A land abandoned by the gods.

Under the moonlight, this barren land is somewhat restless tonight.

A rare oasis in the desert is now ablaze, and simple tents shaped like yurts are gradually burned to ashes in the flames.

There are orc corpses everywhere, and the blood emits an unpleasant stench under the high temperature, and the green skin gradually turns black under the flames.

In the sea of ​​fire, two orcs, one old and one young, are running away.

The young orc's face is covered with blood and full of fear. He lets the old orc drag him out of the oasis like a walking corpse.

Roars and screams sounded from time to time behind them. It was the tribesmen who were roaring, howling, wailing, and resisting!

He couldn't help but look back, but he saw only a one-sided massacre.

The older orcs were killed directly, the younger orcs were captured, and the rebels became dead souls under the sword.

They are just a group of poor people living in this wild land, just wanting to live a peaceful life, why do these cruel guys treat them like this.

They have clearly taken out the best food to entertain these merchants who came from afar.

‘Why! Obviously we are already living so hard, why do these guys still treat us like this! ’

‘Is this the punishment of the gods for us! ’

‘If...if I can become a powerful professional, if I can gain power, I must change everything! ’

The orc boy roared in his heart, but it was just impotent rage.

Facing these powerful professionals, they can only flee in panic.

Unlike these humans who live in a favorable environment, these orcs, living in this desolate Gobi, even if they work hard every day, it is still difficult to get enough to eat, let alone become a professional.


Just as the orc boy was thinking about it, the old orc fell to the ground without paying attention, and he fell to the ground with him.


The old orc covered his waist and couldn't get up for a long time. He could only groan in pain.

"Grandpa, Grandpa, how are you?"

The young orc quickly got up and wanted to help the old orc, but he pushed him away. "Xize, don't worry about me, go!"

"No, Grandpa, let's go together!"

The young orc named Xize wanted to go forward to help, but heard the old orc yelling: "Go! Otherwise, no one can go!!!"

The boy was stunned for a moment, then gritted his teeth and ran forward desperately. The tears from his eyes fell with the wind, wetting the dry yellow sand.

Not long after he left, a series of hurried footsteps came. Several humans caught up and surrounded the old orc who fell to the ground.

They wore airtight iron armor, which was covered with sticky blood plasma. They looked like iron cans, almost armed to the teeth.

They either held a spear, a sword and a shield, or a broadsword in both hands.

The leader of the group was a handsome blond man. After seeing the orcs falling to the ground, he smacked his lips in displeasure.

"Why is there only one old guy left? No one wants this kind of stuff as a slave."

"Boss Dane, I just saw a little orc running over there." The subordinate next to him pointed in a direction and said.

"Huh? Then why don't you chase him! If you let him run away, I will lose my gold coins!"

Hearing the words of his subordinates, the blond man named Dane shouted angrily.

"Okay, boss, I'll go now." The subordinates quickly called a few people and prepared to chase him.

However, at this time, the old orc grabbed Dane's ankle and shouted, "You can't do this! We are compatriots!"

"Who is your compatriot!"

Dane kicked the old orc in the face and knocked him to the ground, then pulled out the long sword at his waist and thrust it in with both hands.


The sword easily penetrated the thin body, and a stream of blood flowed out of the corner of the old orc's mouth uncontrollably.

At this moment of death, he stretched out his hand with difficulty, trying to grab something, but was met with another sword.


Releasing the hand holding the sword, Dane took out a white handkerchief from the storage ring and wiped the blood on his hand with some disgust, "Tsk, what a group of dirty and barbaric guys."

He looked at the others again. "What are you doing? Hurry up and chase them!"

"Got it! Boss!"

With this response, the sound of hurried footsteps sounded intermittently in the yellow sand.


Xize stumbled along the way, his eyes were already filled with tears, and he could not even see the road in front of him clearly.

When he was about to climb a sand dune, his heart suddenly ached, as if something precious had been lost.

Looking back, under the bright moonlight in the desert, the road he came from suddenly became so unfamiliar. Only the blazing fire in the distance proved that it was the direction he came from.

He suddenly rushed back like crazy, but ignored the sand under his feet.

He rolled down from the towering sand dune like a tumbleweed, and his face was covered with tears and sand. It was painful and uncomfortable, but not even one ten-thousandth of the pain in his heart.


His body hit a pair of iron boots and was forced to brake.

"Hoho, look what I found? A pile of gold coins freshly delivered to my door." The owner of the iron boots grabbed Caesar's animal skin clothes and lifted him up.

With the moonlight, Caesar saw clearly that this was a bearded human man. Behind him, there was a group of humans in iron armor, who were laughing wildly, as if they had heard some funny jokes.

"What did you do to my grandpa!" Caesar asked, gritting his teeth.

"What happened?" The bearded man turned his head to look at his other companions and said jokingly, "He asked us what we did to that old greenskin?"

"Hahahaha..." Everyone laughed, as if they had heard some funny jokes again.

Seeing that the orc boy's eyes were getting more and more unfriendly, the bearded man seemed to be frightened. He coughed twice, cleared his throat, and said seriously, "We didn't do anything to him."

"Is this... like this?" Caesar breathed a sigh of relief. He thought...

But the next sentence of the bearded man almost stopped his heart. "But our boss killed him, haha."

Not paying any attention to Caesar's dull expression and eyes, the bearded man continued: "You don't know, he died so miserably, he was still shouting your name until he died!" He pretended to be exaggerated.

"I...I...I want you to die!!!!" Caesar stretched out his hand like crazy, grabbed the bearded man's hair, and bit his ear fiercely before the other party could react.

"Ahhhhhhh!" The bearded man screamed and threw Caesar out, covering his bleeding ear and cursing: "Fuck! Little beast! You're looking for death!!"


Cesar, who fell on the sand, spit out half of his ear, and stared at the big man who was rushing towards him with a broadsword in his eyes, which were almost burning.

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