In the dragon's nest.


The little dragon lady, who had slept for seven years, yawned in a daze, and when she opened her eyes, she was almost blinded.

For a moment, she almost thought that she was hit by a wizard with a flash spell, and a mouthful of acid immediately rushed to her throat.

Fortunately, the vision of dragons quickly adapted to the bright environment, and Irene saw clearly that what almost blinded her was the gold coins and gems covering the entire dragon's nest, as well as several locomotives piled in the corner.

Judging from the conspicuous large chimney, it should be a steam locomotive for boiling water.

At this moment, Irene's little brain crashed for a second, and she swallowed the acid breath into her stomach.

The empty dragon stomach probably couldn't imagine that after seven years of rest, the first breakfast that needed to be digested was actually a mouthful of acid.

Ignoring the dragon stomach that was gurgling in protest, Irene's brain had just restarted.

"Do those followers treat me as a garbage dump? They throw everything at me..."

While complaining, the little dragon lady felt relieved in her heart.

Before falling asleep, she didn't have much hope for these followers. She just thought that they could hold out until she woke up and not be wiped out. Now it seems that she underestimated these guys.

She moved her neck and her bones suddenly made a crackling sound.

The body that had not moved for seven years felt very stiff, like a machine that had not been started for many years and had become slightly rusty, and needed some lubrication to adjust it.

The dragon body naturally did not need lubrication, but Irene thought she should move her body, such as doing the third set of radio gymnastics, so she propped herself up and stood up on her feet.

With a "bang!", her head inevitably hit the rock wall above, making a dull sound, and the whole cave shook slightly.


Shrinking her neck and rubbing her head, which didn't hurt much, Irene lowered her head and looked at her body carefully.

Compared to before she fell asleep, she is now at least a circle bigger, and her length has increased from five meters to eight meters.

Compared to her body size, the biggest change is her inner self.

Now she is a genuine silver-level young dragon and a silver-level mage.

But with this body size, the dragon's nest, which was originally spacious, is a bit crowded.

After all, when she built the nest, she didn't build it very big, which is also a custom passed down from generation to generation by the giant dragon.

According to the explanation in the Dragon Heritage, a smaller nest can not only fill the nest with less treasure, but also make the treasure appear more.

Of course, some wealthy dragons are excluded.

Irene rubbed her head in annoyance. With a thought, her body shrank rapidly and turned into a human form. A black magic robe flew out from the treasure pile and enveloped her.


Stretching with satisfaction, the little dragon girl finally felt better, at least not as depressed as before.

Countless water vapors spontaneously condensed in front of her eyes and gathered into an ice mirror.

Looking at the girl with a beautiful figure in the ice mirror, Irene tilted her head slightly. "I am finally not a little loli..."

"Tap, tap, tap..."

A very dense sound of footsteps came from the dark passage.

With her eyes locked on the passage leading to the dragon's nest, she saw a team of hundreds of black-armored people rushing in, each holding a black-painted sword and shield in their hands, looking murderous.

In just a few seconds, the mighty black-armored army rushed to Irene. With a clang, these guys knelt on one knee in extremely orderly movements.

"Welcome His Majesty to wake up from his long sleep!!!"

The uniform shouts resounded throughout the dragon's nest, and the golden light that shone through the gaps in the black armor helmets proved their identity as dragon descendants.

Irene nodded to them slightly and said, "Thank you for your hard work during this period."

"It's not hard! It's an honor for us, the imperial guards, to guard His Majesty!"

At this time, Wangcai, who came late, rushed out of the passage at a very fast speed, jumped up suddenly when he was more than ten meters away from Irene, stepped over the heads of many imperial guards, and landed on one knee, and delivered the most sincere words with a fanatical face.

"Your Majesty, you finally woke up!"

"Well, you've worked hard during this period." Irene was not vague. After greeting, she went straight to the point and asked: "Has anything major happened during the years I was asleep?"

Wangcai's face also showed a serious look when he heard it. After considering his words, he said: "There are a few major events. The first is that half a year ago, His Majesty David woke up."

"Hmm?" Irene frowned slightly and looked at the empty nest. There was no David.Shadow.

Noticing Irene's gaze, Wangcai hurriedly said: "Soon after awakening, His Majesty David used Transfiguration to disguise himself and led fifty imperial guards to expand the territory."

Speaking of this, Wangcai seemed to be a little afraid that Irene would be angry, and added: "In fact, I wanted to send more people to follow, but His Majesty David refused."

"His original words were: 'I, David, have done things all my life, why should I rely on others? Wait until I conquer the world and show my sister that I am not a dragon who eats gigolos!'"

Irene was a little speechless, thinking that this silly dragon was probably inflated again, but David is now also a young dragon.

A silver-level young dragon can at least be on par with ordinary races of the gold level. With the strength of this silly dragon, it is estimated that there will be no danger in this wild God-forsaken land.

After pursing his lips, he continued to ask: "What else?"

Wangcai was relieved to see that Irene showed no signs of anger, and continued: "As you expected, many people have come here to visit us. Some want to cooperate with you, and some are hostile. However, those who are hostile have disappeared forever in this desert."

Speaking of this, Wangcai looked at the steam locomotive in the treasure pile and continued: "Our wine business has expanded rapidly in recent years. The areas currently sold are mainly the Eastern countries headed by the Rose Empire and the Dwarf Empire."

"In addition, we have signed a long-term wine supply agreement with the bearded men of the Dwarf Empire at a price slightly lower than the market price. These steam locomotives are gifts from the Dwarf Empire."

"They are currently planning to dig an underground tunnel across the El Sanciero River and lay rails underground to quickly transport wine."


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