In the underground dragon's nest.

Now this place may not be called a dragon's nest. For the convenience of research, Xiao Longniang dug a storage room, threw gold coins and various sundries into it, and welded the door of the treasure house with N magic, and then completely refitted the dragon's nest.

Whether it is the ground, walls, or ceiling, they are all paved with pure white stone bricks. Various books are classified and neatly placed on rows of bookshelves.

Various spellcasting materials, magic props, and bottles of strange liquids occupy most of the space of the dragon's nest.

It looks so well organized that no matter who comes to this place, if they don't know it, they will not think that this is a dragon's nest, but a wizard's underground secret laboratory.

In the center of the dragon's nest, there is a thing that looks like an extra-large metal can. Because of the uncertainty of the casting process used, the difference between this thing and a can is probably that it is written on it "open the can and eat it."

This is the result of Xiao Longniang's research for a month.


A rhythmic knocking sound suddenly sounded. On the top of the tin can, Irene was knocking with a small hammer, trying to knock the protruding parts in.

Although her movements were not big, the huge force made the whole tin can vibrate, making a sound of being overwhelmed. Sparks splashed everywhere like iron, and the red light reflected her slightly frowned eyebrows.


With the last knock, the part that was originally a circle larger was forcibly knocked in.

Xiao Longniang just breathed a sigh of relief, and the next second, she saw that this part was like a Coke bottle cap after being shaken violently, "Duang!" It flew out and pierced her forehead at a very fast speed.

The angry parts were ready to exchange one for one, but when they were less than half a centimeter away from the delicate skin, they were pinched by two invisible magic fingers and thrown aside like trash, and fell into a pile of scrapped parts with a ding-dong sound.


Erin sighed helplessly, threw the small hammer in her hand into the scrapped parts pile, jumped off the tin can, took out the parchment that had been turned over countless times, bit her fingers gently and fell into deep thought.

"It's clearly drawn like that on the drawing, why can't it be inserted?"

While complaining, she moved her eyes away from the drawing and looked at the side of the nest. The old wizard popsicle, who was roughly fixed in the gap of the floor tiles like a bonsai, whispered: "Why don't you blow up the corpse and get up to guide me?"


The popsicle was silent for a long time, but a drop of melted ice water dripped to the ground, as if silently accusing.

"Tsk... What a cool guy." Irene shook her hands helplessly and threw another ice magic at him, reinforcing the old popsicle that was about to melt.

If she wanted to retain more strength and memory after resurrecting as a lich, the more complete the corpse was, the better. Irene didn't know when she could change her job to a necromancer. If she didn't freeze it, the corpse would probably rot before she changed her job. She didn't want to get a fool who knew nothing after resurrection.


The newly installed door of the Dragon Nest was knocked abruptly. Irene raised her eyes, put away the parchment, and answered casually: "Come in."


The heavy stone door was pushed open, and Wangcai led a group of "talents" from various tribes in, including the lucky orc Gar.

As an orc who had never seen much of the world, Gar was undoubtedly very nervous when he met the legendary crown for the first time.

Not only him, but the other lucky ones who were recruited together were more nervous than each other. Some of them were so nervous that they couldn't walk. Sometimes they were balancing their hands and feet, and sometimes they didn't know which leg to take first to leave a good impression on His Majesty.

They knew the true identity of His Majesty. He was the black dragon among the five-colored dragons that were extremely brutal in legend. Cunning and cruel were the synonyms of this kind of dragon.

Although on the way here, the old dog-headed man named Wangcai kept preaching how sacred, great, loving, and selfless His Majesty was, and he was just like an angel descending to earth.

In their daily lives, they also heard rumors about this great His Majesty everywhere.

But rumors are rumors. If you can't really see him, who can guarantee that His Majesty is a good person to get along with in private?

There is a proverb among the orcs that says dragons, tyrants, and war.

This shows how terrible dragons are, especially the five-colored dragons that are already chaotic and evil.

What if you take the wrong step when you enter the door?If you make this man angry and lose your life by moving your legs, it will be too unfair.

While some orcs were still studying which leg to move, the old dog-headed man had already strode over. His relaxed look was completely different from these newcomers, as if he was going home.

"Your Majesty."

Wangcai saluted when he came to a place not far in front of Irene, then took out a thick stack of parchment and said, "This is the resume I asked them to fill out. These guys know some knowledge of forging. What do you think?"

"Well, it's hard work."

Irene took the resume from Wangcai's hand, glanced at the orcs and half-orcs who were pushing each other and standing in a row, and suddenly had a sense of déjà vu of an ancient emperor choosing a concubine.

She is the emperor, and these guys in front of her are the concubines waiting to be summoned...

"Your Majesty, I will withdraw first." Wangcai suddenly said.

When Xiao Longniang heard this, she shook her head and threw away this strange idea. She waved her hand to indicate that she could leave. She glanced at the resume briefly and snapped her fingers without keeping anyone in suspense.


The "Imperial V-type Power Armor Drawings" printed in advance flew over and fell into the hands of each orc.

"What you have in your hands now is a metal creation called power armor."

"I need you to help me study how to forge this armor so that the finished product can restore the effect on the drawing to the maximum extent."

Hearing this, the orcs and half-orcs present frowned and kept scanning the drawings.

After a while, some people had sweat on their foreheads. Obviously, this was a big challenge for them.

They were not the dwarves who were good at forging various magic equipment. As blacksmiths in the tribe, these guys usually made common iron tools such as axes and hammers. Now they were suddenly asked to build such a set of armor that was extremely sophisticated at first glance.

Although the blueprint showed that it was just an ordinary set of armor without any enchantment, the extremely complex parts were enough to give them a headache.

"Great invention..."

The abrupt voice kept echoing in the closed dragon's nest. Irene looked over and saw a thin green orc who was frowning and flipping through the blueprints, smacking his lips from time to time, making an ambiguous sound.

"But I think this thing is still missing something."

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