"Clang, clang, clang..."

Watching the two dwarves board the steam locomotive and go away with the smoke and dust floating all the way, Irene's eyes were a little blurred.

Just now, she learned the information about the so-called Principality of Rainey from the two dwarves. Fortunately, there were no legendary masters in that principality, only three golden masters.

Or rather, there were some before, but they had died of illness for many years. In these years, the Principality of Rainey has not produced the next legend.

This is good news, at least the crisis is not so big.

To be honest, Irene didn't expect to provoke such an unprovoked disaster.

She originally just wanted to live in peace, who knew that even though she was so low-key, she was still targeted.

This is mainly due to the information gap.

There is no information about the Principality of Rainey in the Dragon Heritage.

This is normal. For a giant dragon, there is no need to remember such a weak country. Maybe such a small country will perish after a sleep.

Because of this, and because Wangcai was too impatient to complete the tasks she had assigned him, he signed a long-term supply contract with the Dwarf Empire without knowing the situation clearly.

This led to the current situation.

But it's too late to say anything now. It's not Irene's style to speak after the fact.

She likes to hide, but she definitely doesn't lack the courage to face it.

Since the other party wants to fight, then fight. Without a legend, the outcome is still uncertain...

Irene's eyes narrowed.

"Let's go and check the equipment department."

Seeing the smoke dissipate and there was no trace of a motorcycle in the desert, Xiaolongniang turned around and walked towards the city gate.

Wangcai, who was waiting on the side, wanted to say something but stopped. In the end, he could only respond, pulled his collar and hurriedly followed.


“Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap…”

In the dark spiral staircase going down, two figures walked one after the other, and the candlelight fixed on the wall was swaying a little in the wind.

After turning a few corners, the old dog-headed man walking behind suddenly stopped.

His face was full of sorrow.

After licking his teeth hard, he finally spoke.

“Your Majesty, are you really going to go to war?”

His words were like springs, constantly echoing in the dark and closed corridor.


The girl walking in front stopped, turned her head and looked at the dog-head behind her with her peripheral vision. In the light of the fire, the figure of the old dog-headed man looked a little depressed.

“What? Are you scared?”

The voice was a little frivolous, as if asking if he had eaten breakfast.

After that, he continued to walk forward.

"No! Of course not."

Wangcai straightened up immediately, took two steps forward, and chased after him, saying, "Your Majesty, as your most loyal follower, I will not frown even if I have to go through mountains of swords and seas of fire."

Then, he changed the subject: "But this time it's not as simple as one or two caravans, this is a principality, Your Majesty."

The old dog-headed man hunched over.

"It's all my fault this time. I was too stupid to sign a contract with the Dwarf Empire without investigating it clearly, which led to all this."

After hesitating for a while, he continued:

"Or...you should leave the Forsaken Land first."

"I still remember what you said before - there is a green mountain, there is no fear of running out of firewood."


The girl chuckled.

"Aren't you worried about the lives of your tribesmen?"


The old dog-headed man hesitated. If His Majesty really left, the Principality of Reni would most likely not let go of their families.

Now the Iron Fang Tribe alone has expanded several times, plus the newly joined tribes, it is basically impossible to leave together.

They can't fly, and can't cross the El Sanchero River. You can't ask Your Majesty to condescend to take them across one by one. Even if they can cross, a group of people crossing the Ghana Forest together will be too big a target.

After thinking for a moment, Wangcai seemed to have made a decision and said, "Your Majesty, under your leadership, we have been honored for these years. It is our honor to end in such glory."

Irene turned her head and met Wangcai's determined eyes. In them, she seemed to see the determination to die calmly.

"What a foolishly loyal guy." Xiao Long Niang muttered inwardly, turned back, looked forward, and unknowingly reached the end of the stairs.

It was a heavy stone door.

Even from a distance, the clanging sound and the hissing sound of steam behind the stone door could be heard.

Walk forward and put your hand on the stone door.On the stone door, with a little force, it was slowly pushed open.

At the same time, along with the creaking sound of the stone door, a frivolous voice came into Wangcai's pair of erected dog ears.

"If it really comes to the most dangerous time, I will definitely run faster than anyone else."


The stone door was completely opened, revealing the scene inside, which was an underground space as big as a basketball court.

Half-orcs and orcs were busy in it, smelting molten iron, forging, grinding, shaping, and various processes were carried out in an orderly manner.

The sparks from the collision of hammers and steel and the steam splashing everywhere are the main colors here.

This is the equipment department formed by the newly appointed Gal.

Noticing the door open, Gar, who was hammering on a semi-finished power armor, raised his head. When he saw who was coming, he quickly arranged for another orc to take over his job, then trotted to the door, performed orc etiquette, and shouted loudly: "Your Majesty, you are here!"

His voice was mostly covered by the noisy environment. Thanks to the dragon's extraordinary hearing, Irene could hear it clearly. She nodded, then looked around the venue and used magic to transmit the voice:

"I have solved the material problem, but in the near future, we will face a war, a real war, and my army needs to be armed."

"Do you understand what I mean?"

Gar was stunned, then nodded vigorously, "I understand!"

After that, he was about to go back to work, but was stopped by Irene again.

"Your Majesty, is there anything else?" Gar ran back with a frown and shouted loudly.

Irene paused, glanced at the sets of power armor in the workshop, and said softly: "Help me design a set of power armor."


Gar looked up and down at the girl in front of him. "It's not difficult. Let me think about it and reduce the size of the armor a little bit..."


Irene suddenly interrupted him and said: "I mean my body."

Gar: "........"


"Clang, clang, clang..."

As the drunken dwarf knocked the old iron barrel with a wine bottle in the tallest building of the dwarf mine, it marked the time to go off work.

Bursts of noisy sounds came from the mine caves that were as dense as a honeycomb, breaking the silence that lasted for half a day.

"Ah~ It's time to call it a day."

"Shall we go to Big Hammer's place for a drink?"

"Let's go, let's go. I heard the latest batch of red wine has arrived. I can't wait."

"Ah! So cool!"

"What the hell! You two are doing this in the mine again!"


The noisy voices were basically made by the dwarves carrying pickaxes out of the mine.

In contrast, the slaves who were obviously much taller but extremely thin were much more taciturn.

The slaves lined up in an orderly manner in front of the food distribution stall, waiting to receive a piece of black bread made of fluorescent moss mixed with mine rat meat, which was their salary for a day's work.

In contrast, the dwarves were much happier.

As soon as these dusty guys came out of the mine, they went straight to the tavern.

As a race of alcoholics, for them, if they can't drink a big glass of iced wine after a hard day's work, life will have no meaning.

Even the Dwarf King cannot avoid such tradition.

In fact, as the king of the Dwarf Empire, Herbert Alexander, has already spent the whole morning at the table in the corner of the tavern. The pile of wine bottles on the table is a testament to his brilliant achievements.

However, as a king, he only wears a coarse linen shirt and worn leather boots. If an uninformed person sees him, he will probably just think of him as an old drunkard who is drunk in the tavern.


As the shabby wooden door of the tavern was violently knocked open, two dwarves rushed in.

Unlike those guys who had clear goals and went straight to the wine barrels as soon as they came in, only one of the two dwarves ran to the bar to ask for wine, and the other went to the Dwarf King who was lying on the table in the corner, with a strong smell of alcohol all over his body.

"King, we are back."

Gray pulled out a chair and sat down, grabbed a bottle of unfinished red wine on the table and poured it into his mouth.


The dwarf king, who was lying on the table, raised his head in a daze. His thick beard had long been dyed into a strange light red by the wine, and his somewhat blurred brown eyes took a long time to refocus.

He snatched the bottle of wine from Gray's hand, took another sip, and then said: "WhySo, is the matter done?"

"Hey! Don't mention it!" Gray glanced at the table and saw that it was full of empty bottles. He leaned back on the chair with some dissatisfaction. "That woman didn't want to leave. She said that we should try to delay as long as possible and asked us to exchange the gold coins used for the transaction for various ores."

"It seems that she is going to fight with that old guy Eddriman to the end."

"Ton ton ton ton!" The dwarf king Herbert drank the wine in the bottle in one breath, burped, and smashed the bottle heavily on the table, making a loud "bang" sound. The stone table cracked with spider web-like lines.

"Good! This woman is as good as the wine she sells. I like it! "

After saying this, the Dwarf King stood up shakily, and when he was fully up, he murmured in a low voice:

"Do as she says. We dwarves are responsible for our actions. If Eddriman has any problems, let him come to me in person."

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