

The weight of the dragon’s body pressed David’s head into the wet and soft soil, and he could no longer yell.

There was silence in the nest for a few seconds.

A few seconds later…

“Plop! Plop! "

The pinned David began to struggle like a drowning fish.

But his absolute size advantage meant that no matter how hard he struggled, it was useless.

This farce lasted for more than half an hour, until finally, Irene got up from David because she was hungry.

After taking a look at the dragon brother who had pulled his head out of the ground and lay on the ground with a dead fish eye and no desire to live, Irene shook her tail and ran away like a normal dragon.

She crawled to the treasure pile with all four legs, then stood on her hind legs, and stood upright.

She stretched out her claws and poked the sleeping dragon mother on the treasure pile.

The young dragon got hungry very quickly. After a day of sleep, she needed to replenish a lot of food.

But no matter how Irene poked, the dragon mother never moved.

Although she was pitifully small compared to the dragon mother's size, Irene was sure that the dragon mother would definitely not be unaware of it.

Now there is only one possibility... The dragon mother is pretending to sleep, she doesn't want to hunt!

As the saying goes, you can never wake up a dragon pretending to sleep.

David in the back Seeing her own dragon sister being humiliated, she laughed out loud, but after being glared at by Irene, she quickly covered her mouth.

Seeing the dragon mother who didn't move at all, Irene knew that at this point she could only use her ultimate move.

She took a deep breath, opened her mouth and let out a tender cry:


The coquettish voice kept echoing in the closed underwater cave, and Irene herself couldn't stand it.

It seemed that she clamped too much for the first time.

The dragon brother lying on the ground heard the hungry dragon roar. Roar, eyes almost popped out.

After reacting, he covered his ears tightly, feeling that his ears were about to be broken.

Is this a normal dragon's cry!

Seeing that the mother of dragons was still pretending to sleep, Irene clamped her throat with her dragon claws and prepared to do it again.


Just after the first tone was made...

Snap, it was very fast!

The mother of dragons jumped up from the pile of treasures in a snap.

"Such a powerful skill, but there is no cooldown time, who can stand this. "The Dragon Mother thought.

After taking a deep look at her dragon daughter, she reluctantly passed Irene and crawled towards the exit of the dragon's nest.

If the Dragon Mother had to choose between listening to her dragon daughter's magic voice and going hunting, she would definitely choose to fight with her old enemy, the Titan Giant, without hesitation.

However, the Titan was expelled from this world by the five-colored dragons and the metal dragons 50,000 years ago, so she could only go hunting reluctantly.

Witnessing the Dragon Mother crawling out of the dragon's nest, the dragon brother David was dumbfounded.

According to the records in the Dragon's Heritage, shouldn't the young dragon wait for the Dragon Mother to be in a good mood to go hunting?

Anyway, according to the rules of Aunt Tiamat, the Dragon Mother will definitely not starve her cubs to death.

"Is it still possible?"

David looked at his own dragon sister with fiery eyes, and felt that the door to the new world was opening to him.

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