
Erin stood there in a daze, and after a while she said to herself, "Xiao Ai classmate?"

This familiar mechanical voice inexplicably evoked the long-lost memory of her time on Earth. The two voices could not be said to be similar, but they were exactly the same, even the tone was the same.

If the mechanical voice had not spoken the universal language instead of Chinese, Erin would have thought it was a product of Earth.

However, after she spoke, there was no response.

Inside the closed spacecraft, even the air was not flowing, so there was no sound of wind, and it was terribly quiet.

In the dim environment, Xiao Longniang blinked, sniffed the old dust at the tip of her nose, and looked at the dim space inside the door through the crack of the alloy door that was forcibly opened. For a moment, she suddenly felt a little stupid.

Shaking her head helplessly, she quickly figured out the current situation.

It seems that there may be a device similar to automatic identification in this room, and it can still operate.

However, this spaceship was too far away from the present, and the circuit components inside were probably aged beyond recognition. They actually regarded her, an intruder, as the supreme commander.

Then her mental power probed into the room in front of her.

This room is not big.

Or, this is not a room at all, it looks more like... an elevator?

After covering the entire elevator space with mental power, Irene even found an electronic screen that was suspected to be used to select floors, but now the electronic screen was only black, and a thick layer of dust accumulated on it.

After confirming that there was no danger or living creatures, she walked forward and tried to expand the elevator door a little to allow her to go in and explore.

But when she put her hands on the pair of alloy doors of the elevator, the alloy doors automatically opened to both sides as soon as she exerted force.

With a series of sharp "creaking" sounds, the elevator door opened completely, and then the mechanical voice sounded again: "The CNC device has been detected to be damaged. Please tell me your destination."

Just as Irene was thinking about how to answer, the inner wall of the elevator in front of her suddenly lit up.

After a bunch of garbled characters like snowflakes, the image gradually stabilized, only occasionally twitching, but the pictures on it could barely be seen clearly.

It was a very detailed instruction map, listing all the areas accessible by the elevator, and marking the name of each area in the common language.

Seeing these areas, Irene's heart was lifted, and her eyes were almost instantly locked on one of the areas marked with the central control room.

In the process of exploring this spaceship, she accumulated too many questions that needed to be answered.

She had been to a place similar to a library before, trying to find paper materials, but the books there had turned to ash.

I don't know if there will be electronic materials in the central control room to figure out what the situation of this spaceship is.

With this idea in mind, Irene went all out. After spending a billion points of time to put on ten layers of magic shields for herself, and then adding [Light Body Technique] and [Malicious Detection], she walked into the elevator and tried to say to the air: "Please take me to the control room, thank you."

As she finished speaking, this "antique" elevator, which was estimated to be tens of thousands of years old, made a clanging sound as if it could not bear the weight, and suddenly sank down, and a lot of dust was swept up.

The entire elevator room became foggy, but then the elevator stabilized and began to rise slowly. The alloy door also began to close slowly during the rise.

"Wow." Irene stood in the elevator and looked left and right in amazement.

'I didn't expect that one day I could still take an elevator in this magical world. It's really amazing. ’

While she was thinking this, the elevator stopped with a clang. As the elevator door slowly opened, the electronic voice sounded again: "We have arrived at the control room."

When the door was fully opened, a sci-fi hall came into view.

There were many power armors lying on the ground, which looked like officers, because their power armors were different from the blue ones seen before, but other colors.

They were not limited to red, yellow, or even pink. Even covered with a thin layer of dust, they were still very bright, probably used to distinguish the size of the official positions.

However, Irene's attention was not on these colorful power armors at this time. Her attention was firmly attracted by something like a glass jar in the center of the hall.

This object was fixed to the ground. Through a layer of glass cover on the surface, you can see a spherical object as big as a human head emitting yellow light suspended in it.

Countless complex and dazzling magic transmission pipelines were filled with it, and powerful magic could be seen even from more than ten meters away.Clearly felt.

‘This is…’

Curiosity drove Irene to walk over, stretched out her hand and knocked on the glass cover, making a crisp tinkling sound.

It was really rare to see a magical creation on such a technological spaceship.

As soon as this thought came to Irene’s mind, she saw the surface of the yellow ball in the glass cover in front of her changed, forming the outline of a human face.

It looked at the intruder in front of it, and suddenly became very shocked from the expressionless face at the beginning.

"(º Д º*).

The mouth clearly did not move, and a very neutral voice exploded in Irene’s mind.

"You…you…it’s really you, my Creator!”

Irene frowned slightly, but the light ball in front of her didn’t seem to stop and continued to speak.

"You are finally here!"

"Do you know how I have been here for ten thousand years? ! Year after year, year after year! I have been waiting here for 13,805 years!"

"A full 13,805 years!"

He was like a psychopath, and after yelling excitedly, his expression suddenly became very serious.

( ˙-˙ )

"Oh! I'm so sorry, I was a little excited. I have been too lonely in these years, and I am used to yelling to relieve my loneliness."

"Anyway, it's great that you have reappeared. Please take me away from here quickly, take me away! Please! I can't stay here for even a second!"

After saying this, a "delicate" expression appeared on its face.


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