"Tap, tap, tap..."

Walking out of the dark passage, under the dazzling sunlight, the little dragon girl, who was used to the dark vision, raised her hand and gently covered it.

In an instant, the dragon pupil adapted to the sudden change of light.

Putting down her hand, Irene glanced at the high earth pit and asked the yellow light ball behind her: "Do you need me to take you up?"

"Thank you for your concern, Mia doesn't need help."

The light ball trembled twice, and the voice sounded out of thin air.

"Yeah." After responding, Irene spread the dragon wings behind her, pointed her toes, and flew out like a cannonball.

Just after landing and folding the dragon wings, the little black dragon ran over happily.

"Sister, we have dealt with those humans, not a single one is left."

David raised his head, with a proud face, as if he had done something big. The part of his body that had become a little discordant due to the shedding of scales was now covered with a thick layer of blood scab, which looked even more hideous.

"Well, not bad." Irene patted the little black dragon's body to show encouragement.

"Your Majesty."

Xize also came over with a bunch of things, mostly storage rings and weapons, with blood stains that had not yet completely solidified.

"This is the spoils we collected. Please take a look."

Irene glanced at it casually and looked away. "Did you get any information from those humans?"

She now has a lot of doubts in her heart, and she needs answers urgently.

"Sorry, Your Majesty." Xize lowered his head and took out a book from the storage ring.

"Those humans resisted too fiercely, and we didn't leave any alive." As he said that, his eyes inadvertently glanced at David.

"But we found this in the camp. It should be the diary of the golden-level mage. I think Your Majesty should be interested."

He handed the book over.

Irene took the book, and before she had time to look at it, a scream came from the side.

"Oh my god! What the hell is this?!"

Turning his head, he saw David staring at the light ball that slowly flew out of the pit with a look of surprise. He stretched out his claws to poke it, but the light ball dodged it.

"This is what I found in there." Irene explained briefly, but concealed the fact that the light ball was invaded and called her the creator.

Sometimes knowing too much is not necessarily a good thing.

"According to what you said, sister." David looked at the light ball, then turned his eyes to the metal creation in the pit, and suddenly said: "Isn't this a tower spirit?"


Irene looked at the light ball.

After the light ball was invaded, she asked various questions again, but there was no answer. It was as if the thing had lost its memory. It didn't remember anything except that its name was Mia.

For this reason, she also specially released several magics to detect lies. With the magic strength of this light ball, it must be impossible to hide from the detection magic, but the answer was still the same.

So she could only take the light ball back and study it slowly.

This light ball did not resist, just like an obedient artificial intelligence.

It is worth mentioning that after inspection, the magic lines around this light ball were some pipelines for transmitting magic power, connected to a place similar to the power core.

In addition to the light ball, there was nothing useful in the control room, and those equipment had long been aging.

And this light ball is neither a pure mechanical creation nor a pure magical creature. It is more like a new life form born from the combination of magic and machinery.

The internal structure is so precise that even Irene can't understand it.

The only thing that can be understood is that this thing has machinery as its bones and magic as its flesh and blood. It seems that there is no life limit. The machinery and magic inside it have achieved a perfect cycle replacement. As long as it is given magic, it can live forever.

Of course, its strength can never be improved, because once it is improved, the magic power consumed in operation will increase sharply, and it will die if the magic power supply is insufficient.

This structure is somewhat similar to the artificial intelligence of the Mage Tower, the Tower Spirit, but it is much more advanced.

Perhaps, as David said, this is something similar to the Tower Spirit, and its function should be to assist in controlling the spacecraft.

Retracting her gaze, Irene tried to open the diary in her hand with the mood of exploring the unknown.

Fortunately, there is no protective magic set on this diary, otherwise, with her spell attainments, it may take some time to crack it.

Opening the first page of the diary, Irene read it at a speed of ten lines at a glance.

The first half of the diary mostly records some useless trivialities, such as discussing magic attainments with so and so.

I ate todayWhat, what are you going to eat tomorrow.

She slowed down her reading until she turned to the second half of the diary, and read it word by word:

"August 22, 13801, the Gods Calendar"

"Today, my teacher, Mr. Calancio, told me that he wanted to burn his life, go to the kingdom of God in the flesh, meet the gods, and pass the gods' will back to the earth, so that the lost lambs will no longer be confused.

"To be honest, I really want to stop the teacher. As a legend, he still has at least a hundred years to live.

"I wanted to persuade him, but when I saw his deep eyes, I knew that I couldn't stop him.

"The teacher's fanatical belief in the gods is as unshakable as my pursuit of knowledge. "

Seeing this, Irene frowned. Why do you say that the will of the gods should be transmitted back to the earth?

Can't you just pray to the gods?

The gods will not personally respond to ordinary believers. Those prayers and requests are usually automatically responded to like pre-set programs, otherwise the gods will be too busy.

But as an archbishop, he must be a fanatic. The power of faith generated by believers of this level is very considerable in both quality and quantity.

In the eyes of the gods, these guys are as bright as lighthouses at night, and their prayers will generally be responded to.

She couldn't help but think of the characters displayed on the light ball in the spacecraft, but then shook her head and continued to read.

"September 1, 13801 in the Gods' Calendar"

"Today, the ascension ceremony was still held. Clergy from various countries gathered here. This time the ceremony was very secretive, and as the adopted son of the teacher, I was fortunate to participate in it in person.

"I saw the teacher burn his life with my own eyes, and his life level reached the legendary level that is infinitely close to the god.

"Is this a demigod? It's really fascinating.

"For some reason, when the teacher left, I felt a strong sense of uneasiness.

"I hope it's my illusion."

"February 4, 13803 in the Gods Calendar"

"Time will not stop flowing because of the teacher's departure. It has been two years, and the teacher has not returned. Those priests are still waiting. Their enthusiasm makes me admire, and I am like a lost lamb, and the uneasy premonition in my heart is getting stronger and stronger.

"Maybe I'm too nervous, maybe I should go out for a walk."

"May 9, 13803 in the Gods Calendar"

"Those priests told me excitedly that there was a strong fluctuation of divine power in the kingdom of God, and it is very likely that the teacher is coming back!

"When I received this news, I was so happy that I almost blew up the alchemy room. For me, there is no better news than this. ”

“May 20, 13803, Gods’ Calendar”

“What happened in the Kingdom of God? The moment the teacher descended, there was only despair in his eyes.

“Why did the teacher say that the gods no longer exist?”

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